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Collaboration Contest

Started by OneOf99, September 05, 2020, 11:59:44 PM

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Quote from: Mentlegen on November 18, 2020, 05:18:05 PM
A few issues:

- Bad slope in front of the door in Crateria's map room?
- No wall in the elevator room leading to what used to be the Blue Brinstar area (after the space pirate gauntlet); if you run to the right you come out the other side out of bounds and softlocked
- Game appears to stop responding to controls except for pause after Varia Suit until you unequip it, at which point you can equip it again; is this a holdover from the cooperative version?
- Same thing happens after elevators with Varia Suit
- Missing item here? (Behind spoiler)


Items: 6 energy tanks, 30 missiles, 15 super missiles, Charge Beam, Plasma Beam, Varia Suit, Morphing Ball, Bomb, Spring Ball, High-Jump Boots, Speed Booster[/spoiler]

Will there be a singleplayer of the other side?


Quote from: andlabs on November 19, 2020, 03:56:12 PM
Quote from: Mentlegen on November 18, 2020, 05:18:05 PM
A few issues:

- Bad slope in front of the door in Crateria's map room?
- No wall in the elevator room leading to what used to be the Blue Brinstar area (after the space pirate gauntlet); if you run to the right you come out the other side out of bounds and softlocked
- Game appears to stop responding to controls except for pause after Varia Suit until you unequip it, at which point you can equip it again; is this a holdover from the cooperative version?
- Same thing happens after elevators with Varia Suit
- Missing item here? (Behind spoiler)


Items: 6 energy tanks, 30 missiles, 15 super missiles, Charge Beam, Plasma Beam, Varia Suit, Morphing Ball, Bomb, Spring Ball, High-Jump Boots, Speed Booster[/spoiler]

Will there be a singleplayer of the other side?

Yes, a single player version IS in the works.
as for most of these bugs, I don't have a great idea why they are happening. V1.1 does fix some minor bugs tho


All right, thanks. There is at least one more empty statue near to where that screenshot was taken. My guess is item ID conflicts.

As for Polarity, what's the max item completion, 50%?


Quote from: Oi27(on discord)confirmed: version 1.1 max is 53%


Playing Solar Flare (Multi) 1.1, and in this room (left elevator top) I tried walking through the right wall, which turned out to be a door transition which scrolled me back to the left and softlocked me.


Edit: happens at the other elevator too.


Contest Results!

Ok kids and kiderinos, the judges have spoken! We had three very different entries to go through, and all three hacks certainly did their best to be unique!
The spoilers are divided up as such: first we have the scores by judge, then some tables to show calculations, and then in the final spoiler is 1st-3rd placement. The scores section with inevitably also show the placements (assuming you know in which order numbers go on a number line).

Judge Reviews:
Solar Flare & Lunar Eclipse
Theme: 3/10
Gameplay: 10/15
Presentation: 4/10
Level Design: 3/5
Quality Control: 0/5
Comments: While having two hacks + the names gives a little towards the theme, it seemed lacking. I was unable to play this myself, so the review is based off of watching others play. Cool idea, poor execution, please test your hacks folks
Total: 20/45
Theme: 9/10
Gameplay: 12/15
Presentation: 6/10
Level Design: 3/5
Quality Control: 3/5
Comments: The music + mostly greyscale made this less enjoyable the longer I played. I would've liked to see the custom item a little earlier in the hack. Some tiling errors, and hard to figure out the intended path, but overall very enjoyable and on theme. Nicely done.
Total: 33/45
Shadow Rush
Theme: 0/10
Gameplay: 10/15
Presentation: 6/10
Level Design: 4/5
Quality Control: 5/5
Comments: Short, but fun little boss rush. The last room looked gorgeous, why is that the only room that got to use the custom tileset??? I usually prefer sprawling exploration based hacks, but for what this hack was trying to be it performed well. Also saw no quality control issues, which is always nice.
Total: 25/45

