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Super Metroid Rebuild 2023

Started by Warriornator, March 25, 2023, 03:02:56 PM

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If you remember me aka Dark099 (my old pseudo in the past) its me who created Super Metroid Rebuild 1 to 4 but sadly after see I got only 2.5 Rating and people didn't liked. 14 years later I found out my hack on Youtube 1 week ago and I was disappointed by the work i did. That was no sense build and all

This time I am come back with better skill and better work. Some overhaul of the vanilla one but way better

+ Removed some useless door to redirect and change direction
+ Boss have different weakness. By example Crateria Chorizo have only Bomb weakness so you need to beat it with Bomb,etc..
+ Boss have more HP than in vanilla. More tougher
+ People didn't like it have 300 missiles so I have nerfed this one and drop all 3 items to 100,100 and 100
+ Very good amusing visual. Compared to my Rebuild 1 to 4 that was no sense room build with no sense materials. I build room and tried to respect the original aspect of the vanilla
+ Delayed powerups to make more sense
+ My power ups order have way more logical sense than in Rebuild 1 to 4. So I have respected a more logical order
+ Enemy are more tougher. So only experienced player can finished with less than 50 dead
+ The Room that normally has the mockball technic has been delayed so don't allow to use it there. However don't worry to have fun with this technic I have created it in a another place
+ A lots of surprise. You will like it
+ I am aware that my Rebuild 1 to 4 was over 100% because I had added a lots of missile and items. So more check. Don't worry this one will have 100% when finished
+ I have 4 hours and didn't finished my 1st Run same if I know where items are and all with smile. So someone without can have maybe 6-8 hours. And no its not just Brown down like I did in Rebuild 1 to 4 to just prolong road. Its just items are so delayed in logical way that you need to use Back and forth like any Metroid Series game. Some items you will search very long because they are well placed like the Gravity Suit,etc...
+ Have fun with physic of water with no Gravity Suit in Maridia
+ Today I know all technic and glitch a speedrunner use. So don't try to use them in this one. I stop you and remove all way to use one.
+ and more and more....

- I have still don't have finished my work but its playable Start to End
- I have build the hack room after room and tested on the go so its possible some items don't appear. Due to same index in smile. Don't worry I gonna fix that
- I am aware its unfinished so I need a lots of work to polished it and finished. So a lots of room are untouched. I wanted to touch them in my 2nd run
- the hack still in Beta Progress for now but is playable for now for everyone who want to try it
- I am aware in Upper Norfair that 2 door have a bug due to the fack I tried to move them. Good news is don't stop the progression its just visual. 1 door in Maridia that I have remove but I was not aware of the softlock camera where spring ball was. So I have tried to add a new door but work well but a little visual bug there. I gonna try to fix this in the final version
- I am aware that trying to fight Ridley a 2nd time in Norfair. I add it somewhere else but because I didn't not know that Boss was only once. I removed Gold Torizo.
- I am aware Lower Norfair is a mess right now due to some test. Don't be surprise if you see Spawn Spore nowhere in the right. I still have a huge work in progress in lower Norfair. I still think about what I gonna do there. Unfinished work
- Don't worry I know for now the 3 Armor are the same. I will change them only at the end
- I am ware the Gravity Suit is stubborn and refuse to center. When you get it whatever I do Samus go in middle of the block. I gonna try to find a way to center it

Update 1 : I found out in a room I forgot to add something to get out. So you gonna be softlock in the Beta version. Update 1 will fix it. Also I have do some change already

Update 2 : A lots of change and fix

Update 3 : My work advance really well. A lots of change and improvement

Update 4 : All its done I just need to test it and make proper adjustment and create the 3 final Armor Suit for Samus and its gonna be close to final version

PS : found it lol I needed to open the JU Rom to create a IPS and not my Hack one. its ok


don't post rom post ips instead


I'm glad to see you're getting back into hacking. There are already issues with this, mainly the room after morph. I softlocked in it because there's an unnecessary hidden block that blocked my missile shooting open the door. Also in the same room, you're average player isn't going to get out of the bottom of it.


