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Super Metroid Rebuild 2023

Started by Warriornator, March 25, 2023, 03:02:56 PM

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If its just that. I can take 10 minutes and take screenshot  :yay:

Ps : wow in 2023 limited to 4MB of file. Well ok will take time to change png format to jpg and add them into zip. Fine. Should not take too much time

I don't have take screenshot of the best thing I do but some. in the Zip you will find screenshot of what I talked about

* Experience water without Gravity. Something Vanilla missing to have fun with physic of water
* I liked the glass tunnel so I copy it and add it somewhere in Maridia for a best look and cool design
* Screenshot of 2 place that require Mockball Technic. Something Vanilla missing to have fun with Mockball
* I add Mini Kraid because I love this mob maybe people don't but I like them and add them in number
* I am not a fan of Metroid NES version but liked the Door. So I retake the similar principe
* Door respawn. I don't care people don't like that. I like the concept in Metroid Prime where you always change weapon to open them. If people find that annoying its not my problem

Not spoil all of the rom hack but will give a idea


Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 10:56:58 AM
Wow I think a lots of people don't understand much what the definition of a Hack is
We understand quite well what a hack is. You could theoretically make one singular change and call it a "hack: it's an umbrella term. Is it a half hack, a full hack, a challenge hack, mini/contest hack, etc. This has been debated on these forums for AGES, the stereotypical "post a poorly edited Landing site, call it a hack thread, nothing but spikes, call it challenging. People were sick of it 10 years ago.
Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 10:56:58 AM

When I hear stupidity like : '' Oh the door are respawning. Make me lose half a second of my life!!!! OH MY GOD its the end of the world'' My god so much a drama for something that already exist in Metroid Prime Series. I just took the same concept. So if your better argument is ''OH you make

People are weird. First we have the people who don't understand what a hack is, People who don't understand the concept of Metroid. For me its like someone who watch a movie and will hate it because he don't have understand the story.

I think its time people wake up a little we cannot build like A2MR. People who did this one did it with a program way more developed than SMILE. If you compare that with that. You cleary don't understand what SMILE is in first place
1. The missile blast gates didn't regenerate in Prime. Those were beam specific doors that some people argue should've been removed after the first time they're opened anyways, but the whole point of them NOT being that way, is because the developers needed to slow the player down to load the next main room, as there were memory limitations and they could only have one small room and one large room in memory at a time. You're comparing apples to oranges

Also to say you can't do with Super Metroid like AM2R well maybe you're right but that's kind of an insult to the very amazing ASM hackers here who've integrated some crazy stuff that I'm surprised they CAN pull off in SM. Haven't you seen Subersion? Super Zero Mission? If you want a good example of using vanilla graphics check out something like Redesign, and even then they usually still changed some palettes or SOMETHING to make the game more interesting.

And when you keep saying this AM2R stuff, I can't help but be blunt at this point; if you can't even make a playable room in SMILE, giving you something like my Prime Engine that's even more complex than AM2R is just a waste. You wouldn't be able to make use of the code let alone even design levels if everything was set up for you like SM and drop in the objects. You gotta start somewhere. All we're trying to do is offer constructive criticism, we ALL started somewhere. But if you're gonna be bitter about it and take it personally that's gonna hinder your growth as a person and as a game developer, just saying.


I ignore people who just want to be salty and toxic and destroy the work of the others or ruin reputation of the work of the others. Sorry Tobi I have other thing than read you. Didn't read  :lol:

I will only read people with positive comment or constructive comment to my work. Other I ignore


That's a mature response to criticism


Update 11 : Fixed some problem and mob. Also adjusted Dragoon Power Bomb damage. 4 was little too much high. So set it to 3 and up his life to 5000 HP because he dying too much fast with Power Bomb and was not fun. Challenge is there but not too much hard. Fun to avoid 3 Fireball. So give him Power Bomb Weakness add some strategy. Of course I remove the Grappling stuff trick. I don't like to kill a boss in 10 seconds. We already did that in Vanilla so no point doing it here.

The Maridia is finish after this. Lets just some minor stuffs like Lower Norfair and some room I want to change. Very close to final version at this point


I think the door shields reappearing isn't bad necessarily, but it might lead to softlocks if you include one in a room without enemies to refill ammo, you know?
Maybe people would be less annoyed if the door shields reappeared only once you leave an area, instead of a room? I don't find them reappearing annoying, but I understand why other people would.


Don't worrie about this no chance someone be softlock. With all the mob refill everywhere. Mini kraid that refill you a ton. All mobs refill you anyway. So be at 00 its close impossible. Only after a Boss maybe. Pink need 5. I give like 25 just beginning. Super need 2 each door but after find it you have already like 30+ after 50% of the game you have over 70+

Door Respawn are only outside and never inside just for information to avoid someone to enter with 00. Don't worry its not a concept that will softlock you


Quote from: caldw3ll on March 27, 2023, 12:59:29 PM
I think the door shields reappearing isn't bad necessarily, but it might lead to softlocks if you include one in a room without enemies to refill ammo, you know?
Maybe people would be less annoyed if the door shields reappeared only once you leave an area, instead of a room? I don't find them reappearing annoying, but I understand why other people would.
Doors respawning is a binary. Either they respawn, or they don't. Having them respawn when you leave the area would be an interesting concept, but it would require custom code. The code itself probably wouldn't be hard to write, but since most in the community prefer to have doors not respawn, it's not something anyone has really thought of or wanted to make.


