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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Oh. That sucks. Means his paycheck'll show. Or not. He's probably awesome in his boss' eyes anyway. I know it would be like that if I were his boss.

That aside, we should have a MetConst Con sometime. Of course it would just be all of us in a big room with computers and LAN and all, but it'll still be fun.


Who needs real life when we have the internet?


Quote from: uNsaneWho needs real life when we have the internet?
What is this mystical thing you call "real life"? :pwuh:


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on April 03, 2010, 12:59:47 AMWait what? Bloods is leaving? =O
I recall seeing some talk of Bloodsonic involved in issues on IRC.  I just hope this wasn't a facotr in his leaving.  Either way, his work was great, and it's a shame when anybody prominent goes. :sad:


Quote from: QuietusI recall seeing some talk of Bloodsonic involved in issues on IRC.  I just hope this wasn't a factor in his leaving.
It was.


Quote from: Reconite on April 07, 2010, 10:09:58 PM
Quote from: uNsaneWho needs real life when we have the internet?
What is this mystical thing you call "real life"? :pwuh:

Something A few of us have
Quote from: Zhs2 on April 08, 2010, 11:49:56 AM
Quote from: QuietusI recall seeing some talk of Bloodsonic involved in issues on IRC.  I just hope this wasn't a factor in his leaving.
It was.

And is also why this Draconic GFed is leaving for an unknown amount of time.


Wh-wh-what? Bloods left?


So, I took a Calc test this morning that I was mostly unprepared for. I'm pretty sure I failed horribly at it but I'm glad that it is over with and that I did everything on it I was prepared to do. Fun...


4 hours of ap physics work to do, 1 hour at least of ap history, and 3 days left of spring break. Mmmm, laziness.


Quote from: Zhs2 on April 09, 2010, 10:20:37 AM
So, I took a Calc test this morning that I was mostly unprepared for. I'm pretty sure I failed horribly at it but I'm glad that it is over with and that I did everything on it I was prepared to do. Fun...
Calc's just a massive-ass complicated timesuck
it's major problem is not the calculus, but the asstons of Algebra required to get to the point where Calc works.


Woah. Just for clarifying. We're Bloodsonicless Forever™, and GF_Kennonless for some time? Sounds a little depressing...


I'm posting to tell everyone that I'm leaving. Forever. Bloods tried to save this, and he failed. GF needed a pause because this forum is turning into pure shit. 90% of the members are either trolls or inactive. I am being prosecuted by you because of my opinions. So be it. You wouldn't ever ban me for my behaviour when I asked for it so I'm leaving. I want to thank you for a good time and a great in look in ROM hacking and innovation of a classic game engine. What I don't want to thank you for is the constant trolling, taunting and judging. That part was terrible and hardly bearable. It has become too much. Those who will miss me, if there even are some, can go fuck themselves. Some of them had the power to prevent or stop this. Those who will be happy with my leaving, I congratulate you with such a glorious victory. It must've been hard, but fun to you.

[spoiler]Bloodsonic, I know you aren't here anymore but I finally understand why you did what you did and I wish you the best of luck.

Grime, although you are 'limited' like me you've reached so much, and I hope that I someday can be a bit like you.

Zhs2, although sometimes you just seemed to be trolling, you did the same what Bloodsonic tried to do. I hope you can keep doing what you're best at.

Black Falcon, my German friend, you have innovated much and I wish you much luck with you hacking endeavours.

Flamestar666, you too have brought much to this scene, and you'll keep doing that.

Sadiztyk Fish, you, the only active woman here, transcended the gender barrier and did more than most of us could ever hope to do.

itsblah, you weren't active much but you were very wise when you spoke. Sadly your judgement turned against me at the last moment.

DChronos, you were always worried about the situation of the world, and with right. I hope you can repair whatever the morons break and keep your head.

Aile, unwanted by most, but mostly a good friend to me, I hope your fate doesn't go Kefka's Tower all over again.

Antidote, I haven't seen you a lot around lately and I hope everything is well. You're going to reach things too man.

Bioniclegenius, I hope that you will one day be with the greats, where you should be.

hayashi, whenever I started a channel, you were there when I invited you. Although we always failed in reality, in our minds we succeeded. Thank you for your friendship.

Crys, although you were more social and trolly in the end, your Ice Metal will inspire many. I wish you the best.

Digital Mantra, Eris was great in '09, but will be history in '10 and you know it. It still was an awesome play.

DSO, we never talked much, but you too are up there with the greats in my opinion.

Fizzer, although inactive now, I was in before you and you know it. I hope Super Metroid Prime succeeds.

FullOfFail, you were a great friend and I hope you improve your metahacking.

gunnargumpert, I hope you don't go Zozo all over us. Improve your Germenglish and do some good hacking, I know you can do it.

interdpth, you were mostly trolling', but you made many great things before you realized it was mostly in vain and not what you hoped it to be. I hope you find your ways again and do what you're best at.

JAM, you did great in the short time I knew you. Much luck to you also.

v Zalem, you were always a cool and smart guy. Keep it up.

PJBoy, you'll do just fine.

person701, much luck with SMP.

Phazar, you were one of the few who tried to guide me in the right way when I was fresh as spring to this all. I hope your hacking and bass endeavours do not fail.

Project XVIII, although you're not here anymore, I kinda miss you man. You were OK, even if the OPs don't agree with me.

PZ-Powa you're a raging TAS moron and banned forever from the channel, but I hope you improve your ways and become a TAS great.

