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Super Metroid: Fear

Started by MetroidMst, August 02, 2009, 06:20:37 PM

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Playing around with sound and musics and this happened.

[spoiler=Croco has lost his voice!][/spoiler]


Gee, it would help if I could get anywhere after Bombs. Elevator is a game ender, door to left of first E Tank is a game ender, as is the Bomb Torizo room.

Game Ender: Get trapped and nowhere to move, except bomb torizo room which seems like you can wall jump but not get out.


What you have is a demo I released sometime last year. I must've gotten rid of the description for it on the main page. Sorry about that. Everything else I've posted is for the upcoming hack, still a long ways away, hence when I'm posting videos and such in this topic still.


Quote from: MetroidMst on October 07, 2010, 11:42:43 AM
Playing around with sound and musics and this happened.

Heh that's fantastic.  Someone needs to redraw him as an atari or something. 


I could not stop laughing when I watched that. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Quote from: DSO on October 03, 2010, 03:57:39 PM
I think you should try a darker green for the acid there. The palettes for that area seem to be awfully bright compared to how pretty much the rest we've seen of Fear is. I know you have other brighter areas too, but what I mean is... it just looks cartoony, like it would fit in Rainbow City. Meanwhile Samus is all dark and awesome looking like she belongs in a Grime style area instead.

I thought it looked good as it was, but after reading this comment, I can see DSO's point for the cave/acid. However, IMO you shold at least leave that "temple" area alone; it looks too fucking awesome like that (reminds me of ... well ... a Dr. Wily stage, hehe), and even as a somewhat brighter contrast to the rest of the game I think it works perfectly. :)


PS: LOL, Atari Crocomire XP


A very important room which functions along with one of the new item types. I hope you like exploring for stuff.

Silver Skree

Oh, now you've whet my interest about what this new item is.

Also, I'm not sure how I feel about that palette. It's very weird, but from what I've seen of Fear so far, it'll probably fit right on in. :P


So I've got a new area and decided to show some early stage work off since you won't get much time to view the scenery.

Suggestions for acid color will be taken as I have yet to find the right color yet.


I was thinking like a dark green (006600)
Maybe a deep blue? or just a darker almost red orange


Make it glow rainbow. Rainbows are always nice.


NO! You will be KILL BY DEMONS! Make it neon mageuchsia.

Or what you have there; it's clear that that is acid, which is really what you want.


I settled on a deep blue that looks good with the pallete.

Also updated first post with a few more pics.


This is a major style clash, please look into having other tiles instead of the basic crateria tiles, preferably something else from zero mission or fusion.

Edit: also, the straight line thingy looks kinda ugly too. :p


Quote from: Crys on November 06, 2010, 07:34:51 PM
This is a major style clash, please look into having other tiles instead of the basic crateria tiles, preferably something else from zero mission or fusion.
Those aren't Craterian tiles... They are a rip from James. I will look into the line though, as that is a very valid observation.


Alright, so I did not look that accurate at the tiles, you're right, it's james modification of the crateria tiles.

Regardless, it really contrasts the look of the MZM tiles.


Quote from: MetroidMst on November 06, 2010, 04:29:57 PM

yeeee :p

Use the zm rocks like the ones in my sig? They look good against the zm gold pyramid blocks.

Edit: I like your maridian area


Quote from: Crys on November 06, 2010, 08:02:32 PM
Regardless, it really contrasts the look of the MZM tiles.
I was going for contrast. The whole area being the same tiles is pretty boring visually. (To me anyway. Unless you happen to be awesome at room detail, which I'm not.) I hope that clarifies that up.


Sure I can understand going for contrast, but the issue here is that the tiles don't have the same design style, making it a style clash.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you how to do your hack, that's your job. But I do think your current set up is ugly. And it's not that either of the two tilesets are ugly, it's just that they are terrible to mix.

Anyhow, that lime green with blue twist on the norfair tiles looks great. =)


At least something meets your aproval! :yay:

For what it is worth the MZM style blocks aren't actually used very much. Very small amounts of it are shown due to some limitations with the tileset, thereby leaving the James-Craterian tiles as the main level design choice. It is kind of supposed to be a temple built into the surrounding rocks or something like that.


I have to say from having played in that area that I didn't find it a detraction. I like how his more detailed areas where you wanna look at the scenery are actually set up for slower, more careful movement while the areas that have less style and detail are more open and generally faster paced.

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: MetroidMst on November 06, 2010, 04:29:57 PM
At a glance I was instantly reminded of the Subterranean area in the Castlevania games with Soma. Subterranean Ruins, Subterranean Hell, etc... And that instantly made me like then cause I was thinking of something similar a month or so ago, myself.

I really like that you have the blue acid, because when you're not paying attention, I can totally see people going into that thinking it is water (cause it's blue) and then SSSSSSsssss and you're screaming "holy shit!" and frantically trying to get out. :p


You wouldn't normally find water in a subterranean area though...

Hiroshi Mishima

Uhm, let me see here...

Subterranean is basically another word for underground, or more accurately below the surface of the earth, which may as well be the same thing in this case. We have lakes, caverns, mazes, even bases that can be said to be in subterranean areas. They can be hot, or cold, or totally dry/mild or be filled with vegetation depending on where they are and the type of surrounding material. I don't see why you couldn't find a large reservoir of either water or lava or whatever else has collected in a subterranean area.


There won't actually be much sightseeing there. Think more in terms of running and you'll be getting there. Thank you for the compliment though, hard work goes into this most days of the week, and despite my lacking ability at detailing rooms to ridiculous levels, making something that most people find good looking is quite an accomplishment.