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Metroid History and Lore

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, August 04, 2012, 06:56:33 AM

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I create it topic because i'm not a 100% sure the order of events.

1) In the beginning the Chozo populated the galixcy. i don't know if there is any more to this. did they have an enemy were they over populated. who made all the statues, was that Chozo so self absorbed he needed to put his face every were.

2) berth of a bounty hunter. i think i got this right, samus is from zebes, and all the space pirets killed her famly and took over zebes
then the Chozo found her and gave her the power suit.\

3)all Chozo die!? what? how?

4) samus joins federation. samus quits federation and goes on first bounty mission. MZM

5) gap

6) metroid prime trilogy

7) mission on SR388

8) samus destroys zebes and finds a bottle ship, SM, Other M

9) samus gets infected by X. MF


From what I know, the Chozo were an advanced species who had traveled many places and left relics of their civilization everywhere they had been. (Which was a considerable amount of the galaxy.) Other species were around, but none as advanced. I believe parts of the logs in Prime say there was nothing left for them, so they moved onto another dimension or galaxy or something.

Samus is originally from planet K-2L which was attacked by Space Pirates. According to the manga, which most consider cannon Ridley killed her parents in front of her. She was rescued by the Chozo, taken to Zebes and given their blood so she could survive on the planet, and trained by them.


Of course the Power Suit is also built by the Chozo. The Metroids were made by the Chozo to regulate the X-Parasite population, and to automatically control the Metroids they created Mother Brain, who went rampant.


I usually try not to dig too deep in these older franchise games (Zelda would be another example). They pretty much just make stuff up as they go. I would however be interested to see more of Samus' earlier years with the Chozo. But to do that right, it'd have to be in a different genre, like a RPG or action/adventure where they can have dialog without it being super-annoying.

Zero One

[spoiler=HUGE SPOILERS]Chozo populations are good. Chozo begin to colonise SR388 but are attacked by the X-Parasites. In response, the Chozo develop the Metroids; the Ultimate Warrior. The Metroids are designed to absorb the X into their system and kill them and it works. X population rapidly diminish, but the Metroids turn hostile on the Chozo, who then flee the planet. Meanwhile, the Chozo have also populated Tallon IV, and witness the Leviathan sent from Phaaze impact the planet. They erect a large temple around the Impact Crater, keeping the Worm that was created inside. They predict the coming of a force of light and leave Tallon IV, as the Phazon from the Leviathan corrupts the planet. [Metroid Prime] Chozo on Zebes build Mother Brain. Meanwhile, on K-2L, we have Samus with her parents Rodney and Virginia Aran. The Chozo land on the planet to talk to the colonists as they have a good supply of a material the Chozo want. A trade is initiated and the Chozo leave. The Space Pirates then land on K-2L and kill everybody; Rodney sacrificing himself to hold off the attack to allow Samus and Virginia to escape and Virginia sacrificing herself to hid Samus. Ridley finds Samus but decides to leave her alone. She's 3, what threat does she have. [All in manga]

The Chozo land on the planet after the devastation. A Chozo called Old Voice (IIRC) finds Samus and she is taken to Zebes, where she goes and remains for 15 years as she trains. On her 18th, she is presented with a Power Suit similar to those used in Chozo history, but weaker. She leaves to join the Galactic Federation as an officer. Back on Zebes, Mother Brain has turned and is beginning communication with the Space Pirates. [Manga]

Meanwhile, Samus is onboard a ship with Adam as the hyperdrive is blowing up, with Adam's brother inside. It explodes, killing Adam's brother, who could not be rescued as the ship sections were separated. Samus leaves the force and becomes a bounty hunter [Other M]. Later, on Zebes, Pirates have attacked an wiped out the entire Chozo population, except possibly for a few who escaped. [Manga]. Samus, after a series of successful missions, is ordered to Zebes after a task force is killed on Zebes. Samus is told to wipe out the Space Pirates, the Metroids (who were also created on Zebes) and Mother Brain. She succeeds, but is shot down after leaving the planet, destroying her suit in the process (some say that since the Power Suit exists by sheer will, she had lost the mental ability to summon it). She evades the Space Pirates long enough to reach the ruins, where, after a short battle, she is granted the Legendary Power Suit, used by the Chozo of old, which is much stronger than her old Power Suit and allows her the use of the Plasma Beam, Space Jump and Gravity Suit (summoning ability restored). She defeats Meta-Ridley and escapes. [MZM]

