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Started by DemickXII, April 23, 2012, 06:00:13 AM

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Updated 9:53 PM EST 12.11.12

Mission Complete! 100%
In other words, I have completed 'Roidz at long last! See Attachment.

Yeah, I know, a corny name for a mod... Maybe even a funny name (hopefully not a taken name - I can always re-edit), but here's the progress so far:

Different Chozo rooms. Each one is different.
[spoiler][/spoiler]Also animated background tiles to add spice (thanks to snarfblam's Expando) and better door graphics. I have made the background tiles pop out -  even the enemies got enhancements to their looks. Wait until you see Mother Brain!

I tried to basically make this as pretty as possible and also try to take out what I found to be some flaws like rooms that should have been deactivated. I also put in some new twists in the level design to keep a golden oldie new and fresh!

Things to do:

[spoiler]Nothing. It's finished (Finally, right?).[/spoiler]

Things changed so far:

[spoiler]- Completed suitless Samus Aran for your oogling pleasure.  :wink:

- FINALLY got around to making an update. This includes Kraid, Ridley, and the Zebetites

- Sexy ending sprites! ( :bounce: Oh, and don't worry - this doesn't mean naughty by any means, but still very attractive)

- background tiles (like you couldn't tell from the screenies, right?)

- all in-game sprites and power-ups (once again with the exception of Kraid and Ridley and the rest of Samus with suit and without)

- Mother Brain (the palettes match up for seamless animation

- Palette changes here and there

- Of course (I stayed up until 6:00 am to get this to work - had fun, too!) the title screen

- Added more structures to use (goes with the whole map thing)

- Certain parts of the map layout. Also a surprise escape sequence (unless you want to ruin the surprise and editroid view it) which some might like and most would be like WTF - also fixed an error with a door configuration in Ridley's Lair

- The "Emergency Order" screen

- My name in the title and palette hacking for the title screen

- re-did the blue door's palette

- On-screen font snazzed up a bit

- Further changed the title screen

- Got rid of duplicate fonts for ending sequence

- New planetary surface and further hacking of palettes

- Samus Aran suited sprites now complete as well as the Samus Aran suited ending poses (needs palette changes, but no problem)

- "The End" Graphic[/spoiler]

I think that's pretty much it. I have more to go on this one... I will try to release something substantial soon.

UPDATE!: By the time I am done with suitless Samus, I will release the IPS. As you may well have guessed, I am almost done here. I also have a feeling that I may edit this and or make a new level set. Haven't decided, as this is really my first bigger undertaking.

Update again: Just finished. She looks cute and I did some last minute tweaks here and there. Enjoy, everyone.

Update yet YET again: I forgot to attach a spinner to terrain where you would normally get the first missile pack in the entire game. This puts the version at 011.

Edit 1: More pics for your viewing pleasure (will differ from final product, but will update once I create more screenshots) -


Skreeeee... [/spoiler]


[spoiler]The only animated picture in this gallery:

A still pic wouldn't have done this any justice whatsoever, so I hope you recieve this GIF from me to you. :D[/spoiler]


'Roidz Version 0.1

- Utilizes Expando

- Animated tiles

- New Graphics

- Some Hexadecimal hacking here and there

- Altered but still the classic layout of areas and/or chasms with a few surprises

Get an IPS patcher (which should go without saying). I use Lunar IPS. Google it.


Anyway, enjoy this first real Metroid hack of mine.


[content deleted by poster]


Yes, it is. That's probably why it's in the Metroid board, and why several screenshots shown are actually from M1...


Great, its good to see another Metroid 1 hack in progress!  I'm looking forward to seeing more!


this actually looks pretty cool. :)
looking forward to playing it.


I don't know if the image hosting is downsizing the image or what, but I'd love to see the screenshot at full resolution. It looks pretty good... maybe even too good... You with your sprite skills. Your fancy tile work. What, do you think you're better than me? I don't like you very much.  :stern:


If there was ever a prophesy of Metroid hackers rising up from the ashes and releasing amazing hacks, I sure hope not all of it has come true yet. Here I thought the limit of amazing graphics was left back at Metroid Omega. Glad to see I'm wrong!


Quote from: snarfblam on April 23, 2012, 05:39:08 PM
I don't like you very much.  :stern:

You also have kick-ass graphic skills too, you know. I've seen it and want to try out your mods. I've just been so busy with this experiment turned all-out mod that I haven't had the chance yet. I very much plan to soon, though, as well as some of the others here.

