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Parlor (WAFFLE)

Started by Jathys, September 19, 2011, 01:07:49 AM

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This is NOT a feature request thread, so please don't turn it into one. I know where I want to take SMILE for better or worse.

[spoiler=Original Post (Explanation of Parlor and the Emerald Release)]
[spoiler=Why "Parlor"]Before SMILE, there was SABS (Samus Aran's Beauty Salon). Beauty Salon -> Beauty Parlor.[/spoiler]

Parlor is an unofficial release of SMILE. I would not recommend you replace your current SMILE with this, as it's experiencing some interface changing and is likely to have lots of issues I haven't noticed yet. When you find new crashes, errors, glitches, etc... please let me know either here or by PM.

I will try (read: no promises) to update Parlor on a far more regular basis than I could ever release SMILE. It is unrefined and unfinished, but should quickly turn into what will eventually be SMILE 3.0. As best as possible, I'll try to include a "what's new", but it won't be very detailed.

Parlor - Emerald:

  • Started interface changes... Mostly in the title bar of the main form, but also the PLM form. (I know the menus don't work as normal Windows menus when moving the mouse from one to the next)
  • Auto-Open... Parlor auto-opens whatever ROM you last had opened and auto-opens the room you last had opened. As of yet, I have not added error trap for if your ROM/room are messed up to the point that it crashes before you can do anything.
  • Favorites... Rooms you work on more than others and want quick access to. You can create favorites and give them names (instead of having to find them in the typical list of hex values).
  • Swap Button... Opens whatever room you had opened most recently. Allows you to swap back and forth between two rooms easily.

*Note* - The attachment contains only the executable. Place it in your usual SMILE folder to use it. On second thought, you may want to copy it to a new SMILE folder, as the ini file Parlor makes will be unusable in SMILE 2.5.

[spoiler=Why "Emerald"]The title bar of the program is kind of an emerald color and I wanted some way of differentiating between releases that could be immediately recognized without just a number.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=SNOW]Parlor_Snow Release:
-Fixed the crash caused by leaving the scroll editor
-Re-arranged lots of stuff in the menus/title bar
-Changed how you adjust the FX1 height (it's now the orange bar on the left of the screen)

This is another transition release (as all Parlor releases will be). Lots of things will be broken as we move forward. By not having a polished product, I can release more regularly. This is both good and bad.

Important - A word about the new menus:
The menu format is not done and may confuse at first. Let me explain why it has changed the way it has though. People often get confused when trying to remember where certain features of the editor are. I hope to simplify this by placing things in categories, instead of using the typical File, Edit, View, etc... menus.

  • ROM Menu - Select a ROM, remove a header, apply an ISP, etc... If it has more to do with the ROM than Metroids, it's here.
  • Preferences - "View" is listed here as well. Basically, things that affect your SMILE experience that don't change your hack.
  • Tools and Edit - Lists of the various editors in SMILE. Level, map, gfx, save stations, etc... These will either be combined into a single list (but simplified controls) -or- broken into two columns... One for editors that change just the room (Room Properties, State Properties, FX1, etc...) and the other for editors that change things throughout the game (gfx editor, game behavior, etc...)
[spoiler=SKY]As are all releases, SKY is a transition release. I did a fair amount of work last week and none this week. Improvements? Yes. Refinement? No.

  • A handful of bug fixes
  • A few more menu changes
  • Gutted out the map editor and put it in its own window. Currently, this window is always on top of all other windows (not just within the program). I'll be changing this later, but I needed a quick fix way to make sure the window doesn't get covered up by the level editor (which will still steal focus when the mouse goes over it).
  • Another change or two here and there, though for the life of me I can't remember what. No changes since last week and I'm old, so I forget these things.

Parlor Waffle - Bug fixes mostly. And handful of bug fixes remain for the next release.

Here's what's new:

  • Map Editor window is a separate window
  • More menu adjustments
  • Graphics Editor color labels changed for readability
  • Beauty Salon Palette Blends down to 8 rows (had been 16) to prevent corruption
  • Beauty Salon Value update glitch (sometimes didn't)
  • BTS and Other menus usable again (oops)
  • Some boxes (around BTS and while showing type preview) are prettier
  • Test Room Options save again


Quote from: Jathys on September 19, 2011, 01:07:49 AMYou can create favorites and give them names (instead of having to find them in the typical list of hex values).
This is a great feature.  As your hack progresses, it's much easier to have names for things, even if it is just your own list of codings.  I mentioned it in the other editor thread, and will be happy to see it in either / both.


