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Super Metroid: Fear

Started by MetroidMst, August 02, 2009, 06:20:37 PM

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True, subterranean is underground at any depth, but seeing Norfair tiles and acid gave me the idea (since this seems to be the most common use for this combination) that this particular cave would have reached a depth where the heat would be too overwhelming to explore in without extreme preparation, causing all existing water to evaporate, which should explain why I posted that.


The blue colour is very nice, but I's suggest toning the brightness down a nudge.  It looks a little neon at the moment.


Quote from: Quietus on November 08, 2010, 07:51:24 AM
The blue colour is very nice, but I's suggest toning the brightness down a nudge.  It looks a little neon at the moment.

It is acid  :grin:


I know, and I didn't suggest otherwise.  I'm simply stating that the blue is very bright / vivid.


Quote from: MetroidMst on November 06, 2010, 04:29:57 PM

I settled on a deep blue that looks good with the pallete.

Also updated first post with a few more pics.

The problem I see there is that color, while nice, looks like water, not acid. I kinda liked the orange as well, but of course it's your hack.

I also think that pinkish room with the black/red background is really cool.

EDIT: TO below post, if it is intended to be boiling water, than I would agree that the brightness of the blue might be in conflist, as it looks very definitely cool IMO with that shade. Boiling water almost always seems clearish to me. There are probably a lot of things that could be done with a more transparent tone that might look more curious and dangerous at the same time...



Quote from: Crys on November 07, 2010, 09:19:25 AM
Sure I can understand going for contrast, but the issue here is that the tiles don't have the same design style, making it a style clash.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you how to do your hack, that's your job. But I do think your current set up is ugly. And it's not that either of the two tilesets are ugly, it's just that they are terrible to mix.

Anyhow, that lime green with blue twist on the norfair tiles looks great. =)

I dunno. If someone built a palace on top of rough dirt, that would create just the kind of contrast seen here. The "style" clash of constructed bricks to hard soil actually work to the area's benefit, I think.



it's boiling spring water! (notice the bubbles) Don't fall in samus! You'll get burned!


Quote from: VideoGeemer on November 09, 2010, 02:22:54 AMI dunno. If someone built a palace on top of rough dirt, that would create just the kind of contrast seen here. The "style" clash of constructed bricks to hard soil actually work to the area's benefit, I think.

When dealing with style clash issues it's not the contrast which is the issue, something I seam to have a hard time getting into peoples heads here.

It means that the shading and tile design (read tile design not tileset design.) varies too much from the tiles in question, making it all look quite weird and bad in most cases.

A style clash is neither a major error in a hack nor should it count as one. But one should note that from an artistic standpoint it will take down the overall quality of the whole hacks graphics, as in, when judging it and providing feedback.

As I'm a total jerk when it comes to graphics (REMEMBAH ME ERIS?) so I felt like pointing it out. Most players won't give a shit and just keep playing. But it kinda takes the quality down for some players, which is why I pointed it out now so you at least know about it and have an option of fixing it.

Now, I think that covers everything on that matter.

Now for the blue acid. I can agree that you may want to turn down the blue very so slightly as it may be a bit too bright. But I don't think that's going to be a huge issue unless you have lots of sections of acid bathing.

As for the color itself, I say keep it blue. People who think it's water needs to learn that colors of things may not be the same (nor may it be the same thing all together) on alien planets. :P


maybe you can program an ASM "!" meter from prime for those players
They'll get over it  :lol:

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Crys on November 09, 2010, 11:20:09 AMAs for the color itself, I say keep it blue. People who think it's water needs to learn that colors of things may not be the same (nor may it be the same thing all together) on alien planets. :P
By thoughts precisely. I didn't say it HAD to be water, I'm saying it reminds me of water, which I feel is a good thing because it'll hopefully catch people off guard who haven't been reading all this. I mean, the name is "Fear" and I'd think suddenly finding yourself being afraid of all water would be a very fitting scenario.


its like bugged or somthing i cant get past the first elevator u run into why is that


obcd: Your playing an old as shit demo.  Enough said.


Quote from: Kasel on November 21, 2010, 10:25:50 AM
obcd: Your playing an old as shit demo.  Enough said.
where is the new one and i downloaded it from the main page though


There isn't. The creator is still working on it, if you'd care to pay attention to most of the rest of the topic.


And as part of that work I'm doing.

I'm not exactly happy with it, so questions, comments, concerns are very welcome. Trying to go for some murky water, hence the green, and I'm fine with the gray stuff. But the weird orange/red blocks aren't cutting it for me.


If you're going for murky, I'd go with a brown rather than a green.



I'm going to have to disagree with Quietus. I preferred it green. Green gives it the impression that it has alot of algae growing in it, thus making it murky. Brown makes it just look like alot of rust got in it, which may be murky aswell. Eh, since the area is mechanical, I guess a rust color could work. But I still prefer Green. Eitherway I'd change the (orange) Red Brinstar blocks, in either water color, it doesn't look right.


I do prefer the second colour, yes.  I agree with what FullofFail says about what changes the water colour, but that side of things would be better introduced through tiling, I think, and when I think of murky water, I think of cloudy, sediment-laden water, which I picture as brown.  I also reckon it'd be worth actually altering that water texture, as having that many loops / bubbles / whatever-they-are doesn't seem to fit with murk, and would probably be better as a more solid colour, with maybe a few oddities thrown in for variation.


Perhaps something in between like those two pics? I think it works pretty well with both colors.

(And the red blocks are probably going to be green, I've just been too lazy to repoint the pallete right now.)


Quote from: MetroidMst on December 01, 2010, 08:32:00 AM

Definitely like this one the best, as I think the biggest issue with your previous palettes wasn't the water color, but the dark outlines.

THE Purple Helmet

I have to admit I prefer the look of the first green water with the dark/black outline. The green water with brown outline is too bright of a color combination in my opinion. The first, dark water gives me the impression of murky water especially in the picture on the left when samus is out of the water; if she were looking into it, it should be dark. Plus if you intend to change the color of the orange blocks then problem solved IMO. May I suggest a dark blue?


Quote from: THE Purple Helmet on December 05, 2010, 12:27:14 AM
I have to admit I prefer the look of the first green water with the dark/black outline. The green water with brown outline is too bright of a color combination in my opinion. The first, dark water gives me the impression of murky water especially in the picture on the left when samus is out of the water; if she were looking into it, it should be dark. Plus if you intend to change the color of the orange blocks then problem solved IMO. May I suggest a dark blue?

I like them both in different ways. Perhaps keeping the green, but making the outlines a really *dark* brown would get the best of both worlds, as the current brown looks more muddy/rusty but the black just looks really cool.



So... I had a moment of inspiration, and the tileset you saw last with the "murky" water is no longer the same. I have changed it drastically to something else I think I will like way better. Some pics will come after I fine tune the tileset stuff completely.


Thanks to James for the tile work.

On another note; I've said earlier that Grapple Beam is going to be used a lot in Fear. I've put together a few snippets of some Grappling action together for your viewing pleasure. Expect your skills to be tested.

[spoiler=Hot Grapple Beam Action][/spoiler]


I am... grappling with how much grapple is going on in that vid. It might turn a lot of people off if you have to go that way. I hope it gets turned down a little bit, because that looks hard.