Also: I think I might switch my host for images. But usually, you can click on the image and see the enlarged copy. I will update the image of the chozo room with an actual screenie instead of a pixel-perfect, or small as the dickens rendition posted here. Give me a day.


Oh god those graphics, your Samus sprite makes me feel funny in my pants.


Sorry everyone. I am a newb here, so I am still getting familiar with the atmosphere. I was quite leery at first, but it seems you guys are pretty cool after all, which is uplifting. Now I am starting to feel at home somewhat. ^__^

Good to see I did a nice job and things. I am glad I was able to even post this kind of thing here. I will swiftly try and make a patch after I am finished. It will be an edit at the first post.

...Which reminds me: I need to get a blown up done of that one pic with the chozo. Be right on that. :P

Edit: The pics are on tinypic, as opposed to 4shared. No issues now, and no need to click on the damn image to enlarge! ^___^


Try "photobucket" for image uploading & posting.

If you are having issues with creating images of what you are working on try this:

(works for windows PC)

Open your ROM using the (Ctrl+L-Click) method in Editroid (or other preferred method).  When your emulator opens (Typically windowed) press (Alt+Prt-Sc ("print screen" button)).  Then open "Paint" and select (Edit>Paste).  You will have a screenshot of the highlighted window, in this case the windowed emulator running your ROM.  Save it as a .jpeg and upload it to "photobucket" (free account).

Pretty easy really.  I tend to use Photoshop myself for image editing but the above method will work for anyone using a windows PC.

EDIT: Looks like you already have it handled, nice work I might add!


What did you use to create the gif of the animated tiles?  I'd like to show off some of my niffty animations. I guess screenshots plus photoshoppp would do the trick but maybe you have a faster way to go about it.


There is, but this only makes avatar-sized GIFs, there is no custom mode, and has the logo in the top left corner. There's also Picasion but the width in custom only goes to 450 px wide. Over the two, I'd pick Picasion for quickness and versatility. Chose fastest using Picasion as, sadly, Fast isn't fast enough for frame rates.

What I did, however, was use Gimp version 2 and its layer-to-animated-GIF ability (2 was the version I downloaded when I downloaded it at the time). It is free and it works pretty well once customised to your liking. It is even useful for creating icons for Windows 7, too.  ^___^

There is a tutorial on Youtube regarding how to do this with Gimp; a must recommend.

Anyway, you are better off with Photoshop (which I assume has the ability to create animated GIFs out of layers and such) and screenies. They will have a good quality to them that you won't get with the above quickie sites.


Just so you know, theres also a progran called AnimationShop. Thats what I use. The hack looks great Demick! Also, just so you know, Grimlock, you should save your screencaps as. png, not. jpg. jpg is lower quality, and it can cause artifacts, ruining the image.


Sorry for the rude bump, but 'Roidz is still alive just in case anyone is wondering. I have just been very busy lately. But check the top of the topic to see the added updates. All that is needed is Suitless Samus to be prettified. Once everything is done, I will then update this topic with the IPS for it.

Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.


I am looking forward to this very much. It sounds like you are almost completed with the hack and ready to release it to the masses of drooling fanboys everywhere. I can't wait to see what you've done with all those fancy more-advanced-than-Super's animated stuff.


I had nearly forgotten about this. Happy to see you're still at it. Can't wait.


You can count me in too.  Looks like a great mod.  Reminds me that I need to get back to work on mine (I took a few months off)  :grin:


Very excited to play this when it's released. Great work so far!


Quote from: Grimlock on September 12, 2012, 11:28:59 PM
You can count me in too.  Looks like a great mod.  Reminds me that I need to get back to work on mine (I took a few months off)  :grin:

Silly as that sounds, that's kind of what I've been doing for a while. Sometimes life catches up.

Hearing this and all the comments, I have gained more motivation to finish this thing. Thanks everyone.  :^_^:


I really like the graphics you've done too, I would love to use them on my own hack ^^


Can this release already? Can't wait to play one of my favorite NES games in badass 8-bit style (à la Batman, Blaster Master, or any game that cleverly incorporates lighting into its graphics)!


Here's suitless Samus Aran (works with the tile layout because her head sprite is mirrored but the body isn't):


Also, this is to show you this project never died. From the sounds of things, there is enthusiasm for this project.

So much for being lazy...  :wink:


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. That lookin' somethin' HOT. It just came to mind that the only way this hack would be completely and utterly complete is with custom music to fit the graphical style and atmosphere. Thoughts on that?


Snarf has a music editor, I do believe. :^_^: Edit: Found just on down the page.