Solar Flare & Lunar Eclipse
Theme: 7/10 - Fit the theme really well in a way I don't think the hacks themselves really do. Neither hack felt very "solar" or "lunar" to me. Wasn't super bright and hot. Wasn't super dark and cold. Just, opposites in name. Playing off each other via Multitroid is interesting, if not really irritating to set up myself.
Gameplay: 12/15 - Fairly well done, though with the way Multitroid works having to leave a room and re-enter it for the updated doorcaps to happen is kind of annoying. I am not a fan of Project Base mechanics, but having that play off of the vanilla mechanics of the second hack was a good way to differentiate them.
Presentation: 5/10 - Nothing major here. Basically vanilla tiles, Lunar Eclipse especially was uninspired with the tiling and had some issues getting grass in the right spot. Again, nothing to suggest either theme of lunar or solar in the hacks as far as I could tell.
Level Design: 5/5 - So this is probably the strong point, since it's based off progress in one hack to then allow progress in the other. But again, I didn't get a strong sense of their chosen theme here. It was nice to have the bounce back between two hacks, and the story didn't mention alternate dimensions so I'll abuse that for the reason for my score.
Quality Control: 0/5 - I have serious issues with this, especially on Solar's side. First, Multitroid unfortunately isn't always reliable, but that isn't their fault. What is their fault is a permastuck I found in Solar, and then random slope errors, and getting stuck on elevators. I couldn't complete Solar due to the bugs. (There is a way to get out of it, but that is really bad stuff.)
Total: 29/45
Theme: 9/10 - This was strong in the theme department. In the least confusing hack Moehr has helped make, they completely confused the ICP with magnets. Magnetics was chosen as the opposites, but light and dark also played a strong role. Having a custom item, plus the suits, play along with the magnet theme really attracted this score.
Gameplay: 13/15 - Fun hack with a lot of nice secrets and the ability to be broken without screwing the player over. The intended sequence is hidden really well, which caused me to start breaking things, but nothing felt unfair or unfun. I do wish the actual magnet item was a bit more central than the suits were to the overall game though.
Presentation: 8/10 - I still hear the chugging engine soundtrack in my sleep. The music and grayscale palettes kind of made the hack overly oppressive, and in a hack based on magnets it was kind of weird.
Level Design: 3/5 - I think I ended up taking a very advantageous route through this hack. The design itself was done quite well, though I will complain again about the lack of importance for the magnet item. It served exactly 0 purpose and the hack can be beat without it.  That in itself merits some sort of negative result to encourage people to make better use of their custom items.
Quality Control: 2/5 - Again having tiling issues. Didn't get permastuck though so not an automatic 0 here. I don't understand how hard it is to make sure tiles that are supposed to be solid are actually solid. It happens a lot, so maybe I'm just more paranoid about my memory and triple checking I did it right? I don't know, but it gets a low mark for that.
Total: 35/45
Shadow Rush
Theme: 0/10 - Sadly, I don't think this did anything at all to really fit the theme. I can't even stretch a reason to give a point.
Gameplay: 13/15 - I quite enjoyed this hack gameplay wise. It's clearly a boss rush, but it isn't long and I don't think any part of it was unfair. Plus, I don't recall any sort of issues with slopes or anything else. Unfortunately though, it was a boss rush and didn't offer much in terms of exploration, which is my preferred style of hack.
Presentation: 5/10 - Vanilla Ice called for plagiarizing his name. UNTIL THE BEST LOOKING ROOM IN ANY OF THE EN- oh wait it's over. Finally got a great custom tileset in this hack and it's the final room and there for about 3 seconds.
Level Design: 5/5 - So for what this hack is, I think the design is superb. Advancing through the next boss gives you a reward which trivializes the one before it, which may not seem like it means a lot, but with the way it's set up it turns out really nice. For a boss rush, this was very nicely designed.
Quality Control: 5/5 I don't recall any major issues with slopes or permastucks. And I can't think of tiles that were accidentally air.
Total: 28/45

