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Small Metroid Engine

Started by Zero One, May 27, 2014, 12:20:32 AM

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Zero One

So I've spent the past week trying to make a Metroid engine as an end-of-year project for University. Today is the submission date, so I have decided to release the source!

It was written in C++ and Allegro. To modify it, you'll need something capable of using VS2013 files. For those of you who'd just rather test it and not deal with code, there is a TestGame folder within the RAR that contains only what is required to just run the game.

Grab it here. Arrow keys to move, Z and X to jump and fire, D toggles debug mode.

If you get a warning about a missing MSVCP120.dll, then you need to download the C++ 2013 redistributable.

The room follows a Metroid II style and was created in Tiled Map Editor, a free program.

Now that this is done, I plan to begin work on a much larger project. A new Metroid engine built from scratch using C# and XNA, with a later MonoGame port for Linux and Mac users, featuring a custom built editor and as many items as I can cram in to it, to hopefully allow people to create Metroid games without requiring the ability to program.


Good luck with the project.  I know we've had a few pop up in the past.  One or two are ongoing, but none have yet been finished. :^_^:

Zero One

Handed it in and demonstrated it. 100% :D!