I was reported a few strange graphical glitches by one person that no one else seems to be experiencing. I believe it has something to do with the person being on the 64-bit version of Windows 7. If anyone here is capable of testing on a 64-bit Win7 machine and sending me a screenshot of what you see, it'd be appreciated. If you get the same garbage, you'll know it, because it was pretty messed up.

Also, SMILE used to have Linux support (under Wine), but then lost it. I may have gotten it working again, but haven't had the chance to test it out personally. If anyone can test, also appreciated. If it doesn't work, should be giving a specific error message to tell me what needs fixing. If you have Linux at your disposal, but just haven't tried SMILE under it before, the link below is the page telling what Linux users had to change to get it going (at least before I killed it).


I haven't spent very long looking for trouble, but this is what I've encountered in the first few minutes.
Windows 7 ultimate:

[spoiler=Editor view][/spoiler]

This was caused by clicking on "scroll editor" while already in the scroll editor, which is generally how I get out of the scroll editor in SMILE 2.5 (it takes you back to the level editor). Parlor emerald gave me this message before imploding.
[spoiler=SMILE crash][/spoiler]


I attempted to mess around with the ini files from SMILE 2.5 to Parlor to see if that was the issue, but no dice. Too bad I haven't used enough of older SMILEs to see if anything built up in my ini - or perhaps in my SMILE folder in general - that might potentially cause the blue line problem (I wouldn't know what else gets read by SMILE that might potentially also be changed by a number of users besides the ROM...)


It seems to run fine for me in 64-bit Win7 Pro, at least for basic stuff.

SABS acts a little weird, it starts under Title Stuff, I have to scroll to the right, and then back left to get to Samus's palette.

I, uhhh... can't seem to get SMILE to work anymore though.  I dropped Parlor in the same folder and ran it, now SMILE just gives me a 'Run-time error '6' Overflow' and crashes.  I'm pretty sure it was working the last time I used it.


Quote from: Xaggoth on September 21, 2011, 09:03:38 PM
I, uhhh... can't seem to get SMILE to work anymore though.  I dropped Parlor in the same folder and ran it, now SMILE just gives me a 'Run-time error '6' Overflow' and crashes.  I'm pretty sure it was working the last time I used it.
Quote from: Jathys on September 19, 2011, 01:07:49 AM
*Note* - The attachment containsonly the executable. Place it in your usual SMILE folder to use it. On second thought, you may want to copy it to a new SMILE folder, as the ini file Parlor makes will be unusable in SMILE 2.5.


Delete SMILE.ini and SMILE will work again, though you lost your settings.


The cause is if you have win7 and have the display set to higher than 100% in the control panel, then you get a really fubared SMILE


Running great on Win7Pro so far.  I'm digging the expanded tile size options.

The only issue I've had is when exiting from the scroll editor, I get this:

Run-time error '340':

Control array element '12' doesn't exist

Then it crashes.


As Dreweph mentioned, his issue turns out to be an issue with the zoom feature of Win7. Fixable (though not in the next release).

As for leaving the scroll editor crash... Fixed that tonight, though not released yet.


Partially redundant, but placing this here so I can easily tell where Emerald comments end and where Snow comments begin. On a side note, I know the Win7 zoom feature still screws things up. That's an issue I'll be messing with later.


Been testing this with Ubuntu 10.10.  So far, any tile editing in the level editor works fine, BTS and all.  So that's a very good thing.

Quickmet seems to be a hit/miss whether it will work.  For me, it's been about 95% miss.  I have gotten it to work (using the windows snes9x) by opening the quickmet rom through Snes9x instead of having SMILE shell out the command.  As well, it is difficult to test roms in linux because the windows snes9x sucks through wine.  (Either it's at 10fps with sound on or 120fps with muted sound.)

I will continue to post here as my testing continues.


Quote from: herald83 on September 24, 2011, 11:58:11 PM
Run-time error '340':

Control array element '12' doesn't exist

Then it crashes.
I got the same error message for SNOW. Except I got it by pressing ctrl+z out of habbit. :heheh:


Quote from: person701 on September 26, 2011, 02:48:21 PMI got the same error message for SNOW. Except I got it by pressing ctrl+z out of habbit. :heheh:

Good call. Z is a new hotkey. Same issue, different reason. Fixed just now, though not uploaded.

