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T.H.E. Contest (The Hacking Exhibitionist Contest)

Started by FullOfFail, August 01, 2013, 06:15:35 AM

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Quote from: Daltone on September 01, 2013, 02:16:57 PM
...comes with a easy edition since im such a nice guy.

Would be nice to know before downloading which is easy...


So, it's September already. Guess I'm most likely not going to get my contest entry done soon enough. Unless I rush and finish it in 20 hours or something. ¯\_ȹ_/¯


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on September 01, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
So, it's September already. Guess I'm most likely not going to get my contest entry done soon enough. Unless I rush and finish it in 20 hours or something. ¯\_ȹ_/¯
You still have until next Saturday!

Vismund Cygnus

Bumping to say my patches have now been posted.  :grin:


I'll edit this post as more come in.

Quote58 - The visor and boots were what made it interesting for me.
Basically a cool little demo of the asm included.

MetroidMst - lol

JkP-troid - Permastuck at landing site, bugs everywhere, bland design. Continue? Sure why not.
SotN tileset was the only redeeming quality, without the metroidvania I'd have quit playing.

Daltone - A great challenge hack to play and nice to look at too. Most replayable.

Vismund Cygnus - Basically a kill the enemies to progress hack, which gets old fast.
Plus backtracking with this in mind is a huge inconvenience.

FullofFail - Awesome ideas/design, well executed and very playable. Could have been more challenging.
Tossed up between this and Daltones for first place.

SMILEuser96 - Short and sweet, that 3 switch puzzle was fun to pull off and the hack's highlight for me.


Whoo, all these hacks.

Gonna start playing and edit this post later as I finish them.

Vismund's Sidehopper Special: No map and the same enemies over and over gets boring really fast.

Full of Fail's Super Metroid Melchanolia 4 or something like that: fantastic. had a lot of fun exploring and I enjoyed all the little asm edits such as [spoiler]the speedball[/spoiler]. reminds me of searching for items but done much better.

MetroidMst's Bubble orgasm thing: not even going to bother

Daltone's Low Impact: Wow, that was pretty difficult! The falling damage thing was neat, though i wish there could had been a bit more warning about it. The design was pretty neat too. Overall I actually found it a bit fun!


Just a reminder, you have all week to enter. I have a entry I'm about to complete and submit aswell.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on September 01, 2013, 07:42:08 PM
I'll edit this post as more come in.

JkP-troid - Permastuck at landing site, bugs everywhere,

Uhhh please elaborate on that permastuck and "bugs".

*EDIT* Thanks for the feed back, patch was updated.


Super Metroid: Melancholia IV

I used Vanilla tilesets in this, with varying results. Some rooms are inspired by the original, others have my own twist on them. I changed the mechanics slightly, but in ways I felt enhanced game-play, but didn't dramatically alter it in ways that would change the Vanilla experience. It starts off slow, but after a few upgrades the hack really starts to open up.

This hack is 100% completable, and yes, it's 20 rooms.

Update! Version 2 fixes a few minor bugs the original had, and changes a few things about the status screen. Also, adds another miniboss that was supposed to be in the original, but got taken out at the last moment :)

Known Bugs:
-The Map/Energy/Missile sound effects get stuck in a loop. Press the action button to resume gameplay.
-The Xray is messed up in some rooms due to layer1-2/fx1 techniques I used.
- ??? (to be added)

Hex Tweaks Used:

81E9A - 05 to ?? [air] (06)
81E9E - 05 to ?? [water] (06)
Adjusts how long Samus must fall before space jump no longer works. The value differences are pretty radical, though. 04 = barely have to fall before you can no longer jump, 05 = standard, 06 = seemingly no limit to how long you can fall and still use space jump again, etc. (found by Black Falcon)

81E98 - 02 to ?? [air] (00)
81E9C - 00 to ?? [water] (00)
Adjusts how quickly you can repeatedly use space jump. 00 = more frequently, 02 = standard, 04 = less frequently, etc. (found by Black Falcon)

43446 - 22 CB 90 80 to EA EA EA EA
Disable Lava sound effects. (Found by DSO)

81F64 - 30 02 to ?? ?? (40 03)
Running acceleration and default running speed; 30 = acceleration, 02 = max speed. These values are ADDED to what speed booster gives. Anything higher than 07 for max speed will cause errors when running at full speed with booster equipped

84023 - 20 E7 C0 to EA EA EA
Disables bomb jumping for power bombs only.

