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Some probably pretty dumb questions

Started by TobiMikami, April 14, 2014, 12:48:12 AM

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Well I didn't see these (And figured they were a bit too advanced, but still random fuckery to be) in the general FAQ so why not ask all these really dumb questions at once.
1. Editing enemy palettes, I have pointers for these, question is, how the hell do I rip them into Tile Layer PRO files
2. When the room in SMILE says "Palette is too large and will overwrite blah blah blah" Is this referring to my actual TPL file, or my GFX file? In either case, how can I reduce this in the instances of unused squares or colors? I prefer not to repoint and all that unless it becomes necessity
-At this moment, this is all I can think of because it's been a long day on TLP and I'm exhausted, hacking is hard work xD If I think of, or run across any more stuff like this, I'll edit it below this line, any answers I get are appreciated, I can only offer my thanks and a pretty cool hack in the future! Thanks in advance everyone!-


Answer 1 = You need to find an enemy that is placed in a room, now right click over the enemy and it will bring up the enemy editor, there should be a list on the top left of this. Select the enemy you want to rip the palette from or you can go to a room in your game that already has that enemy and right click on that to go directly to this enemy. Now in the enemy DNA Section on the top right, you should find a scroll Left/Right tab, scroll right once on this and you will see something that sais 'palette pointer', click on edit beside this, a window will come up and then you click on 'export pallette', to put it back onto the rom once edited you press import instead....Note that you might want to make sure first that Smile has the right file format to export, (under Preferences)...

Answer 2 = Pallette too large...This means when you have modified some pallettes in smile, sometimes it makes the length of the data bigger in size and if it goes too big it will write data over the next pallete making that pallette go bad. If you save (Which I wouldn't) it will do so, click on no to save and it's ok once you have refreshed the room. The only way around this really is to repoint the palette somewhere else where it has more free space...


That has worked, thank you very much good sir. As far as the palettes, that's why I've tried to stick with room palettes of the set I intend to overwrite (Even though it takes longer) but that just further backs up the idea. Another question similar to that, with Mother Brain's room/the Tourian tileset, how is that handled when the room changes? I have a cool idea in mind, but I need to know how to anticipate it, so I can properly design the graphics so when the room changes everything won't be littered with tiling errors


That rooms tricky, I've Had that problem and decided to give it another go a year or 2 or more down the track when I had gained more experience, having said that I am probably at that spot now where I can try again, I may just do that in the next couple of days and write back if I have any success...


Alright, I'll probably do some of the same in my own endeavors, in editing some Ridley sprites, however, I seen some blocks in the actual game that look like some of the same blocks, although I'm not sure if they're the ones that fall down when the Brain hits the floor, or the ones the game actually changes when the Zebetite closes and locks you in.


I haven't looked into it, but it's most likely the parts of MBs tank support that fall off when transitioning to the 2nd phase of the fight.  As I'm sure you're aware, a rooms tilemap is a grid of 16x16 pixel tiles, so anything that moves (not including scrolling like the fx3 layer or layer-2 background) must either be an enemy or projectile.  The zebetite pillars closing and platform disappearing are likely direct edits to the room tilemap made by MBs AI.

Editing Ridley will end up being quite the task, since some of his animations are accomplished via VRAM updates (not changing the tilemap but instead just changing the gfx via DMA transfers).  His ribs (breathing) and feet (when he grabs Samus) are animated in this way.


Thank you sir, and as for Ridley,  I'm not much worried about his animations, since my whole goal is just to change the colors around a bit to give him that Meta Ridley style color (Since it'll fit the time-frame of the hack better) but that will be good to keep in mind.


I guess I can add to this topic of dumb questions. I am completely new to using SMILE. I am not sure eve where to start, how do I load the file for editing the level. Can anybody direct me on where to go? Call me whatever you want, I need instruction and I am struggling to find it!

