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Metroid: Super Mission

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 06:17:42 PM

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Physics changes, or no?

No walljumping
Increase gravity(fall faster, etc)
Keep Vanilla Physics(normal SM)
1, but 4
3, but 2
Change both(1, 3)
No physics changes(2, 4)


Falling/jumping speed should be as close to the original as possible. I for one really liked the physics, and the Morph Ball should be bouncy and heavily affected by bombs.


If you're really trying to make it NESTroidy, I figured out how to make morph ball instant the other day by playing with Sadi's spinjump pose table. You just press down a single time to enter morph. Could probably make it so you press up to stand all the way back up too.

Also, I think you mean make gravity lighter? NESTroid was pretty floaty. You could simulate its physics pretty accurately by playing with the planet's gravity + max fall speed.

If you're going all-out, NESTroid's rooms were all only 1 screen tall or 1 screen wide for halls/shafts (IIRC). If your rooms are all designed this way, you could get away with having lower jump heights. Also, Long Beam.

I wouldn't think too much on it yet. That can be decided and fine-tuned after you've completed all of the rooms.


I don't know what to decide (will vote later) but if you want to get a M1 physics:

1. Increase gravity a bit. Value 2000 is what you're looking for. Maybe, 1E00 for beign able to bounce from bombs at desired hight.
2. Increase max falling speed
3. Maybe disable running
4. Disable mid-air morphing


I really don't care too much about making the physics 100% M1-ish, but I did want to see what everyone thought about it(it had been suggested in the past, but still don't know whether I'll even change the falling/jumping physics).  However, I am still considering a possible walljump removal to make it like it was in the original game.  Also, running will stay, since I don't see too much of a reason to remove it.

THE Purple Helmet

One of the reasons a metroid 1 remake in supermetroid form is appealing is because of the improved physics. I for one would much prefer vanilla physics but after thinking about it, I would also enjoy altered, more M1ish physics. Perhaps a dual release with both physics available? (If walljump wont break any altercations that is)

Hiroshi Mishima

If you want to change the physics, be sure they're actually FLOATY like the original. Dear gods, don't go near the crappy physics Redesign had, please! I'm actually looking forwards to this at the moment, if I learned it'd play like Redesign I'd totally lose interest...

But if it played like Metoid 1, I don't think that'd be too bad. I'm undecided if you should keep walljumping or not, to be honest.. I'd have to try the game with the new physics. I suppose if you did change the physics, just remove wall jumping so it doesn't become an issue?


I really don't care too much about completely changing physics.  The SM Vanilla physics are a nice enough update to the original game, and they will probably stay.  I just wanted those anticipating this hack to give their input on the issue to see if anyone legitimately wanted it to be changed.  Walljumping is the one physics change, as I said before, that I have actually considered possibly changing, but it isn't like you'd miss it much anyway(except for certain shafts that could annoy speedrunners to climb without walljump).

Hiroshi Mishima

I understand. I just have this knee-jerk reaction to discussions of physics in SM hacks cause of Redesign. :p


Ok, so this is just a heads-up.  This project will still be worked on throughout this year, but don't expect frequent new content in here.  I am back in school now, so I may not be working on this as much as usual.  But I am not, under any circumstance, going to let this die.


i thank it should be a good hack


Guess who isn't dead?

Somewhat similar to that earlier room I posted, but larger and improved.


Hey Phazar, and the long fire beam, you can make?


doesn't sound all that difficult to make, that is if there's a RAM offset for projectile's distance from samus, or at least something that keeps record of the projectile's position


Jathys have already coded a terribly good "short beam" function for when not having the long beam, which involves the beam curving down to gravity and falling to the floor.


JAM has already made the Long Beam code for the game, I just need to test it among other things in this hack.  Which I will probably do sometime today seeing how I've been slacking off in my hacking too much.


Quote from: Crys on January 15, 2011, 08:24:48 AM
Jathys have already coded a terribly good "short beam" function for when not having the long beam, which involves the beam curving down to gravity and falling to the floor.



I have one and only one concern; will you make it so you start out with 30 points of health? That is the only thing that I hated about the original Metroid. Because of this (and that fact that I suck at the game) I die too frequently.


So far you start out with the usual 99 health, and I will probably keep it there unless a lot of people start begging me to change the code and make it 30.


I prefer the idea of 30 health over 99, if you're going for the true NEStroid feel. That and the game won't seem as relentless as the original with smoother controls and all.


Quote from: jeffvv16 on February 02, 2011, 04:05:20 PM
I have one and only one concern; will you make it so you start out with 30 points of health? That is the only thing that I hated about the original Metroid. Because of this (and that fact that I suck at the game) I die too frequently.
There is a patch written recently, that allows to Metroid 1 to remember your health in passwords. I can search for it if you want


That would be great! Thanks! :whoa:


Addendum: Oh yeah, and about changing it to 30 health. You'd need to edit a couple of values for when the warning beep kicks in, otherwise you'd be hearing it right from the start of the game.


Is there any way to get rid of the sound altogether?


From the Hex Tweak Submission thread:
1E 00 to ?? ??
When player have health lower than this value, make Samus breathing heavily (with arm shaking)

1F 00 to ?? ??
When player have health lower than this value, health alarm sound is on

1F 00 to ?? ??
When player have health greater than this value or equal it, health alarm sound is off

1F 00 to ?? ??
When player have health lower than this value when returning from pause screen, turn health alarm on

1E 00 to ?? ??
When player have sum of energy and reserve energy lower than this value or equal it, turn on subroutine that spawns more energy pickups

32 00 to ?? ??
When player have at least this energy and reserve energy, turn off subroutine that spawns more energy pickups

18 6D D6 09 to EA EA EA EA
Disable checking for reserve energy when triggers subroutine that spawns more energy pickups

So, changing 86A83 and 8E6D3 to 00 00 or 01 00 should disable the health alarm.
Questions go to Engine Works.


Keep in mind that if you change starting health to 30, after collecting energy tanks you'll get 130, 230 etc. instead of 199, 299 etc. A good idea can be if something will decrease your energy to 30 when entering Brinstar for the first time.

Quote from: SMILEuser96 on February 05, 2011, 08:41:33 AM
So, changing 86A83 and 8E6D3 to 00 00 or 01 00 should disable the health alarm.
Nope, you should change all 4 values in the list. First one to X, while all other to X+1. Why not to change X to 15 ($0F) as it was in original Metroid?

Quote from: jeffvv16 on February 04, 2011, 09:22:17 PM
That would be great! Thanks! :whoa:
Here you go.
It called "Metroid99"