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Super Metroid: Arrival

Started by Jiffy, May 28, 2014, 04:27:09 PM

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The thread of Super Metroid Arrival.


[spoiler=Progress]Fever Swamp (Landing Site Crateria area): 55%
Crystal Caverns (Underwater Maridian area): 4%
Warlus (Lush Brinstar Area): 12%
Fire Pit (Lava-Filled Norfair area): Not started.
JWL-2000 (End-Game Spaceship Ceres area): Not started. (Although I do have my plans for it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Pics] - Icy Area (ripped by Quote, iirc), along with Grime Beam GFX.
- Some new GFX I drew. (Released on MetConst)
- Landing Site with new ship GFX. (Credits to Red Monkey.)[/spoiler]


It doesn't look like an awful lot; this is due to scrapping of a lot of things.


 will be fun too see this grow :!:


The screenshots look clean and simple (I like that), though I'm still not sold on that SotN tileset.  There's probably nothing wrong with it - I just can't get SotN out of my head when I see it.

For your story, perhaps rather than having Samus crashing on the planet, you could have her deliberately head there, since she's now essentially a fugitive, and would be looking to hide.  Just a suggestion. :^_^:


Seems an interesting idea Quietus.

I am as of now revamping my Crateria area. I may post a demo but I shall post pictures in the near future.


If you use Dropbox and [IMG] tags, the images won't get deleted by the admins.


I appear to have done so, but I must have done it incorrectly in some way. Can somebody specify what I've done wrong?


You need to grab the public link, and use that instead.  It will usually be a much shorter link.  Right-click on any of your images in the Public Dropbox Folder, and it should be in the menu. :^_^:


If you attached the images directly to your post, then that may have sonething to so with it.

Try putting the picture up on a website (such as a private google drive document), and then opening the image in a new page/tab, and then copying the URL.

Then paste that URL in your post, and wrap IMG tags around it.

---- EDIT ----

What Quietus said.


Hopefully that should work! Thanks.


Nope.  Your links are still incorrect.  Open your Dropbox folder on your computer, then open the 'Public' folder.  Right-click on one of the pictures, and select 'Copy public link' from the menu that pops up.

Your link should look something like this:
(The 'Pictures' part is because I have my pictures in another folder within the 'Public' folder)

You should then end up with something like this:

I hope that's clearer. :^_^:


Jun 03 17:50:06 <snarf>   Oh, shitty
Jun 03 17:50:16 <snarf>   New dropbox users have to pay to have a public folder
Saw this recently in IRC and figured it was relevant. Also note I remember hearing that, at one point, Dropbox was making it so that you had to go into your settings on their site to activate your public folder. None of this affects you if you're a long time user though.

So, yea... :colonrightv:


Might use something like Upurs, will my pic be removed then?


myself i use this site and the pictures dont get removed

Vismund Cygnus

New users don't have to pay for a public folder. They simply 'removed' the ability to make a public folder easily. Just search "Enable public folder Dropbox", you'll have to have a Dropbox account but I recall that on their site there's a step-by-step guide on how to enable it.  :^_^:


I'm not so sure.  I had a quick look, and this is from their site:
QuoteCurrently only Pro and Dropbox for Business users can enable Public folders, so you may have to upgrade first.

Vismund Cygnus

Wow.  :T_T:
Must've been a really recent change then.
Well, I suppose that your other options would be like imgur or photobucket (which is much worse).



One pic for now. Going to prepare more shots for tomorrow.


Looks fantastic, though the inside of that rock wall could use a bit more flavor.


Quote from: person701 on June 05, 2014, 05:12:27 PM
Jun 03 17:50:16 <snarf>   New dropbox users have to pay to have a public folder
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on June 05, 2014, 08:16:57 PM
Wow.  :T_T:
Must've been a really recent change then.
Well, I suppose that your other options would be like imgur or photobucket (which is much worse).
Ya don't say! :eyeroll:

On the topic of the image, I'm not seeing anything super interesting as I feel that's kind of what default Crateria entails unless you add some custom work or some interesting tiling/layering. My first thought on the palette is "Welcome to the planet of copper." The dark grass however, I can say I don't recall seeing in many hacks if any at all.


Crateria seems so simple in the following (and previous) images as it is a limited tileset to make decent things of.

Also more pictures.



Also, fixed the first post with the original pictures.


This is looking pretty neat. The bubble room in particular has a very NEStyle Norfair vibe to it, what with the blackground.


Quote from: Dragon-Tamer795 on June 07, 2014, 07:20:46 AM
This is looking pretty neat. The bubble room in particular has a very NEStyle Norfair vibe to it, what with the blackground.
Thank you, I'm working on a background for that room though, a Black BG would not suit it.

Also, check the first post.


That blue moss is WAY too bright in the fourth image.  It needs to be severely desaturated to fit with the palette of the rest of the room.  That's the biggest thing that's stuck out to me so far.


Quote from: Jefe962 on June 07, 2014, 07:25:54 AM
Quote from: Dragon-Tamer795 on June 07, 2014, 07:20:46 AM
This is looking pretty neat. The bubble room in particular has a very NEStyle Norfair vibe to it, what with the blackground.
Thank you, I'm working on a background for that room though, a Black BG would not suit it.

Also, check the first post.

What for? I'm sorry, my player must have rolled a one for observation. Was it the video?