Power Missile

I noticed a glitch while trying to play with the Eye Door.  The eye part of the door is in between its appropriate pieces in Parlor, however when testing it out on QuickMet it appears several blocks above them.  I tried to replicate this in SMILE, however the door pieces were in the appropriate spot.  I don't know if this affects other PLMs as well.

EDIT: Turns out I get the same bug while playing with other Door PLMs as well.

Other than that, nothing appears to be out of the ordinary.


Yeah. A few PLM issues have come up because I've changed the way they're moved around slightly. A few holes to patch up. Hoping to fix this up for this weekend.

Quote from: Power Missile on October 01, 2011, 11:14:37 AM
I noticed a glitch while trying to play with the Eye Door.  The eye part of the door is in between its appropriate pieces in Parlor, however when testing it out on QuickMet it appears several blocks above them.  I tried to replicate this in SMILE, however the door pieces were in the appropriate spot.  I don't know if this affects other PLMs as well.

EDIT: Turns out I get the same bug while playing with other Door PLMs as well.

Other than that, nothing appears to be out of the ordinary.

Power Missile

Good to know.  Looking forward to the next possible release then.

EDIT: So, I'm trying out the new release (Sky).  I enjoy the separate Map editor, it makes going to rooms a whole lot easier (assuming one knows where to go).  However, for whatever reason (and I don't know if I'm doing something completely wrong or not), I am now unable to access the BTS and Other menus despite clicking on their respective buttons.


Same thing happens to me. I cannot switch to BTS and Other menus.

I'm on Windows 7 64 bit


Quote from: Xaggoth on September 21, 2011, 09:03:38 PM
SABS acts a little weird, it starts under Title Stuff, I have to scroll to the right, and then back left to get to Samus's palette.
SABS still does this.  Not a big deal but I thought I'd mention it.  The additional kneeling pose and morph ball will be helpful, unless someone is using custom sprites.  I don't remember seeing them in Snow, but kudos, regardless of when they were added.

Quote from: Power Missile on October 01, 2011, 09:12:49 PM
I am now unable to access the BTS and Other menus despite clicking on their respective buttons.
I'm getting this too.

The upgrade to the map editor is very nice!  The zoom box looks great.

The Hot Keys reference is pretty cool too.  Are some of these new, or was I just out of the loop on such buttons of awesomeness as the ASM info button and arrow keys to flip tiles??


Quote from: herald83 on October 11, 2011, 04:46:32 PM
SABS still does this.  Not a big deal but I thought I'd mention it.  The additional kneeling pose and morph ball will be helpful, unless someone is using custom sprites.  I don't remember seeing them in Snow, but kudos, regardless of when they were added.

They were added in SMILE 2.0.

Quote from: herald83 on October 11, 2011, 04:46:32 PM
The Hot Keys reference is pretty cool too.  Are some of these new, or was I just out of the loop on such buttons of awesomeness as the ASM info button and arrow keys to flip tiles??

They were added in SMILE 2.0.

Quote from: Power Missile on October 01, 2011, 09:12:49 PM
I am now unable to access the BTS and Other menus despite clicking on their respective buttons.

Ahhh, the joy of transitional software. Stupid mistake on my part when disabling part of the old map code. Fixed now and to be released with the next Parlor.


Quote from: Jathys on October 11, 2011, 11:46:33 PM
They were added in SMILE 2.0.

Ah, cool.  I'm just an idiot then 'cause 2.50 is the only version I've ever used.  :blush:


Bumping this, since updating the topic still keeps it buried... Next Parlor (Waffle) has been released. Details are at the top of the thread.


Nice to see another Parlour update!

I dunno if this is new or has been around awhile, but the rightmost column of map tiles is getting cut off by the map area.  You can still manage to select them, but you can only see about three pixels of them.

Also regarding the map editor, would it be possible to toggle the magnifier on/off, or maybe magnify a larger area of the map, but zoom in a bit less?  The 3x5 square size at 3x magnification is a little hard to navigate with.


Quote from: herald83 on December 30, 2011, 02:12:04 PM
Also regarding the map editor, would it be possible to toggle the magnifier on/off, or maybe magnify a larger area of the map, but zoom in a bit less?  The 3x5 square size at 3x magnification is a little hard to navigate with.

Yeah, I've noticed that myself. The actual reason I chose 3x5 was because that's the size of the mini-map while playing the game. Will likely do something to make it less of an eye sore, though I'm not sure what yet . . . Just be glad I didn't go with the semi-transparent one. Now THAT got confusing (though it looked cool).