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"Another Metroid 2 Remake" By DoctorM64

Started by GunerX, November 03, 2013, 04:26:02 AM

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I don't know if this has been posted anywhere here yet, but here it is.

"Another Metroid 2 Remake" By DoctorM64

This is a fan made Remake of "Metroid II: Return of Samus", using an engine similar to the gameboy advanced "Metroid Zero Mission" engine. So far it is very impressive and warrants a look from anyone that considers themselves a real metroid fan. Here are some videos and Links. Enjoy! :thumbsup:

Official Website:

Official Site Forums:

Official Download:

DoctorM64 Youtube Channel:

AM2R Fan Trailer

Hard Mode 1 hour 100% Play through of the Demo

Another Metroid 2 Remake | Hard Mode | Part 1Another Metroid 2 Remake | Hard Mode | Part 2
Another Metroid 2 Remake | Hard Mode | Part 3Another Metroid 2 Remake | Hard Mode | Part 4
Another Metroid 2 Remake | Hard Mode | Part 5Another Metroid 2 Remake | Hard Mode | Part 6


I'm pretty sure a fair bit of the people around here are familiar with the project. I myself haven't kept up with it but from hat I have seen, it looks spectacular.

A suggestion if I may: since you've put so many videos in the OP, it would be nice to put spoilers around them for those with slower connections.
[spoiler=Don't click me!]


Yeah, I've been aware of it for a fair few years now.  I'm just waiting until it's finished before touching it.


According to this post the game is about 75% or so finished.


0   Non-Existant
1   Being Designed / Concept Sketch / Asset Pre-Production
2   Functional, WIP resources  / Placeholder
3   Finished, working quality
4   Revision 1, great quality
5   Revision 2, excellent quality

LEVEL DESIGN   Room Layout   Tile Layout   BG   Scripts Items   Enemy Layout
Area 0 - Main Tunnels               
Surface - First Alpha   4   4   5   3   3
Surface - Area 1   3   4   4   3   3
Area 1 - Area 2   3   4   4   3   3
Area 2 - Area 3   3   4   4   3   3
Area 3 - Area 3A   3   3   3   2   3
Area 3A - Area 3B   3   3   3   2   2
Area 3B - Area 4   3   3   3   2   2
Area 4 - Area 5   3   3   3   2   2
Area 5 - Omega Nest   3   3   3   2   2
Omega Nest - Queen's Lair   3   3   3   2   2
Queen's Lair - Surface   3   4   3   2   
Area 1 - Golden Temple               
Main Cave, corridors   4   4   4   3   3
Temple   3   3   3   4   3
Breeding Grounds   4   4   3   3   3
Miniboss 1   3   3   3   3   
Area 2 - Hydro Station               
Main Cave, corridors   3   3   3   3   3
Main facility   4   4   3   4   3
Breeding Grounds   4   4   3   4   3
Miniboss 2   3   3   3   3   
Area 3 - Factory               
Main Cave, corridors   3   3   3   3   3
Factory   3   3   3   2   3
Breeding Grounds   4   4   3   3   3
Area 3 A   3   3   3   2   
Area 3 B   3   3   3   2   
Area 4 - Tower               
Main Cave, side corridors   3   2   2   2   2
Upper Floors   3   3   3   3   3
Lower Floors   3   3   2   2   3
Miniboss 3   3   3   3   1   
Area 5 - Flooded Temple               
Main Cave, corridors   3   2   2   2   2
Temple   3   3   3   3   2
Sewers   3   3   3   2   1
Miniboss 4   3   3   3   1   
Area 6 - Omega Nest   3   3   3   3   
Area 7 - Queen's Lair   3   3   3   3   
GAME FEATURES   Status            
Game Engine   5            
Menu System   4            
Save System   4            
Map Screen   4            
Equipment Screen   4            
Logbook Screen   3            
Options Screen   3            
Intro Sequence   2            
End Credits   2            
Extra Features   1            
Localization Engine   0            
Modding Engine   0            
Character Customization   1            
XBox360 Controller Support   3            
Steam Community Compatibility (Steam Overlay)   1            
Soundtrack Production   2            

I think all he really has left is the big programming things such as the localization engine, steam support, and a few details in the main game.



i want access to cave 3 right now sooo bad :/ but the demo ends D:


Quote from: Zephoras on November 04, 2013, 02:53:56 PM
i want access to cave 3 right now sooo bad :/ but the demo ends D:
This makes me curious if DoctorM was smart and made the actual contents of the demo everything up to that point or if the demo is, in fact, any work that has been done on the project with a trigger to just stop the player from proceeding.

