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Super Metroid : Digital Cube 0.8/Contest Version

Started by Cloud20, October 07, 2012, 05:58:34 PM

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Hello everybody :)
Like Shadow96, I introduce the released hack during the one month contest on Metroid Cloud.

So it is Digital Cube, widely influenced by movies Cube/Hypercube/Cube Zero

For people who doesn't saw this movies (first is excellent, second less great, and third clearly crap, so I recommand the first) Some people wake up trapped in a giant cube with multiples cubic rooms, with different color and numbers. Some rooms are deadly traps, like acids, spikes, sound pressure, etc...

This hack is based one the same concept : 49 pain-in-arse square rooms.
Good Luck to exit !

STORYLINE : Samus participate to a virtual project simulating a trapped cube, involving ability to fight, to orientate and memorize.

More Informations also shown on MetCloud :
[spoiler]Credit (pathes/asm/hex, help, etc.): JAM, for the 2 digits counter patch he mades for Darkholme.
Charmander106 for testing and Squishy_Ichigo for endgame fool x-ray patch

Skillset/s: Walljump, mid air morphing, and a good sense of orientation :)

Related bugs :
Percentage is false at the end so ignore it. True 100% is :
- All items, execept for reserve tank
- 5 enregy cells (1+1+1+1+3)
- 5 missiles packs (32+2+2+2+2)
- 5 rockets packs (32+2+2+2+2)
- 5 explosives packs (32+2+2+2+2)

A semi-corrected bug about varia suit. During the change of priority, i made a wrong hex edit so varia doesn't make any shine effect underwater (screw attack, speed boost), but theses items still works.

Sometimes the blue suit appears in red during few frames in heated rooms.

Clues/Rules :

- Each linked rooms together can't be have the same color
- If you use savestates, use it with caution, be sure you're in a SAFE room
- Some important items are sometimes in deadly rooms. Remember, yo can avoid a deadly trap if you be equipped with the right item to exit it (example a trapped yellow room will need power bombs)


This is a temporary link for the patch, it's unheadered (JU!)


Well this sure is a darn interesting concept, I'll give you that!

I'll give the hack a spin later once I find the time. (Yeah like I will ever do that. <_<;)


Quote from: Crys on October 07, 2012, 06:10:30 PM
I'll give the hack a spin later once I find the time. (Yeah like I will ever do that. <_<;)
I will say this hack is worth it. Digital Cube is a serious contender for Top Hack this year. (At least, I like it that much.) It is a very rad hack, with great ideas and implementation.


Interesting hack. I finished it in 00:24 with nominal 43% item collection; I don't know what that translates to in terms of actual percentage, but I think I found 4 E-tanks and a few scattered ammo expansions in addition to the key items. Didn't bother running through to do a cleanup after getting the last powerup though; I just went straight to the endgame.

Thoughts:[spoiler]The trap rooms very quickly teach you to make a savestate before going through doors. Some of them seemed rather pointless, though -- for example, what was the purpose of having instant-death tiles? (The skull-and-crossbones tiles)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but underwater walljumps are required -- fortunately the game physics are modified so that this isn't a colossal pain in the ass. I went past that underwater shaft several times before trying to climb up it, though, since I assumed I was missing something.

The final bossfight is rendered largely trivial since he has nothing that hits you out of a screw-attack spinjump. So you can just hover in midair and recover your ammo when he deigns to spit balls at you instead of shooting energy waves. Still, Gold Torizo is my second-favorite boss in the game so I can hardly object to using him. :) Ridley (my favorite) wouldn't fit into a square room anyway.

I never did figure out exactly what to do with the endless room. I think I went left-up-right and got out...but perhaps it had something to do with that fake block in the center? :pwuh:

I liked the speedbooster modification. It'd be interesting to see how a larger hack would change if you could charge shinesparks in such short distances...perhaps removing shinespark invincibility to keep it from being completely overpowering. :D[/spoiler]

Anyway, thanks for making the hack! It was a good bit of fun for the evening.


[spoiler=Something About The Infinite Room for Derakon]

I now know what the deal is with the room, but the it isn't what you are thinking. [spoiler]Something very, very sneaky was done, and it took me a while, as the video shows, to get through that room.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


Simple concept, amazing game.  I died a lot.  I loved it a lot.

[spoiler]In the room after the infinite room, if you go back towards the infinite room you get a permastuck with bad door pointers. Should be an easy fix. Also, I noticed for grabbing 'Polaris' the suit didn't change automatically.  May have noticed a few other problems, but can't seem to remember them off the top of my head. 

Also, might I suggest item total counter at the end that shows the correct values? I collected all the items and ended with 47%. Sadi has something for that! :D Also of possible interest, for mini hacks, I suggest using my timer patch, to replace the end timer with minutes:seconds, instead of hours:minutes.

A few simple fixes, and possible additions would make this amazing hack even better![/spoiler]


Thans guys. Quick answer.
I take consideration of every suggestions here, just time to study them. For timer changes, it will be probably done squishy :). Anyway, this is a version 0.8 so it need some polishes/fixes of many things.