Today I gonna test it. I see what happen. In smile crateria like Wrecked Ship have a Event and a Standard. Sadly I have up the Head in the Standard but for a reason in the event that created a invisible block. I gonna check how I can solve this

The bottom is not complicated everyone should know at this point same in vanilla the jump morph technic. Like Wall Jump its a basic move

PS : I find out the game add some black invisible block in a Solid State. No clue why. SO I change them to X-Ray.

PS : Nope the game continue to add invisible block. I gonna find a way to fix that

PS : I found why they add the invisible block. The game is stuck with my first configuration. Where I up the Head on a pillar. For a reason I don't know Smile refuse to change all the change I do after that. Stuck with my first configuration. Damn this room will take me more time to figure it out to solve this

PS : I finally find out the problem, For a reason I really have no clue what happen. Smile was mess up and didn't save anymore my change. After 50-100 save a strange .smc appear in a bin format. So I delete it and everything its back to normal. No clue what in the hell happen this morning

Update 5 : Fix up some problem at the beginning of Crateria. Like a speedbooster block that didn't appear to prevent someone to get a early Super Missile and fix the solid invisible block in the Pink Door

Update 6 : Fix up the mockball section where Dachora is. Was not operational at all and didn't work well. Now its work like a charm. Also I adjusted correctly HP and damage of enemy in Green Brinstar. Fix up the enemy I forgot in Red Brinstar. Up HP of Spawn Spore at 750 HP and Kraid to 2500 HP. So not too much but not loo low like in vanilla. Just perfect

Update 7 : I notice I add the wrong enemy in Upper Norfair with 350 HP that was for way later. I fix this with the proper enemy. Also figure it out the HP was a little too much high for enemy in Upper Norfair in general. So make proper adjustment for this section. I didn't like the door that go down for the wave don't make any sense this one. So I remove it and now make more sense with only 1 door in this section. I removed 1 Missile in wrong section. Decided to add it in the original place where I had removed in the first version. Now the game its more enjoyable and more fun. More balance on the go. I keep working on

Update 8 : I didn't notice after a lots of change yesterday a lots of stuff didn't work well. Glad I test it carefully. Some room was softlock. So I change a lots of stuffs. Calibrate Phantoon HP at 3500 was doable but too much hard with over 20 super so too long. Drop it to 3000 for around 12. Now its challenging but not impossible like in my first version. Change some door color. Adjusted some green that was badly set to 1 hit. Take a long time to test carefully but Enemy HP are now perfect set to match Energy Tank. Took me some hours but should be good now. Until Maridia the game its perfectly fixed and operational.

So now I am to test Maridia and the rest


don't post endless updates
only post the final version


Please send as many updates as you want. We love to test and give feedback  :^_^:


hire beta testers like a good hacker
also use SMART because SMILE is bad


Update 9 : My project advance very well. Discover some problem on the go in Upper Norfair. Now fixed. Weird enemy palet. Also some items with the wrong Index. One Power Bomb was on 80 so returning. That was weird. No clue why Smile decided to give them 80. Some items was disappear. Now fixed. Hope all items have the good index. Fixed some others problem also.

I forgot to fix bad texture in Maridia in one room. Nevermind its gonna be done in the Upgrade 10

Update 10 : Will not take long to arrive. Find out some problem in Maridia that can softlock you in the sand without the Gravity. So I gonna change one thing. Fix the mob I add that don't appear correctly. Some texture that I don't like much. Should not take long 


I'd have to agree with Conner here more, there's a lot ofnhacks that have new versions of the entire hack because they're a half hack at best, but that doesn't mean it can't be changed and added onto, people would still play the new version, especially if they say they didn't like x in the first version and you fixed that and there's new content there's a bunch of people who wanna do nothing but play and rate hacks, I wish we had that kinda demand to MAKE ROM hacks and fan games as well, but we can dream, or we can work amirite?


[played version 2] did you mean to make nearly all ammo door caps respawn? got pretty sick of that and gave up.