Update 12 : Arrive soon. Didn't notice I broke a lots of pallet of mob and stuff with my test for some room. I gonna fix all this. Should not take long.

Will take a little longer. I discover a lots of problem on the road of return by the shortcut in Crateria my room there don't work at all.

Ouf that was not easy to find something that worked well in the 2 small room but I found something. I don't like my Super Missile and Power Bomb with a strange symbol to say its over 100. I guess 100 will not be the number I choose then if that create that

Update 13 will fix the number of items properly. I will find a perfect number for each


I wasn't gonna say anything until this thread started blowing up, which it did. So, yeah, I stopped at the Rio-infested hallway in Brinstar. Why? Cause throwing a bunch of buffed enemies at you isn't a challenge, it's tedium. It seems like you came back from a 10 year hiatus and somehow managed to stay where you were at 10 years ago.

This also doesn't come off as a challenge hack, if that's what you're trying to make. It comes off as a poorly designed and minimally edited half hack which people will think is broken right off the bat, reset their emulator and go play something else.

These work-in-progress updates are really kind of funny though. Unnecessary, but funny.  :^_^:


Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 10:56:58 AM
I think its time people wake up a little we cannot build like A2MR. People who did this one did it with a program way more developed than SMILE. If you compare that with that. You cleary don't understand what SMILE is in first place
Oh... okay...



Rogue Dawn.


V  I  T  A  L  I  T  Y  .

Hyper Metroid.

Ancient Chozo.

You look at these hacks and tell me that editors are too old and limited and can't possibly compete with AM2R. If SMILE is so antiquated why do you continue to use it when SMART exists?

Stop trying to argue that it's okay to push out your rubbish because you never bothered to learn how to use SMILE to its full potential and just admit that you're a lazy manchild who refuses to take criticism. Admit that the only reason you're here is because your ego is hurt by people calling your garbage for what it is: garbage. As others have said in this thread, it's no longer 2009. The Super Metroid Mod Manual exists. We are in a post-Redesign world now. You have all the tools you need now. There is no excuse for low quality hacks like these anymore.

For everyone's sake stop lying to yourself about being a world record speedrunner. You are an idiot if you think that you're the only person in the world to have the game manual and that having it gives you some insider secrets on how to get world records.

It's people like you who give romhacks the negative connotation of being low-effort minimal changes that make the vanilla game hard for no reason at all. Come on. You can do better.


Just a reminder in case you did not read his previous posts :

Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 11:43:30 AM
What wrong with people my god. You don't like what I do go away.
Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 11:43:30 AM
I don't care of people who think what I done don't meet the Hack expection.
TLDR, I don't care, go away.


I will finish my project for the one who will really enjoy have fun with a game. Others can go to Hell I don't care of you and your bad logic and all. Wow congratulation others did a better job Clap CLAP CLAP. What you want I give you a damn medal. Did some just some people on this earth can have just a little common sense and just talk about my hack and STOP showing me the work of others people I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY DID

Yeah congratulation they want a medals of something to build something better than mine?

Some people are really satisfy to come here just talk shit and destroy my work i did over 1 week or more. Wow I know it internet was toxic but at this point I have no clue that was really horrible at this point.

If I know it I will got only people talk shit and all. I will had keep my hack for me.

However I am not selfish and I did it for the one who really appreciate a good Rom Hack and have fun whatever how its make. So Thank you for the one download it and play it to have fun. OThers can go to hell. I don't care at this point of what you say. I didn't read you anyway  :lol:


Its always the people making trash that dig their heels in so deep and thump their chests, gotta love it.

I guess if it took me 14 years to figure out how to load a room with spikes, give enemies 10x hp and STILL not know how to properly connect doors, I'd be defensive too.  :heheh:


Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 03:10:40 PM
I will finish my project for the one who will really enjoy have fun with a game. Others can go to Hell I don't care of you and your bad logic and all. Wow congratulation others did a better job Clap CLAP CLAP. What you want I give you a damn medal. Did some just some people on this earth can have just a little common sense and just talk about my hack and STOP showing me the work of others people I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY DID

Yeah congratulation they want a medals of something to build something better than mine?

Some people are really satisfy to come here just talk shit and destroy my work i did over 1 week or more. Wow I know it internet was toxic but at this point I have no clue that was really horrible at this point.

If I know it I will got only people talk shit and all. I will had keep my hack for me.

However I am not selfish and I did it for the one who really appreciate a good Rom Hack and have fun whatever how its make. So Thank you for the one download it and play it to have fun. OThers can go to hell. I don't care at this point of what you say. I didn't read you anyway  :lol:

Part of not caring what people say and not reading their posts is not responding to those posts (ignoring the fact that you obviously do care and are reading these posts).