More update will come
PS Derakon (Warning spoiler):
[spoiler]Infinite Room is an enigma. You just must get out from this. How? Check some imperfect door tiles, it's a clue[/spoiler]


This is incredibly unique.  It's totally unlike anything else out there in terms of SM hacks.  It's highly frustrating to take a wrong door and insta-die (I drew a map which helped quite a bit), but, it's also gratifying to go back to those same rooms once you are adequately powered and move right through them with ease.  It was also fun with the new item names to see what you had earned, and remember where you could now go.  Use save states in safe rooms, draw a map, and be prepared for an hour or more of great enjoyment.  Well done!   


Thanks for reviewing Dony :)
Also, if your lost in giant cube, you can use it. Digital Cube is a hack quite based on memory without savestates.

Few things can be fixed to have a version 0.9 or 1.0.
I imagine a larger cube, maybe 9x9 so 81 rooms.

By the way, I not updated Darkholme since a time. The project is on stand by for the moment but still active, JAM made a wonderful patch moving shutter palette to CRE colors, useful to change it for every floors and will be great for generator off patch.


SM - Digital Cube 0.8 - 100%

Yap, this is the complete solution for Digital Cube, warning spoilers.

Don't forget : in 0.8, 47% item collection equals 100 %

Other broadcasts to don't miss :

ZeroOneCentaurion's channel

ShyGuyExpress's channel


I can not believe that you have made this game in a month.  :whoa:
Great level design. Very original.
Thank you for the game, you did a great job.

Digital Cube v:0.8 map:

Perma stuck:

From G6 to F6 with snes9x:


Thanks Danidub, Great work for the map, like always :D

For the permastuck, I think Squichy also noticed it, the door G6 to F6 is garbled. It's quite odd, because i didn't noticed this bug during the test period, but an easy fix will correct that.

Glad you enjoyed this hack :)

Prime Hunter

Saw this listed in the Top Hack 2012 thread and decided to take a look since I hadn't heard of it before: 00:36, 46%
[spoiler]Missed the Energy Cell in F4![/spoiler]
I've got to say, I'm really impressed with this one. It's unique, makes you think, and it's quite fun to run around and plot out a path that doesn't end in death. Even when you only make a save state any time you get a new item, it can become easy to get disoriented at times if you're not careful. But half the fun of this one is testing your memory and remembering which doors lead to a trap and which ones you haven't been able to go through before.

Other than getting permastuck in an invisible block once when trying to use the Magnetic Key spot in A6, I had no issues come up during my playthrough. An excellent little adventure all around!


Man this hack is totally awesome and fun.  When I play this hack, I was like...holy crap...It is whole room of bunch of color.  It almost same Rubik cube.


I'm sorry I didn't see the last two answers because they was drown into the forum activites. So thanks bradzx and Prime Hunter  :^_^:

Maybe i could released a 0.9 version (bug fixes).
And i have few ideas about another version of this hack, make something more difficult. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger  :lol:
[spoiler]This will be probably called Smart Cube, 10x10 rooms and two colors in more[/spoiler]


seeing as i loved the movies, i'mma have to give this a go.

well that was a fun hour. probably could have cut it down to a lot less if i had used savestates XD

completed run was 34 mins 43%. didn't bother to check back through rooms.


U are most welcome, Cloud12.   Can't wait to play your upgrade level.


Quote from: Cloud13 on December 14, 2012, 06:48:03 PM
Maybe i could released a 0.9 version (bug fixes).

Yes yes, this would be awesome. ;)

Thanks for making this really creative hack.

The Monster of Surrealton

During the demo mode, the game lets you take over, and it leaves you at the start of the game with 2 Energy Cells, missiles, supers, the Dynamic Ball, Speed Booster, and Varia, but you can't pause.

I recorded it. It happens a minute or so into the video.

That's awesome. :D


This one is short but great !
I beat it yesterday night in 01h08 and 46%... (I forgot a Rocket Tank in A6).
My time is really bad, I know ! ^^

But this hack is really awesome !!!


Just beat this hack this weekend and I loved it.
I did notice a couple of bugs that you may have already seen and fixed but I'll post them anyways.

ACB3Door on right has BTS of 41 instead of 40. Results in door opening backwards when shot.
B4ADPower Bomb doors have a High of 00 instead of 80.


Thanks to you to have noticed it :)
It woll be some more details to fix for the 0.9 :^_^:


My new Digital Cube interactive map is here.


It seems I can't have access to the whole map (no elevators horizontals and verticals)

btw work and nice rework of your website  :^_^:

EDIT : forget what I said. I understand now how the map works, and it's really funny  :lol:


Quote from: Cloud14 on October 03, 2014, 02:21:31 PM
It seems I can't have access to the whole map (no elevators horizontals and verticals)
btw work and nice rework of your website  :^_^:
EDIT : forget what I said. I understand now how the map works, and it's really funny  :lol:

Thank you,
With all my new interactive maps, I had to do something more dynamic on Map Station.