Three frigates escape from Zebes; Orpheon, Vol Paragom and Siriacus (thank you, Zeke). She tracks Frigate Orpheon to Tallon IV orbit after receiving a distress signal from it. Scans show the Pirates were experimenting with a mutagen called Phazon that mutated a Parasite Queen, which manages to cause a lot of damage. After Samus kills it, it falls into the core of the ship, triggering a ship-wide explosion. As Samus escapes, she finds that Meta-Ridley has been rebuilt. Both escape to the planet's surface. Samus learns more about the Phazon, the predictions of the Chozo and the Worm, which is Metroid Prime. She destroys the Pirates, the Metroids, Ridley, all Phazon experiments and the Metroid Prime. However, before it dies, it latches on to Samus and takes her Phazon Suit and a sample of her DNA. In the 100% ending, we see the creation of Dark Samus. [Prime]

After this, the Federation receives a signal from the Alimbic Cluster about an Ultimate Power. Samus is sent to investigate, while other hunters are dispatched too. The Ultimate Power is a trap by Gorea. In the bad ending, as Gorea dies, Samus is killed in an explosion. In the good, canonical ending, Samus escapes. [Hunters]

In the Dasha region of space, a Galatic Federation squadron chase a Space Pirate ship and shoot it down over Aether. They land and soon, all communication is ended. Samus is dispatched. There, she learns that another Phazon meteor struck Aether, splitting it into a Dark and Light world. Dark Aether is populated by Ing, who stole most of the light from Light Aether, which will destroy Light Aether completely if the final Energy is stolen. The Pirates were attracted to Aether because of the Phazon and, unknowingly, brought Dark Samus with them, who grows stronger as it absorbs the Phazon. Samus recovers all the energy, fights Dark Samus 3 times and then goes to kill the Emperor Ing, who holds the final part of the planetary energy. As Samus takes it, Dark Aether destabilises and Samus must escape. While escaping, she fights Dark Samus again. Dark Samus loses and Samus escapes. The energy is returned, Samus' Luminoth equipment (Dark Suit, Light Suit, etc.) is returned and Samus leaves. In the 100% ending, Dark Samus reforms in space. [Echoes]