Just to clarify though, the reason that post about other people's hacks was made was because of this post, the claim you made there was too absurd for everyone to stay quiet.

That's not the only absurd claim you've made either, hence the toxicity of the thread


I like turtles.

Does your hack has turtles?


You remember me why I hate so much human. Thank you to remember me why. Its just too much complex for people to just come here and respect the work of each people and talk like a normal person. I have read some post fast  of other hack. Damn people have a serious problem in their mind. No surprise this world going so bad in 2023. No surprise video game are so much in danger in 2023. Each time a developer do something people are not capable of appreciate a simple thing. Too much complex for people I guess. Always need something amazing out of the normal thing.

Everyone are a lost cause anyway. What I expect? maybe I expect too much. I just realize damn human was more polite and all before internet existed and specialy the trash social media that runned the brain of all human.

Continue to hate everything in your life people. Continue not respect developer or else. Clap clap clap. Same appreciate a simple movie for some are too much complex in 2023.

I guess by looking this thread I notice I guess I am the only left on this earth that still respect Nintendo and the original Super Metroid because apparently I see no one seem to respect it to want to play something else than Super Metroid. If you appreciate so much what people do like A2MR. Sorry you have no respect of Super Metroid

I guess I am the only left. No not true I remember Oatsandgoat respect Super Metroid Vanilla because he do Speeedrunner. I guess we are only 2 left 


Well this thread has certainly been an interesting way to not do actual work for the last five minutes.  And from what I've read these five minutes will be the only time I invest in this hack.

This may actually be internet performance art on Warriornator's part.  It would explain a lot. 


for you information I just take a little break can I? my god people are so annoying. Yeah I gonna finish it. Can I take a break? damn it. I will finish it tonight I guess. Just need to balance number of items and create 3 armor pallet and maybe change some room I didn't like. Other than that this hack is done at 90%


What's your main language, Warriornator


Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 03:43:34 PM
You remember me why I hate so much human. Thank you to remember me why. Its just too much complex for people to just come here and respect the work of each people and talk like a normal person. I have read some post fast  of other hack. Damn people have a serious problem in their mind. No surprise this world going so bad in 2023. No surprise video game are so much in danger in 2023. Each time a developer do something people are not capable of appreciate a simple thing. Too much complex for people I guess. Always need something amazing out of the normal thing.

Everyone are a lost cause anyway. What I expect? maybe I expect too much. I just realize damn human was more polite and all before internet existed and specialy the trash social media that runned the brain of all human.

Continue to hate everything in your life people. Continue not respect developer or else. Clap clap clap. Same appreciate a simple movie for some are too much complex in 2023.

I guess by looking this thread I notice I guess I am the only left on this earth that still respect Nintendo and the original Super Metroid because apparently I see no one seem to respect it to want to play something else than Super Metroid. If you appreciate so much what people do like A2MR. Sorry you have no respect of Super Metroid

I guess I am the only left. No not true I remember Oatsandgoat respect Super Metroid Vanilla because he do Speeedrunner. I guess we are only 2 left 

Look, my friend. No one here is trying to tear down your work or anything. They are just genuinely concerned with making sure you make something you can be proud of. Perhaps they went about that the wrong way, perhaps they didn't. Regardless, we are not here to be your enemies. We do respect and value you for your contributions. Understand that, when people criticize something, it isn't because they hate it or want to shit on it. It's because they want to see the project be the best it can be.

I understand that it can be hurtful when no one has anything positive to say. I've certainly been there, and it was hard. But, at the end of the day, they mean well.

There are genuinely rude, ungrateful, inconsiderate, and downright hostile people out there in the world. The people here, however, are not that. Perhaps a bit too pushy with their ideas, but they wouldn't be if they weren't so deeply passionate and caring about Metroid. We all love and adore Metroid, and we appreciate that you do, as well.

Whether or not you decide to accept people's criticism, which is absolutely up to you, I only ask this: Please understand that we don't hate you. We're not being mean for the sake of being mean.

There are so many people here who are passionate about Super Metroid, and we are genuinely thrilled that you are one of us. Even if we don't end up agreeing on the game design end, I thank you for contributing your work. For sharing your own creation.


Quote from: Wolfric on March 27, 2023, 03:52:48 PM
What's your main language, Warriornator

What the hell i am suppose to answer to that stupid question? Did I look like I write in Chinese or Italian or else. What you expect. English damn it. What the hell is this stupid question. This dumb question reflect the stupidity we can read each day on internet. do you have other dumb question like this one?


Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 04:02:28 PM
Quote from: Wolfric on March 27, 2023, 03:52:48 PM
What's your main language, Warriornator

What the hell i am suppose to answer to that stupid question? Did I look like I write in Chinese or Italian or else. What you expect. English damn it. What the hell is this stupid question. This dumb question reflect the stupidity we can read each day on internet. do you have other dumb question like this one?
You remember me why I hate so much human. Thank you to remember me why. Its just too much complex for people to just come here and respect the work of each people and talk like a normal person.