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Changing library sound for Hyper Beam [SM, if someone ask]

Started by Cloud20, July 25, 2013, 01:24:08 PM

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Hello everybody.

Black_Falcon give to me a great help for editing hyper beam sound.

The problem is now that the sound I search for hyper beam firing isn't stocked in the basic library (library 1, where are stocked related sound to beams)
I just want to change the library used by hyper beam, this weapon must use library 2, were are stored most of enemy projectiles.

Thanks for help guys :D


Sounds usually come in two parts. There's an LDA #$00XX of some sort, where XX is the sound index, followed by a JSL. The most common JSL's are $809049 (library 1), $8090CB (library 2), $80914D (library 3).
You just need to change the JSL to one of those 3 addresses to change the library.
It is possible that it could be something else, as there are actually 5 routines for each library, which change the priority of the sound, etc. These are rarely used though, and make extremely little difference to gameplay, so you can just pick one of the 3 above.


Thank you very much Scyzer.   :^_^:
I keep this answer in my mind