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Metroid - Rogue Dawn

Started by Grimlock, August 02, 2014, 11:44:31 AM

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Project working title:
Metroid - Rogue Dawn

This post will be updated regularly, mainly with progress percentage changes and the occasional screenshots of new graphical\level designs

Hack development team:

Graphics & Level design:

Game engine modifications:

Game music modification:

Development play testing:
Dr. Floppy
Christopher Taber - Analogue Interactive


Storyline / Background:

Text from my post at explaining the 2 story variations being considered:

(The proceeding is out of date and an earlier version of the story line, I will update it when time allows)

This is a prequel and takes place before Samus becomes a bounty hunter.  It is an attempt to fill in the missing details at the root of the series.  Why is Samus so obsessed with the Metroids?  Why does she feel responsible for their eradication?  How did the mother brain facility end up with the species on ZEBES? And why did Samus go to the planet SR388 in Metroid 2 to finish off the Metroids, how did she know to go there?

Exact details of the storyline will be released when it is finalized.  I can tell you that the similarities between Samus and this main character make complete sense as she is her sister, Dawn Aran.  Her own blood is responsible for the greatest threat ever faced by civilization.  There are two alternate story lines, the main character remaining a constant.  Was Dawn taken as a young child by Ridley when Samus and Dawns parents died?  Samus believing all had perished in the encounter, only to have her sister raised and taught in the ways of Ridley's culture of violence and hate?  Or did Dawn survive her parents death because she was only a toddler at the time on a distant planet.  Raised by  relative's, eventually following a career path with the Federation.  As an interplanetary investigator with federation law enforcement finally able to track down and investigate the death of her family discovers her sister alive and well.  Nurtures and mentors Samus in the ways of human civilization as she has been isolated and raised on the remote planet of Zebes.  Eventually Samus joins her amongst the Federation forces following a similar path.  Questions still surrounding the death of Samus and Dawns parents lead Dawn to overwhelming evidence that their parents where killed in a failed operation by a corrupt Federation government attempting to kill off their operative Ridley in an effort to wash their hands of him.  Discovering countless examples of corruption Dawn is driven to join a small separatist group on Zebes, a rogue operative.... the hate and rage trapped inside once directed to an unknown enemy responsible for her families death now turned on the Federation.  Was the Federation responsible for their parents death and an elaborate lie to cover it up?  Or is this an elaborate manipulation by Ridley to drive Dawn to do what they are incapable of doing, steal the newly discovered Metroid species from planet SR388....

Obviously the first version is much more simplistic and perhaps a better option for that reason.  The second option can be expanded and collapsed depending on where I want to go with it.  Either way the blood of Samus's family is at the root of the Metroid threat, the "Dawn" of the Metroid series.....

FYI per the official storyline Samus is in Federation law enforcement before she decides to become a bounty hunter.  The storyline of Rogue Dawn takes place before/and or during this transition.

This is still rather rough, input is welcome.  Storyline elements will be added in game and is still a work in progress.  Everything disclosed in the two story variations would entail what accorded just before the start of Rogue Dawn.  Either way you are working against the Federation, your mission being to acquire the newly discovered Species named "Metroid" by the currently scattered and nearly eradicated research teams on the surface of SR388 (same planet as in Metroid 2).


Original post:
[spoiler]So I drew up a new Metroid hack, Metroid Rogue Dawn is the current working title.  This new hack will build on all that I learned creating Metroid Incursion.  The level design will be more unique and expanded.  Rogue Dawn will also push a new story line, you will not be playing Samus Aran.  As you play you will learn about your identity and your mission through in game text.  The time line in the Metroid universe is pre zero mission, before Zebes is liberated by Samus.

I have some pretty cool ideas I'm working into Rogue Dawn, screen scrolling exploits that will change the way you explore in the Metroid game engine, potentially the wall jump as an item (If I can talk Snarfblam into working on his 0.4 beta hack)  :grin: , and lots of unique areas & puzzles. 

I'm hoping that once I get far enough along (with some eye candy and level design to show off) I may be able to attract some other talented individuals to help with this project, specifically music editing and perhaps additional ASM hacks.

(I am currently using Roidz as a base to start although I plan to replace almost all of the tiles with new graphics as you can see in the screenshots, only a modified version of his suitless Samus and the bubble doors remain.  He did a fantastic job with his tile and sprite edits!)[/spoiler]

(These screens may further evolve as the project progresses)

Brinstar Area - Ship interior


Norfair Area - Planetary Surface


Kraid Area - Forest/natural environment


Ridley - Science Ship:

New Tile Set - Science Ship


Old Tile Set - Derelict/wrecked spaceship


The "Boneyard": - NEW AREA - Inhospitable area stripped of life by the Metroids (Route to final area)


Tourian: - ????
[spoiler]Sorry, you're going to have to play through the hack to see this one. [/spoiler]

Additional sub-areas are currently under development..