84F71 - 02 to 01
Allows Samus to fire beams while the ice beam SBA is in effect (found by Flamestar666).

84F34 - 20 to ?? (25)
Adjusts how far away the ice beam SBA circles around Samus. 10 = smaller radius; closer to Samus, 20 = standard radius, 40 = larger radius, etc. (found by Flamestar666)

83847 - 78 00 to ?? ?? (50 00)
Adjusts how long Samus' beam must be charging before SBAs activate. 40 00 = almost instantly, 78 00 = standard; about 2 seconds, FF 01 = about 8 seconds, etc. (found by Black Falcon)

8054E - FF to 0F
81775 - FF to 0F
Enables the use of speed booster while in morph ball form by holding the run button if Samus has the spring ball equipped (found by Flamestar666 and Kejardon).

850CE - CE to AD [vertical]
850FD - CE to AD [diagonal]
85129 - CE to AD [horizontal]
Super jumps / Shinespark no longer drain Samus' energy.

850CD - 08 to 00
85128 - 08 to 00
852C1 - 08 to 00 (07?)
850FC - 08 to 00
Changes the minimum shinespark health requirement to 0 (found by SadiztykFish).

85396 - AD C0 to 80 27
Greatly reduces the waiting time until player has control of Samus again after shinesparking into a solid surface (found by SadiztykFish).

A0EB3 - 3C to ?? (1C)
Adjusts how much damage Samus takes from touching spikes. 2C = lower, 3C = standard, 4C = higher, etc. Only affects spikes with the "spike block" attribute (found by PJBoy).

15490F - 22 to 6B
Removes the gray haze from the bomb Torizo's room, and allows you to use any other FX1 in place of it. Easiest way to do this is to use another Crateria room's FX1 pointer after you change 22 to 6B (found by Sadiztyk Fish).


Patches Used:

Item Sounds (by SadiztikFish/Scyzer)
Allows you to set each item with it's own indiviual sound clip that doesn't interupt the main BG music.

Ammo Station (by SadiztikFish/Scyzer)
Upgraded Missile Station which refills Missiles, Supers and PBs. Doesn't activate only if all 3 are max. This is a fixed up version of MoogleEmperor's Missile Station patch.

Grime's TMB (By DChronos & Grime)
Makes the message boxes transparent.

Spinjump Restart and MorphRoll combination (By Black_Falcon, SadiztikFish, Kej)
Combines Spinjump Restart by Sadi/Kej with my MorphRoll patch in oder to make both work properly without problems.

Super Missile Fix 1.1 (Black_Falcon & Kej)
Fixes  a bug with super missiles counting as two projectiles.

End Game BTS (Squishy_Ichigo)
Ends game by touching a BTS block of Air Fool X-Ray 03.

Reflec Fix (Kejardon)
Reflec Bomb Crash fix. Reflecs do not attempt to flip projectiles stored in bomb RAM now. Bombs seem to disappear (similar to invulnerable enemies) if they hit a Reflec now.

Save Station Extension (JAM)
In original game you can use only 8 Save Stations for area. If your Save Station index is greater than $07 (example: $09), you'll just save in different spot ($01 in this case). Although, you can load the game properly from indexes $08 and greater.

Reveal blocks with Powerbombs (Black_Falcon)
Basically gives Powers the ability to reveal certain blocks, just like bombs.

Charge Beam attracts item pickups v1.1 (Black_Falcon
Prime style.



Quote from: FullOfFail on September 02, 2013, 06:15:56 AMI used Vanilla tilesets in this
I think that everybody was supposed to be doing this, so it's a good job you did. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

Once submissions are closed, how is the voting going to work exactly? I'd prefer not to write up a detailed list of impressions here if I'm gonna do it somewhere else too.  :^_^:


Okay so I need to address something.
Some people (2 that I know of) have been having strange issues with my hack while the rest are not. I have done plenty of testing on not only zsnes, but also snes9x 1.21 as well as geigers debugger and I have not been able to replicate it. It seems to have something to do with button mapping however I tested the various combinations myself in various situations and nothing came up. I also took the link down if you hadn't noticed. So here's the thing, I'll upload the patch again, and before you download it please read this:
Things to note before playing:
Gravity boost: by holding aim down and jump, you can get a much higher jump akin to the gravity boost from metroid prime 2. There are a few bugs with it, but none that hurt the game, simply a little annoying if you notice.
Dark Visor: While holding item cancel, pressing aim up/aim down switches between combat and dark.
****I strongly suggest using the standard button mapping*****
So if you get the debug issue preventing you from finishing the hack, please report it and make sure to give specific details about the emulater and button mapping. Aside from that try another clean rom.
Other than that, have fun I guess, there are plenty of secret items including a special message if you get the hardest one.


