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Metroid: Other M

Started by X-tradyte, June 21, 2011, 12:27:35 AM

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Well, After being in the works for 2+ years, it was finally released August 31st, 2010. Being the game it is, Samus has been recovering after the fight with Mother Brain, on the Planet Zebes, As Samus is done recovering, she is as good as new, she takes training, to get refreshed.

[spoiler=Huge Story]After being trained once again, Samus sets out for a new bounty to hunt. She then gets a signal, called "The Babies Cry" She then sets course for the BOTTLE SHIP, and when she finally arrives, she investigates the landing area, and finds the Galactic Federations ship. Samus then runs to the lobby, to find Adam and his crew. She notices that one of the members is Anthony Higgs(the guy that calls her "Princess") He then explains to Samus that what they need to enter the ship, is a missile. Adam and his crew then go to the Navigation Deck and find a dead Scientist. Samus soon arrives, and a bug crawls from under the body, Adam then kills the bug. They then take down the Brug Mass. Adam then gives orders, and Samus is directed to turn the power on.

After restoring power, Samus is the asked to search Sector 1. Where she Obtains Diffusion beam, and faces the Fune and Nahime. She then continues on in Sector 1, and gets to the Experimental lab, where she fights the King Kihunter. After all that, she is asked to go to the Training grounds, where she finds James. then the rest of the crew comes, and Maurice hacks into the computers to get some data. Samus then goes to the Main center where she finds cybernetically enhanced Zebesians, she then gets called to gather with the crew.

As Maurice reads what he's found about the Bioweapons, Anthony then suggests searching the area. Samus is the directed back to the center, where she finds the Zebesians on the walls, crawling, she then takes them out. After the battle, Samus finds that Ridley(2nd stage) is attacking the crew, Samus then goes out and trys to save them, but is then held down by Ridley. She then fights her way back up, using Missiles on his tail. Having run out of missiles, Anthony shoots Ridley with Plasma. Ridley then heads to Sector 3. Samus then finds that Ridley has birthed from the Baby seen earlier in the game. Samus then makes her way to Sector 3.

After fighting her way through hell runs, she finally gets Ice beam. she then reaches the Crater Inertior, where she must out run the lava for her final hell run. She then fights the Goyagma, where she obtains Varia. She then makes her way to the Naviagtion room near the Main Sector, but can't go any further, as it requires Grapple. She is then asked to go to Sector 2. She makes her way all the way to an enhanced Metroid being. She then goes through a long shaft and notices she need Speed Booster to progress. She turns and runs back, but Adam then allows use of the Speed Booster. She then makes her way through the snow only to find Maurice, Dead in the snow. She then searches and finds a suspicious girl. After chasing her though a storage room, the girl says that Maurice was killed by another crew member, she then encounters a rouge vehicle, known as the RB176 Ferrocrusher.

After that is done, She goes back towards Sector 3. But first, she finds a glass window, protecting a switch to lower the elevator. Samus goes back only to be trapped in that same type of glass, only this time in a cage.
Adam then allows use of Wave beam. After getting back to the switch, she then encounters an avalanche.

After all this is done, she must fight in the elevator ride a total of 7 Wave Zebesians, and the next boss, the Rhedogian. This boss has 4 stages, on the elevator in Sector 2, in Sector 3, when you must finally get Grapple to save Anthony, in Sector 3, where it fights you using the seeker missiles, then finally in Sector 1, where you finally kill it, and obtain Seeker Missiles.

After getting through the first three stages of this boss, she then fights the Gorash. That big fish like thing that breaks the tube in the Large lava room, and the same one that you must out run in that second hell run.
After beating it, Samus is asked to go to the Geothermal powerplant, where she finds Anthony, and Ridley. She then obtains Super Missiles, and blows open the wall, to open the magma port. Ridley becomes visible and Samus is grabbed and nearly killed. Anthony then misses the Plasma, but Samus is dropped to safety. Anthony then tries again, but is knocked off. Samus then obtains Plasma Beam. an defeats Ridley, but Ridley escapes and opens a path way out. Samus then heads for Sector 1, where "The Deleter" is seen. Samus follows him to the Bioweapons research center, where she obtains Space Jump & Screw Attack.

She then heads out to Sector 2. She then fights a good old friend, Nightmare. after beating him for the first time, Samus finds out about Sector Zero, a place where Metroids are being developed to be unharmed by its only weakness, Ice. Adam then meets with her and sets of the self-destruct sequence, sacrificing himself to save Samus.

After this, Samus heads back. She is then almost sucked into space, before obtaining Gravity suit. She then makes her way back up, only to find that Nightmare still has a little left in him. Beating him with ease, Samus heads back to the Bio-weapons area.
She then reaches up to Ridley again, but this time, he's stoned, literally. She then is met up with an unexpected guest. Yes, the Queen Metroid. After defeating it, it rises again, and Samus is swallowed, She must lay a Power Bomb to save herself from a quick death.