I guess not everyone like the concept in Metroid Prime  :yay: its ok maybe this one its not for everyone. Its a concept but if shoot missile or super each time its enough to push someone back and gave up. Very tempting to answer. Metroid series its not for you. Because other are like that. If people only want Blue door I guess they just need to play Metroid the NES version with only blue door

Update 11 : Will be delayed to tomorrow I encounter a problem that close ruin my plan to something in a room. I try to add a Dori with the 7 pieces but for a reason I don't know why he don't work properly and make my game freeze after 4 seconds. I gonna check that tomorrow. Gonna also make the rest of the change for Lower Norfair. This hack its close finish. Tomorrow should be very close to the final version. Some room maybe I gonna change.


I do not know if I correctly understand what you are saying.

Is English your first language, or is it something else?


Tell first what you don't understand and after I will be able to help you out. No clue what you don't understand.


Before others people come and said what are the goal of all the hack created that are not a hack or half hack? like someone answer some post up

I have no clue about other hack. No clue what other expect really? I mean if you want a overhaul totally different that are totally rebuild A to Z that don't look like Super Metroid. I mean you are in the wrong place. Just go play Metroid Fusion, Metroid Samus Return, Metroid Prime,etc... there is maybe 20+ Metroid game.

Smile its pretty limited and just allow to change ennemy, change room and some stuff. For some information for people who don't hack or build hack Developer of Super Metroid had some softlock in the game. I mean some room are protected and cannot be change at all. You can't delete them or modify them. So when I see people say what the hell its going on with all the half Hack? Because everyone use Smile so what we do are limited. People like that answer that kind of stuff without know of what they talking about

I had play in the past some hack that was very well developed but they use probably something else like Smart or a better Hack Program to build something more amazing than the stuff we do

If people look for this kind of stuff go look the advanced Hack. The truth is its not what majority of people do. We use Smile and we have fun create something different than the Vanilla version

To answer really what the goal of my hack?

I gonna tell you first who I am

People don't know me because I am not on Youtube and not on Twitch. For now. Something i want to do soon. If you didn't know I am the one who did the first World Record in Super Metroid. Don't ask me how I did that I just know when I was a kid in 1994 I had just too much time to play non stop Super Metroid. I am lucky that I had also the true book call ''Super MEtroid Nintendo Player Guide'' if you don't know just google it. That book help me find shortcut that allowed me to finish it in 42 minutes. For the one who didn't know this record was not beat until 2016. You can check the World Record page

However I am very disappointed today That after close 30 years I lose how I did and today I finish it in around 1 hour 10. With some training 1 hour 05. With a time like this I still in top 10-20 of best player

Why I tell you that? Don't worrie I coming to my point. So impatient these day  :lol:

Today I don't do anymore speedrun but do Super Metroid Varia Randomizer in Intermediate difficulty. Sometime in Pro mode with Glitch. So now you understand that I am not a Noob or Casual at this point

So what are the goal of my hack?

* Allow player that play vanilla who want to develop their skill. Vanilla develop skill but not at this point. My hack is only build with special technic like : Jump Morph Mid Air,Mockball, Wall Jump, Bomb Jump,ShineSpark Mid Air, Medium Shinespark,etc.. Learn how to avoid a room of 14 enemy+ by Running and morph mid air at full speed in different degree and angle. Learn how to survive Boss that are more difficult than Vanilla
* I also did it for me because my hack help me develop my reflex and maybe regain my old reflex I had in the past when I was a kid
* For the one who want fun
* We call that Super Metroid or Metroid but without much Metroid. I like the one in Tourian. So add a lots in Maridia. To have fun

Same today I still in the top 10-20 best player of Super Metroid

the main goal of this hack its for the one who want to develop their skill and pass Casual to Pro Player. Because I only use the special technic Speedrunner use. If you learn them and pass my hack at 100% I guaranteed to you that you will pass Casual to Pro player in maybe some playthrough

If someone look for something else. Pass your road its only for the one that are Medium or Good but want to be more good or better and want to improve their skills and at same time have fun to play a beautiful well made hack. That I carefully put a lots of effort in it.

