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Super Metroid : Darkholme Hospital

Started by Cloud20, May 01, 2012, 01:15:16 PM

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Nice to see some people trying the "pro mode". It is really really hard, but Combustion and some stuff from Spy Mode helps greatly.
Also, the Glodeneye (X-ray), is useful in the lightless 6th Floor.

Good luck Dman.

Also I will plan to make one day a serie of vids on Darkholme Pro Mode Speedrun 100%


Beat this last night with 69%.  I was planning on going back to collect more stuff, but I kind of stumbled into the ending sequence without realizing it.  Oh well, plenty of hidden stuff I need to go back and search for anyway.

The atmosphere is great, and it has a different feel from most hacks.  I really enjoyed it, and I'm sure to play through it again with some of the keypatches.  Worth the wait.

[Edit] Managed to get 100% in 3:02.


02:19 - 100% - 4 keypatchs + found a random dude called Charlie who died of suffocation... :twisted:

This revision is very faithful to the original version with nice little additions everywhere so congrats on that. But man, the wait has been way too long... I haven't tried the keypatches yet, they might feed my interest ! "Generator Off" + "Spy Mode" :blush: I have high hopes for these ones !

The last two keypatches I didn't got are insanely hidden. I had the feeling they would not accessible until the final level (and I guessed right about that) but how the hell are you supposed to find them on your own ? :grin:


I believe I know which two you are referring to, and they are very well hidden.
[spoiler=Hint?]Not even Bombs will show up anything. However, there is definitely something suspicious in the room connecting to them. Really stands out in an odd way. From there, it is just figuring out what Cloud expects you to do.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Metaquarius on January 22, 2014, 01:04:20 PM
02:19 - 100% - 4 keypatchs + found a random dude called Charlie who died of suffocation... :twisted:

Haha, fortunately this Charlie is not me  :yay:

Also you make me think : the name on the subject list are anagrams of films directors or some movies characters :

Charlie Nuteblan = Hannibal Lecter
Moira Trent = Terminator

Have fun with finding the others  :lol:


I found a bug near the end of the hack, if you morph and unmorph many times you can fall from the platform and then you have to wait for the platform to escape.


It's more because of an enemy behaviour but you're right : manual elevators were something complicated to install and some glitchs can happen, also with the BTS I put on the invisible part of the shaft, honestly quite instables.

But our mother always told it to us : NEVER PLAY WITH THE ELEVATOR !!!  :lol:


Yeah I just walljumped up that final elevator shaft. Caused a bit of those graphical horizontal line errors.

Anyways recording my blind pro-mode run is out, too many technical issues. So just imagine me being awesome and stuff.
However on that note, steam really does a lot of damage, and there's one corridor in 3B upon entering from the right makes a steam hit unavoidable.
I've no idea what sort of time I'd have to spare with this timer, so I tend to die without going back up to save. I will beat this though.
Just drop me a hint: With the 100 minute timer, do I have the time to make a few trips back to save? I do play this fast.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 23, 2014, 01:40:34 PM
Yeah I just walljumped up that final elevator shaft. Caused a bit of those graphical horizontal line errors.

Anyways recording my blind pro-mode run is out, too many technical issues. So just imagine me being awesome and stuff.
However on that note, steam really does a lot of damage, and there's one corridor in 3B upon entering from the right makes a steam hit unavoidable.
I've no idea what sort of time I'd have to spare with this timer, so I tend to die without going back up to save. I will beat this though.
Just drop me a hint: With the 100 minute timer, do I have the time to make a few trips back to save? I do play this fast.

Normally you can, you just must be quick and do not waste so much time. After it's depend if you will make a 100%, which is different with the Spy Mode.
Also the damage from the right of the 3B (toxic smog I guess) is avoidable. The technic is to make a jump over it from the other room, or retract yourself to avoid the smog, or don't rush on it.


Found a game breaking bug with the Combustion Keypatch : if you shoot beams in any direction and grab the Combustion weapon straight afterwards, kaboom !  :lazer:
And in the next room on the left, you can get stuck in the walls when using the magnetic key in front of the gate (try it while being crouched and aiming diagonally)


I did avoid the toxic smog once by jumping during door transition and performing an unintentional kago to the service bot.
Just saying, it's going to hurt a lot of people (possibly killing them as it takes over a tank away), so placement is a bit bad (albeit it's a skilled maneuver which I like to do too).

Edit: Saved with 3tanks 30/20/10 84'27"49 :D
Edit 2: Love the spy equiptment! [spoiler](and hidden rooms)[/spoiler]
3 floors pretty much done with 70 to spare, I hope my timer wont bite me in the arse later.

Edit: After all the hardships of floors 3-5, a fucking ghost KILLS me during a door transition, my last save at the ship doesn't even have floor 4B and onward done T.T
I might have to take a break. T.T

Btw, to anyone willing to give pro-mode a shot, it gets much more manageable after combustion/immersive/screw attack,
however floor 5 and 6 are pretty much pitch black and you should go back up and save. . .


Well I only found 5 of the 6 secret rooms. Wasted a lot of time using goldeneye on floor 6.
Anyways, pro-mode complete!



So yeah, 100% is very possible, and you do have plenty of time to save at your ship if you need to.
I died easily over 50 times, and saved at my ship about 4 times. Didn't bother with the keypatch rooms.

Well done Cloud14! The additional replay value of combined keypatches was an awesome bonus!