She then meets the real Madeline Bergman, and is chatting about what happened to the BOTTLE SHIP. Melissa then appears to ruin the life of Samus and Madeline. She is shot down by the Federation. Samus is then met up with Anthony again. She is taken back to her ship and gets back home. But this isn't the end. A few days later, after deciding to destroy the BOTTLE SHIP, Samus must obtain something ir-replaceable. Adams Helmet.
She battles her way to the deck, only having to find our buddy Phantoon. Killing him is a good enough Challenge for a last boss. Samus then must evacuate the facility in only her Zero suit. After doing so, the ship blows to oblivion, Ending the story, of Other M.[/spoiler]

So what did you guys think of the game? I really liked it. Although Ridley is a bitch on Hardmode.

P.S. Tell me if I left anything out, or got mixed up on the story..


Misogynistic, sexist, contradicting, controversial, and highly bullshitted in parts. That's what I think of the story of Other M. The gameplay was okay.


Quote from: Zhs2 on June 21, 2011, 12:31:18 AM
Misogynistic, sexist, contradicting, controversial, and highly bullshitted in parts.

Well, I get what you mean by Bullshitted in parts, but where did the rest come from? I never thought of it as sexist...


Quote from: DarkSamus on June 21, 2011, 12:37:23 AM
I never thought of it as sexist...
Adam (and the military in general) as the overbearing father figure.  And suddenly she needs "authorization" to use her weaponry, even though she took out the pirate stronghold on Zebes single handedly.

Samus:  "Daddy, I'm waist deep in lava!  Can I turn on my varia suit now?"
Adam:  "My rules, and no means no silly girl."

IIRC she only turns on space jump and screw attack after he's already dead.  Worst weapon upgrade system ever...


Not only that, but there are a lot of undertones about women being the weaker sex. Samus freaked the fuck out at Ridley, having seen him at least four times already, but Anthony doesn't even bat an eye. Samus gets shot in the back, in front of one of her mortal foes, by Adam for absolutely no reason and she's not even mad or indignant about his choice of actions. She also blathers on and on about how she looks up to Adam as the overbearing father figure (as Crashtour stated) and does things against her own will to the point of harm (heat runs lol.) I guess you could blame most of this on Samus doing her own weird thing because she has the hots for Adam, and the rules would probably be quite different in the future (considering that Samus is generally tough enough to whip Space Pirates single-handedly) so the point of self-destruction you generally don't reach as a career path is somewhat farther but seeing as Samus' history is already contradictory with the story presented in Other M, I have my doubts. Samus should have had a heavy reaction to Ridley in Super Metroid if it was supposed to be that way. Nintendo hasn't even attempted to retcon anything.


To defend the point of being shocked at Ridley, I've viewed it in the sense that in Super Metroid:
Samus: Oh cool, you guys rebuilt Ridley using mechanical replacements for limbs.

Where as in Other M it's the real deal again, flesh and blood; the same one (or seemingly) that killed her parents. Sense memory probably kicked in here which is why Samus freaks out but honestly, she freaked out a little too much...

As for the rest of the story that was suppose to tell Samus' past, they tried too hard to make it tragic, touchy, and sad which is probably why it makes Samus look like a bitch and not her usual badass self.

@Zhs2: Did I misplace the semi-colon? I'm curious. :3


Quote from: person701 on June 21, 2011, 02:34:52 AM@Zhs2: Did I misplace the semi-colon? I'm curious. :3
Unless I'm missing something (private joke, perhaps?), you haven't used a semicolon. :O_o:

As for Other M: I liked the game, but feel that it really shouldn't have had the Metroid name.  That's not because I feel Metroid is sacred or whatever, but it was just too different, and would have been fine as a game in its own right, but just didn't feel much like a Metroid at all.  One of my biggest griipes was not being able to 100% it without going through the ending first.


Well, Quietus, I know what you're saying, but the main thing is the linearity, makes it kinda boring after awhile
But, it took me about 15 minutes whole to come up with, and write that story in a post. But anyways, My major gripes is hard mode, with the no items thing. They should've made it like zero mission, and have the E-tanks give 50. That way nothing is one hit kill, cause if you've fought Ridley on hard mode, he's annoying, without extreme stealth. You need to do a non-touched battle with him. it took me quite a while, but I managed to kick his ass.


So, if you managed to do it, then it would be fair to say that it's certainly possibly, and therefore not as insane as you were trying to make out? :heheh:


Well, I never did say anything about it being impossible, I'm just saying that near all of his moves are one hit kill, and should be tamed down a bit.

Quote from: Quietus on June 21, 2011, 07:22:41 AM
Quote from: person701 on June 21, 2011, 02:34:52 AM@Zhs2: Did I misplace the semi-colon? I'm curious. :3
Unless I'm missing something (private joke, perhaps?), you haven't used a semicolon. :O_o:
Quote from: person701 on June 21, 2011, 02:34:52 AMflesh and blood;
Seems like you're off today Quietus.


Yeah, I'm allowed the occasional day off.  I blame the beginnings of a cold combining with my hayfever to make me feel thoroughly lousy. :sad:


This thread was sure started late....

Well in my opinion, ok/good game, but not a good METROID game.