Also after you did this hack you will touch Vanilla. You will be ''Oh my god this game is so easy now'' trust me you will have more fun to be better  :yay:   


Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 03:04:35 AM
Before others people come and said what are the goal of all the hack created that are not a hack or half hack? like someone answer some post up

I have no clue about other hack. No clue what other expect really? I mean if you want a overhaul totally different that are totally rebuild A to Z that don't look like Super Metroid. I mean you are in the wrong place. Just go play Metroid Fusion, Metroid Samus Return, Metroid Prime,etc... there is maybe 20+ Metroid game.

Smile its pretty limited and just allow to change ennemy, change room and some stuff. For some information for people who don't hack or build hack Developer of Super Metroid had some softlock in the game. I mean some room are protected and cannot be change at all. You can't delete them or modify them. So when I see people say what the hell its going on with all the half Hack? Because everyone use Smile so what we do are limited. People like that answer that kind of stuff without know of what they talking about

I had play in the past some hack that was very well developed but they use probably something else like Smart or a better Hack Program to build something more amazing than the stuff we do

If people look for this kind of stuff go look the advanced Hack. The truth is its not what majority of people do. We use Smile and we have fun create something different than the Vanilla version

To answer really what the goal of my hack?

I gonna tell you first who I am

People don't know me because I am not on Youtube and not on Twitch. For now. Something i want to do soon. If you didn't know I am the one who did the first World Record in Super Metroid. Don't ask me how I did that I just know when I was a kid in 1994 I had just too much time to play non stop Super Metroid. I am lucky that I had also the true book call ''Super MEtroid Nintendo Player Guide'' if you don't know just google it. That book help me find shortcut that allowed me to finish it in 42 minutes. For the one who didn't know this record was not beat until 2016. You can check the World Record page

However I am very disappointed today That after close 30 years I lose how I did and today I finish it in around 1 hour 10. With some training 1 hour 05. With a time like this I still in top 10-20 of best player

Why I tell you that? Don't worrie I coming to my point. So impatient these day  :lol:

Today I don't do anymore speedrun but do Super Metroid Varia Randomizer in Intermediate difficulty. Sometime in Pro mode with Glitch. So now you understand that I am not a Noob or Casual at this point

So what are the goal of my hack?

* Allow player that play vanilla who want to develop their skill. Vanilla develop skill but not at this point. My hack is only build with special technic like : Jump Morph Mid Air,Mockball, Wall Jump, Bomb Jump,ShineSpark Mid Air, Medium Shinespark,etc.. Learn how to avoid a room of 14 enemy+ by Running and morph mid air at full speed in different degree and angle. Learn how to survive Boss that are more difficult than Vanilla
* I also did it for me because my hack help me develop my reflex and maybe regain my old reflex I had in the past when I was a kid
* For the one who want fun
* We call that Super Metroid or Metroid but without much Metroid. I like the one in Tourian. So add a lots in Maridia. To have fun

Same today I still in the top 10-20 best player of Super Metroid

the main goal of this hack its for the one who want to develop their skill and pass Casual to Pro Player. Because I only use the special technic Speedrunner use. If you learn them and pass my hack at 100% I guaranteed to you that you will pass Casual to Pro player in maybe some playthrough

If someone look for something else. Pass your road its only for the one that are Medium or Good but want to be more good or better and want to improve their skills and at same time have fun to play a beautiful well made hack. That I carefully put a lots of effort in it.