Solar Flare & Lunar Eclipse
Theme: 10/10 - I love this idea, and it fits the current contest extremely well.
Gameplay: 12/15 - These hacks have a lot of bugs, including several game breaking ones that we encountered, and that is the main drag on the gameplay. When you're not suffering from a bug, though, these feel really good to play. See the Level Design section for how these bugs affect the rest of the experience.
Presentation: 8/10 - I really like how different the two hacks are in many ways, and it ties into the theme well. For example, one hack has respin and speedkeep, and the other doesn't, the graphical artstyles of the two hacks are different, etc. Lunar Eclipse's tilesets were probably the most visually interesting in my opinion, with bold color palettes putting a nice spin on a still-vanilla artstyle, but the tilework in it's rooms were the most simplistic despite the smaller room count. (Really loved that varia room especially though!) Solar Flare, by contrast, has a more Hyper/PB artstyle that looks really nice, and the tiling is pretty good, but feels less bold in it's palette choices. The custom palettes it has are good in concept but could use a bit of refinement to nail in the color combinations, and colors feel more monotone and often desaturated, and there's less color variety overall. I will say I really liked the red brinstar area, though, and it felt like it spiced things up a good bit.
Level Design: 3/5 - In a vacuum, both hacks had good level design, but with the bugs we encountered, the small amount of save stations especially in Solar Flare resulted in a lot of backtracking through the same area so that we could reload from our saves. There was no convenient route from the starting save station to the second area, and there was no save station in the second area.
Other than that, the ending morph maze in Solar Flare.... wow. That was painful. Though this is once again an instance of a relatively small level design flaw being accentuated by bugs, ultimately turning it into a major inconvenience - the camera scrolling is off in this room due to a downward door in a blue scroll a few rooms prior, and Mentle seemed to forgot to use the reload CRE flag after Kraid's room, and the entire morph maze is made of CRE. The result is that this experience turns into navigating through a glitchy mess of a room on a timer with acid in the room, and it's extremely difficult to tell what block type each block is since you can't see it and it's off by a few tiles due to the scrolling bug.
Everything else about these hack's level design was good, though.
Quality Control: 2/5 - The hacks are both beatable, but in both we encountered various bugs, some game breaking. There were passable walls that led to broken door transitions, glitchy graphics after Kraid in both hacks, collecting a suit leading to a permastuck, broken scrolling, lunar eclipse becoming unbeatable for some reason after reentering Kraid's room, etc. The bugs have a more adverse effect on Solar Flare due to the level design.
Other thoughts: These hacks are an amazing concept, and if they received more polish/bugfixes then I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to explore a fresh experience with a friend. In their current state, however, they both require some work to fix these bugs, as they significantly hamper the experience and, paired with the severe lack of save stations (particularly in Solar Flare) and lack of a map makes for a lot of unnecessary tedium.
Total: 35/45

Video Link:
Theme: 7/10 - The light/dark theme was clearly apparent with the light/dark missiles, and those blocks that were solid/nonsolid depending on the suit you wore were there. The black and white color scheme also added to the light/dark theme. Other than that though the contest theme application seemed somewhat surface-level, i.e. not as integral to the design of the hack as with Solar Flare/Lunar Eclipse.
Gameplay: 14/15 - I found this to be really fun. The presentation helped a lot to immerse me in the world, and the world's design itself was good. I found exploration to be decently difficult early on, as most enemies did a good bit of damage and the nonlinearity may have led designers to put enemies that are a bit tougher in to make the hack a challenge regardless of order, which is completely understandable, but it also means that if you go to the wrong places early on you will take a lot of damage and will have to play conservatively.
Presentation: 10/10 - The presentation and atmosphere in this hack is phenomenal, especially for a contest hack. The custom music added a lot to the whole experience, and while the melodies in them were questionable, they did feel really eerie and immersive. Not to mention the black and white aesthetic, which was really unique, added to the theme, and looked really good. The hack designers also utilized the strengths of this color scheme in some ways, such as sharing assets between enemies that would normally look terrible with a non-greyscale palette. Also, the non vanilla tiles worked great in this hack.
Level Design: 4/5 - The world of Polarity is quite well designed. The world is broken up into multiple areas that you use a save room to warp between. Exploring each one felt very natural and I felt that if I ever encountered an area that was too difficult, it wasn't hard to remember where it was when I left to get more items and came back later. My gripes with the world are mostly related to specific situations: the spike tiles are weird and bad, they should just look like spikes, it's kinda hard to tell that they are spikes at a glance; the final escape room was a bit tedious, but not terribly egregious; bombs are hidden in a way that was quite obtuse (actually, the way to find them isn't bad, but the grey doors in their room signals that they player should come back here later when this isn't the case).
Quality Control: 4/5 - There are a couple errors, but I encountered no major/gamebreaking issues. Some blocks do not load properly unless you pause/unpause the game, which is inconvenient. There are several tiling errors, and apparently missile/super blocks erroneously have the same texture. The game over graphics are very corrupt. Otherwise this is a solid hack from a technical standpoint.
Other Thoughts: I had a great time with this one. This is definitely one of my favorite projects that Moehr has worked on, and it's great to see Oi27 getting his feet wet with a hack release too!
Total: 39/45