Dark Samus manages to get on to an escaping Space Pirate ship that contains Phazon stores. Dark Samus absorbs the Phazon, and turns the crew. They attack the G.F.S. Valhalla and take AU 313. Samus is briefed on the events at the G.F.S. Olympus by AU 242 and Admiral Dane. The Olympus is attacked by Space Pirates, who also attack the planet below; Norion. Samus, Ghor, Rundas and Gandrayda are sent to Norion to restore the planetary defense system. After attempting to activate one generator, Samus is attacked by Ridley. Both of them fall down a shaft. Samus must defeat Ridley before impact. Samus fights and Rundas saves her, as Ridley plummets to his death. After activating generator 1, Samus sees another Phazon meteor about to smash into Norion. Samus activates the third and final generator and proceeds to the control room, meeting up with the other hunters, while a computer counts down until the Leviathan hits. When they reach the control room, Samus arms and orbital laser that will stop the Leviathan, but Dark Samus breaks in to the control room and hits them all with a Phazon beam before it can be fired. All hunters are rendered unconscious, except for Samus who stays awake long enough to fire the beam; destroying the Leviathan. The extra effort puts her into a coma for a month. On awakening, she finds that all 4 are infected with Phazon that can create more of itself when controlled. The Phazon is controlled with the PED. Samus is dispatched to Bryyo, where Rundas has failed to report it. As she traverses Bryyo, her PED breaks down, resulting in a deadly form of Hypermode, where Samus must dispel all the stored Phazon, or wait 25 seconds for the auto-vent. She carries on, activating an old map station and eventually find Rundas, who has become totally corrupted. They fight, and Samus weakens Rundas. Rundas is then killed by Dark Samus. Samus goes to deactivate the shield generators surrounding the Leviathan, enters and kills Mogenar. Bryyo is safe. Repeat for Elyssia with Ghor and the Space Pirate Homeworld with Gandrayda. However, on the Space Pirate Homeworld Leviathan, Samus fights Omega Ridley, killing him again. Samus then travels to the origin point of the Phazon; Phaaze. The entire planet is made out of Phazon and is sentient; throwing pieces of itself at other planets in order to spread Phazon. When Samus lands, the extreme Phazon levels cause her PED to overload. As a result, she is forced to vent all of her Energy Tanks and is forced into a permanent Hypermode. The Phazon levels continue to rise. If Samus doesn't continuously fire, she will become fully corrupted. After fighting her way through the planet (and a Leviathan prepped to launch), she finds Dark Samus. They fight and Samus succeeds. Except Dark Samus summons the stolen AU 313, which has been plugged into the planet. Dark Samus merges with 313 and another battle begins. Samus is successful, destroying 313. This causes a chain reaction in which all Phazon across the galaxy, including that in Samus and the entirety of Dark Samus itself, is destroyed. This includes Phaaze, which begins to self destruct. Using the Leviathan that Samus had used to get to Phaaze, the Galactic Federation fleet escape, with Samus presumed dead. However, she flies past the Olympus and sends the message "Mission Complete". [Corruption].

Samus is then sent to eliminate the Metroid threat on SR388. She does so, finding deserted Chozo colonies with upgrades to her Power Suit. Using them, she eliminates all Metroids and the Metroid Queen. Samus finds a lone Metroid egg, which hatches. The Metroid larva imprints on Samus, and Samus decides not to kill it. [Return of Samus]

Samus takes it to Ceres for the scientists to study. As she leaves the system, she receives a distress signal. Ceres Station is under attack! She travels through and finds the Metroid larva. Ridley then comes into view, and attacks. Ridley either weakens Samus or Samus shoots him 100 times. Ridley escapes with the larva and triggers the self-destruct sequence. Samus escapes and follows Ridley to Zebes. Samus fights through Zebes, killing Phantoon, Draygon, Kraid and Ridley once more. Samus finds that the Metroid larva has been removed. Samus travels to Tourian and is attacked by the Super Metroid, which turns out to be the larva. It doesn't kill Samus as she's it's mother. Samus travels onwards to Mother Brain, who she kills. Except Mother Brain has an entire body and begins to attack Samus. Samus is severely damaged by Mother Brain's Hyper Beam. Before the final blow, the Super Metroid rushes in and sucks the life-force out of Mother Brain. Using mind control, Mother Brain makes the Metroid think that she is dead. The Super Metroid transfers Mother Brain's energy to Samus to heal her. Mother Brain attacks. The Super Metroid attacks again, but is killed. The droplets from the Super Metroid that land on Samus give her the Hyper Beam, which she then rapes Mother Brain with. Zebes is exploding. Samus escapes, freeing the Etecoons and Dachoras, and Zebes explodes. [Super Metroid]

