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Metroid Fusion Varia Suit Fix

Started by bot01, June 02, 2012, 02:10:15 AM

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Hi, i want to ask for something.... did anyone here get annoyed by the Varia Suit color palette too?

this is something that always bothered me, i feel the palette not cohesive.
to be clear, the palette color for the back leg is just, on my juice, wrong.

Whatever, it bothered so much that i search for a color that please me using cheats, and i think i get one relatively good.

this is the code;

83004D30 0200

Well, while it "fix" the "bad" color, this has its inconveniences, like it corrupts the palletes of every effect on Samus, such as charge, speed booster, and also, when there are many sprites on screen, it tends to disappear, showing the original color again. Not to mention that i have to activate and disactivate the code depending on suit, other way it ruins the others..

SO, all i want to ask if its possible to create a patch that replace the that pallete definitely without side effect. That definitely would be nice, and i will not get mixed feelings getting the varia Suit anymore, and fully enjoy the game from start to end!

I hope someone help me!



no one can help me to create this patch?
is this posible??...


1) Please don't double post.
2) Engine Works.
3) The problem is, you're asking for GBA help when everyone else is SNESfags and all two or three GBAfags I could point out don't actively hack anymore.


Quote from: Malpercio on June 04, 2012, 07:31:00 PM
1) Please don't double post.
2) Engine Works.
3) The problem is, you're asking for GBA help when everyone else is SNESfags and all two or three GBAfags I could point out don't actively hack anymore.
uh, i see, well, i will go to engine works and see if it it possible...
sorry about double post



Hacking palettes requires VBA and a hex editor with a search feature, which is all of them. Open the palette viewer in VBA once the palette which concerns you is in use and find which line it is. For Samus, this should be the first line under sprites. Select the first color in that line to get the offset at which the palette resides in GBA memory; probably 0x05000200. Open the memory viewer and go to that address in 8-bit mode. Open a copy of your ROM in your hex editor and search therein for the first two lines shown in VBA's memory viewer. You most likely can get away with just searching for the first eight bytes or so, but make sure you check that there's only one match. (If you have multiple matches even with the whole palette, try zeroing out those locations one at a time in the memory viewer in VBA and play-testing until you find the one you want.) The colors at this location are raw 15-bit BGR colors; the most significant bit is ignored and should be zero, the next five bits descending encode the blue intensity, then green, then red. The formula to convert from 24-bit RGB to 15-bit BGR is ((rgb & 0xf8) << 7) | ((rgb & 0xf800) >> 6) | (rgb >> 19). These values are written in 16-bit values in little-endian order, so write 0x1234 as 34 12.