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ASM Wishlist

Started by Scyzer, September 16, 2011, 09:36:39 AM

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So if you've ever come to IRC, you'll know I get bored easily, and go off on a LOT of tangents, coding random things in SM.

I've made this topic so people can put down a wish list of ASM that they would like in their hacks, or just to be made public. This way when I am bored I can just look through here for something that someone would like, and get to it :P

There are a few things I can't, or won't, do though. Also please keep things realistic. Don't think that just cause I'm putting the offer out there, that I'll code 6 new bosses for your hack, because I won't.

Water Blocks - Simulates water physics, including sounds and bubbles.

Spike Collisions - 3 extra spike block collision types. Useful for boosting over water, or make enemy only areas.

Disable beams/Normal PBs - Disable ALL beam firing. Missiles, Supers, Grapple still function. Powerbombs replace normal bombs, but don't have any ammo checks.


Can you code 5 new bosses for me?

To be serious:
a frog-like enemy would be nice. A bit like those jumping worm-things from Maridia, but occassionally they'll shoot their tongue out. Like those Mous or whatever they're called.


a BTS block that acts like water when samus comes in contact with it, much like how the FX works.

If you're really bored though, I think we still have one or two more thing on the checklist of ice metal 2 ASM code. :p


war wasp and nest

a swoop enemy that respones until nest enemy is gone


How about whenever Samus run's at a certain speed, she can run on top of a certain BTS. If not at that speed, the BTS block will be just air.


Power beam pickup
Disable power beam from start


"Data Station" PLM

Use it like a Map Station, except when you access it, it outputs a message ("such and such thingy is unlocked" or whatever) and triggers an event.


Here is my ASM wishlist:

1) Disable beams altogether to leave with just missiles, super missiles as your primary weapons of choice.

2) Turn the normal Morph Ball Bomb explosion to the power bomb explosion (and still able to break Power Bomb blocks as well).


Quote from: Webber1900 on September 16, 2011, 11:44:27 AM
How about whenever Samus run's at a certain speed, she can run on top of a certain BTS. If not at that speed, the BTS block will be just air.
combine this with water bts, and you got samus speedrunning on water! :D


Quote from: Crys on September 16, 2011, 10:54:31 AM
a BTS block that acts like water when samus comes in contact with it, much like how the FX works.
This. Though I'd go further and ask to make a FX check box thingy (you know, the check boxes used to animate spikes and such) that also gives a certain amount of transparency to a specific block(s) so as to further the illusion. I wouldn't think that would be too hard... at least by what logic I think I know.


Here is something I would definitely use if you made it.

  • Invincibility Star
  • Would give the player 10 seconds of Mario inspired invincibility, great for trips through acid or lava.

It would also need to give the player normal gravity in acid/lava for the invincibility period.


Someone really needs to write a proper text box and text engine that can load text from any location and be called in with a pointer PLM.



Quote from: MetroidMst on September 19, 2011, 10:54:11 PM
Here is something I would definitely use if you made it.

  • Invincibility Star
  • Would give the player 10 seconds of Mario inspired invincibility, great for trips through acid or lava.

It would also need to give the player normal gravity in acid/lava for the invincibility period.
I have something close in my mind, but that one is for Metroid Prime 2 styled hack:
1. Make Save Station refills energy.
2. Change Energy Refill station to Energy Transfer station (to transfer energy between worlds).
3. Make player totally invulnerable when carrying planet energy (why should you die when you have 1/4 of total planet's energy?)


Quote from: JAM
why should you die when you have 1/4 of total planet's energy?
Because having 1/4 of a planet's energy inside a small body is a serious overload and can make you explode if you receive as much as 1 unit of damage?

And an actual wish:
A Dachora that acts exactly like a normal Dachora, except shinesparks horizonally.


Obligatory music request. :D

Art of the Industry (Rarity IS Industry)


i just thought of this, drop items that fall to the ground


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on October 28, 2011, 01:52:59 PM
i just thought of this, drop items that fall to the ground

org $86EFEA
org $86F4B0
INC $1A93,X : LDA #$000D : RTS

I got lazy, so there's no collision detection. To make them fall faster, just add another "INC $1A93,X". Eg

org $86EFEA
org $86F4B0
INC $1A93,X : INC $1A93,X : INC $1A93,X : LDA #$000D : RTS

They would fall 3 times faster.


awesome work S-Fish. i think this would be something cool for The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt. i would like to see this in a hack someday. something like this could give added challenge to a speed runner.

if you do i don't need any credit for the idea.


Id like a way to fix the mother brain battle so once you knock out her containment jar  she dies and zebes explodes  just like in the original m1  and id like a way to modify zebitites so i can recreate mbs original room


Quote from: Blarget2 on September 17, 2011, 12:03:09 PM
Quote from: Webber1900 on September 16, 2011, 11:44:27 AM
How about whenever Samus run's at a certain speed, she can run on top of a certain BTS. If not at that speed, the BTS block will be just air.
combine this with water bts, and you got samus speedrunning on water! :D,1156.msg22164.html#msg22164 xDDD


edit: remove this post


wishlist: /not entirely ASM..

-give kraid more health (about half more)
-make pirates into aliens (hr giger alien 1979 style)??? <im terrible with gfx editing.
-make big metroid an enemy that just floats around, doesnt do anything. no harm to you or it.
-create an entirely new tileset and create a space jokey. *just for 1 room* example: [spoiler][/spoiler]


So a thought struck me as I was playing NEStroid. It has one major advantage over Super. So here is another thing you could work on if you ever feel like it.

Make Screw Attack destroy frozen enemies.

Seriously one of the most annoying things in Super is that the ultimate weapon cannot defeat a puny enemy if it happens to be frozen.