Reconite, you fucking motherfucker you got me to leave you fucking cocksucking son of a bitch. I bet you're fucking happy now. I hope everyone treats you like you treated me.

Samus-Aran, you're freshly unbanned and I hope you stop stealing and improve your ways.

Sepharos, I hope you come back. You were a very good journalist and I hope you still are.

squishy_ichigo, you look like Kirk Hammett. Pick up the axe and learn to play the girls'll be all over you man. I hope your moving goes well and you won't get sidetracked too much in hacking.

uNsane, you're awesome. I know what you're going to say. "So is urmom". She isn't man, she's a whore without payment.

Wingard, I see you're unbanned. You were always an OK guy. I hope you improve as well.

I wish you much luck with this community of mostly morons. You'll do fine, you're a natural leader.

you made this all possible. I know you're in a bunker somewhere, preparing for SMILE 3.0. Keep up the SMILEs man.

You got me here in the first place. The chance of you reading this is slimmer than an anorexic. I hope someone takes over the weapon smithy and continues your awesome ways.[/spoiler]

Well that was all I wanted to say to everyone. Sorry for the drama, but thanks for all the fish.



^ What is this I don't even. I especially love how the only part he got right was the trolling. :lol:

I'm living at my parent's house for the week, so I won't be around as often as I often am. At least my Grandma isn't around, and that is always a godsend...


I hope I'm not just speaking for myself, and I also don't want this to turn into a place to vent frustration, but is anybody willing to enlighten us as to how this all came about?

I thought a lot of the original problems were related to m2k2 never really wanting us there.  That was fine - we moved elsewhere.  However, within a short few months, things have gone (as I see it) from looking like some sort of glory days for SM (and other) hacking, with the appearance of loads of seriously good hackers, to now being a worry, when I see lots of very good hackers leaving.  Ultimately, I'd hate to see the death of it all, but I can't help but ponder: If this trend continues, then what..?


Slightly concerned Quietus


The forums have not been the reason people have been leaving, to say the least. The IRC channel just seems to be a plague of trolls and stuff, and two people that happened to be staff got tired of it and left. Parabox is just a whinefest; pay him no mind. =|


Quote from: Zhs2 on April 12, 2010, 03:42:09 PMand two people that happened to be staff got tired of it and left.
Wait two people?! o.o Bloods and who? I seriously need to get on more...


Why the feck are people coming here to bitch about IRC arguments
and give their leave notice to a community that could:
a) otherwise give a shit.
b) have no clue what's going on.
c) laugh off the 'more' concrete goodbye of a forum post.

The hacking community isn't falling apart.
The members dishing out the best material for the upcoming are still around.
What's falling apart is the IRC #metconst community.
And really, who cares about that, we're on the Metroid Construction Forum.
Different place.

I visit both on a frequent basis and my conclusion is that if you have a problem,
keep it in the circle where it started. Whining bitches.


I guess that some of them just feel that it's all connected, and getting trolled / insulted in one ultimately leaves them feeling that they want nothing to do with those people at all, and leaving the main areas where they reside is the only answer.


Well I'm upset that Deku is leaving, but I can talk to him on msn so that's good. I know there's been some bad things going around IRC, but for some reason I never get caught up in there. I love talking to people on IRC, but it always feels weird when someone I've "known" for ages just drops out, as I'll most likely never talk to them again. There was Insom, Black Tolermeres (he was the one who invited me to the hacking community), now Bloods, and Parabox/Dekuknight.

It feels kinda sad without bloodsonic here, since he was one of the old M2K2 peoples, but I guess it's bound to happen sometime right? We can't all keep hacking for the rest of our lives.


Well, all this is news to me, havent been around too much lately I suppose. I've always liked you Para, and I also like everyone else on this site so it's always unfortunate when they get into it.


I disappear for a month or so, and look what happens..

I hate to say it, but when I read these recent posts, I can't help but think of m2k2, and what it's become.. that said though, I haven't been there for a while, and things may have improved.
I don't think we are anywhere close to ending up like m2k2, but if more respected hackers start leaving, and more 'noobs' keep joining, then this could very easily become a forum full of trolling and.. other bad things.

Not that I have anything against noobs, depending on how you define the term.  I'm all for new members joining, but it's when a new member joins and without any real content starts acting like they own the place, i facepalm... guess I can't really talk though. :p

The same goes for IRC too.. even if alot of the trolling happens on IRC, people still feel the same as if it was happening on the forums, and it's still the same community that's affected by what gets said.

I didn't want to keep this discussion going, or start something worse, but I just felt like I should give my 2 cents.

And just to make this post seem less serious:  :razz:


Quote from: devonodevI'm all for new members joining, but it's when a new member joins and without any real content starts acting like they own the place, i facepalm... guess I can't really talk though. :p
When this happens, I give 'em a good tire iron to the face.


Eh all of those newbies run into me sooner or later. :<


Speaking as a newbie, I've found the forums pretty welcoming so far. I certainly have no qualms with anyone and hope i never do.
Thanks for making this forum a nice community, everyone.

Zhs2, keep that tire iron away please  :lol:


Quote from: Altzan on April 15, 2010, 12:02:13 AM
Speaking as a newbie, I've found the forums pretty welcoming so far. I certainly have no qualms with anyone and hope i never do.
Thanks for making this forum a nice community, everyone.

Zhs2, keep that tire iron away please  :lol:

Trust me, compared to some people who've come here, you're a veteran game programmer... that said, you one of the only newbies I know who hasn't broken a forum rule yet (I know I did when I first joined back on M2K2 lolz)

Happy hacking =P>