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: webwatchman on April 15, 2014, 07:38:52 PM
I guess I can add to this topic of dumb questions. I am completely new to using SMILE. I am not sure eve where to start, how do I load the file for editing the level. Can anybody direct me on where to go? Call me whatever you want, I need instruction and I am struggling to find it!
That's a very broad question you're asking there. What's the problem in particular that you're experiencing? Do you not know what fily you need? Is it Runtime Error 76? We need details!
If it's the file, you need to download a Super Metroid [JU] rom from somewhere. I can't tell you where, because that would be illegal. But Google is your friend.
As for Runtime Error 76, you need to make sure there's an empty folder called "plugins" in your files folder. After that you should be right to go.


That was my FIRST n00b mistake, any ROM not marked JU will spit up a "ROM is PAL and will not work with SMILE" error. This error can also appear on a JU ROM due to shit like adding a second header or removing a header that does not exist, or patching an unheadered patch over a headered, or vice versa. Also you should make sure you download SMILE from Jathys site on, since he was the original creator and you won't get some bullshit. Of course if you haven't even opened SMILE yet, you'll probably have a shit-ton more n00b questions, for that I refer you to the general FAQ, anything not discussed there, the rest of us will gladly assist you, enjoy your stay here, good sir.


It sounds like webwatchman is struggling to find the correct ROM, which we can't help with.

We can only provide you with information, such as the fact that you will need to Google "Super Metroid (JU) [!]" to ansure that you start with the correct ROM.

Once you've got that, you should start with Person's guide here, followed by the FAQ.

Happy hacking. :^_^:


We are on a pretty fine line, copyright law is weird, since it's illegal for us to produce said materials or use them for free, but yet it's fully legal for us to develop tools to edit them, and publish edits of them designed for said program, I would say I don't know what allows this, but then again, there's other huge ROMing sites that will not be named, but one could easily find, and Piracy sites of vast notoriety that nobody does jack shit about.


It's probably some loophole like them being worldwide sites, and it's not illegal in every country - therefore they can't be stopped.  As far as editing ROMs goes, it's not that they allow it as such, only that they have no reason to not allow it.  An emulator simply emulates the behaviour of a machine, and therefore does nothing wrong; an editor allows you to view and edit a ROM, which doesn't directly harm them in any way; and the patches that are released are essentially a list of differences between an original ROM and an edited ROM, which also doesn't harm them directly.  It's all very grey, but I suspect that for the most part, it's not worth their time and effort to try and stop it.

Besides, I'm not grumbling, as it adds longevity to games I love. :^_^:


Quote from: TobiMikami on April 15, 2014, 08:00:31 PM
Also you should make sure you download SMILE from Jathys site on, since he was the original creator and you won't get some bullshit.
LOL, no. There are the most unstable version placed there (one with source code).

Use 2.50. Or mine 2.83. Both are more stable then the last version is in captivity Jathys site. 2.50 is still more stable than 2.83. 2.84 will be more stable that 2.50, I hope.


Back with more stupid stuff, okay well, I've been doing some interesting color changes to Kraid/Kraid's room, worked out VERY well, only thing I need is to know how I edit the damaged pallet (In other words, the color he turns when he breaks through the ceiling)


Typically enemies with multiple palettes will have them all grouped together (better for indexing based on health).  If you go to the enemy editor you can find the palette pointer for the enemy, use that in the Beauty Salon (I'm A Genius) and all the extra palettes should become available to you.


I opened that palette up and got something that looked right, then I bumped the thing and now I can't get it again it looks like a bunch of random ass colors on the bottom


I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding you, but use 'I am a genius' in the beauty salon and type these in:

Tileset 27-07 (body starting)
$138687-1F (parts starting)
$13B3F3-8F (body damaged)
$13B533-7F (parts damaged)

$1386C7-0F (background)


What I'm not understanding is why what shows up under those values and what exports are two completely different things, and why when I import, I get one palette versus however many were originally there