The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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Credit to Shockwave_S08 for the first patch design.

1. modmodeyes ips patch for vanilla ($360 bytes bank $81)

2. itemmenu style+ asm & ims+gfx ips for psycho hacks ($383 bytes bank $81)

No display on the second file due to patch being applied after item collection.
Helmet on the second patch fits perfectly in place.

Uses scyzer's item count code from the item percent patch. It's required.

Icons were drawn in two hours, some are way better than others.
Tile layer pro @ 072000. Right after the hex map mess.

Code fills free space backwards from special thanks to genji.
Vanilla is perfect fit, psycho hack has a little free space left to work with.

Have fun. :nod:

A horrible coding mistake was found.
Updating the vanilla ips (still modmodeyes.ips).
If using the asm version, please move the DigitizeMe table after the DigiDraw routine.
Also spam flame posts mocking my existence for such a mistake.

If using the asm with a difficulties patch, & your not getting the right tiles for the digits, try changing the brackets to parentheses in the DigiDraw routine.


Prevent Samus from morphing into a ball while airborne, unless Spring Ball is also equipped. Spring Ball gets a little more utility, eh? This will also prevent Samus from Mockballing without Springball.


A couple weeks ago, PHOSPHOTiDYL, put a save file patch up on this Collaboration Hunt topic that fixes the 3 save files and was suppose to show the hexagon map as the right color on load up, except it didn't, then I wrote a note, mentioning it didn't and a certain instruction had to be slightly different...Well my solution wasn't perfect either I just found out after further testing...Mine showed up the hexagon map right, but after having slot A being played part way and then having loaded slot B, Samus usually loads at the wrong spot at start up on slot B and also Slot C.
   Well guess what this asm file does?
   It fixes it...
   Credit still goes to PHOSPHOTiDYL as I got the base of the code from his asm but I had to use $67 bytes of free space in bank $82 as I had to extend the data range, free space coverage is at $82FD10...Cheers...



Colors are fixed, except old saves are now being set to load from the ship.

Scyzer had sent me something saying how there needs to be a check for an existing save file.
Either seconds or frames, if not zero skip the routine?

So LDA $09DA : BNE skip.

Or $0954 uses bit 0001 for save A, 0002 for save B, 0004 for save C.


I got snarfblam's save/load code to work for the following nestroid hacks.
You need to make sure they are expanded (385 kb).


It only saves to the first file, but it's way better than a password system.
If you save on any other file, it will overwrite the first one.

The map wasn't showing the right tiles. I didn't even try the wave/ice combo.
It's a two hour hack job. I don't know nestroid. I just want to play the levels.

Also it looks horrid on genocide.


Projectile repoint patch for SM.

Credit to PJ_Boy.

This was tested on a full vanilla playthrough as a standalone patch.

It changes bytes @ 030393 & 0303B7 to B8, which is now your projectile bank.
It has to be a bank lower than C0, & it has start at the very beginning of the bank.
I don't have each individual projectile pointer, & don't plan on moving tons of data.

It takes all the data from 068000-06C4C1 (bank $8D), clears it, & places @ 1C0000.
Bank $8D has your area dependant fx, heat glows, & other animated palettes.
There is $0F bytes free space (very important note that the 27 FF @ 06FFEF is a pointer).

If using a difficulties patch, you have no free space in this bank.

Also posting bank $83 fx.asm to help you use the new free space for native area fx.
You point to space in bank $8D. Space pointed to will be dw $C685 : dw $newpoint to space in $8D.
Newpoint points to your glow code. $C685 is needed for every glow.

Posting exampleglow.txt to show you how to set up a custom glow.
Is crateria's glow during escape sequence.


Quote from: PHOSPHOTiDYL on June 02, 2017, 08:38:14 AM

Colors are fixed, except old saves are now being set to load from the ship.

Scyzer had sent me something saying how there needs to be a check for an existing save file.
Either seconds or frames, if not zero skip the routine?

So LDA $09DA : BNE skip.

Or $0954 uses bit 0001 for save A, 0002 for save B, 0004 for save C.

Yes I Apologise, it was on my hack it was not working properly as I tested it now on an original and it is fine, And i got it working on my hack too with a bit of tweaking...


Credit goes to PHOSPHOTiDYL for these two patches for Super Metroid, as he and I were brainstorming a new title screen for the GBA Style hack/overhaul.

These two patches adjust the bottom-center text on the title screen, to resemble what Nintendo might do if they did a refresh/rerelease of SM.

