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SMILE JX [new poll]

Started by JAM, June 20, 2012, 08:58:07 PM

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How to display the address in Level Data field in Pointers window?

In hex format (300000 means hex address 300000)
3 (33.3%)
In lunar format aka bank:address (hex address 300000 will be displayed as E08000)
6 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: June 20, 2014, 02:56:45 PM


Quote from: tbolt76 on July 03, 2012, 05:53:52 AM
Its very cool but there is a few bugs to iron out. like adding new graphics set  completly ruins the game and you get a runtime error while even trying to start smile again.  thats all the bugs i see for now
Oops. Looks like I forgot to include new binary patches (needed to make adding new Graphics Set) to v2.80 and v2.81 while they were in v2.79. Sorry for that.

I hope you had a backup before adding new Graphic Set. If not, contact me and I tell what to fix.

Re-release of v2.81
•Added missing binary patches


what happens is that i add the new graphics set and get a runtime 0 error saying graphics sets have been overwritten and all graphics sets are destroyed but fear not i tried this on a fresh rom and not my game or backups so no need to start over


No wonder why update's stopped coming, I really need to pay more attention :p. But this is awesome that your continuing on where Jathys left off JAM. I would be willing to try this when they're aren't bugs or fixes that need to be done. So are you going to send this as updates so people can use SOLA to update?


IDK why jathys never made SOLA automatic like normal programs, with a "Hey there's a new version out yo, want it? "yeah man" "nah"


Dont use the add new graphics set  it will destroy your game

Black Falcon

Yeah it seems that the pointers it adds to bank $88 are incomplete. Also it doesn't tell you where it copies the new tileset to (also palette and tiletable).
I'd say the feature is not yet finished, but will be quite useful when it's finished.


I guess, I tell the obvious thing, but looks like I just must say it...

Screenshot from recently hacked Battlemaniacs.
Use these picture as reminder.

Black Falcon
The problem is with 2 files in Public Patches folder. I've included them in v2.79 but completely forgot to do that in v2.80 because every version on my HDD is stored in separate folder. Yeah, my fault, sorry for that. I've included these 2 files in SMILE v2.81.1 release. So, to make this feature work do one of these solutions:
A. Download v2.80 and v2.80 fix. Insert files from v2.80fix to smile/files/Public Patches/
B. Download v2.80 and v2.81.1. Insert files from v2.81 to folder of v2.80 (with replacement of some PLMs).

Version 2.82 is in progress and I'll try to finally make a stable version. For now, I highly recommend to use 2.5 as a main version


I have 27 backups so no problems  this will be cool when finished but I think i will hold on my game until then. this is too good to rush


I see. Sorry for being rude... But you can actually create a copy of original ROM. Call it "playground.smc" or whatever. So you can work on tilesets at this playground without damaging your hack ROM. And later you can carefully import modified tilesets to your hack. And make backup between every tileset importing.

And also. Jathys have uploaded Parlor to his site. So SMILE 2.5 can't be downloaded from there. But 2.5 is last stable version (more or less), so I'll just attach it here.


Hopefully you can get that feature working because i just got a new idea for my game  an entirely new and orginal area not found in any metroid game!


Suddenly! After taking a long break, a new version is finally out!
Version 2.81 caused too much confusion, so from now on every version will contain the program and all required files (even if there wasn't any changes in them between versions). I also removed most of known bugs to make version 2.82 as bugless as possible. Although, there are things to do in future. And some of great patches finally have full SMILE JX support!

Changes since v2.81:

  • Added support for Scroll repoint patch. Now all scrolls will be loaded from another bank correctly.
  • Added support for Yellow scrolls patch. But new scrolls can be set only if patch is actually applied. I thought that 2 white colors will be too confusing as well as yellow and orange scroll, so scroll frame colors were changed a bit to navigate easily:

03: Aqua scroll: red scroll becaming blue
(marked as "orange" in original patch desription).
04: Yellow scroll: red scroll becaming green
(red + green = yellow).
05: Purple scroll: red scroll becaming blue,
but turning into red after leaving this screen
(red + blue).
06: Orange scroll: red scroll becaming green,
but turning into red after leaving this screen
(red + green + more red).

  • Now event names can be loaded from text file. Edit file "files\events.txt" and name events in your hack as you wish.
  • $100 Extra Events patch is supported.
  • Layer1_2 in pointers window is renamed to FX0(Setup Code) to better fit it's action (ASM code executed once, before FX2, nothing to do with layering).
  • Add New Graphic Set feature was improved. Now it have protection from missing patches. Although, you need to set pointers manually in hex editor in this version.
  • Finally, Run time error 76 was killed. SMILE.ini file will not be corrupted anymore when selecting no ROM at first time. If it was corrupted earlier, it will be deleted and SMILE finally runs.
  • Fixed bug causing data overwriting when entering Hex address instead of SNES address in Level Data field. Now you if you save the room with Level Data pointer $300000, data at $180000 (30:0000) will not be overwrited and pointer will be recoded to SNES format (E0:8000).
  • Fixed little bug in PLM C878's description.
  • Fixed small bug in level_entries.txt. Line 280000 is replaced with 278000.


