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Aww why not

Started by DSO, September 10, 2010, 07:19:04 PM

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Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on February 24, 2011, 09:10:11 AM
No, it is most definitely impossible to have anywhere near that many rooms. There is litterally not enough space in the bank for that. And room data is a lot larger than 2 bytes...
It's $27 bytes for a single state room, and another $1E - $1F bytes for each extra state, depending on the type of state. Then of course there's the door data for each room, scroll data, PLMs and enemies, level data. It takes up a considerable amount of space you know.

Yah right after I posted I thought "wait what about enemies, tiles, and doors?" so that limits things. :cry:


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on February 24, 2011, 06:17:11 AM
Please say there will be some sort of upgrade or "portal" that fixes the planets crazy physics?
8 hour game + crazy physics = one sad fish =(

While the crazy physics may be a cool idea. It would turn me off for something that seams to be a damn fucking good hack. :<


Rooms are not limited to bank $8F, but 6000 would be way overkill. I expect somewhere around 1000.

As for physics... I think quite a lot of the hack would be beatable using normal physics, but you can tell it was designed for infinite jump. Maybe in areas like the space pirate bases there will be artificial gravity generators that cause the physics to be normal in those areas. But overall, you won't be quite as frustrated with this as the original, it's over twice as fast so there's much less waiting time.

Also, because Crys needs turned on again, here's a picture of a save station.


Maybe you should show them a video of the new physics then?




Just a little example of the faster movement speed, also showing off the slowness of the old physics for comparison.

One thing I'm testing in this hack is having the bosses grow more powerful over time. This is a counter to Samus, who herself becomes more powerful than she ever was in the original thanks to the new abilities she acquires. The Angry Fire Chozo feeds on death, so as you kill enemies, he grows stronger. Each area has its own tally for enemy deaths. Based on how many enemies you've killed, bosses get more health, move faster, hurt harder, and acquire new abilities. The point is to alter the player's style, so that you don't haphazardly shoot everything when there's no point to or else face a more difficult fight later on. Once you've "conquered" an area, so to speak, then you can go about blazing your trail of death and destruction.

Will you tread carefully, keeping the enemy from gaining power? Or will you destroy all, risking your own destruction? The choice is up to you.


Well that'll be quite easy for me, I kill barely any enemies, So all the bosses will be most likely easy. I would like to ask, how is the Big/Little concept working out? I believe you mean SM64, for that. Unless you mean World 4?

But anyways, I feel stupid for asking this, but how far along is this, DSO? I will love to play this hack when done. Are the physics staying the same as AFC Original?


Quote from: DarkSamus on June 28, 2011, 11:40:01 PM
Are the physics staying the same as AFC Original?

Check out the video...


Quote from: MetroidMst on June 28, 2011, 11:43:50 PM
Quote from: DarkSamus on June 28, 2011, 11:40:01 PM
Are the physics staying the same as AFC Original?

Check out the video...

I saw it before posting, and that's why I'm questioning him, as I don't quite understand, but It's probably a yes.


Depends on what you mean by staying the same. The infinite jump is back yes, but that would be the only similarity to the original as you can tell the speed is drastically different.


Well, if you want the big changes broken down:

Vertical rise/fall speed has been increased from .875 pixel/frame to 2 pixels/frame, speeding things up nicely while still giving you time to react to anything that appears above you.
Spinjump can be restarted in midair (props to Sadfish for the patch!)
Horizontal movement speed while spinjumping has been increased.
Morphball movement speed has been increased drastically.

The little/big concept works just fine, it sorta requires simpler level design. There's special "portal" doors that take you from the big world to the small world. You can tell when you hit one by... well it'll be obvious, won't it? :P

So far, reds, purples and yellows figure predominantly in this hack, cause it's ANGRY.

And, because I forgot the storyline last time:
[spoiler=Part 2]The probes were jammed and destroyed before they could return any useful data. Space pirate activity is suspected but unconfirmed. Worryingly, stellar observations of the sector show that the star's energy output is starting to drop, and a somewhat altered trajectory implies that something massive has entered the vicinity. A Galactic Federation battle fleet has been dispatched under orders to investigate the disappearance of the probes and to deal with the possible Space Pirate threat.

Particle analysis on the mysterious chozo texts shows intriguing results. Subtle proton decay suggests that they are, in fact, older than the universe. The translators have been working overtime to solve the mystery, but have made little progress. Every single text seems to use a different cypher, and there's no way to tell whether a particular text contains important information or not. Perhaps the most interesting thing they have uncovered is a formula that appears to describe a set of galactic coordinates over time. Unfortunately they do not know what the start time is, so some believe the information useless or lost, but others have an idea...[/spoiler]


i just read the frist post and i peed a little

will it require some skill to get 100% items?


Some items will require doing some tricks to get, yes. I don't intend on making anything too hard to get (too hard meaning everyone has to savestate abuse), but there are going to be some speedballs and other things to get 100%. Exploration skills are required as well, but I'm trying to give subtle hints instead of like last time where I hid items way out of the way from where anyone would look...


Quote from: MetroidMst on June 29, 2011, 05:45:04 AM
Depends on what you mean by staying the same. The infinite jump is back yes, but that would be the only similarity to the original as you can tell the speed is drastically different.
Ahhh, Yes That's what I meant, okay, thanks MMst.

DSO, I'll loving the palette, and can't wait to play it. That little big thing, looks like it might've been something like, Cryshi's dark world, but taking you to 32x32 bit tiles? oh well, heheh, I'll find out eventually...


The way you describe it makes the level up system for the bosses sound terrible as fuck in practice. Players who have a hard time dodging or staying away from enemies are the ones who will kill them, and in turn, will get the harder boss battles. While more experienced players who prefer to rush as fast as they can towards their objectives simply skip taking out the enemies, and as a bonus for it they also get an easier boss battle.

You should also take in account that a huge number of the players for hacks are people who enjoy speed running. As of such, they will aim for the fastest time. Not only is it faster to not kill enemies, it's also faster to kill a less powerful boss.

I'd suggest a better dynamic boss system where the boss starts at it's hardest point instead, and the longer time it takes before the player get to the boss the easier the boss gets. The boss would also have cap in how easy it gets, and this cap would be equal to your item % ratio. So the more upgrades you have, the harder the easiest version will be.

The first playthrough of a hack will always take longer as the game is new, regardless of how skilled you are, this system would make future playthroughs harder if you move faster, which is possible since you know where stuff is. But capping the bosses at an item % also prevents the bosses from losing challenge all together for less skilled people.

Even if you don't know go with my idea(s) I'd recommend reworking your difficulty system, as I'd think it would not work very well in practice.


All valid suggestions and concerns, basing their main difficultly it on item collection would make it so that the boss can be a reasonable challenge without being overbearing, and it'd be cool to see a speedrunner face the more difficult fights. I guess I just got carried away with the whole necromancy/bosses feed on death idea without really thinking about how it would affect a lot of players.


Well, that's one thing you're idea had which was a lot better... it's a freaking cool idea. :P


Kind of agree with Crys on the difficulty thing, DSO.  Usually when I'm first playing through a hack, I like to kill most enemies, to make sure that I have a good amount of health and weapons just in case I run into something.