Samus returns to the Galactic Federation to give them her report. Then she turns into a whiny, hormonal woman with daddy issues. Attracted to the Bottle Ship by a distress signal called the Baby's Cry, called such as it has the urgency of a crying baby. As opposed to all the other distress signals that cough in the hopes you might turn around. Meets up with a GFed squadron, including Adam Malkovich, causing her daddy issues to surface. Shit happens, biological weaponry, meets a small Birdy that evolves into Ridley, kills Ridley AGAIN. Though, not after a TERRIBLE cutscene where Samus wets herself and Anthony has to sacrifice himself to save her. Realises that the GFeds scraped the DNA of a load of Zebes creatures from her suit, including Ridley and THE BABY. All the GFed troopers are dying. Samus meets Melissa Bergman who witnesses a murder and is then attacked by the murdered. Samus saves Melissa Bergman, who then hides. More people die, Samus kills Nightmare (this part was pretty cool) and travels to Sector Zero. Samus is shot in the back by Adam and her daddy issues resurface. Adam tells Samus that soon the Bottle Ship will be in GFed space, where they will go in and take all of their biological weaponry experiments. Samus must stop this. Adam goes into Sector Zero to blow it up, as the Metroids in there can't be frozen. Adam dies as Sector Zero is ejected from the ship, then destroyed. Badass way to go, poor execution. Samus' final orders from Adam were to travel to a location as a survivor is there. Holy shit, it's Melissa Bergman, except for real this time. She then releases the fucking Metroid Queen from Return of Samus. This is also pretty awesome. Cutscene mid-battle, where there is a countdown to the ship reaching GFed space. Suddenly, space brakes and the ship stops just outside of GFed jurisdiction. Samus and the Queen are thrown to the ground. Samus grapples into the Metroid Queen's mouth and kills it with a Power Bomb (which is cool, because you can be swallowed by the Queen and bomb it in Return of Samus to kill it). Melissa Bergman comes out and explains shit. The Melissa Bergman you met before was actually Madeline Bergman, who is actually Mother Brain in android form (who is now called MB) because they were growing Metroids and Mother Brain was the only thing that could control them. That's why the Chozo built Mother Brain on Zebes after they had to flee from SR388. BTW, she kills the Deleter (the guy killing all the GFed troops). GFed troops board the ship, showing that the space brakes did fuck all, except serve as deus ex machina for Samus to kill the Metroid Queen. MB goes apeshit and summons a shitton of enemies that were already in the room with them and some from elsewhere. Samus can't move for some reason. When there is a break in the combat, Samus takes a shot a MB and freezes her. MB is then shattered by a bullet, while Madeline cries in the background because the GFeds are twats. Madeline treated MB as a daughter, because she was quite human, until the scientists decided to kill her. Hence why she went apeshit and actually caused all the crap to happen on the Bottle Ship. Samus is ordered to be arrested as no one from Malkovich's squadron is left alive, meaning that Samus was acting illegally. A soldier goes to take her away, which turns out to be Anthony. Because a member is left alive, Samus hasn't done anything wrong, or something like that. Everyone leaves. A bit later, Samus returns to the Bottle Ship before it is scheduled to be destroyed to retrieve something important she left there. Then OH SHIT IT'S FUCKING PHANTOON, so you get another completely awesome battle. Then for some reason, after the battle, Samus removes her suit and grabs Adam's helmet, which he left behind when we went to intercept Samus at Sector Zero. Then the Bottle Ship is being decommissioned by means of the self-destruct, so Samus has to escape suitless. If she dies, she dies while still holding on to Adam's helmet. But of course, canonically, she escapes. [Shit Other M]