"small tile stuff.ips" - Switches the red 1994 to 2017, and changes "(c)1994 Nintendo" to "1994-2017 NINTENDO", utilizing a smaller font that remains legible. Safe for use on VanillaSM.

"X027 fox.IPS" - if the 2017 text appears as X027 (especially if running something like GBA Style), this hotfix will correct the issue.


Easy title asm. $138 bytes bank $8C.

Bank $8B is a coding challenge, & bank $8C is a mess, so I went the cheapest route for custom titles.

Vanilla SM uses a 20 frame fade in for the title logo, then switches to a one frame logo.
By changing the one frame logo's pointer to a new spritemap, & including the vanilla title's spritemap,
you can now easily add to the title screen, which will appear after the fade in w/1994 nintendo.

Tiles $E0-FF from the 'Title 2' compressed gfx, under the (nintendo) logo, have been selected.
There's a small annoyance though. Tiles $E0-$E8 also display their $F0-$F8 counterparts.
Tiles $E9-$EF & $F9-$FF have their own pointers. You'll understand from the asm.

However, it's not a problem. Whatever tiles you don't need can be left transparent.
Don't want to redraw your logo 150 times until it's centered?? Change the x-pos instead.

Probably not compatible with scyzer's rom warning patch.
I'm not making it compatible either.
I'm not even using this patch.

GFX not included.

$8000+ on x-pos will display 2x2 tiles.
JAM's beam editing guide has the info on how this works...


A patch for Zero Mission that makes missile select similar to Super Metroid's. Instead of having to hold R to fire missiles, one can just press R, and fire them like normal. Pressing select will cycle between normal and Super Missiles, like in vanilla, while still having them enabled to fire. Pressing R again will turn the highlighted weapon off again. Also works for power bombs as long as the player is morphed. I tested it a bit, but if there is anything wrong let me know. Uses freespace at the end of the ROM rather than my usual Crocomire AI. Also makes playing on mobile a great deal easier.


Quote from: PHOSPHOTiDYL on June 06, 2017, 11:37:53 PM
Probably not compatible with scyzer's rom warning patch.
I'm not making it compatible either.
I'm not even using this patch.

I made a rom warning patch? I have no idea what this is lol

Zero One

Possibly referring to the thing that says "If you paid for this, you got ripped off"? I vaguely recall seeing that, along with a link to this site.


Somewhere in the resource thread, rom warning by scyzer.

Adds to the intro.

Lmao. :lol:



I'm guessing it's this, which displays a message for players, informing them that they shouldn't have paid for the hack, as it's available free from here. :^_^:


Ohhh that thing... I actually don't remember doing that lol
It was probably just something quick I did for Vismund in IRC


I wrote an assembly file some time back that essentially disabled/limited the infinite bomb jump. No one had decided to use it until recently and brought to my attention a really nasty crash which was the result of me writing my code in not free space. :>_>: So I fixed that and made it easier to adjust which free space in RAM is used.

How it works (from the file itself):

;After the defined amount of bomb jumps, bombs give out, no longer propelling you upward.
;Every bomb jump, a counter is increased by 1, and is set to 0 upon touching the ground.
;By default, bomb jumps will work from mid-air morphs. It's possible to remove this feature by commenting out two lines.


You're gonna be like "wtf is this trash?"

Ice SBA routine is magic & works for all beam combos.
Now it doesn't matter what single beam you have equipped.

Even charge beam has an SBA now.
Includes swapped spazer/plasma gfx so things look better all around.
Pretty much cause spazer/wave was an eyesore.

Plasma/wave/ice makes you a monster since the projectiles x2 don't disappear on contact like regular ice does.


;//[sba table]
ORG $90CCF0 ;//[$CD18=NONE/$CD1A=WAVE/$CD9B=ICE/$CE14=SPAZER/$CE98=PLASMA ($CDAA for all)]
dw $CDAA,$CDAA,$CDAA,$CDAA ;//c/w/i/w+i
dw $CDAA,$CDAA,$CDAA,$CDAA ;//s/s+w/s+i/s+w+i
dw $CDAA,$CDAA,$CDAA,$CDAA ;//p/p+w/p+i/p+w+i

;//[beam gfx]
ORG $90C3B1
;//vanilla values
;//dw $F200,$F600,$F400,$F600 ;//c/w/i/w+i
;//dw $FA00,$FA00,$FA00,$FA00 ;//s/s+w/s+i/s+w+i
;//dw $F800,$F800,$F800,$F800 ;//p/p+w/p+i/p+w+i

dw $F200,$F600,$F400,$F600 ;//c/w/i/w+i
dw $F800,$F800,$F800,$F800 ;//s/s+w/s+i/s+w+i
dw $FA00,$FA00,$FA00,$FA00 ;//p/p+w/p+i/p+w+i







Looking to recolor AM2R??
Each block of data is a png image. Then how much space you have to work with.
I did a batch job with a brightness of -18 & saved a bunch of space.

