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Super Metroid: Echoes

Started by TAxxOUTBR3AKxx, July 27, 2009, 06:46:58 AM

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The beta I put out does not showcase anything up to date but the area you're in and  just some of the GFX changes and layout. Nothing is finalized until I'm happy with it! :grinnew: This hack is loosely based from aspects from Metroid Prime 2, with there being a "dark" and "light" world. The major difference from MP2 is the fact that it isn't a mirrored light/dark worlds, but rather the dark world is it's own "area" because I decided to make it that way.

This hack features a huge variety of GFX changes, suit changes, and a complete overhaul of the layout and the way the game is played.  So far there are no new tilesets. There is some ASM that I need to learn in order to complete this hack for a couple small things. Enemies also feature new palettes to make for Dark World changes, so expect to see something exciting. There will be an updated Beta soon that will let you work through the starting area for a bit to see some changes for yourselves.
This is my first WIP and my first attempt with SMILE.....though I have been working on this project for nearly 4 months already, I have learned most of what there is to do with SMILE, minus it's own complications. I'm planning for an X-mas release time-frame, but don't hold me to that as it could be earlier, or later.

Depending on how well this goes, I might try to create a light/dark world mirrored version where events in one world affects the other. Until then here's some progress bars and what is present in this hack.

UPDATE 9/18/09:

Auric Caves: 99%--Map Complete--Still little things bugging me.
Phazon Gardens: 25%----Map Complete-----On-going Level Design-----Palettes Completed
Dark World: 15%---------Map Incomplete---Starting Level Design------Palettes Completed
Sky Summit: 15%--------Map Incomplete---Starting Level Design------FX1 Complete
Surface: 10%------------Map Complete-----Starting Level Design-----Need to create new tileset
Land's End: 20%---------Map Incomplete---Starting Level Design------Palettes Completed

Nintendo Logo: 100%
Title Screen: 100%
Main Menu: 100%
Pause Screen Changes: 50%
Font Changes: 100%
HUD Changes: 95%
ASM Changes: 0%

Beta .04b fixes issues from .01b that drove people crazy, and caused a couple perma-stuck situations.....surely due from using a backup that wasn't completely "fixed". This beta has more recent level design and gfx changes that are more than likely final. Area of gameplay is same as first beta.


illl do an lp of it if you like


Hmm, a classic twist with the light/dark worlds. GL with it. These kind of games offer some decent traveling and flexablility. Looking forword to it.


maybe next you could do super metroid: Corruption


Quote from: Samus Aran on July 27, 2009, 01:40:07 PM
maybe next you could do super metroid: Corruption
Uhh, I'm not sure if you caught thier above post, but it's not like my idea. They aren't taking MP2E and fusing it with SM. <_<;

Also, Outbreak, if you want to create the illusion of each world affecting the other, here's a tip: two PLMs with the same low affect eachother. I.e. if a super door with a low of 09 then another door with a low of 09 will open as well.


Quote from: person701 on July 27, 2009, 01:50:35 PM
Quote from: Samus Aran on July 27, 2009, 01:40:07 PM
maybe next you could do super metroid: Corruption
Uhh, I'm not sure if you caught thier above post, but it's not like my idea. They aren't taking MP2E and fusing it with SM. <_<;

Also, Outbreak, if you want to create the illusion of each world affecting the other, here's a tip: two PLMs with the same low affect eachother. I.e. if a super door with a low of 09 then another door with a low of 09 will open as well.

it would be funny


Samus Aran, stop posting with little to no content to add to the topic at hand. If you have nothing to add, do not post at all. This is a warning.

TAxx, this looks mighty sweet. Some of the screenshots being jpgs is a little blegh looking, but the landscaping inside the shots is superb. I'm wondering mainly about the green missile that looks nothing like a Super Missile in the bottom shot. o_O


Quote from: Zhs2 on July 27, 2009, 02:17:09 PM
I'm wondering mainly about the green missile that looks nothing like a Super Missile in the bottom shot. o_O

Him being in....  the area he is -- well, it makes me think of an RPG.  

Edit: Ha!  Rocket Propelled Grenade.  Not a Role Playing Game.  :razz: 

So maybe they can do a lot of damage.

1st post.


