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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Hello, after you get high jump boots according to every video I watch you are supposed to mockball into Maridia, but this rom is tagged as "vanilla" so is there an actual proper way that is overlooked? Thanks.


I can't speak for the determination of difficulty rating, but I've seen the room and it's very forgiving for a machball. I'll preface this with saying I've done a machball exactly once and I'm no speedrunner and there are a lot of tricks I can't do. I'm a slower player with stupid reflexes.

The room has plenty of headroom and you don't need to speedboost, plus the crumbles don't drop you into another room or a sand trap or spikes. It's not very long.

If my dopey ass can get a speedboosted machball in a tight corridor in Redesign physics with under ten attempts, most people can probably make this if they practice a little. It's really not as hard as it looks if you are capable of beating the original in under 3 hours. You get a bit of a running start, hop, and morph while holding the direction you're heading. It really helps when you don't hit your head on the ceiling.


Quote from: Meithal on November 23, 2020, 08:50:50 PM
Hello, after you get high jump boots according to every video I watch you are supposed to mockball into Maridia, but this rom is tagged as "vanilla" so is there an actual proper way that is overlooked? Thanks.

Ignore Paragon, mockball is not required. Locate Spring Ball, it will allow you to "run" in Morph Ball mode. Skipping this with a mockball is definitely one of the easier sequence breaks to perform, but it is in no way the "official" route.


Hey, now, that's not fair. I didn't claim it was the only/required method. Just that it's not as hard as it seems and the room is really, really forgiving and in no way harder than vanilla. :/


Quote from: Ambureon on November 23, 2020, 10:08:30 PM
Quote from: Meithal on November 23, 2020, 08:50:50 PM
Hello, after you get high jump boots according to every video I watch you are supposed to mockball into Maridia, but this rom is tagged as "vanilla" so is there an actual proper way that is overlooked? Thanks.

mockball is not required. Locate Spring Ball, it will allow you to "run" in Morph Ball mode. Skipping this with a mockball is definitely one of the easier sequence breaks to perform, but it is in no way the "official" route.

Thanks :nod:


Quote from: maxipower on April 19, 2015, 05:07:09 PM
The rom hack does a lot right but it is far from perfect. Presentation is nice with some great use of original stuff but I feel some on here are rating it too highly. The bosses are hit and miss and there is no real flow to it as it was too open ended.

Quoting myself because of how much a dummy I was. Hyper is super metroid with steroids.


I've been having a blast with this, but ran into a strange issue.

I was in the room to get the plasma, shot the gate open, then had a brainfart and left the room.

I come back into the room, and now the gate won't open.  Even tried saving, and coming back, but it simply won't open...


Quote from: vsf3000 on February 24, 2021, 11:51:47 PM
I've been having a blast with this, but ran into a strange issue.

I was in the room to get the plasma, shot the gate open, then had a brainfart and left the room.

I come back into the room, and now the gate won't open.  Even tried saving, and coming back, but it simply won't open...

okay, so right after posting this, i decided to try other random stuff.  i set off a power bomb, then shot the gate, and suddenly it opened.  idk what thats about, but im just happy to have the plasma now haha


Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone knows how Samus can retain her speedboost after unmorphing. I cant find this as a hex tweak, so it must be some code, but i cannot find that either. Any help is appreciated.


Will this hack get updated using Project Base's 0.8.1 mechanics?


I think that's unlikely.  I'm pretty sure the hack is a finished product at this point.


Man I remember playing this for the first time in 2017. It was my first impression for Super Metroid hacks and god bless that. Now that I'm getting back into Metroid hacks I can't wait to touch this again and go for 100%. :)


why is this here? "Hold a+b"
Samus just does a little kick flip. I can't figure it out how that is supposed to help me.


You're missing a step, hold run+jump while crouched and when samus is in the flip, hold the opposite direction of where you are facing, and it results in a manual dboost

Kriken Empire

I got stuck in a grapple-wall near the end of the grapple challenge room at the start of the Wrecked Ship (coming in from the left side). I didn't lose much progress but glitches just undermine the purpose of a challenge room.

Also a couple stray thoughts, some very minor flaws in the world design ended up costing me hours of time being lost. There's an odd breakable block on the ground stopping you from doing a running jump towards the Wrecked Ship, and it's a leap of faith so I didn't even realize I missed a platform when trying the jump. I think either removing the breakable block or making the leap less blind would go a long way to signposting players can indeed go that way.

The other thing was power bombs. The one left of Maridia's entrance after Wrecked Ship are too easy to miss. When placed between going left to fall through a crumble block and be forced in who-knows-where or going right and following the rabbit hole that is half of Maridia, I think there needs to be better signposting that the left is the first direction you should go. It's not like forcing a small detour for a major item is limiting player freedom, especially when it's right next to you.


Quote from: RealRed on May 04, 2015, 03:57:50 PM
Quote from: SenpaiSilver on May 04, 2015, 02:28:48 PM

I'm having an issue where I can't select my power bombs after picking up missiles dropped from ennemies. No cheats are being used, I'm only watching the values that matched my ammo count.

Here is a screenshot about the values:
Thanks for letting me know. Someone else had this same issue for some reason... This issue was supposed to be resolved, but needs further looking into. Reset your game (don't save or say goodbye to your powerbombs!!), hopefully it won't happen again? :/
What emulator are you using, anyway? And, are you able to reproduce this issue?
A fix to this has been found, by InsaneFirebat. Patch is in attatchments. :bounce:


Bug report.  Near Kraid, in the room with the bird animal, there is a missile upgrade.  But for some reason, it's not shown in the map.  There's also a E-tank between Brinstar and Crateria that's not shown on the map (the one with a lone leech hopper enemy).


It was a great hack!
I really enjoyed it!