Looks helpful. I'll have to run this for a trial run after I get off work today.


I'm having an issue where the horizontal scrollbars in the program cause a temporary window freeze upon clicking them.  This happened in 2.50 and is happening again in 2.82.  I click the bar to shift it and it does nothing.  Instead the window becomes non-responsive until I click out of SMILE and then back into it, upon which it works fine.  If I click the arrows on the scroll bar, the arrow will move the bar, but get stuck in such a way that even one quick click will cause the bar to continuously move for as long as I hover the mouse over the arrow button.  This continues happening even if I move the mouse off the arrow button and then back to it and once again won't stop happening until I click out of SMILE and then back into it.

I'm on Windows 7, 64-bit.  I had to re-install windows lately and can't seem to recall this happening before, but I also didn't use SMILE on this computer before my re-install.


Jam  YOU ROCK!!!  New add new graphic set works perfectly


Love it, and i have been thinking lately about starting up on my hack again, and this will work there a way to prevent the overwriting of graphics when you change the color of some tiles-to other tiles? That always seems to be a problem for meh. I've used the graphics blend patch beforehand too.
Quote from: JAM on October 16, 2012, 01:03:55 AM
Suddenly! After taking a long break, a new version is finally out!
Version 2.81 caused too much confusion, so from now on every version will contain the program and all required files (even if there wasn't any changes in them between versions). I also removed most of known bugs to make version 2.82 as bugless as possible. Although, there are things to do in future. And some of great patches finally have full SMILE JX support!

Changes since v2.81:

  • Added support for Scroll repoint patch. Now all scrolls will be loaded from another bank correctly.
  • Added support for Yellow scrolls patch. But new scrolls can be set only if patch is actually applied. I thought that 2 white colors will be too confusing as well as yellow and orange scroll, so scroll frame colors were changed a bit to navigate easily:

03: Aqua scroll: red scroll becaming blue
(marked as "orange" in original patch desription).
04: Yellow scroll: red scroll becaming green
(red + green = yellow).
05: Purple scroll: red scroll becaming blue,
but turning into red after leaving this screen
(red + blue).
06: Orange scroll: red scroll becaming green,
but turning into red after leaving this screen
(red + green + more red).

  • Now event names can be loaded from text file. Edit file "files\events.txt" and name events in your hack as you wish.
  • $100 Extra Events patch is supported.
  • Layer1_2 in pointers window is renamed to FX0(Setup Code) to better fit it's action (ASM code executed once, before FX2, nothing to do with layering).
  • Add New Graphic Set feature was improved. Now it have protection from missing patches. Although, you need to set pointers manually in hex editor in this version.
  • Finally, Run time error 76 was killed. SMILE.ini file will not be corrupted anymore when selecting no ROM at first time. If it was corrupted earlier, it will be deleted and SMILE finally runs.
  • Fixed bug causing data overwriting when entering Hex address instead of SNES address in Level Data field. Now you if you save the room with Level Data pointer $300000, data at $180000 (30:0000) will not be overwrited and pointer will be recoded to SNES format (E0:8000).
  • Fixed little bug in PLM C878's description.
  • Fixed small bug in level_entries.txt. Line 280000 is replaced with 278000.
now, as a newbie I am confuzzled with some of this wait, most of it. Not sure that I understand what's up with the scroll's colors changing....

On the other hand, will the palette blend patch still work?(or whatever it is called) will there be any updates soon? Yellow and orange scrolls? Crap...


JAM, you will have seen Jathys checked a byte in the ROM (0x16B6E?) to see where to load PLM populations from.  That was for an old broken patch of mine; the patch has since been updated, and a different byte needs checking, you know what to do ;)

Here's a link to the patch, including the byte that need checking (possibly modifying if you feel like supporting it, perhaps the Scroll PLM bank too!)


Quote from: Corruptor on October 23, 2012, 05:11:34 PMis there a way to prevent the overwriting of graphics when you change the color of some tiles-to other tiles?
If you're talking about editing tiles, and your tiles looking garbled in your rooms, this is perfectly normal unless you change like for like tiles.  i.e. A floor tile for a floor tile, and a ramp for a ramp.