Also after you did this hack you will touch Vanilla. You will be ''Oh my god this game is so easy now'' trust me you will have more fun to be better  :yay:   



Quote from: Warriornator on March 25, 2023, 03:02:56 PM
If you remember me aka Dark099 (my old pseudo in the past) its me who created Super Metroid Rebuild 1 to 4 but sadly after see I got only 2.5 Rating and people didn't liked. 14 years later I found out my hack on Youtube 1 week ago and I was disappointed by the work i did. That was no sense build and all

This time I am come back with better skill and better work. Some overhaul of the vanilla one but way better

+ Removed some useless door to redirect and change direction
+ Boss have different weakness. By example Crateria Chorizo have only Bomb weakness so you need to beat it with Bomb,etc..
+ Boss have more HP than in vanilla. More tougher
+ People didn't like it have 300 missiles so I have nerfed this one and drop all 3 items to 100,100 and 100
+ Very good amusing visual. Compared to my Rebuild 1 to 4 that was no sense room build with no sense materials. I build room and tried to respect the original aspect of the vanilla
+ Delayed powerups to make more sense
+ My power ups order have way more logical sense than in Rebuild 1 to 4. So I have respected a more logical order
+ Enemy are more tougher. So only experienced player can finished with less than 50 dead
+ The Room that normally has the mockball technic has been delayed so don't allow to use it there. However don't worry to have fun with this technic I have created it in a another place
+ A lots of surprise. You will like it
+ I am aware that my Rebuild 1 to 4 was over 100% because I had added a lots of missile and items. So more check. Don't worry this one will have 100% when finished
+ I have 4 hours and didn't finished my 1st Run same if I know where items are and all with smile. So someone without can have maybe 6-8 hours. And no its not just Brown down like I did in Rebuild 1 to 4 to just prolong road. Its just items are so delayed in logical way that you need to use Back and forth like any Metroid Series game. Some items you will search very long because they are well placed like the Gravity Suit,etc...
+ Have fun with physic of water with no Gravity Suit in Maridia
+ Today I know all technic and glitch a speedrunner use. So don't try to use them in this one. I stop you and remove all way to use one.
+ and more and more....

Just the introduction made me not want to play it. Part of the joy of playing romhacks/games is finding all the cool sequence breaks, tricks you can use to take shortcuts, alternate routes for any% and potentially RBO, etc. If the romhack is going to be a vanilla+, but without any of the original 'make your own path' style of Super Metroid, I'm not interested.

Now that I think about it, how would you even prevent sequence breaks? No matter what you do, somebody's going to figure something out, whether it be a game-breaking boss skip or just simple early supers or something.

(Also, I heard something about respawning door caps? If that's intended, it's not fun, useful, or wanted, it solely exists to slow down the player.)

Also, if buffing enemies solely consists of stat boosts, and not actual interesting AI or weakness changes, that's another annoying thing that creates what I term 'artificial difficulty'.


The time of challenge hacks has come and gone bro. TobiMikami put it best, we're in the age of the rare great hack effort release people immediately consoom but more commonly contest hacks because people are more interested in playing than making. Unless this hack really changes awesome things I'd generally just gloss over it as "oh, just another 2% changed room design hard hack" and move onto something cooler.


Wow I think a lots of people don't understand much what the definition of a Hack is

Hack its something that its close of the original but people change a little but not much. If you play Chrono Trigger Randomizer. The Boss are random and items are random its all. The same game. If you play Zelda link to the past Rom Hack its the same has the original but a little different. Like Link between World. Randomizer, Keysanity, Crossworld,etc....are different mode of rom Hack

If people come on Metroid Construction and think people will build something totally different than the original maybe its time to reconcider why you play Super Metroid Hack in first place

I am not here to force anyone to play what I have build or force you to try it.

When I hear stupidity like : '' Oh the door are respawning. Make me lose half a second of my life!!!! OH MY GOD its the end of the world'' My god so much a drama for something that already exist in Metroid Prime Series. I just took the same concept. So if your better argument is ''OH you make me lose time'' Sorry to disappoint you its not a Speedrun Hack. So already you didn't have understand the goal of this hack. Next

When I hear '' Oh there is no sequence break in your hack'' What you think? my hack is build in first place? its from Vanilla. The Same sequence break. If in 2023 you have never touch Super Metroid Vanilla in your life. Sorry don't start with a hack. How can you make supposition there is no sequence break? if you don't have try my hack?

Play it and you will see if you can break what I have done. Take it like a challenge to find a way to counter my work. I have said no Pro player can use the glitch or cheat they use in Vanilla. Prove me I have wrong. Its the goal of this hack. I offer a challenge to someone who will break it like someone did with my Rebuild 4 on Youtube.

