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T.H.E. Contest (The Hacking Exhibitionist Contest)

Started by FullOfFail, August 01, 2013, 06:15:35 AM

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I probably won't do it anyway, the deadline is when I stop being busy >_> but nobody actually made it clear; is this SMILE rooms or perceived rooms?


It's rooms in smile, excluding the boss room.

People also brought up the issue of using states for more rooms, this is technically possible, provided you have the extra time, but, I'd question that. I don't see why 20 rooms wouldn't be enough. I'd just spend any extra time polishing what you already have.


Welp, I guess I'll stream all the entries like I'm currently doing for a ZC contest...


Never attempted a hack before, but hey ho, may as well have a go!


Just remembered another thing I over-looked (I know, shocking, right?). Regarding save rooms, if you use the default 1x1 one's, they won't count against the room limit. I suppose I could extend that to missile and health recharge rooms aswell.

Also, another thing people brought up is whether we could have more bosses than one. Technically I only mentioned one, the final boss, so you could have a sub-boss if your hack required it.


Quote from: FullOfFail on August 01, 2013, 06:15:35 AM
- 1 Final Boss (could be Mini, Main, or other Enemy)
This says a final boss is required... but what if people want to have more? Like, say if someone made a boss rush hack, etc. Obviously it does not seem to be the case since no posted about it before (in before someone did and I did not read.) and the contest have already been going on. But I'm interested in knowing.  :smileyspam:

Edit: And I just read the post above mine, FML.

Vismund Cygnus

A question came up in IRC the other day; Do miniboss rooms/boss rooms other than the final boss room count towards the total? Because if not that'd give me a couple of extra rooms to work with, and I'm sure a few others would be in the same boat.


I'd guess that they do.  Otherwise, you could add a miniboss in as many rooms as you like, and have them not counted.


I already responded to Vis in the IRC, but for the record, yes, the mini-boss would count towards the total room count.



Bump, just wanted to say I added a few notes to the original post. Just wanted to make sure everything was addressed.


Okay, Here is my submission for the contest.
A Nice Screenshot of one of the rooms is in the 2013 8/30 RotW. You can look at it there.
Also note that for some Emulators MAY experience slow starting/loading Menus (i.e Save Select, Controller Config Screen, Pressing button after Title Screen)
Menus tend to load slowly for some unknown reason (upto 1-3 minutes?). Just Fast forward until you can get in game.

[blink]Items to Get:[/blink] Morphball, Bombs, charge, Wave, Gravity Suit, 2 Missle Tanks (70 each pack) 2 Super Missle Tank, 2 E-Tanks (Gives a neeto amount of health each...) Power Bombs (1 Tank) And Speed Booster.

[blink] Thanks to Quote58 for the Ridley ASM and Webber1900 for the SoTN GFX[/blink]

*Note* this is not game breaking, only a minor inconvenience to some.
*FINAL EDIT* Made the last set of fixes and changed some rooms around. Also, Screw Attack was added and Wave Beam was removed. Respawning Items were fixed and Scrolling Sky error was also fixed. (Also there is a Secret Area if your willing to look for it)

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: JkP-troid on August 31, 2013, 05:57:55 PM

Menus tend to load slowly for some unknown reason (upto 1-3 minutes?).

*Note this is not game breaking, only a minor inconvenience.
I haven't been having this issue, despite running it on a rather terrible laptop. I would guess that the issue may have lay within the emulator you used, or the ROM itself.


k so it's past 12 over here and I just want to be done with this hack so here we go.
It's a hack, 20 rooms + boss, save, and map. Lots of suitless underwater stuff, though the physics have been changed a bit.
Story - a monster has escaped captivity on the GFS Horizon and is fucking shit up wreaking havoc, so the GF told samus to go deal with it. Once finished, she is to go back to her ship and leave the rest to the GF.
Changes - custom hud with an item finder in the top left hand corner which lights up if there are items left in the room. Enemy asm edit to both the main boss and the enemy boss. New items include gravity boost, dark visor, and super missile upgrade. Mostly vanilla gfx, with one unfinished custom tileset based off of the fusion sewers and a new background for the maridia tileset.
Things to note - Item finder does not work perfectly in a few rooms. Those rooms are as I recall the large maridia room, the first sewers room, the first room after the boss, and the elevator room (I have a fix for this courtesy of Black Falcon, but I haven't looked into it yet). the lack of backgrounds in some rooms is not actually me being lazy (only partially), I found the black background to work very well in those rooms so I decided to leave it. The ending is well, different. the game ends when you get to the game over screen from ceres exploding. Luckily you have a built in timer on the hud so you can know your time before it ends. The end game only activates once you have all the major items, which really means once you've defeated the monster and looped back around to the ship.
Item count - 75 missiles, speed booster, dark visor, gravity boost, 6 energy tanks, and wave beam
Rooms where the item finder doesn't work item count - maridia big room = 2, elevator room = 1, room after boss = 1, first sewer room = 1
Think that's about it. Here you go
Edit: took the link down


After getting gravity boots the screen turned into some technical test/debug setting where i could place enemies.
At first I thought oh so this is some ultra technical visor stuff but no, it's broken.


Quote from: Quote58 on September 01, 2013, 12:34:45 AM

Changes - custom hud with an item finder in the top left hand corner...