Animated Screenshots:




Currently working on:  Fine tuning ASM code, Music creation, Title screen

Brinstar - 100%
Norfair   - 100%
Kraid     - 100%
Ridley     - 100%
Tourian   - 100%

Game engine modifications - ASM modifications near completion

Music Progress:

Title Screen - TBA
Ending - TBA
Escape - TBA
"Mother brain" area - TBA
Item rooms - TBA

Brinstar - 100%
Norfair - 100%
    Norfair - Sub Area - TBA
Kraid - 100%
    Kraid - Sub Area - TBA
Ridley - WIP
Tourian - WIP
Boneyard - TBA

Target release date : Q1 2016

How Rogue Dawn will differ from other Metroid hacks  (Goals for this hack)

[spoiler]- A vast world to explore unlike any other Metroid hack.

- A world filled with secret areas and discoveries that will push and reward your urge to explore

- Missiles treated with greater value, requiring you to explore and endure interesting challenges to acquire (no more freebies, you can go strait to a boss with 5 missiles if your a lazy explorer).

- A much more Super Metroid like experience due to a new screen scrolling transition technique I'm applying to my level designs (no bubble doors on the planetary surface!).  A tremendous evolution in the way you navigate and explore in the original metroid game engine.  This method does not require ASM hacks.

- New unique story line that will be part of the in game play, not just a thread post explaining it, you'll discover it by playing the game.

- Game engine modifications by Snarfblam that will change the way you experience Metroid, Level designs created to get the most out the new features and modifications.

      · Save game feature
      · Wavy Ice beam
      · In game map system
      · Wall jump - New Item
      · Heal blocks (health charging capability)
      · Hurt blocks (damaging elements can now be included in the level design)
      · Spring ball (jump while morphed) - New Item
      · Morph while in air
      · Bomb enhancements
      · And more

- New music!


Quote from: Grimlock on August 02, 2014, 11:44:31 AM
(If I can talk Snarfblam into working on his 0.4 beta hack)

After looking at those screenshots, how can I not? If you need ASM help with this hack, I'd be happy to lend a hand


Quote from: snarfblam on August 02, 2014, 02:12:29 PM
Quote from: Grimlock on August 02, 2014, 11:44:31 AM
(If I can talk Snarfblam into working on his 0.4 beta hack)

After looking at those screenshots, how can I not? If you need ASM help with this hack, I'd be happy to lend a hand


Well, here is my "wish list", let me know if it's possible:
(You already have most of these in your 0.4 save hack, but I'll list them just to make the list complete)

1. Pause scroll map
2. In-game corner/ current location map
3. Save game feature
4. Wall jump as an item:
    (swap out the long beam, have player start with the long beam, I think I recall you posting
      that that's the easiest way to make it a "pick up" item)
5. Ice beam, wave beam stacking - modified if possible:
     (this one might be a tricky one, would it be possible to stack the two items but make the
       wave beam impact solid surfaces, I think this would balance the game a little better. Also
       the strength is pretty high, I would leave it at the normal/original level if possible).
6. Increase/modify the boss strength, I think this one would most likely be a HEX edit.

That's pretty much what I was thinking so far, let me know what you think. 

Do you think there would be any issues applying the hacks if I continue to develop the structures, screens, and graphics?  I know I can copy over any tile edits to a new rom with the hacks in it but I would have to reconstruct the structures and screens.

EDIT: I followed the link to your code to change the starting area and I noticed the hurt/heal block code.  If I where to add that feature into my level design would I (before any modifications are done) simply select and use a single 8x8 tile, add it to the game where the heal spots would be and at a later time the code could be added to make it work?  I would use an "air" tile to create an animated energy field.  This would be great because I could increase the difficulty/challenge in some areas and reward the players with the ability to recharge.  Adding a hurt block (solid like a spike) using the same principle would be great to add also.


Was looking at these videos and figured I would share these avoid these exploits for the next hack :P

Watch at 12:41
Metroid 15:43 World Record

Watch at 2:46
Metroid Incursion #6


Thanks for pointing those out.  The first one is pretty amazing, if I understand correctly it was recorded while playing on original hardware. 

Ridley didn't have a chance in the second one LOL.   

I'm going to try and put a lot of thought into the boss rooms this time around, how to make them more challenging/interesting.


By looking at those screen shots I almost refuse to believe that this is Metroid. :whoa: I've never really enjoyed playing the original but I may have to go and play Incursion now...


New Norfair screenshots posted  :grin: (see 1st post).

EDIT: Just finished about 75% of the Kraid area tiles, started building structures, Screenshot in first post.


Keep it going :) Had an idea for if wall jump is a pickup, use a spiked boot or a glove for the pickup icon.