I don't think I explained that very well...


i get it
so... there may be cave 3 behind it


Quote from: Zephoras on November 04, 2013, 05:48:28 PM
i get it
so... there may be cave 3 behind it
doc's been asked about it before, the demo only has what's in the demo.
it isn't the full game with a triggered stopping point, it's basically just a custom build without all the unfinished stuff.


Thank the gods that it's only a game.  Imagine what these people would do if the creator said that he was building a bridge across a huge chasm, but it wasn't finished yet. :pale:


I guess I'll be 'that guy' and say that AM2R is crap.

I grew up with M2 and love it to this day, and this does no justice to it. It runs on that gba metroid style physics, which I hate.
(Yeah yeah, oldfag here that never got a handheld past the GameBoy and didn't care for zero or fusion whatsoever on emu.)
I'm not overly excited for it's completion, and I'm disappointed by it's gameplay platform choice.
This will do no justice to my vision of a M2 remake. Bear in mind I'm being highly subjective to my own expectations..


Quote from: Digital_MantraI'm not overly excited for it's completion, and I'm disappointed by it's gameplay platform choice.
I can respect the guy for his choice in platform, though more out of flexibility than aesthetic. It's what I'd choose to do in a situation where I had to pick between developing a fangame in 4-6 years than spending probably double that researching the hardware limits of and working in assembly for an arbitrary Nintendo console; less headaches along the way, more freedom of decision, more power to the people, and the only ultimate loss is lack of portability to platforms not x86(_64) (lol gamemaker) (also hatin' on the unixdudes).


So D-Mat' ? Are you working on a hack right now ? Because I think that your vision of M2 could give a hell of a game.
I played M2 on GameBoy just after falling in love for SupMet and I found it really cool.
But, I played Fusion and I like it too... So... for me, this AM2R looks pretty good.


I agree with dman on a lot of that, but I do still like the project. Sure the atmosphere in am2r isn't the atmosphere that captivated me when I first played it, but that doesn't mean it can't be a good fan game. In some places it definitely does have a decidedly creepy atmosphere btw. My main gripe with the project is in the same vain as Dmans second point, the physics/controls. I understand why he choose to mimic the gba games engine, as that's what a lot of metroid fans prefer, but I really am not much of a fan of it. I liked the engine in fusion, because the game was built around it, however m2 wasn't, so sometimes it feels very out of place. It all moves too fast often, and feels very different from m2. However, the project does bring a lot of great things as well. For example the music is phenomenal. I personally liked the creepy ambiance that m2 had, but I can appreciate good tracks none the less. I think the gfx could really use a change, as they don't feel nearly as dark-cave like as they should for m2, but they don't look bad either.
It's not something I'm super super excited for, but I'm glad someone is trying to bring new life into one of my favourite games.


Quote from: Quote58 on November 13, 2013, 04:04:15 PM
the music is phenomenal

Other than that, controls are a bit hard to get used to. I definitely prefer the "floaty" physics of the earlier games.
Things I don't like in this demo so far are those big "empty" rooms (most noticiably in nest areas) It might be true to the original game but here, it just feels weird.

BTW, why Arachnus looks like its Fusion counterpart ? I mean, he should not be infected at that time, am I right ?


I had forgot the M2 remake I was anticipating an early scrapped version of the already scrapped SR388 thing.

This AM2R does have amazing remakes of those classic tracks, tho it sadly looks like boring fusion with weird fusion physics.
^sorry to the kids that got introduced to metroid with gba games.


Quote from: Metaquarius on November 17, 2013, 08:39:14 AM
BTW, why Arachnus looks like its Fusion counterpart ? I mean, he should not be infected at that time, am I right ?
Why do Skulteras in ZM look like infected Fusion Skulteras? Nobody knows..


Quote from: Hawntah on November 17, 2013, 05:27:02 PM
Quote from: Metaquarius on November 17, 2013, 08:39:14 AM
BTW, why Arachnus looks like its Fusion counterpart ? I mean, he should not be infected at that time, am I right ?
Why do Skulteras in ZM look like infected Fusion Skulteras? Nobody knows..
ZM skultera and MF large skultera are almost similar but not strictly identical to be picky.  :^_^:
I don't think it requires some drastic sprite changes tough, little things like a repalette would do the trick.


Yay! new cave access has been given, along with a Torizo battle. (pretty awesome right there)


SPOILERS !!! Go play the demo if you haven't already.

