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Started by Oi27, May 01, 2023, 09:03:34 PM

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Open source data management tool designed for use alongside SMILE RF.
Available at

Allows automatic repointing of room data and tilesets.
Rooms can be exported to ASM format and merged together for collab projects.
Also supports automatic guide-map generation: Dread-style area maps at 1px:1tile.
Currently only supports ASAR assembler.

Generally, it's used as:
    >Save in SMILE
    >Save in SMASM
    >Apply ASM
And all your stuff is repointed!
See README.txt in repo for specific usage.

Good luck and have fun with SM-ASM! Bug reports are appreciated.

NOTE: this is my first major coding project, so the source is pretty messy. Learned a lot making it!
Shoutout to Yuriks for helping me learn C# for the project!


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