Edit: Gonna revert back to my ship save that had around 48 mins left to get that sweet distinct 100%.
So far I remembered 1 item I forgot, still looking for the 6th spy room and possibly 1 more etank?
Edit 2: [spoiler]Jesus Christ! That 1 item I forgot from my first play was that super in the 6th floor elevator room, I accidentally did a horizontal and bam..
I doubt many will find that one, seeing as it's so damn dark for the goldeneye to even see the eye hint or even speedblocks for that matter! Clever bastard![/spoiler]

Edit 3: [spoiler]God Fucking Dammit! All 6 spy rooms, 30'09"73, 1:15, 98%...[/spoiler]


Is there a time limit on the escape? 


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on January 24, 2014, 12:39:00 PM
Is there a time limit on the escape?

No, that's changed with something else that puts you in a hurry.


It's official buddies, I will take a little break and take a little distance from the forum (however i will try to check my gmail inbox without login). The release quite exausted me and I need time to recover. I don't know how time I will be gone, 2 or 3 months at the really maximum.

I plan to come back with some others ideas and progress on Super Metroid projects, but the moment, I put that in a side of my head.
Also I wanted to thanks in particular JAM for his work, this guy really bring some novative stuff on the hack, making it really enjoyable.

Hoping you have fun playing with Darkholme 2.0

See you next mission


I don't blame you Cloud, after a month of solid hack progress, let alone an entire (very awesome) hack, I'm more than up for a break. You probably wont see this until you come back anyway, but I hope you have a good break and I can't wait for you to come back and get to hacking again :razz:


Yup, I figured that out.  I didn't know if I had to hurry on two grounds or just one.  I beat it.  Used a few savestates along the way, admittedly.  I'm replaying and trying to find more items.  I was somewhere in the low 80s. 

A full 100% of Darkholme 2.0, between 3 streaming sessions.
Loved the hell out of testing this hack, and loved playing the finished product just as much.


Quote from: Cloud14 on January 24, 2014, 02:20:08 PM
It's official buddies, I will take a little break and take a little distance from the forum (however i will try to check my gmail inbox without login). The release quite exausted me and I need time to recover. I don't know how time I will be gone, 2 or 3 months at the really maximum.

I plan to come back with some others ideas and progress on Super Metroid projects, but the moment, I put that in a side of my head.
Also I wanted to thanks in particular JAM for his work, this guy really bring some novative stuff on the hack, making it really enjoyable.

Hoping you have fun playing with Darkholme 2.0

See you next mission
That was awesome =)
Thank you too, buddy.
So, come back here later =)

You guys have no idea how many time we spent working on 2.0 (specially before NY and release date). So, yeah... I'm understanding Cloud.

As for the elevator, yeah. You can drop from it and you can walljump. That's why green elevator sucks IMHO. At least in current state. I'd used multivator instead.


Started on this last night and wow. Aesthetically awesome.

[spoiler]I got stuck after morph for 5 or 10 mins cos of the slow gate before missiles... Initially I was not quick enough, it was just shut when I got there, so that had me confused for a bit until I looked in that room again and saw the gate closing, and it made sense lol.[/spoiler]

I'm down at the start of floor 4 now, liking this a lot. Very unique.

Do a law enforcement building next!!!!!!!!


Should this be moved to completed now?


I'll answer while Cloud is offline.

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 24, 2014, 01:16:47 PM
Quote from: DonnyDonovan on January 24, 2014, 12:39:00 PM
Is there a time limit on the escape?

No, that's changed with something else that puts you in a hurry.
I'll spoil some stuff. At first there were just something else, like DMan said. Then, I've added the time limit after destroying the boss (2 minutes) in addition with that "something else". Possible but hard. Cloud said that it's too hard, so now we have just "something else" and timer only in Spy Mode =)

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 23, 2014, 06:41:43 PM
Edit 2: [spoiler]Jesus Christ! That 1 item I forgot from my first play was that super in the 6th floor elevator room, I accidentally did a horizontal and bam..
I doubt many will find that one, seeing as it's so damn dark for the goldeneye to even see the eye hint or even speedblocks for that matter! Clever bastard![/spoiler]
Yes, this was the last item I found in v1.2.

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 23, 2014, 06:41:43 PM
Edit 3: [spoiler]God Fucking Dammit! All 6 spy rooms, 30'09"73, 1:15, 98%...[/spoiler]
Don't angry. As a beta tester I've cleaned the game several times (only the boss was killed over 70 times). And I even opened the SMILE few times to fix the stuff, but even I found the same 98%.

Quote from: Drevan Zero on January 25, 2014, 03:50:41 PM
Should this be moved to completed now?
Nope =)
There are few bugs still in game, and recompressed version (possibly will be v2.1 with tiny updates) is not done. Besides of that, I did not all things I planned. Just things I had time to make before release.

By the way, why the Pro Mode is Main + A + B + C + D + E + T? D makes the game easier, so the Pro Mode should be Main + A + B + C + E + T


I finally got around to playing 2.0... I sort of well... Forgot...

Very, very good bar the few bugs here and there that have been pointed out.

Brief ramblings:

Escape sequence was really good! Took me a few attempts to get it right!

It certainly feels much more refined than 1.2, I enjoyed the pacing of it, and how early Screw Attack can work!

Glitchy graphics on level 6, I like. A lot!

I do wish it was a bit longer, but that's just me... And I suppose that's what all the different versions are for... (Fantastic idea with the codes and stuff btw)

Backtracking: perhaps just a bit too much of it?

Did I miss Space Jump or something?

Finally, my image of Samus being a nurse doesn't quite match the one that's in the game...  :blush:

Overall, really really good, definitely one to keep you busy for an hour or two on a dark stormy night!