Quote from: Zephoras on April 13, 2014, 11:37:41 AM
Yay! new cave access has been given, along with a Torizo battle. (pretty awesome right there)
Yep. And it seems controls have been improved too. I'm getting used to the physics of this game at long last. I had no problem with Space jump. Chain shinesparks are a bit hard to get right but overall, speedbooster is awesome... except one thing : get hurt and you lost your charge !!! I know Fusion introduced this, but fuck dat! :mad:

I'm still having issues with morph ball as I simply can't perform mid-air morph ball with my controller (just on keyboard) And unwanted unmorphing happens to me all the time. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with joystick deadzone, I messed with it, but still having issues.

Torizo battle is nice, second form is kinda unexpected, of course, you are supposed to learn space jumping this way, but the HARD way. On a side note, the use of spikes on the ground is bleh. :nuhuh: Something else is bothering me : Space Pirates reverse engineered Chozo statues to make them hostiles to Samus on Zebes, but what's with this on SR388 ? I had the same feeling with the Chozo guardian in Area 1, this boss feels a bit strange, if not, out of place.

I did a casual play (not looking for all hidden stuff) and I've put myself in serious trouble in Area 3, with very low health, no missiles and three Beta Metroids to kill in the dark zone. At that point, I put the controller down. Frustration comes from the fact I have missed both the Wave Beam and Super Missiles. Without them, I felt completely underpowered and these are easy to miss. The super missile factory is great idea but I totally overlooked the mecanism to activate it. It looks like remotely to a mecanism found in Brinstar in Zero Mission, but it is clear that thing didn't catch my attention...

Mining caves are a throw back compared to Area 3, very few things to do, boring tileset (and an expected trap at the Fed's camp for me). It feels rushed and unnecessary IMO.

Despite thoses complaints, game is enjoyable. Go play it. NAOW !


I've been up on AM2R just about since I started hacking, my main idea of it has been I guess a general mix of all I've read in this topic, I agree with DMan in this as far as the graphical, I AM in some senses a fan of the graphics, as far as definition and quality, but his point about it not having the right feel for an M2 remake, very legit, and the feel is kinda shotty, but it's still a very enjoyable game to play, and I do owe it and MP2D being my inspiration back in 2011 to jump aboard the SM hacking bandwagon, my MAIN concern is that DM64 stays legit to his cause here and releases AM2R final for free, instead of pulling a Candy Crush Saga and making us pay for all the cool stuff we expected to just be there since it's a M2 remake, and a "Premium features" would really lose the feel of not only M2, but Metroid in general, although his engine has the best capabilities, at least as far as conformity, it would keep a closer feel to M2 if a bunch of great minds like here combined forces and used a game like SM as an engine, since it has that old feeling still, an improvement over original M2, for the new-nostalgic theme, and it'd be a great publicity stunt xD But as far as the demos, they're great, but do feel like, well, a demo, like everything's a quick tutorial on each available item, like there would be more rooms and stuff mixed in with what's already there in the final, almost like it's "condensed" so to speak. As far as I'm concerned, my main judgement over the game will be made when and if the final is released, until then, I'll continue to stay posted as I have for the past 3 years.


Except he can't charge money for it because he doesn't own Metroid, it's art assets, etc.  Nintendo would sue the shit out of him if he tried making a profit on it.

So don't worry, it'll be free.


Yeah... the guy's blogpost about monetizing the thing was an April Fools joke.

I agree with DMan's assessment of the game, but I just know that I'll play through it at least twice even if I don't think it's particularly amazing. Regardless, I do have to applaud the amount of effort and persistence the guy has put into this.


True, he has been working on this game for ages to come, and having worked on sites where people have used the same software, including I myself, it's much more difficult, hackers like me who use SMILE to edit SM are basically only rewiring and re-tiling what's already there, this guy has to build everything up from a simple generic engine, even if he used someone else's Metroid engine, he'd have to tweak it to hell, THEN build from there, he has skills, Nintendo should hire him xD


Quote from: TobiMikami on April 15, 2014, 08:17:19 PM
True, he has been working on this game for ages to come, and having worked on sites where people have used the same software, including I myself, it's much more difficult, hackers like me who use SMILE to edit SM are basically only rewiring and re-tiling what's already there, this guy has to build everything up from a simple generic engine, even if he used someone else's Metroid engine, he'd have to tweak it to hell, THEN build from there, he has skills, Nintendo should hire him xD

Kekeke. He actually built it up from a Mario engine, no less. It's in the very first posts of his blog if anyone wants it.
Interestingly, now that I think about it, this is exactly what Nintendo did with Zero Mission (and by extension Fusion), as they took the Wario Land 4[?] engine and built ZM with it.