[spoiler]0C64400-0C9947F (035080)
0C99480-0CBF37F (025F00)
0CBF380-0D03F7F (044C00)
0D03F80-0D5A7FF (056880)
0D5A800-0D7D07F (022880)
0D7D080-0DCABFF (04DB80)
0DCAC00-0E11CFF (047100)
0E11D00-0E3407F (022380)
0E34080-0F0FBFF (0DBB80)
0F0FC00-0FA2D7F (093180)
0FA2D80-10BCF7F (11A200)
10BCF80-111637F (059400)
1116380-11C82FF (0B1F80)
11C8300-122D47F (065180)
122D480-12550FF (027C80)
1255100-12D5F7F (080E80)
12D5F80-134A47F (074500)
134A480-13B3D7F (069900)
13B3D80-1455DFF (0A2080)
1455E00-147E7B3 (0289B4)[/spoiler]


This patch repoints bank $8E (file select gfx), to bank $85 (message boxes).

You'll need to copy & clear the data from 070000-0765FF & paste @ 029A00.
There's still $034C bytes free space for messages, + $200 if you can move the palette somewhere better.
Unfortunately, it's the very end of all the data.

The duplicate hud is for the hex map, I'm just not dealing with it.

Helpful if you need a low bank for projectiles, gfx, or plm bank compatible with itemfinder.
Also much easier than moving bank $85.


This isn't any custom code, just a reference for some pseudo screw attack things.

Has charge timer value & I think it's a damage multiplier.
Setting higher values lets you kill things you couldn't before.

Nops for infinite pseudoscrew, or HIJACK for awesome CODE.
(Don't kill the fun, it's not a joke.)

Search for hex values & replace with new ones in the transition table.
Let's you spinjump from walljump while charging, like AM2R.

Why the hex search??
Maintain compatibility with project base & control freak.
Vanilla will come up with six search results for each direction.
It's wicked easy & will only take a minute.

I lied, it's six.
Except all six of them aren't supposed to be changed.
Just the ones from T83 & T84.

08AA04 & 08AA2A for vanilla.
08AAF2 & 08AB1E for project base.
You're on your own with control freak.


Disassembley of Zero Mission's sprite damage routine. (Dealing damage to Samus) It can compile as is and will not change anything about the rom.


Upgradable Missiles in Zero Mission!
Just like in fusion, super missiles are now an upgrade rather than a separate item. Super missile packs award 10 missiles on easy and normal and 4 missile on hard, making them "large missile tanks." Grabbing a Super pack for the first time upgrades normal missiles to supers, the HUD reflects this. Also, the text is not changed by this patch like in the video, so you'll have to do that yourself in MAGE.


Lost all my data a month ago, so I've been playing more hacks than actual hacking.
Then three days ago, redesign came up on my hack rotation...

Is my own code. Major credit for the idea.
Took an hour to scroll the screen, & just got it to stop scrolling infinitely.

Hijack @ the end of the hud gfx update routine.
I think it's run every frame.

Spice up your hacks.

$005C bytes bank $80.

Use with the "tryme" patch to add another move to your root button.
Just change the check for run to item cancel.
Select is still an UNUSED BUTTON.

Or go with aim lock, my brain doesn't work either.

There's a LDA !RAM_SamusMovement : AND #$FF00 : BNE EndLook : LDA $8B : BIT $09B6 : BEQ EndLook.
Replace with:
LDA !RAM_SamusMovement : AND #$FF00 : CMP #$0500 : BEQ + ;//crouch finally
AND #$FF00 : BNE EndLook ;//so samus can't be moving (needs the AND)
+ LDA $8B : BIT $09B6 : BEQ EndLook ;//end if not pressed

Samus can finally look ahead while crouched as well.
Scroll speed of #$0001 looks the best.


This uses the same hijack as the scrollz patch.
STX $0330 : JSR scroll : JSR liquid : RTS.

$005A bytes bank $80.

Very useful depth of liquid water damage w/no gravity suit.
Commented for easy modification.

Only tested in two different sized rooms with water.
I'm pretty sure I got it calculated, or I wouldn't be posting it.

Also saves a bunch of time & space doing this for a new suit.
Not sure if code here will override existing suit code though.