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"I Just Want Everyone to Know..."

Started by Phazar, April 08, 2011, 07:29:15 PM

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I'm dead.  As you probably know, I was last seen Monday on IRC.  That same night, my computer became infected with a potent virus, and I have been out since.  My friends and I have been working hard to fix my computer, but until we have completely removed the virus and restored full operation functionalities, you won't be seeing me anywhere.  I am posting this from my dad's laptop right now, but likely won't be able to use it much.  And Phazar is officially dead from IRC until further notice.  Hopefully, I'll be back online full-time within a week, but until then, you'll have to carry on without me.  Zeke, you are in charge of RotW until I return.  Everyone else, carry on in your own ways.  Phazar has fallen.

[Decided to move this to off-topic so everyone knows and not just staff]



Glad you informed us, unlike another moderator which I'll leave unnamed :P


Fixed my computer this weekend, and I am back!


I'm still assigning snarfblam to your double-duty, as he so graciously volunteered :3