Video Link:
Shadow Rush
Theme: 2/10 - I really hate to say this, but if this hack is related to the contest theme, it is very non-obvious. Perhaps the spore spawn fight is the opposite to the ridley fight due to the contrast in difficulty?
Gameplay: 12/15 - Disclaimer: I am not great at SM. This hack has challenges that are seemingly meant for veteran players - to it's credit, nothing that requires any advanced tech, but more like having detailed knowledge of enemy movement patterns will help you immensely, which I arguably lacked. I am going to try to evaluate this objectively despite that I felt unprepared going into this.
Basically, the sticking point is that the spore spawn fight takes an unreasonably long time without ice beam, and to get ice beam you have to kill some difficult kihunters. It is my opinion that this hack would be better off either preventing you from fighting spore spawn without ice, or cutting the time to kill spore spawn without ice in half (it took me about 25-30 minutes real time to beat it without ice with the help of savestates).
Now, if I had known that killing the kihunters and getting ice beam before going into the boss room would have been a great idea, I would have done it, but I struggled on the kihunters and I figured I'd come back to get ice beam after killing the boss. But there was not one palette change on this boss until 10 minutes had passed, and I had used no savestates at this point, to give you an idea of how long this was, and by that point I realized that ice beam probably did a lot of damage but was already too far into it to want to go back. This is clearly a challenge hack, which is not my forte, and even I did not have a problem with the other challenges this hack provided. In other words, the hack was pretty forgiving otherwise. Also, after beating spore spawn, the game provided an incredibly rewarding and fun few moments which I really appreciated. So it's not all bad, far from it, and if you're good at SM or if you come in prepared with this knowledge, you will still likely have a good time with this one.
Presentation: 9/10 - This hack looks really good, the art style and direction are good and the tiling is exceptional. The music is all vanilla, though, as are most graphics. Interestingly, the last room has one of the most beautiful tilesets I have ever seen in a SM hack, and it fits really well into Metroid, and it is only used in this one room that you spend about 30 seconds in since it's only purpose is to walk to the left until you hit endgame BTS.
Level Design: 4/5 - For what this hack sets out to do, the level design accomplishes what it needs to pretty well. The level design in this hack allows for moments ranging from big challenges to extremely satisfying power trips. In this regard it feels like it cares about it's players more than a typical challenge hack, as those often only have difficult challenges with little reward. As someone who is not that great at SM, I feel like this hack rewarded me for overcoming a challenge that I honestly wasn't prepared for.
With that being said... the spore spawn fight is quite tedious if you don't get ice beam, and you may well give up if you die on it with how long it takes without savestates.
Quality Control: 5/5 - I did not encounter any bugs or issues of the sort.
Other Thoughts: I urge the rest of the judging committee to not disqualify this hack despite its slightly late submission. Thank you PhazonWebb and MetroidNerd for making this hack, I really enjoyed a good bit of it.
Total: 32/45

Video Link:

Solar Flame & Lunar Eclipse
Theme: 6/10 - I think that it was very interesting and innovative having two different hacks, but I didn't feel much "opposite" in them other than in name only (and maybe how much I enjoyed them...)
Gameplay: 9/15 - I think that it would have been a benefit to the hacks if they were made more equal, SF seemed to have more exploration in it while in LE I felt like I was constantly coming up against walls where I just had to wait for my partner to find something.
Presentation: 6/10 - SF had some nice tiling in it, but there were a few graphical errors (and that escape sequence was just garbage tiles). LE used a more vanilla feel but I didn't think that the palettes or tiling made it very interesting.
Level Design: 2/5 - SF was definitely stronger here but LE was quite weak in terms of room and world design as well as the multitroid aspect being tied to both meant that flaws in one were felt in the other. This is less of a multitroid issue as much as more of a issue of where the hacks did not feel designed around each other.
Quality Control: 3/5 - The first room in LE (which was also kind of the first room in SF) made no sense to me, I unlocked the door by accident and on a second playthrough was unable to figure out what to do. SF had some graphical errors (such as screen tearing and the escape sequence) whilst LE felt rushed.
Final Thoughts: Multitroid for two different hacks is an incredible concept for the theme, it's just a shame that the theme wasn't more clear between the hacks themselves and that the quality overall wasn't too great. I don't think the issue here was multitroid but the hacks themselves.
Total: 26/45
Theme: 8/10 - So clearly this hack was going for a light/dark theme and something with magnets. The missiles definitely were part of that, and the graphics being black/white (or variations of) definitely cemented that. Pretty good!
Gameplay: 10/15 - It was your standard SM type of world, but the early parts before you have any items were quite frustrating. There was little indication on where I should go and what I needed. The missile blocks and the clue to it were interesting though, I like the visual clue with the missile recharge.
Presentation: 8/10 - I really enjoyed the music! I think it set the mood very well and set up a great atmosphere. Sometimes it was a little hard to tell what was what with the color scheme, and there was some odd and inconsistent tiling (especially near the end).
Level Design: 3/5 - Like I mentioned earlier, the hack felt too open ended at the beginning with a lot of backtracking with few items. After that the hack definitely improves but not enough to make me forget about it.
Quality Control: 3/5 - The hack never broke for me, but a few tiling inconsistencies and sprite malfunctions bring this score down.
Final Thoughts: This hack could easily be improved upon and posted on the main site, it was my favorite of the three. Fantastic musical background!
Total: 32/45
Shadow Rush
Theme: 1/10 - I don't see anything to do with opposites here, it was mostly a boss rush.
Gameplay: 7/15 - Nothing very innovative here at all. Just standard SM gameplay with a linear path. Rooms play nicely but aren't very special. A bit boring honestly, just felt like a slog to get through because we've all played these bosses so many times before.
Presentation: 9/15 - Tiling was good, vanilla was used well. Nothing extraordinary but nothing necessarily bad.
Level Design: 4/5 - Objectively there was nothing 'wrong' with the level design, but it certainly was nothing to write home about.
Quality Control: 4/5 - Speedboosting was weird at times, other than that no issues.
Final Thoughts: There was nothing wrong with this hack, but it was boring. I wouldn't play it again most likely unless it brought something new to the table. Boss rush hacks like these are tricky to make because if you don't do much to the bosses themselves or make some overall interesting gameplay changes then you haven't really done much to create a novel experience.
Total: 25/45

Solar Flare & Lunar Eclipse
Theme: 7/10 - Good contrasting visual style, wish it was further accentuated via gameplay   
Gameplay: 10/15 - Fairly vanilla, Solar flare was fun to explore
Presentation: 6/10
Level Design: 3/5 - Solar flare is good but lunar eclipse is lacking, fun to explore, never felt too "lost"
Quality Control: 2/5 - Weird and very noticeable camera bugs towards the end that should have been caught, had issues with opening the initial door
Total: 28/45
Theme: 7/10- Like the grey scale color scheme, new features represent the theme well.
Gameplay: 12/15 - World size can be a bit tedious to explore.
Presentation: 9/10 - Always fun to see ZM tilesets, loved the music, I like the color scheme but it can be a bit dull/boring at times.
Level Design: 3/5 - Certain paths can be tough to see because of the aesthetic. There's almost too much to explore in the beginning.
Quality Control: 3/5 - Destructible blocks are inconsistent, often ran across visual issues like sprites not loading.
Total: 34/45
Shadow Rush
Theme: 3/10 - I would consider a boss rush to be the opposite of what metroid usually is (Kinda stretched that one, I know)
Gameplay: 7/15 - This hack is definitely not for me, however some of the enemies are too spongey, side hoppers and spore spawn were just a bunch of waiting
Presentation: 6/10 - Mostly vanilla, nothing wrong with that. The hack had some nice tiling and room designs
Level Design: 4/5 - Rooms designs keep fights interesting, space jump room was kind of boring, I liked the ability to return to the start
Quality Control: 5/5 - Only noticed 1 minor bug
Total: 25/45