Quote from: Corruptor on October 23, 2012, 05:11:34 PMYellow and orange scrolls?
Yellow Scrolls is a patch by Black Falcon.  It eliminates (most of) the need for scroll PLMs.  You'll need to know a minimal amount about hex to use it.

Essentially, when you normally have a red scroll area that you want to hide an item or area in, you can set it to one of the new (yellow or orange) colours instead of red (with relevant PLMs).  What will happen is that it will act as a red scroll area until you enter it, when it will change to act like either a green or blue scroll area, depending on whether you set it to yellow or orange.  Very handy, if you ask me. :^_^:

You can find it in the patches section, on the main site.


Quote from: Quietus on October 24, 2012, 04:48:56 AM
Quote from: Corruptor on October 23, 2012, 05:11:34 PMis there a way to prevent the overwriting of graphics when you change the color of some tiles-to other tiles?
If you're talking about editing tiles, and your tiles looking garbled in your rooms, this is perfectly normal unless you change like for like tiles.  i.e. A floor tile for a floor tile, and a ramp for a ramp.

Quote from: Corruptor on October 23, 2012, 05:11:34 PMYellow and orange scrolls?
Yellow Scrolls is a patch by Black Falcon.  It eliminates (most of) the need for scroll PLMs.  You'll need to know a minimal amount about hex to use it.

Essentially, when you normally have a red scroll area that you want to hide an item or area in, you can set it to one of the new (yellow or orange) colours instead of red (with relevant PLMs).  What will happen is that it will act as a red scroll area until you enter it, when it will change to act like either a green or blue scroll area, depending on whether you set it to yellow or orange.  Very handy, if you ask me. :^_^:

You can find it in the patches section, on the main site.
th...that's...that's awesome! I always had so much trouble with the scroll plms! i still need to use them?(the scroll PM's?) i DO know a minimal about hex :^_^:


Yes, you can still use scroll PLM's. The patch just gives you the option to use Different Scrolls rather than using PLM's, which will save you space for more PLM's.  :grin:


To expand slightly on what Charmander said: Yes, you can still use them in some instances, as it's more practical, but you don't have to.

For example, if you had a long corridor that you had completely red, and you wanted it all to become green when you entered one end, then a scroll PLM would be better, as it would alter all of them to green at once.  Using the scroll patch, you would have to walk into the first to make it green, then walk into the next to make that green, and so on...  This'd give a jerky camera appearance, which wouldn't look very good.


Poll is added.
If most people say "yes", original interface will be restored in version like 2.84 or 2.85 when most of new stuff will be done.

Quote from: Corruptor on October 23, 2012, 05:11:34 PM
Love it, and i have been thinking lately about starting up on my hack again, and this will work perfectly...
Thanks for reply =)

Quote from: Corruptor on October 23, 2012, 05:11:34 PM
is there a way to prevent the overwriting of graphics when you change the color of some tiles-to other tiles? That always seems to be a problem for meh.
It's not exactly what you've asked for but... There will be tileset overwriting problem solved in near future. Prorably in next version. Only palettes currently have protection from overwriting, but it will not be too hard to expand it for graphics and tiles.

Quote from: P.JBoy on October 23, 2012, 05:36:36 PM
JAM, you will have seen Jathys checked a byte in the ROM (0x16B6E?) to see where to load PLM populations from.  That was for an old broken patch of mine; the patch has since been updated, and a different byte needs checking, you know what to do ;)

Here's a link to the patch, including the byte that need checking (possibly modifying if you feel like supporting it, perhaps the Scroll PLM bank too!)
Thanks for noticing it =) I'll change that byte.
And in future versions I'd like to teach SMILE to change PLM and Scroll banks right in Pointers window =)


So I found SMILE 2.5 sitting on my computer earlier and for some reason, I was overly excited to see the old UI again. Therefore, I proceeded to continue working on a project of mine after a stale period of some 3-4 months... or some time frame like that. Basically what I'm saying is, yes, please return the old UI to SMILE. The current is absolute crap imo. :\


Quote from: person701 on November 22, 2012, 12:25:31 AM
So I found SMILE 2.5 sitting on my computer earlier and for some reason, I was overly excited to see the old UI again. Therefore, I proceeded to continue working on a project of mine after a stale period of some 3-4 months... or some time frame like that. Basically what I'm saying is, yes, please return the old UI to SMILE. The current is absolute crap imo. :\
I don't think I ever saw the old UI...what did it look like?


Instead of the big button for ROM related stuff and whatever the other big button is for up in the top left, it looked like this:


The old ui is far more comfortable. The only reason I'd use any other version is for some of the useful features jayths, as well as jam, have added. Notably the ability to favourite rooms thanks to jayths, and tileset expansion from jam.
I would love to use the new versions, with the added features, but it's just uncomfortable atm. So please do bring back the old ui.