Also on Quote58's note, my hacks is now (should be) 100% bug free and i found the secret room i made, and put it in for you people to find.
You can look on Page 2 of this thread for Details, but here it the final edition my submission.


Quote from: JkP-troid on September 02, 2013, 11:33:36 PMYou can look on Page 2
Just so you know, people have varying page settings, so things will be on different page numbers for different folks.  It's usually best to link to a post you're referencing, like so. :^_^:


So I got it done after all! :grin:

It's nothing too special, but I had fun making it, so I hope you peeps have fun playing it.
This is a really short hack, but that one puzzle (which is actually easy) and especially that one boss should be fun.

Changes, apart from level edits and other obvious things:
Remote Bomb* patch, by me :D
A modified gray door, also by me :D
Missile Station Enhancer, by MoogleEmperor. Used this as a base for... you will see it
Made that one boss quite a bit more challenging than in the original game
Ending time uses minutes/seconds instead of hours/minutes
And a bunch of other minor things I forgot

*These are used by laying bombs, then pressing the "RUN" button while in Morph Ball mode. Spring Ball comes with it.[/spoiler]

There's one Energy Tank, Missile pack and Power Bomb pack each and one major item to be found. The E-Tank is the only one you can possibly miss if you have eyesight.

Story for those who just need one:
Someone who looks a lot like Samus in a power suit a lot like Samus' wakes up in a shattered containment box or something. Then it starts roaming around and does stuff[/spoiler]

Hints for noobs (you seriously suck if you need these):
-Hold the "RUN" button and then lay bombs after getting Remote bombs. Might be useful.
-The liquid rises only when you damage that thing[/spoiler]

E: I might as well add in a "Known bugs" section because I just found one.
E2: Updated the patch. Changed some slopes around and fixed the statue issue. Also changed the boss's vulnerabilities a little.

Known bugs:

Have fun! Hopefully!


Having a tough time figuring out that 3 bomb switch door, cause the bomb blocks just respawn when I'm down there getting one of the switches.


Good. That's an integral part of the puzzle. :twisted:

You're not the only one having trouble with that part, so I'll leave some hints here:
[spoiler]You can't just rush through.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You're not limited to bombing the path only once.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Just because there are no bomb blocks to destroy, doesn't mean you shouldn't lay bombs.[/spoiler]


I would have figured it out much sooner had I realized I had picked up a certain item along with your Remote Bombs. Once I realized I had it, then it became obvious what to do.

Vismund Cygnus

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had trouble with that part.  :lol:
Overall that was a fun little puzzle hack. I look forward to seeing what else you can come up with using the remote bombs.


just a little update from me:

As some of you may know, i was working on a hack for this contest but some IRL stuff came up and i had to stop working on it and have not been on IRC lately.
I apologize for this, but i will let you guys know that the hack is not lost and i will work on it later and finish it.


Just wanted to mention that I released Version 2 for my hack. It adds a miniboss, fixes a few bugs, and customizes the status screen a bit. After you get the hi-jump boots and suits, play with it, it's neat what a few graphic changes in TLP can do!

Edit: V4 is essentially the same as V2, just a few changes that wouldnt really be noticeable ingame.

The Monster of Surrealton

I started with Low Impact because everyone else is playing SLR.

[spoiler=Low Impact]


The fall damage adds a lot of tension and forces the player to play carefully

Carefully walljumping down walls slows down the pace of the game


I'll update this post as I play the other entries.


It is from fall damage. Spinjump restart is in the hack, and you need it a lot. There is one save station in the hack too, which got a lot of use from me.

The Monster of Surrealton

Quote from: MetroidMst on September 04, 2013, 10:51:06 PM
It is from fall damage. Spinjump restart is in the hack, and you need it a lot. There is one save station in the hack too, which got a lot of use from me.


So...I'm an idiot and didn't fully read Daltone's post with the patches before I started playing. So...I'm taking the down the video and making a new one to do the hack justice.


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on September 05, 2013, 12:03:22 AM
So...I'm an idiot and didn't fully read Daltone's post with the patches before I started playing. So...I'm taking the down the video and making a new one to do the hack justice.

i just updated my post with the hack info, sorry about that