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Need Help for my Romhack - Smile

Started by AldoNoba, June 07, 2014, 02:06:01 PM

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Hello there,

iam new here and i thought i need to do a Romhack.

I could need some answers that helping me out to do my own Romhack. I tried to use the search function but i couldnt found what iam searching for. If its already written down iam sorry.

ok i start my Questioning.

1) How do i add enemys or enemy spawns in Smile if there is no existant enemy or spawn on the Map? 

Edit: I think i just figured that one out. Is it right if i add them that they spawn in the upper left of the map?

2) How do i put in PLM`s ( Items ) for existing Pictures ( i place down a missile item but how can i link it to the script that gives me a missile ingame ? )

3) Can i delete doors and other stuff thats alrdy on the Map and make my own stuff? I mean sometimes there are arrows on the map i dont know the meaning of them i try to delete them but i guess using the Pointers option is wrong.

Ps: Hello everyone i hope you can really help me out since iam new and not knowing so much stuff that i need to learn.

Have a nice day

GooD Bye



1. You must click Edit > Special > Enemy/PLM +/-. And then increase the Enemy amount.
2. The items are not determined by the Tile, they are actually PLMs. Increase the PLM count (in the above) and change it to the item you want.
3. The Arrows just use the Previous PLM and move it to that location. Nothing special. Deleting doors is easy, just right click somewhere in the map where there is no tile and remove the door, if this is what you mean.


do not just add plm or enemys bad things can happend!


Quote from: Jefe962 on June 07, 2014, 02:10:39 PM
1. You must click Edit > Special > Enemy/PLM +/-. And then increase the Enemy amount.
2. -snip- Increase the PLM count (in the above) and change it to the item you want.
Nononono. No. No, definetely not. Do not ever just add enemies/PLMs to a room. You have to either repoint the room's enemy/PLM pointers to free space first and then add stuff (look around harder, there's plenty of documentation) or swap the pointers between two rooms.

I'm going to quote an earlier post of mine here:
"Well, if you want to hack Super Metroid, go grab a clean [JU] rom somewhere, download some version of SMILE, open the rom in SMILE, open some room and just mess around for a while and get familiar with how it works. Oh, and remember, back-ups are very important. Very. You will inevitably break ROMs.

If you have any questions regarding hacking, use the search function and look through the Engine works first. You'll likely find your answer. Main site also has a good bunch of different documents. Feel free to also pop on IRC."

Tons of questions have been asked and answered on the Engine Works section, so look through that. Check the Main site for documents.


The forums are a inconsistent way to get get information, make sure you check out This Document's Page because that's where most of the answers to these questions are.


Iam just at my First Room Though. I Changed the Place of the Ship, Deleted all Tiles and doors, enemys etc and tried to put new stuff in. I deleted it by using the option for adding plm or enemys it works negative too if there are 3 enemys you say there should be zero they just dissappear.

dang i so damn wanted a totally empty rom to do everything myself but i guess it wont happen.

think i gonna take a rest today because iam awake like 18 hours and need a rest.

Ps: i know there are answers out there and i hope you dont mind i may asking the questions a second time.
all i can hope is that you do try to help me if you dont then i try to figure it out by myself which i anyway try first by using google, forums or video links.





could someone help me find a tutorial for FX background editing? i didnt found it out myself and my search tries arent succesful.

Edit: i want to implement those shining backgrounds.



FX1 Editing is pretty straight-forward, just needs some experimenting. As far as the backgrounds go, it's useful to know how to edit Layer 2. I wrote a guide on it awhile back but forgot to add it to the site: Layer 2 Guide. I also made a Video for it: Layer 2 Video.

You can do more complicated configurations with FX1 later down the line, but that takes Tile Layer Pro and knowing which palette effects which. Each area has it's own presets, so you need to figure out each. It just takes some experimenting though, but I wouldn't worry about that just yet. Get comfortable with SMILE first. Hacking is long journey.


THats great man thanks a lot!

EDIT: Ifyou dont dare, can you explain me how to get the background get "glowy" because if i use this fX always my foreground layer glows :(


It depends on the area and tileset. I'll try to show a example, go to room 7A253. If you open up the FX1 Editor, you can scroll over a tab and see that Glow Pink/Purple and Glow Red/Orange is checked. What the Glow Pink/Purple does is affect specific tiles, that are set as the BG. If you'll notice, the entire background isn't glowing, just those center ones. If you go into the Graphics Editor (Tools > Graphic Editor) you can see that those tiles are on Row 6. If you edit these colors in the Graphics Editor, it'll only change the original palette, and not the Glow Effects. If you wish to edit the glow effect colors, than you need to take the extra step of looking them up on the Project Palette Guide. If you can understand the principles of how it works, in combination with Tile Layer Pro, you can make any tile glow. Just takes some pixel editing. It's really not a matter of easy nor hard, just takes time and experimentation to figure it out.