Quote from: person701 on July 27, 2009, 01:50:35 PM
Also, Outbreak, if you want to create the illusion of each world affecting the other, here's a tip: two PLMs with the same low affect eachother. I.e. if a super door with a low of 09 then another door with a low of 09 will open as well.

But what would be even better is if Taxx used multiple state rooms for any changing ones, and set the bit so those rooms change when a certain event occurs. Have the second states have different level data's, FX, etc, so it could be like an earthquake happened or whatever.

A good one I'm using is for the Gamma Metroid bosses. Use PLM's that set an enemies destroyed bit in-game (IE, one in each Gamma Metroid room, and it triggers when the room has been cleared), and have the second state of any changing room you want to change after it set after that event bit is set. If that makes sense...

That way is good, because the event bit doesn't need to be set at all to complete the game, so you might never see the second state.


do the bosses look diffrent?


Quote from: Zhs2 on July 27, 2009, 02:17:09 PM
TAxx, this looks mighty sweet. Some of the screenshots being jpgs is a little blegh looking, but the landscaping inside the shots is superb. I'm wondering mainly about the green missile that looks nothing like a Super Missile in the bottom shot. o_O
Sorry, I uploaded them in .png format, but I guess that doesn't matter. Also, it is a new SM Gfx I created that is nearly finished. Also, those are the new bombs next to her as well. The explodiness hasn't changed (yet) but I could use some ideas on what to change it to.

Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on July 27, 2009, 11:39:34 PM
But what would be even better is if Taxx used multiple state rooms for any changing ones, and set the bit so those rooms change when a certain event occurs. Have the second states have different level data's, FX, etc, so it could be like an earthquake happened or whatever.
You definately just guessed EXACTLY what I already finished in part of the game. Goes in collaboration with the SS pic with the timer.
Quote from: Samus-Aran on July 28, 2009, 04:55:49 PM
do the bosses look diffrent?
Re-read my first post. :grin:
Also, an updated pic with the "fixed" nearly-final palette for Auric Caves:


man i can't wait when when its done


Update 9/9/09: ^^^^^^^

-Reverted to a backup due to an error that wouldn't let the game load.
-Almost finished (still) with Auric Caves. Multiple other areas have a good amount of level design progressed.
-Entire layout (map) completed.
-Still need to add ASM changes.
-Couple other Nintendo game references to be added.
-Beta .01b released to test "most" of Auric Caves.....well the rooms that are finished (I think) anyways. SMILE won't reveal any other secrets I have up to this point.

Update 9/18/09:^^^^^^^

-Replaced Beta .01b with .04b
-New Screenshots
-HUD GFX redone
-~8 more rooms finished since last update.


Whoa, no one told me there was new stuff to look at. Bump your topic when needed, br0
(It's kinda funny that everyone gets used to the "don't bump old topics" rule, and they're afraid to bump their own project topic. I'm gonna have to bother zeke about this rule now xD)

This is lookin' good, I like the bottom 4 water pics. (although the top right one is kinda bland)
and the top left pic is pretty nice and colorful, I like.
The HUD looks kinda plain though. (the icons. :P)

And now I become bored of typing, so off to go read new posts..!


The only real thing I dislikeabout all your pics is their all the same tileset just different colors. But that's prolly cause you only have one area complete. xP


"Depending on how well this goes, I might try to create a light/dark world mirrored version where events in one world affects the other. Until then here's some progress bars and what is present in this hack."

What I'm wondering is can you have two different patches and apply them to the same game. So you could like design the light and dark worlds on two separate roms, so they look different. So when you beat a portion of the lightworld, you would then apply the darkworld patch and keep the same data. And just keep switching back and forth once you reach certain portions of the game. Just a concept I was wondering about. I have no clue how probable it is.


Yeah, you can do that. An IPS patch only saves the differences from the unchanged ROM you select when you make it, and your new rom. Just make sure that the changes don't overwrite each other.


Well the top right water pic is only a 1x2 transitional room. Nothing to really see in it. The bottom left one you aren't forced to see, but is an alternative path (for it's own reasons)....That is also the room that I was having slope issues with.

Anyways, Squishy agreed to help with heatbit damage for the dark world, so the power suit now receives heat damage at the rate the dark world did in MP2. Just gotta work on Varia damage now.