Then she's sent back to SR388 with a science team who want to collect samples. Samus is infected by an X-Parasite, but she doesn't know it until she escorts the scientists back to BSL, and then drifts off into an asteroid field, because the X-Parasites attacked her nervous system, putting her into a coma. She is recovered but is found dying due to her infection. Her suit cannot be removed while she's unconscious in order to administer help, so they surgically remove parts of it, resulting in her being left with just a couple of inner layers, which is the Fusion suit. A scientist creates a vaccine for the X using DNA from the Metroid larva and saves Samus' life. The surgically removes pieces of her suit infected with X are sent to BSL. Samus is then dispatched to BSL after an explosion causes them to lose contact with the entire crew. Samus is given a new ship with an annoying AI commander who has control over some of the station, resulting in linearity. It also reminds Samus of Adam. Samus kills stuff, finds she can absorb X and uses it to absorb back the abilities she lost. Then BOOM. Another Samus clone, except this time it's an X-Parasite called the SA-X. Because it uses pieces from Samus' suit, it is WAAAAY stronger than Samus is. It also caused the explosion on the ship. Cool fact, if you go into the Quarantine Bay, the final holding tank has a HUGE hole in it. That's from the SA-X dropping a Power Bomb to escape. More travelling, more shooting, more abilities recovered. Power goes out, Samus is sent to find out why. Samus restores power. Samus then kills the Nightmare-X, hence why it was awesome to see it in Other M. She carries on, downloads an item that she really wasn't supposed to, but they had sent it anyway. She resuces the Etecoons and the Dachora from Super Metroid. She finds a restricted laboratory filled with Metroid specimens, which is then attacked by the SA-X. Samus escapes and is told that A) Yup, the GFeds are still idiots and are still experimenting with bio-weapons and B) You killed ONE SA-X. There's about 10 more because they reproduce asexually. God knows how many there were are the end of Fusion. More "exploration" is done until Samus comes across Ridley-X. This has to be what, the third Ridley? Well, that dies too. The AI then locks her into a room as it tells Samus that the GFeds are coming to get specimens of the X. This is clearly a terrible idea, with Samus worried about what would happen if the X escaped and travelled across the universe. Samus gets pissed trying to explain this to the computer, inadvertrntly calling it Adam. The computer responds to that name, asking Samus what Adam would do. Samus tells the computer, which turns out to be the mind of Adam, that Adam would let her go to stop this. Adam does so. Samus heads to the Operations Room to set a collision course with SR388, wiping out all X on the station AND on the planet. However, she's intercepted by a SA-X, who attacks (rhymes). Samus, now powerful enough, fights it. It reverts to its X form, but floats away before Samus can get it. Samus sets the collision course and hurries to her ship. Except, it isn't there. What IS there is an Omega Metroid, whose presence was foreshadowed by Metroid shells dotted around BSL. It attacks Samus, severely damaging her. The SA-X floats in an reforms. It begins to attack the Omega Metroid with the Ice Beam that Samus can't wield, because of the Metroid DNA in her system. The Omega Metroid is damaged, but kills the SA-X. The SA-X allows itself to be absorbed by Samus in order to defeat the common enemy. Clearly, all the X and Metroid DNA in her system is neutralised as Samus has her Ice Beam restored and gains the Omega Suit, looking like her original Varia suit. She kills the Omega Metroid. The ship escapes as BSL collides with SR388, destroying them both. Samus is now an outlaw, but Adam reassures her, stating that somebody will understand. Somebody must. It also turns out that the Etecoons and Dachoras that Samus rescued piloted the ship away when the Omega Metroid showed up, and back after it was defeated.

And THAT is pretty much the entire Metroid chronology.

I need to get out more.


That post should be in the docs section. Seriously.
Btw, the metroid-database (awesome fan site) has a great, really detailed timeline.


Zero One, you saved me a good chunk of time, so thank you. All the factual information is accurate btw.


I just wished that other M did not leave a turd of shit all over what used to be canon.  :fukken:

Zero One

Quote from: Crys on August 04, 2012, 04:03:47 PM
I just wished that other M did not leave a turd of shit all over what used to be canon.  :fukken:

Yeah. From what I heard, Other M tries to remove the Prime quadlogy from the timeline. I can't remember where I read that, or if it's even a thing.


Quote from: Shadow96 on August 04, 2012, 03:29:41 PM
That post should be in the docs section. Seriously.
But, the docs section is for dissemination of metroid engines, not metroid storylines... :<

Zero One: The last frigate is named Siriacus.

Other M being canon is kind of silly, what with Samus' personality being so far removed from all other representations - it's just difficult to suspend disbelief for the one game when many others have proven that she is a stone-cold, rip-your-leg-off kind of person with SOME feelings, not overly submissive and analytical ones triggered by the mere presence of a single commander. Not even Fusion goes this far, despite giving Samus some more internal dialogue. "I must blow up the planet for the good of all mankind, yes. Fuck this computer for stopping me." "Oh, the computer was actually Adam this whole time. What a nice surprise. Fuck all of the people who don't understand, for one of them must." I also don't even have to elaborate on her reactions to several things on the Bottle Ship, most importantly Ridley. Other M's story was simply crafted in such poor taste and dialogue. It's no huge wonder a lot of people feel it is a huge joke.


nice work everybody, i was a little unsure if MPE fits in the metroid universe, but it fits better then i could have imagined. shadow96 nice with the time line that helps. excellent work Zero one, it will take me multiple readings to get all that.

has anything been said about prespace travel Chozo?