Hope this helped.

Zero One

Quote from: AldoNoba on June 07, 2014, 03:15:29 PMdang i so damn wanted a totally empty rom to do everything myself but i guess it wont happen.

You could use the Template Patch by squishy_ichigo, which wipes all room data, enemy/PLM/door placement data, all tilesets and palettes. Gives you a blank ROM while keeping all of the important stuff (like Samus, enemy programming etc.) intact, but at that point, you'll need to start getting good at inserting rooms, doors, resizing rooms, repointing and keeping a very good track of your data usage. It's arguably harder to do, but working from a blank slate is very nice; I prefer it too.

The only problem is that the Template Patch requires a special QuickMet.bin to allow for SMILE testing, and IIRC, accidentally removes some bits of code that the escape sequence FX1 uses.


I was thinking about mentioning the Template Patch when I wrote my last post, but figured there was no way he'd understand how to use it, so I left it out. It'd be alot easier to explain swapping plm/enemy pointers and reconnecting doors to him. Repointing rooms is something he'll need to learn eventually anyway, though.


First of all thanks.

Ive stopped trying to do my Hack for 2 Days since i need to reorganize the graphic sets with tyle layer pro first.

What do you mean by looking at the size ??? Thats what i find interesting.

Full of Fail i think i had big trouble with that because i used a smile version with no graphic edit lol


If you're getting into GFX, I'm just going to go ahead and recommend you use DSO's Tileset Repoint patch and save yourself alot of headache. Also, after you do that, you can load this into the gfx editor just to avoid all the garble you'd normally get: Blank Tiletable

One last thing, if you're mixing tilesets, then I threw this together and it should come in handy in TLP. It's all the Vanilla tilesets neatly exported, and labeled. It's a small thing that you could do yourself, but this will just save you time.


Thanks, i guess i open the tilesets, make a totally new one and save them and reopen them in smile ?



Essentially, just go into SMILE,  go into the Graphics Editor and export the SCENERY. Then you can open up Tile Layer Pro, and then open that file (just click all files at the load screen, should have it in there, it'd be a .gfx file). Now, go to View > Format > Snes at the top in TLP. Second, load the the palette from that extra folder I included at the end of my previous post.

Now it's pretty much up to you what you want to do. You can open up other tilesets and mix, draw full custom tilesets, etc.

Then after all that, just load it back in the Graphics Editor in SMILE. Since all the palettes are repointed from DSO's patch, you can pretty much do anything you wish, graphically. Just make sure not to change the Blue Doors pallets and such, unless you really want.

Hopefully I'm explaining this well enough, it's hard to cover all the steps.


Yeah thank you alot you teach me well :)

Aehm other Question. is it possible to create an AI and add monsters in the rom?

Dont want to know how yet just if it is.


If you have the knowledge, yes, it's possible.


I have a concept for gaining the items in MEtroid. It would be that you fight vs a rolling thing to gain ball or fighting a bomblaying thing to get bombs however i will not realize this :(


Tile Layer Pro only lets me open Roms though no gfx

Iam sorry i just clicked all files haha but i need to open every 17 gfx files manually grml :(

Edit: any way to change a colour in an item for example the morph ball without using the palette colour and without ruining everything by changing the palette colour?


Quote from: Quietus on June 10, 2014, 11:09:15 AM
If you have the knowledge, yes, it's possible.
That's true of just about everything, isn't it?



Quote from: Dragon-Tamer795 on June 10, 2014, 11:59:02 AM
Quote from: Quietus on June 10, 2014, 11:09:15 AM
If you have the knowledge, yes, it's possible.
That's true of just about everything, isn't it?
Pretty much, yes, but a 'yes' was all AldoNoba asked for. :razz:



i´ve a problem going on atm and i hope that you could help me out!

I use the Pointer from the Mini Kraid Room and i got the Mini Kraid working in the Landing Bay. Unfortenately the Ship of Samus is getting invisible.

How can i get the Ship visible again. The palette of the ship is 0002 and 0005. I allowed the ship after changing the Pointer to the level.

Special is 2400 and checked non responsive.

So what can i do. i guess the problem is, that the ship and the Kraid using a different palette or something. Could it be?

Does anyone maybe have an answer for me?

Thanks and Greetz