Solar Flare & Lunar Eclipse
Theme: 7/10 - I feel more could have been done to play on the solar/lunar dichotomy. However, bonus points for incorporating collaboration in a fundamental way.
Gameplay: 10/15 - Overall fun. The extra work to set it up plus the considerable bugginess detracted from the gameplay.
Presentation: 7/10 - Solar Flare offered more variety, though it occasionally feels a bit cluttered, especially in terms of metal structures (CRE) that half the time I'm not sure whether they're solid or not.
Level Design: 3/5 - Small gripe, but early Lunar Eclipse consists of a number of samey looking rooms with no map, which became mildly disorienting. Solar Flare was fun to explore. I did begin to grow weary of the many obscured morph tunnels that you sometimes had to traverse "by feel."
Quality Control: 1/5 - Obviously this hack's weakest department.
In Sum: One thing that jumps out at me is the difference in scale between the two hacks. Although Lunar Eclipse is a perfectly cromulent hack on its own, as part of the duo it falls short. Ultimately I did enjoy these hacks, but as ironic as it is for me to complain about having to use a hex editor to beat a hack, bugs were a big enough problem to impact multiple categories.
Total: 28/45
Theme: 9/10 - While the missiles were light and dark in name only, the light/dark concept did manifest in other ways. More importantly, while the custom power-up was not the centerpiece it could have been, it fit the bill perfectly.
Gameplay: 12/15 - I had the most fun with this hack, save for one major snag (below). It was mildly challenging, but something even a novice like me could handle.
Presentation: 9/10 - This was the only hack with custom music. While at moments of frustration the music got on my nerves, on the whole it worked beautifully with the monotone palettes to create a very distinctive nostalgic sci-fi vibe.
Level Design: 4/5 - More cohesive than Solar Flare, with areas that are distinctive and memorable. I only have one real gripe, but it's a big one. I spent as much time looking for bombs as I did playing all the rest of the hack. Maybe I missed some kind of cue, but nothing in that room seemed to prompt further investigation. In fact, I took the gray door to suggest I shouldn't check back until after defeating a boss.
Quality Control: 4/5 - A few tiling errors and a couple scrolling glitches. Nothing that got in the way of fun.
In Sum: Polarity is the winner in my book.
Total: 38/45
Shadow Rush
Theme: 0/10 - This hack does not even try to convey a notion of opposites.
Gameplay: 8/15 - Oof. I tried to weigh the fact that I'm clearly not the intended audience against the fact that I didn't enjoy this at all.
Presentation: 7/10 - Not a ton here in the way of novelty, save for a pleasant walk in the park. On the upside, superior build quality. Attention to detail shows.
Level Design: 4/5 - Level design isn't a major component in this type of hack, but the loop was a nifty way to recharge your batteries and it was nice to breeze through rooms you previously struggled in.
Quality Control: 5/5 - The one singular bug I encountered was the speed boosting—it looked more like ski-boosting.
In Sum: This hack just wasn't for me. I initially couldn't get past the giant desgeega and was ready to throw in the towel. After watching someone else play through and duplicating his techniques I was able to complete the hack.
Total: 24/45

Score Tables:
Total points are out of 270! (45 points*6 judges)

JudgeSF and LEPolarityShadow Rush

Third: Shadow Rush
By MetroidNerd#9001 and PhazonWebb16
159 points

Second: Solar Flare and Lunar Eclipse
By Mentlegen and Dewhi100
166 points

First: Polarity
By Moehr and Oi27
211 points

Congrats to everyone who took part in the contest!


Congrats, Moehr and Oi27!

Polarity was very fun to play and I look forward to seeing the final, nom-contest version!


Congrats Moehr and Oi27, you earned it!

Thank you to the judges for hosting and judging!