Holy fuck those screenshots look great. Is this original tile work?

As to your questions regarding ASM: Firstly, rather than applying patches separately, I'd say start with the source for the + Saving patch and working everything else into that. It's just easier to get things working together and avoid conflicts if everything is assembled in one go. I don't think it really matters whether the ASM is applied now or later.

All of the modifications you listed are very doable. Wall jump as an item is easy. You can just place it as long beam in the editor. Fixing or removing the strength modification on ice beam should be easy, too. The idea was to double the strength when the player has the ice beam so it doesn't take more shots than without ice beam, but there was a bug in the code that made it stronger than intended.

I'm also familiar with the routines relating to boss damage. It would be easy enough to adjust HP, and the relative strength between beams and missiles.

For healing/hurting blocks, just make sure you use the same tile number(s) in every level. Again, this can be applied after the fact without a problem.


Thanks, the tile work is 100% original.  The door sprites, door tiles and enemy sprites are still Demicks (Roidz).  The main character/player sprite is his also, I modified the suitless sprite a bit.  I haven't copied over the modified player sprite to the other banks yet, it's actually kind of cool, you're suitless in the ship but when you descend to the planet surface you have a suit on.  I don't know if I'll leave it that way yet.  The area/environment tiles where all created within the last few days/weekend.  Edited in Tile Layer Pro.

For the heal/hurt block the code targets a single 8x8 tile for each right?  So if I use several tiles in the structure it should work as long as the player contacts that tile in the structure?  I'm planning on using air tiles for the graphics (unless you recommend otherwise).  I'll probably create an energy field effect for the heal block, for the hurt block I'll make it a pure black tile which will allow me to sneak it in place next to other tiles, spikes, fire, and what ever other twisted ideas I can come up with.


Quote from: mrrichard999 on August 04, 2014, 02:45:53 AM
Keep it going :) Had an idea for if wall jump is a pickup, use a spiked boot or a glove for the pickup icon.

That's a good idea, I hadn't put any thought into the item sprite.  I plan on putting text in the item room "WALL JUMP" since most players would have no idea they picked it up otherwise without reading this thread or someone else explaining it to them.


DAMN,that's beautiful.

As i'm also going for wall-jump as a pick-up (though i'd rather sacrifice a door or missile item for it than the long beam), i've pondered about the item visuals too.. in my sketch book there's something that looks like this (an arrow bouncing a wall):


Don't know if i'll stick to it but a little boot in the corner should be there if it looks nice. Anyhow i think the bouncing arrow is good for showing what to try out next.


Quote from: Stinktier on August 05, 2014, 04:26:51 AM

As i'm also going for wall-jump as a pick-up (though i'd rather sacrifice a door or missile item for it than the long beam)

If I understand correctly Snarfblam will be able to make the player start with the long beam, then he'll put the wall jump code in where the long beam code was.



I believe you mean Rogue Dawn. Rouge is a name for makeup and for a bat in the Sonic games. Rogue is a rebel or renegade and the word people often intend to use.
i don't know why this is such a common grammar mistake...

That said, this looks really promising and I can't wait to play. Will you be integrating something like Metroid99,, making it so Samus has full health when resuming gameplay? Farming is almost never fun.


Quote from: MollyAncalime on August 06, 2014, 01:46:17 AM
I believe you mean Rogue Dawn. Rouge is a name for makeup and for a bat in the Sonic games. Rogue is a rebel or renegade and the word people often intend to use.
i don't know why this is such a common grammar mistake...
Rouge means red in French.. perhaps that was the intended meaning? Red Dawn certainly makes more sense than Rogue Dawn, whatever that means..


Quote from: MollyAncalime on August 06, 2014, 01:46:17 AM
I believe you mean Rogue Dawn.

Yes, you are correct, I have a bad habit of spelling it the incorrect way (as you pointed out), all of my notes use the correct spelling "Rogue".  Thanks for pointing that out (corrected).

The name has to do with the story line that I am working into the game.  Anyway it's just a working title at this point, it could change.  For example Metroid Incursion had the build name of Metroid "Home World" when I started it.

Quote from: MollyAncalime on August 06, 2014, 01:46:17 AM
Will you be integrating something like Metroid99,, making it so Samus has full health when resuming gameplay? Farming is almost never fun.

At the moment the plan is to include "heal" and "hurt" blocks into the game.  The heal block will simply charge the player when in contact with the block.  The hurt block will work under the same concept except remove health, this will allow things like "lava" at different levels in the screen (rather than just the bottom), "lava" in vertical scrolling passageways and so forth. 

Here's the first draft of the "recharge" room in the ship (Brinstar area):
(I'm planning similar concepts at or near other start points)



Snarfblam, here's the tiles I intend to use in the hurt and heal structures:

CE Air = Heal
CF Air = Hurt


(I'll use the same tiles in all areas)

BTW - The arrows are just place markers that will be replaced later.

