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Started by Benki, April 01, 2013, 06:58:06 PM

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I will soon be getting a new internet plan
Not too sure which I should get (:eyeroll: My area sucks for internet)
AT&T  (Max Plus Up to 18Mbps)
TWC (Ultimate Up to 50Mbps)
Really my only options.
Also, What are your guys ISPs and speeds?



I don't have Verizon Fios in my area

Zero One

Download should be about 10Mb/s faster, but oh well.


Quote from: Zero One on April 01, 2013, 07:35:45 PM

Download should be about 10Mb/s faster, but oh well.
You pay 30$ for that?  :whoa:

Zero One

£19, which is roughly $30. Also, unlimited uploads and downloads, which is nice.


It downloads at 500 kb/s


We pay 40eur for this? We're an 'outlying' area, so no interest for fiber and a lot of signal loss; we should be getting double. However, my download speed used to be my upload speed, so I'm very glad with this right now.


Mine hasn't changed since last time. :^_^:




wtf Dman, how come i get fucked?

I pay 75$, maybe i should complain? its supposed to be broadband 50


You aren't using 5Ghz band wireless from your computer to your router, are you? I find that it's not interrupted as much due to less devices being on the same radio band, but at a much less viable speed:

This is why I always test my connection speed on my laptop, or on a wired connection, if possible...


Its wired, though the cord is quite long coming down through the ceiling and on the other side of the house.
i imagine the cord length wouldnt effect it, im prolly just getting screwed by shaw. its greasy up here in canada


Because Australia :(


Well, since last time I have acquired new internets!

I think the total cost for my internet comes to £34 which is the same plan as ZeroOne's, who I think forgot to include line rental in his price :P (which is about £14, internet being £20)


Good thing I don't host servers. :P

Zero One

Quote from: GF_Kennon on April 03, 2013, 12:05:36 PMZeroOne's, who I think forgot to include line rental in his price :P (which is about £14, internet being £20)

I was asked for my Internet, not my line rental  :^_^: . I'm also quite certain that our Internet is cheaper than yours.


Be prepared to be amazed!

God damn it.

Edit: So I unplugged an accessory that's supposed to make my internet connection faster, and this happened:

It's also worth noting it connected to a place farther away than in the first test :neutral:


suomi finland perkele


Downloads normally 15Mb/s so yea.. (late to the party, just had to contribute)


This is really more internets than I need.


Jeez, this is what you get from living in the English countryside :nowai:



Quote from: Jordan5 on March 21, 2014, 02:18:07 PM
Jeez, this is what you get from living in the English countryside :nowai:

I love the way that it can't just present you with figures either.  It has to spell it out for you: (SLOWER THAN 89% OF GB) :neutral: