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Other M Redux (Main Topic Updated) Release date anounnced!

Started by IMetroRat, September 16, 2010, 07:19:09 PM

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I'm so busy making free accounts For MINECRAFT



Black Telomeres

And thus did Minecraft claim another hack's life :lol:



QuoteLol, you know how to make girls happy =)
That remindes me of the girl I dumped last night :D
Left for nicer bitch
On Topic
As you all know I'm going to finish my hack on March 24, 2011
Alright it time for a screen :D

Hiroshi Mishima

Wow, I sure hope you don't actually talk to the girls like that, cause that's asking for a slap right there.

As far as the rooms go, they've got visual appeal and that's definitely a good sign.


Your gonna finish this the day after my birthday?

Also, as for the room, MOAR detail.


I hope you do talk to girls like that. Maybe that way you won't breed.


Wait, What the hell GTFO my topic is your Going to talk like That....


This topic make ZERO sense, but I approve to the fact that you use kirby doors! :awesome:


It seams my message did not go through that jpg is a shitty format, STOP USING IT! >:E

Hiroshi Mishima

Well, you probably shouldn't have said anything about your girlfriend if you didn't want people to comment on it. But from what you said, I'm going to assume you won't make that mistake again.

Moreover, if you wish for us to actually talk more about the hack itself, perhaps you should give us something to discuss. Post another screenshot, talk about stuff you plan on doing with the hack, and so forth. So far, all we can comment on is that the rooms are fairly nice looking and that you don't like pngs. I'm not asking for you to work on the hack faster, but if you want more discussion about it we need more content to talk about.


Ok thanks.... I probbly shouldn't say anything about My real Life....
Ok i'll post a picture tommarow


Hmm.. For your room, the doors and palettes are nice but it seems to plain or empty, unless of course we're not seeing everything to this image (enemies, PLMs, FX1, etc.) but if I where to recommend something it'd be to add grass or something else, but hey, its your room, do as you wish.  :^_^:




Hiroshi Mishima

My only real suggestion at the moment is that the first room actually looks like a garbled mess. I realize you're probably trying to go for something else, but that's what it honestly looks like. I can't be sure if it's cause there's no background or if it's just too dark, or if it's the vertical rock tiles giving the impression of misplaced walls.. I just don't think that room looks good. Sorry.

The other two rooms look a lot better, the third one in particular. If I could make one suggestion though, and I don't know if you can do it or not.. but making it look like there is snow or ice on those pipes would definitely look awesome.


In shot three it looks odd that you have snow on everything except the middle part.  I'd also recommend swiping the white hanging stuff from the Maridia tileset, and use it as icicles. :^_^:


This one?(Hint If you fall off of the glaciers you AUTO die :D)


Or that one?


Hiroshi Mishima

Firstly, "This one" looks damned awesome and that's definitely the better of the two rooms (imho), although the lower room still looks good it just doesn't have the "holy shit" factor that the first one has. :p

Secondly, what's this auto-die nonsense? I'm getting MP Hunters flashbacks, but hopefully you expanding on that some will alleviate said dread.


JSYK Hiroshi, Other M had auto-kill parts in it. Therefor, since this is a "remake" of a sort, it will have things like that.

Or maybe not!

Hiroshi Mishima

Funnily enough, I can't remember any auto-kills in Other M, but then I only played it to 100% the first time and haven't touched it since, so I've likely forgotten if there were. But if there were, they must've paled in comparison to Hunters' idea of instant kills.

Unless you're referring to Samus Must Die (aka Hard Mode) that Team Ninja totally ripped off of other games.


No In all modes :D Was Other M easy (NO!!!!!) So will the remake be easy? (HELL NO!!!!)


That blue room is so plain, dark colored, and simplistic it's beautiful. The other one reminds me of (hold you fire) Redesign. Still good but it's definitely overshadowed by the first room. As for Other M and auto kills, there were quite a few but not too many.


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on November 21, 2010, 02:15:08 AM
Firstly, "This one" looks damned awesome and that's definitely the better of the two rooms (imho), although the lower room still looks good it just doesn't have the "holy shit" factor that the first one has. :p

Secondly, what's this auto-die nonsense? I'm getting MP Hunters flashbacks, but hopefully you expanding on that some will alleviate said dread.
Assuming a large percentile of us use savestates...

Quote from: IMetroRat on November 21, 2010, 01:18:56 AM

Looks like some Demon's Crest tiles, very cool :p

Hiroshi Mishima

Actually, I'd have to say that Other M's normal mode wasn't that difficult, really only one cheap miniboss (and only the first time you fought him) and the Hell Run were obnoxious. Only times I died were against said miniboss and when I screwed up during the Ridley fight first time.

But anyways, I'm glad to see you defined where the auto-kill zone was cause I'd been unsure.

Damn, I _may_ have to replay Other M and see where this auto-kill stuff was, cause I totally don't remember anything that killed you instantly. Lava could kill you fast but not instantly...

Also sorry if I'm pulling this off topic, wasn't intentional. And I meant to say that Qactis is right and they do remind me of Demon's Crest. I should've spotted that earlier cause I love that game.


The tiles where ripped by james (IIRC) and are from gradius rebirth on the GBA.


And this[spoiler][/spoiler]Was Ripped from super metroid redisign (Credits go to who ever made this tileset)