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Started by DemickXII, April 23, 2012, 06:00:13 AM

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In this reply, I quoted myself by accident. Funny how that happened... It's gone now.


Radicals. I am going to check this out and record a bit of it. (Which will appear sometime probably.) I look forward to seeing what has been done.

I just beat the hack, and I was quite pleased with it overall. While pretty much nothing has changed except a few common rooms, it was still neat to see all your edited/animated stuff that you worked on. Plus, you did manage to put a surprise in.


'Roidz isn't getting the attention it deserves. I am blown away by this. In my opinion, this outshines the original Metroid. It is, if you will, the "Project Base" of the original Metroid. Thank you for your hard, and seemingly thankless, work that you, clearly, lovingly put into this. Every area shines with your creativity. I also appreciate the revamped item rooms--much more fun than just going through the door, grabbing the item, then leaving. Also, I laughed aloud when I died; dat game-over screen. And those animated tiles...beautiful.  It was like I was playing Metroid for the first time. Perhaps this is what Metroid might have looked like if it was released 2 or 3 years later than it originally did.

Great work, DemickXII.

I urge anyone who has an affinity for the original M, or anyone who never could get into it because of the dated visuals, to give this one a go.


The only thing I dislike about this hack are the item rooms. They feel needlessly complicated/changed. Wouldn't mind new areas/rooms, but the way item rooms are handled feels superfluous.


Some of the item rooms were like a little puzzle. I actually enjoyed that. It's like a microcosmic version of the overall gameplay.

Quote from: advancedpillow on February 15, 2013, 10:13:45 AM
Also, I laughed aloud when I died

It was like I was playing Metroid for the first time. Perhaps this is what Metroid might have looked like if it was released 2 or 3 years later than it originally did.

The game over screen definitely made me laugh. It was unexpected. But, now we've thoroughly spoiled that. :colonrightv:

It's hard to look at Metroid now the way people did when it first came out. For it's time, the graphics were detailed and varied, and, along with the music, were very atmospheric. This hack does a good job of re-creating that feeling.

Also, Demick, I'd like to submit this hack to if that's cool with you.


Wow. I have been so preoccupied with things that this had totally slipped my mind.

I was quite bored with the item rooms, but then again I have played this game literally into the ground. :) I get that some of the item rooms were harder than normal. Parabox has a point here: I could have given better cues as to where the hidden things were in retrospect. I think he might be referring to where one receives the Jump Boots - I think I was having an evil day that day...

Seeing as this is my first true hack, it was a grand experiment with things really. Now I have grown a little wiser and a lot more confident about hacking this great game. Though, at the time I was going for Metroid II themed item rooms. ^_^7

I am glad it turned out as it did. I am also glad I was pushed to complete it by all of you. Thank you, everyone.


So, I just wanted to post here that I'm a complete and total moron for not realizing this was released. The downside to this is that I never included it in the Top Hacks proceedings, which is more than disappointing given that it would be a shining example of what people were doing with the other Metroid engines - even less advanced ones! I will have to play it very soon to see if it lives up to expectations, but this is my apology post, even though it will not be enough. I am sorry.

Maybe I can slip it in for next year and see if anybody notices or cares.


I was trying to describe and show (via screenshots) how sexy this hack was and I got fairly mixed feedback on IRC >< . I still think the gfx are top notch. It's very hard to achieve that level of beauty on 8bit palettes, and i don't care who you are


Great hack, man.  It's similar to MDbtroid, yet excels upon the idea in almost every way.  Here's a miniature review:

- Fantastic rework of all of the graphics.
- Suitless Samus is very sexy.
- Beautiful animated lava, doors, and other bg tiles makes the experience feel fresh and new.
- Redesigned item rooms make it fun and enjoyable to get powerups.
- New escape sequence makes the timer actually challenging to beat!
- Hilarious Game Over screen

- Samus's new sprite is underwhelming.  I liked her elevator and spinjump poses, but not her running/shooting sprites.
- You could have also easily changed the animation to a 1-2-3-2 sequence like I did in MDbtroid.
- A few of the enemies, which could have been redrawn a little better, instead seem like recolors with a strange choice of palettes.
- Ridley, Kraid, and MB graphics are more or less the same with "better" shading/different palettes.  I know this was probably a design decision, but I felt you could have changed them a little more drastically than what you did.
- Chozo Statues also not much different other than shading and a "beak."
- New metroids lack red in their palette

Overall fantasic hack.  Really beautiful job, dude!


It's good to hear the guy that did MDBTroid commenting on this thing.  :^_^: That being said, Infinitys_End, thanks for all the input. This sort of thing is always appreciated. This hack is possible because of people like you and snarfblam, and has really caused me to love the Metroid series yet again.

As far as the cons are concerned, I agree to some extent. I am not quite at the level I'd like to be as an artist, but I am getting there with practice. Also, when I redid the graphics, it was more experiment than art. Now I know what works and what is still dodgy.

Basically to make things Metroid II-ish and shiny without really changing much but also improving on many areas was my initial goal and more of an intro to hacking than anything else.

It truly is cool that I have people interested in this hack, as tiny as it really is. I am still learning tons from this thing - especially from those that comment on it.

So, thank you.


Why, will you look at that.  Someone combined 3 of our hacks together to make the ultimate hack!  I was never notified that he did this - I am honestly unsure why - it's apparently been out since last April and I only just stumbled upon it today.  I'm copy-pasting this text into some other threads just so the right people can know about it. :)