[MF] Personal Project: MGF - "Metroid Gear Fusion" (Nav Room Dialogue Overhaul)

Started by TheLucidGamer, March 20, 2023, 01:15:12 PM

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Ever thought ADAM could have more interesting things to say? Felt like Samus should maybe have a more verbal presence in the game outside of her inner monologues? Then my friend, this hack is for you!



The general idea of the hack is to alter the dialogue presented from ADAM during his various Navigation Room briefings, and to add dialogue for Samus at appropriate intervals, giving Samus more of a verbal presence next to Adam, and fleshing out their relationship over the course of the game until the eventual climax. As the title suggests, you can think of these like "Codec Conversations" in the Metal Gear Solid Series.


This is not meant as an Absolute Rewrite of the Main Story Events. More an "overhaul" of what exists with a lot more in between. Several if not most of the Mandatory Navigation Room Dialogues are more or less the same with a few added quips or chimes from either Samus or Adam to better personalize the two. Save for a handful of instances where I make Samus say something or ask a question that she REALLY SHOULD BE ASKING frankly.

The real meat of the hack is in the Optional Navigation Conversations; which are triggered by Navigation rooms along the way/between Events that the player has the choice to activate, but are not necessary for progression. These conversations consist of simple one or two sentence observations from Adam about something you did, or when you visit a navigation room *again* after already receiving a briefing. After editing however, these can range from Alien/Sci-Fi Media References, references to Metroid Media like the various Manga, references to the Metroid Timeline and Extended Lore, Nintendo References, Metal Gear References, and even references to some different Metroid Community Media here or there. The sky's the limit, assuming the Text Edits don't bore a hole through the ROM's size.

At current, this hack is still in the Incomplete Phase. However, I do have several examples of some scenes I was particularly fond of. Some of them are interesting takes on lore, others are funny exchanges that build character. Self-Indulgent? Sure. But if I didn't enjoy what I was doing, I wouldn't be doing it.

Below is a playlist of videos featuring the example scenes for the hack. I'll be updating with more videos as I complete the scenes, so I'll be back with updates as I finish some
scenes I like in particular.



((Ignore that release post above this one, I think the page refreshed by accident and sent that by itself without any of the details or files.))
(4-12-23 12:07 EDIT: Thanks mods for removing that.)

Release 1.0.0-a

It took the better part of a month to finally get this together, but I've finally finished the Main Story interactions between Samus and ADAM for this hack.

That's to say, every mandatory and optional Navigation Room interaction along the linear path has been retouched or otherwise rewritten to feature more fleshed out conversations between Samus and ADAM. Whether it's lore bits, character building, world building, or Samus wondering why the MGS series has such ridiculous plots, there's plenty of interactions between the two to spice up the navigation room visits, be they necessary, or spur of the moment. For any questions, firstly consult the ReadMe enclosed with the Patch, or feel free to reply to the thread and ask.

As of right now, this is still being considered an Alpha/Prerelease, as there are some added quirks or secondary alterations that may or may not persist into the full release, like palette or map changes I made as a quick "I want to do something different for a minute while I think of new interactions". That, and there's always the potential dialogue may get switched around if I feel some could be done better.

Next on my list is seeing what can be done about the technically "unused" text interactions, or otherwise; every instance of ADAM saying "Target Eradicated" in a Navigation Room you're not supposed to be in right now. There are already 1 or 2 of these already in the game, but the game doesn't have any sequence break options yet, so you either need debug, cheats, or TAS to see them. Maybe if I can figure out a Sequence Break Patch integration, they can be experienced in full??? Not really sure, seeing as I'm still new to this. Until then though, I hope anyone who plays Fusion with the new dialogue enjoys the writing, if at least finds the characterization interesting. I'll be hard at work thinking up ways to improve or make the rest of the experience new/refreshed. Maybe as a "Metroid Fusion Arrangement" sort of deal. Whatever happens; the future tells, just gotta wait for it.


Just tried this out! It was definitely a fun way to spice up a MF replay, and while there were tonal issues here and there, I generally love the balance you struck between comedy and drama :grin:

While playing, I took notes on improvements that could be made to the script (mostly just spelling/grammar mistakes that could be corrected), and I thought you might find them useful if you decide to come back to this and polish it.
Overall, I had a great time with this hack! It was nice to finally get some quality banter and dialogue between Samus and Adam throughout the game. My improvement/proofreading suggestions are in the attachment.

[spoiler]I especially loved that little Anthony Higgs cameo! That was super wholesome :^_^:
Samus going "Goddammit" whenever Adam mentioned the Bottle Ship was probably my favorite running joke too :lol:[/spoiler]