EDIT:  Unrelated to the hurt/heal blocks is there a way to increase the scroll rate when cycling between vertical and horizontal scrolling areas?


The hurt tiles are a good idea, reminds me of the electric floors in Metal Gear. Could be nicely used if you have a metal with electricity sparking & flowing around it for an animation or a glowing red hot metal floor or pipe which would fluctuate shades of red in the tiles. Deadly to the touch!


Quote from: mrrichard999 on August 07, 2014, 12:52:26 AM
The hurt tiles are a good idea, reminds me of the electric floors in Metal Gear. Could be nicely used if you have a metal with electricity sparking & flowing around it for an animation or a glowing red hot metal floor or pipe which would fluctuate shades of red in the tiles. Deadly to the touch!

The electricity animation in Batman is pretty good.  I'm going to work something similar in the ship (brinstar) area.  Some sort of animated energy field.


I need to pick a theme for the Ridley area, it's the last area than I need to start modifying the tiles for, here's some of the ideas I have:

(The in game story is that you arrived at a planet recently evacuated, the area theme just before the Ridley area is a planetary surface.  The planet was not formally colonized, those that evacuated where mainly archeologists.)

Partially buried Ship wreckage
Abandoned colony
Abandoned industrial complex
Cave system.  Dig site
Alien forest/jungle

I'm undecided.  I may lean toward a natural looking theme such as the cave dig site.  I'm not set on anything yet though. Any recommendations or ideas was would be great.

Vismund Cygnus

I love the idea of having a natural sort of area. The cave/dig site certainly would fit the theme well, though personally I think that a forest/jungle would look way cooler and be more memorable. Just my two cents. This hack is looking awesome though, and it must be if you've got snarf to come back to life.  :wink:
keep up the fantastic work.  :^_^:


Personally, I'd be interested to see your take on wrecked ship, but I know it's not everybody's first choice. Cave/dig site sounds cool. Trying to make a nice lush forest/jungle with the M1 engine would be a monumental challenge, but it would be epic if you pulled it off.

Before you become too invested in a particular design or layout relating to hurt/heal blocks, I think maybe I should whip up a demo so you can check out exactly how they behave. It's been a while since it was made, but iirc, their behavior might be slightly quirky.

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 09, 2014, 04:08:04 AM
This hack is looking awesome though, and it must be if you've got snarf to come back to life.
Grimlock's recent work has definitely inspired me a bit. I hope to finish my hack some day, but in the meantime, I can at least contribute to an effort lead by someone with a little more drive (and gfx skills).

Quote from: MollyAncalime on August 06, 2014, 01:46:17 AM
That said, this looks really promising and I can't wait to play. Will you be integrating something like Metroid99,, making it so Samus has full health when resuming gameplay? Farming is almost never fun.
I know in his last hack, the saving patch was optional. I don't know if it will be standard in Rogue Dawn (since it will be customized to suit the hack), but the saving patch saves the player's health to avoid the need to grind for health every time you start.

QuoteEDIT:  Unrelated to the hurt/heal blocks is there a way to increase the scroll rate when cycling between vertical and horizontal scrolling areas?
I'll have to look into this


Quote from: snarfblam on August 09, 2014, 03:52:56 PM
Personally, I'd be interested to see your take on wrecked ship, but I know it's not everybody's first choice. Cave/dig site sounds cool. Trying to make a nice lush forest/jungle with the M1 engine would be a monumental challenge, but it would be epic if you pulled it off.

Before you become too invested in a particular design or layout relating to hurt/heal blocks, I think maybe I should whip up a demo so you can check out exactly how they behave. It's been a while since it was made, but iirc, their behavior might be slightly quirky.

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 09, 2014, 04:08:04 AM
This hack is looking awesome though, and it must be if you've got snarf to come back to life.
Grimlock's recent work has definitely inspired me a bit. I hope to finish my hack some day, but in the meantime, I can at least contribute to an effort lead by someone with a little more drive (and gfx skills).

Quote from: MollyAncalime on August 06, 2014, 01:46:17 AM
That said, this looks really promising and I can't wait to play. Will you be integrating something like Metroid99,, making it so Samus has full health when resuming gameplay? Farming is almost never fun.
I know in his last hack, the saving patch was optional. I don't know if it will be standard in Rogue Dawn (since it will be customized to suit the hack), but the saving patch saves the player's health to avoid the need to grind for health every time you start.

QuoteEDIT:  Unrelated to the hurt/heal blocks is there a way to increase the scroll rate when cycling between vertical and horizontal scrolling areas?
I'll have to look into this

I agree, wrecked derelict ship would be nice :) You could do some creative tile animations and designs with that concept.