Don't know if it's just me, but a bit of instruction on how to use the new HUD (Controls) would be nice to note here. I am on a SNES USB controller and i tried every botton combination a could think of but couldn't use the Visor select between Missles and Supers. A little explaination please?


knew I forgot to mention something. You switch visors by holding item cancel and pressing aim up to switch right, and aim down to switch left. Gravity boost is done by jumping into the air, and then holding aim down.
And missiles become supers if you didn't notice.

Dman, um, what? Pix


Edit: never knew sm had such extensive debug options.

Black Falcon

Dman, you should probably disable your second controller input then.
I also got that glitch (snes9x) when I swapped to gamepad #2 (usually pressing 6 on your keyboard by default)

As for Quote, maybe it's because you used seemingly 'unused' debug RAM? (which is indeed unused due to it never being written to in the original code, but the game reads it occasionally) that activates the debug screen.
You either need to terminate the debug code that reads these addresses, or change them in your custom code.
But yeah
I suspect you used this address or similar somewhere:

7E:05D1 - 7E:05D2    Debug mode. Set to 80:8004 at game start, unused in the normal rom.

I suggest reading this document about debugging stuff.

Other things to note: When entering a room with no water from a room that had water, the physics are messed up. You might need to do some door asm that tells the game Samus is not in water anymore (the original game code actually has these codes too, but I dunno where it uses them).
I'll stream me playing your hack today eventually so I can show you what I mean and other things.

Vismund Cygnus

I actually finished.  :lol:
Total Rooms: 16, 1 boss room.
[spoiler]USE SAVESTATES. There were save stations at one point, but then something happened and they stopped working, and I'm far too lazy to fix it. You probably can beat it without savestates, but there's no easy way to the ship so it's not recommended.[/spoiler]
Anyway, allow me to introduce you to.....
Vismund's Sidehopper Special!
The most creatively named hack released to date!
[spoiler=Story]With almost all of the Metroids wiped out, the scientists at the colony of Ceres conducted many experiments on the captive baby Samus delivered to them. The results of one of the experiments in particular fascinated the researchers; the Metroids had a staggeringly high energy output. The power generated from a single Metroid larvae could be harnessed to power an entire city. However, the Metroids were also highly unstable and any form of interruption to their flow of energy could trigger a cataclysmic explosion. The scientists sent the Metroid to power a small colony near Ceres, to test the real life application of their new found knowledge.
All seemed well for some time, however less than a month after the Metroid was delivered, the Galactic Federation recieved a distress signal from the colony; they were under attack!
The GF contacted Samus immediately, for she had the most experience with the Metroids. Not one to turn down such an offer, Samus immediately left for the colony to discover what was amiss.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Items]Missiles: 75
Supers: 40
PB's: 10
ETanks: 6 1.03/5 Insanity
Charge Beam
High Jump
Gravity Suit
[spoiler=Skills Required]
Bomb Jump
Mid-Air Morphing (or IBJ)
Short Charge (For 100%)
If you don't backtrack you'll probably die. A lot.  :colonrightv:[/spoiler]
Special thanks to Quote for the timer patch.  :^_^:
Aaaaaand JAM for the item events patch.  :lol:
There are now 2 patches;
1.03 is recommended. There are a few tweaks (stronger beam, more less obvious hints, better drop rates, a fix or two to rooms. and a bonus energy tank!)
Insanity patch is the original, and features a room that can be a permastuck if you suck at item management.
And a map patch! The map patch must be patched over the already patched ROM (hence the size)  :lol:
EDIT: 1.03 is now 1.031. I found a permastuck and fixed a permastuck. It will not be an issue if you already played patch 1.03, unless there's the very slight chance you find the permastuck. Still, 1.031 is the very last update. I'm done with this, and so are many others, I think.
1.031 still does not include the map. It should still work if patched over the top. I hope that VSS is now almost enjoyable. The Insanity patch is still insane, and I will endeavour to never release an untested hack again.  :grin:


I can't download yours, Vismund.  I just get a message saying that I'm not allowed access to this section (of the forum).

Hmm, you removed it?

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on September 01, 2013, 10:59:46 AM
I can't download yours, Vismund.  I just get a message saying that I'm not allowed access to this section (of the forum).

Hmm, you removed it?
It's being tested, because I'm a silly person and there's still a week for submissions.  :^_^:


So Little Room
(Reason for name is obvious. 20 rooms. So little room to make stuff.)
Random Fact: This was made and finished within 4 days. (Around about 20 total hours to make it between the days.)

Here is my entry. Story and such is in the readme. Just know that it is in fact beatable, despite what you may think when playing it. (And Shaktool really, really doesn't like you ruining his Rinka spawning performance during the Bubble Festival.)

Thanks to:
DSO                          (Music, testing)
Black Falcon               (Projectiler)
Quote58                    (Bubble spasms)
Crashtour99               (Unwilling visual subject)
JAM                          (Starting with items)
Players of SLT            (Because I want you to rage even more.)

Enjoy. Or preferably, rage.

EDIT: For unheadered


heres my submission, comes with a easy edition since im such a nice guy.

Super Metroid: Low Impact
WARNING!: Fall Damage! Respin! you should be used to wall jumping and mid air morphing at the very least.
theres about 14~ rooms + save/map/boss
item totals:[spoiler]25% is 100% 7 etanks, 5 missle tanks, 1 power bomb and ice beam[/spoiler]
thanks to Kejardon for the ancient fall damage asm, JAM, Sadistik, Black Falcon and metconst.

(H) means header
SV: a lot less damage from falls and ugly platforms added

Edit: bug found, thanks DMan!
Edit Again: something may have been wrong with the map, this may fix it?
fixed the map to look betterish