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The Grant a Wish Game

Started by Malpercio, July 03, 2010, 03:37:24 PM

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we didnt have one already, so here ya go. the point is to grant the previous poster's wish in the most ironic/screwed up way possible (think Murphy's Law). i.e. someone wishes for superpowers, you say the superpowers are in a jar, but opening the jar makes the powers dissapear and they cant be used while in the jar. or, someone wishes for a million bucks, then you say the cops arrest them/family member for a bank robbery, etc. go.

i wish i had $100000.


* squishy_ichigo gives metruler1990 a 100 Grand candy bar

I wish for someone to tell a funny joke.


wish granted, but the joke is so funny you die of laughter

i wish for everyone to post in this thread at least once


The topic explodes, murdering squishy's entire family, metruler's three-legged one-eyed dog, and metruler himself with AIDs cancer.

I wish this topic was funnier (whoops, double-granted squeego's wish.)


wish granted, but it becomes YOUR job to make up the jokes.

i wish for money


Man, if only it wasn't so dark... this would be easier, but I got something for you! :D
* squishy_ichigo points metruler1990 in the direction of a money tree, hands him an axe, a ladder, and a lantern to see in the dark, then laughs his ass off when the ladder collapses under him, he breaks most of his bones, and the axe knocks over the lantern, burning the tree.

I wish I wasn't the only one with good ideas in this topic. :/


I have an idea, but it involves pissing in public in front of the White House, then graffitiing the FBI headquarters, and then...doing other things you don't want to know about.

I wish a MetConst SMILE noob made an actually intelligent post in this topic, if they can find it.

Silver Skree

Gunnar makes a post but it contains the word redesign in it and the topic gets locked and the whole forum rages.

I wish there were more released hacks of good quality.


Quote from: Silver Skree on July 03, 2010, 07:45:58 PM
Gunnar makes a post but it contains the word redesign in it and the topic gets locked and the whole forum rages.

I wish there were more released hacks of good quality.
You release Sigma++ and someone else copies it and releases it as their own hack.

I wish fireflies were highly explosive.


Wish granted: But the firefly blew up your barbeque and sent Dad into the sattlelite dish murdering your interwebs at the same time disconnecting you from your life.

I wish I could play like David Gilmour.


Wish granted but you end up in some freak accident resulting in hand amputation.

I wish I had a better amp for my guitar.

On a side note: isn't this basically corrupt a wish? Not grant a wish. =_=


* squishy_ichigo gives person701 a better amp for his guitar

Note how all of mine are image based. ;D

I wish for a wish that can not be ironic/screwed up in anyway.


You get one but the universe self-destructs.

I wish for a new universe.

(And yes, this has become Corrupt-A-Wish)


*DarkSamus Gives DekuKnight A New Universe

It'll Blow Up in 120,000 Years.

I Wish Serial Killers Would Kill The Mini Wheats Guy.


Wish granted, But before he dies, he shoots you in the head.

I wish people would stop making hacks that are like "LoL i doWnLOadeD SMILE!11!111!!one"


They stop making hacks like that, but start instead to make hacks that are like "LoL i doWnLOadeD dOuBLe HeLIx!11!111!!11!!111!!!1!11!!one"

You know, on that subject, I wish Double Helix had a RoomTest function like SMILE.


Double Helix gains the ability to test rooms on the fly, just as you wished. Of course, being able to test rooms from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial doesn't help much.

Oh, I wish I were an Oscar-Mayer wiener; that is what I'd truly like to be, for if I were an Oscar-Mayer wiener, everyone would be in love with me.

On a rather unrelated note, I once played a corrupt-a-wish game which eventually got to the point where wishes were protected by five-page legal documents written in consultation with a team of very well-paid lawyers. Except without the lawyers and the five pages. Very long paragraphs were written, however.


Wish granted, but some fat kid ate you.

I wish all the guests that have been looking at SM: Phazon's topic for the last 10-11 hours would gtfo. (Note: If you read this and there are not 17 guests, then the wish has been granted.)


All of the guests create accounts and beg for betas in the Epsilon thread, thus effectively ignoring the Phazon thread.

I wish that we didn't have to have a "13/14/15/16 year olds who think you can join the channel and instantly become a dick, GTFO" rule; in essence, I wish that all of the people who do shit like that would learn their place before they spoke. Make some goddamn hacks and contribute to the community before you become an ass, please? I'm dying here. (Note that this is the first sincere wish in this topic. Har de har.)


Wish is granted, But all of the hacks suck except for one and they all blow up in your face.

I wish i had 1000 bars of pure gold


1000 bars of fools' gold, also known as pyrite, coming right up.

I wish, I wish I was a fish.


You are transformed into a fish, but you don't gain any gills so you die.

I wish for the next post to include pie.


A random pie flies out of left field and hits Phazar in the face.

I wish for world peace.  (this ought to be interesting lol)


World peace causes everyone to lose all sense of accomplishment, thereby making daily life a bore and reproduction stops suddenly thus killing off the human race.

I wish to become a Shy Guy.


Wish Granted, But your mask falls off showing your face to the world and causing you to blow up.

I wish to be Immortal.