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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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Nice work!
It looks like a title from a brand new game! Nothing remains original title.

I'll post some stuff from me. Why no one have did this yet? It's actually so easy and obvious...
Wires scan
As usual, save as *.avi


Juka's face is starting to take shape.

day 2

not much time on day 3


Extended item PLM animations (4 frames instead of 2 flashing frames).
As you can probably tell, on some of them I got kinda lazy and ran out of ideas for item icons.
But I have the asm all written up for it.  Just need to finish rewriting the PLMs now.



I agree, screw attack looks pretty dumb, but everything else looks very polished. Good job!


hahaha  Like I said, on some of them I got lazy.  Don't worry, they'll be getting revamped later.  :heheh:


getting multiple animations for suits, x-ray, and all that...  most impressive.

i gust finished my super massive PLM save station. it's 16 anima i think



Jeeesus that's complex, especially considering how simple the original save station is. Metroid Prime look is pretty boss, though.


Crashtour: Freaking Awesome!

Red Monkey: [spoiler]Freaking! Genius!
But seriously, totally rad Save Station! :yay:[/spoiler]


I guess I will be the one to mention this about the save station. It is huge. It looks great, but for someone like me who prefers more cramped level design, the original provides a much better option to fit in tight spaces.


New BG with atmospheric interference of an illuminated Cyrelius 336.


I'll leave this here meanwhile I work with it
Super Metroid New Physics And Miscellanious
Sorry for the Quality



nice i like the new Misc stuff. :)

room transitions are the one thing that i didn't like in SM.
they were WAY too slow, and still are with most hacks.
i would someday like to see a room transition that flows just like the game-play.
smooth, yet fast.
(will probably never happen though)


Thanks Passar, I hope I could finish the physics, they need a little tweak but they are going good so far :heheh:
Super Metroid New Physics And Miscellanious 2
Finished The Physics And gave To all suits a "brighter" pallette


As usual from you, a very quality stuff!

Quote from: passarbye on June 19, 2012, 02:45:54 AM
room transitions are the one thing that i didn't like in SM.
they were WAY too slow, and still are with most hacks.
i would someday like to see a room transition that flows just like the game-play.
smooth, yet fast.
(will probably never happen though)
There is actually, decompression optimization patch by Kej that make rooms load faster.

And some stuff from me

[spoiler=you have no idea...]



JAM i have no words to describe the level of awesome. life was grand yesterday, today its gold.

power! unlimited graphical power!


@JAM, i can't see what's in the spoiler, it won't load.
could someone give me a link?


Just started to redesign some Items :)

LOL I know you're eyes will hurt to that little item so here's the close up:

Yay for .png!


Yep this is old  boss and im going to finish it xD... Eyeball boss wip..


So, wasn't sure if I should make a new post in rotw or one here, but I might as well put it here.
This is a vid of a couple rooms which include my rotw, it shows how you would go about getting the item in it.


i can't wait to play the hack your making shadow.   :^_^:


I must admit that it's very a much a 'more I see, more I want' hack for me too. :^_^:


Major thanks to Nu_Zalem for letting me use his planet. :D


not bad. you got some edge pixel issues. are you using photoshop?