Zero One

Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on August 04, 2012, 05:59:32 PMhas anything been said about prespace travel Chozo?

IIRC, they were a violent species, even going as far as to attack each other on a regular basis. Over time, that faded and they became total pacifists. I would assume that the Power Suits were created along with space travel, then unused as they became pacifists.


oh my god are you shiting me!!!! that would fit my story to a tee. i thought i had to come up with a new violent Chozo type species, but they could be Chozo.


Quote from: Zhs2 on August 04, 2012, 05:45:58 PM
But, the docs section is for dissemination of metroid engines, not metroid storylines... :<
Okay, well I just meant somewhere on the site other than simply a post. It's detailed enough and covers the whole metroid storyline I just think it could have a place where people could read it if new to the series, or want to know more or something.


Other M takes a shit all over metroid 1's fluff as well. Now, the metroid 1 fluff I have read may have been made up by NoA rather then NoJ, but I still feel it matters. In which samus, before the zebes mission. (AKA metroid 1) Samus was a well known bounty hunter known for his skill. Many even believe samus was simply a machine due to efficient and good he was at it. Since samus was so good at it and he worked alone, the federation decided to hire him to deal with zebes.

MZM does take a little shit on it. But in all aspects, I think all MZM did, was add to it more so it makes more sense in context to the manga.

Other M on the other hand... yeah wait, no. I'm not going to rant about it. I believe all of us in here know the story that goes in that game. :/


Quote from: Crys on August 04, 2012, 04:03:47 PM
I just wished that other M did not leave a turd of shit all over what used to be canon.  :fukken:
Exactly. The breakdown cut scene before ridley-what in the hell was that?! :FURY: :FURY: :FURY: :FURY:
I hated the Metroid Queen battle the first time I fought her, because of the way the Metroids acted was unbelievably frustrating, and not how metroid's ever acted or SHOULD act in a game, what with the way they dodged every time you shot at them unless they got stuck somehow. that fight was bull sh**. I really hated Other M-the story and the constant cut scenes were the most annoying. Most fights felt clunky and were rather annoying. The ridley fight was rather repetitive, and boring.  :FURY:


Quote from: Corruptor on August 11, 2012, 10:23:40 PMThe breakdown cut scene before ridley-what in the hell was that?! :FURY: :FURY: :FURY: :FURY:
I hate treading thin water...
Alright, the way I see this scene is her having PTSD. She hasn't seen Ridley in the flesh and blood since he killed her parents/Metroid 1 and every time after that he's mechanic and rebuilt. Come Other:M, seeing Ridley in the flesh and blood triggers her PTSD and yea, cut scene ensues. My views as it seems like the most logical reason why our strong hunter would suddenly break down to something that's been killed as much as a dead horse being beat.


Other M starts off right after super metroid, which has a full fleshed clone of the original Ridley, much like what was attempted at the bottle ship. :/


Does anybody know if there is any thing written about the death of samus aran?


Nothing that I am aware of anywhere. Might have been covered in some fan fiction, but nothing in the Manga that I saw.

Zero One

Not a thing about her death. They probably aren't going to write a canonical death/ending until they actually want the Metroid series to die.

Which they shouldn't. It's an awesome IP and I will hate Nintendo forever.


I feel the Samus Zero One. :heheh:


Sweet, then it could be in an unfortunate morph balling accident, and nintendo will never kill my fan fiction.


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key
Does anybody know if there is any thing written about the death of samus aran?
Ask Jathys. :colonrightv:


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on August 24, 2012, 02:20:57 PM
Does anybody know if there is any thing written about the death of samus aran?
I think Other M half-did her in.