My own challenge was to fix what my Rebuild weakness was. People need to be imaginative and be creative and try to break or find something I didn't see

People are weird. First we have the people who don't understand what a hack is, People who don't understand the concept of Metroid. For me its like someone who watch a movie and will hate it because he don't have understand the story.

So if you don't understand what a hack is. Sorry Rom Hack its maybe not for you.

I think its time people wake up a little we cannot build like A2MR. People who did this one did it with a program way more developed than SMILE. If you compare that with that. You cleary don't understand what SMILE is in first place

SEcond OF COURSE ITS A VANILLA + like 95% of Super Metroid Rom Hack. What in the hell people think? that they gonna find a game build 99% different with only 1% same room. LOL I don't know what people imagine really. Give me the tool to create like A2MR and some formation in informatic and maybe I will create something similar LOL. Damn what people expect of a Rom Hack  :lol:


To come back to the hack. I remove my older version. Because I don't see the point to download old version like the Update 4 or 8 or 9,etc.. that was broken and all. So I only keep for now the last one. The Update 10

Today I gonna try to finish it if I can. Lots of work to do. I keep you updated with that


Maybe its time for you to learn that a hack is a game modification or mod, and there is multiple types for different player audience,
so there isnt one perfect hack type and this is why we have those categorized on the main site

Many prefere the modifications that fix or upgrade the base game so they can have a better modern experience,
while others prefere a fan expansion so they can play new "levels" with new content, which could be compared to something like Dark Souls DLC's "Artorias of the Abyss" (which is the same engine made with the same tools btw, thats what additional content for a game is)

Another thing is that it takes efforts to do something grande and this is what players want the most,
and with any medium there is also an evolution, people get better at using the medium to make better things and with more efforts,
this apply to any type of game modifications, the hack SM Rotation would be a good example of a twist done on the original game map
and the hack SM Recovery would be another one, and ofc many others...
The thing too is that there is quite alot of simple rooms edits hacks, and those get lost in the ocean they created.


Quote from: Warriornator on March 27, 2023, 10:56:58 AM
Wow I think a lots of people don't understand much what the definition of a Hack is

Hack its something that its close of the original but people change a little but not much.

i really think you should play at least some of the romhacks that people have made in the years you've been away from the community. romhacking has come a lot further than "mostly like the original game with some changes". sure the underlying game remains the same, but most modern romhacks have zero rooms in common with vanilla super metroid, and many have entirely custom graphics and music. hacks like vitality or subversion create entire other worlds successfully detached from the familiar planet zebes.

there's so much out there to explore, you have a fantastic backlog of romhacks to experience. i think you'll have a great time.


What wrong with people my god. You don't like what I do go away. I said it its a Vanilla + like other Rom hack close to original. For people who want to have fun to play something different than the original. Kind of. And develop their skill. If you are not interested go play other Hack. I don't care of people who think what I done don't meet the Hack expection.

So much people negative. My god alright its not for you what I have do. Play something else!!!!! its simple like this


Even new level graphics would be a really great start to appealing more people your way. You're not really going to attract players by being so stubbornly vanilla unless you're a creative genius like DMantra.


My god other than say shit and destroy other people work did people do something else of their time? My god people have so much time to lose on the internet. Fine people are not attracted in 2023 by a Vanilla + I get it. Now go away. Can just people that are interested download it and play it and other go away. So simple in 2023. I don't like Call of Duty and FPS did I come on forum of Call of Duty to say shit and destroy the fun of others? NO. Do the same. Thank you. I get it people are not interested now go away and find a Hack you are interested

I did this to share my fun because I am not selfish. I can keep it for me you know but I am not like that. So I share it for people that are interested. If no one are. Its ok not the end of the world. Stop the drama. That only 2-3 or 10 people download it I will be satisfy. I don't need 2,000 people download it. Not my goal


Not sure if I'm interested without screenshots. So simple in 2023.