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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Hiroshi Mishima

Well at least there's hope now, I suppose. I refused to get a laptop when my mother and aunt inquired about the possibility of me getting one as it's just not something I see myself using, preferring a PC instead.

Hopefully within the next couple months I'll be able to save up enough to buy a new computer. Of course that means absolutely no unnecessary spending, and I get sick of home-cooking relatively quickly after a week of it... I dunno how I'll handle several months of it non-stop. And I'll probably have to see if my cousin gets Other M because with the cash crush there's no way I can give in and buy that.

Ugh, I feel totally useless. I can't find work, not that I'm really qualified to do anything anyways...  I keep thinking my Tourettes would cause me to fail interviews if I actually got called into one, besides... I guess I'm lucky I can count on relatives to help me out, or I'd be in a similar situation to James...


There's a manager at the company I work at who has Tourettes. People seem to respect a person who can overcome something like that. The more important thing is your attitude, and if the person interviewing you doesn't know that, you don't want to work for him anyways. As long as you project an image of confidence and competence you're good. I know it's easier said than done, though.

Hiroshi Mishima

Part of it is my discouragement over being unable to find anyone willing to give me a chance at all. Every few months I go around and turn in some applications and it's always the same thing. "We're not hiring right now, but we'll keep it on record for a few months." or "Thanks for your application, we'll let you know if anything comes up." I never hear anything back. Ever.

The ONE time I heard back from Kmart was during college years ago. I turned the application in at the beginning of Summer break specifying that I was looking for some work over summer. They called be back well into the Fall scheduled classes. I couldn't juggle being a full time student and a job so I chose the college work over it, partly cause I'd have had to give back the grant money I got for being a full time student and that wasn't an option as it helped pay bills and such.

I would love to work at Walmart cause it's close by and I'm always having to shop there anyways.. despite the fact that by ex was scared into quitting when she worked there for a few weeks back in Michigan (her assistant manager sounded sexist), and the fact that I dislike a lot of Walmart's policies... But even that isn't likely, as I've never managed to pass that gods-damned pointless "questionnaire" they make all applicants take, even though it's supposed to be a workplace open to everyone regardless of experience and many of those questions require heavy knowledge of the workplace and administrative duties.

So yeah.. I don't have a lot of confidence from the outset. I wish all you had to do to get work was go to where they were asking for help and say you want the job, but I guess that's not possible these days. I don't speak any language but English and that scares me away from most of the fast food places, too. Since almost all of them are either 80% Spanish or I see a lot of Spanish customers who always order in Spanish, I feel wholly inadequate for such jobs. It is upsetting to have to learn another language to get a job in your own gods-damned country.. :/


My future god is just future existence. I am god of my vessel, this wretched mortal counterpart.
Why not then.. these prophetic epiphanies seize the corporate chemicals of easy access.. how convenient.

A fall back into under-existentient drones, a pattern of daily death to daily death. Listen to it, listen to you.
These thoughts grew metaphysical tongues. These future gods.

Adaptation of observational apparency. Born with it and born to it. Why is self destruction so easily chosen?
A path promoted by addictive genes and memes.
The head of a corporation has already said what I'm saying now in a subconscious dream,
trying to awaken the awareness of harm versus harmony.

As for the genius, it's not acquired intelligence, for that is nothing more than intelligence,
a distant field of what is truly genius.
Genius is a sentient being aware of enough to make you read what we call history.

An immortal memetic transference through metempsychotic memory.
Metempsychosis is more of a genetic nuance than the haphazard term it bears, that being.. direct memory.

Love and sex. Guess what.. totally unrelated.
These terms were horrifically segregated, and who knows when in this grand time line of propagation this occurred
in the developmental psyche..

An irritating itch of a constant thought is at our base. The desire to reach a plateau.
We compare them, scale them, instinctively insert them to our expectations of a finite chance to have them.
Taste what history has called the fruits of life.

All fruits rot.. As I, and many of you, have rotten already.
So, anyone know how to re-generate a rotting fruit?

Hiroshi Mishima

That's an interesting question, to be honest.

I take a look at what I once was, then I see what I am now.
I wonder when it was that I stopped being who I was and became who I am.

If I were to fall, plummeting to the surface with no control, from the orbit of space,
might that not instill a fear of suddenly being ripped from our current point of being?
Regardless of where we're standing at the moment? Walls and ceiling may shield the terror.

If upon impact I was plunged deep into the sea, and found myself lost,
could that not instill a fear of being at the bottom of the depths?

My mind was once so clear and full of knowledge.
Now it is shattered, chaotic, filled with mixed signals and fragments of information.
I ask myself when it was that this happened, and why I've been unable to stop the decay.
I've not yet found an answer.

The body I once possessed was strong and alive, full of potential and possibility.
The body I possess now is broken, mediocre and bound within limitations.
Diabetes, Asthma, Tourettes. A mind full of noise, a soul filled with pain.

I would love to have a shell that worked as others do.
To once again know the freedom of mobility without fear of mind or weakness of body.


QuoteAll fruits rot.. As I, and many of you, have rotten already.
So, anyone know how to re-generate a rotting fruit?
QuoteI take a look at what I once was, then I see what I am now.
I wonder when it was that I stopped being who I was and became who I am.

You can never step into the same river twice.  That is to say, change is constant, and the person you are now is not the same as the person you were a moment ago.  How to regenerate a rotting fruit?  You can't, because you can never go back.  You can either let it continue to rot, or speed up the process.  The result is the same though, the seeds that are strongest will sprout and continue on.  If there are no seeds left that can survive, then you have no choice but to wither and rot to become food for lesser things.  I, for one, would never let such a thing happen to myself.

QuoteDiabetes, Asthma, Tourettes. A mind full of noise, a soul filled with pain.
I would love to have a shell that worked as others do.
To once again know the freedom of mobility without fear of mind or weakness of body.

You might be interested to find out that most of the ailments humans have are caused either by opportunistic organisms or body malfunctions. 
Opportunistic organisms already exist within the body and wait for the immune system to be repressed for some reason.  Things like the common cold, the flu, even herpes once contracted can be suppressed by a properly working immune system.
Most body malfunctions, like type 2 diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc. have no real genetic cause.  DNA is a blueprint for how we're built, and those diseases aren't in the blueprints.  Therefore they have to be caused by other influences, like something from outside ourselves, or our internal reactions to to those things.  That means our perceptions of the world have a heavy influence on our biology, your beliefs can have a huge impact on your health.

In the words of a song that I always liked...
If you wanna be somebody else, change your mind.


The last thing I said in that cryptic cerebral fart of a post was a joke.
I was getting at listening to yourself when you tell yourself to stop smoking, or drinking.
Then some off-key subjects. Must have been the giggle juice.


Your metaphysical ramblings would make for great lyrics DMan, just throwing that out there. ;D


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on August 12, 2010, 12:03:11 PM
Your metaphysical ramblings would make for great lyrics DMan, just throwing that out there. ;D
I agree squishy, it would be interesting if I turned some of DMan's posts into songs.  Wouldn't mind doing it soon unless DMan objects.

Silver Skree

Waltz rhythm for the drum line in a trance track? That's right.

Levo Lution's "Electro Magnetic Pulse," part of his 'Sub-Zero' CD album release.
Remixed from TOUHOU Project: Imperishable Night
Lunatic Princess / Kaguya's Theme

Here it is, in all its max 320 variable bitrate MP3 glory. Do enjoy.

In other news, got a bunch of graphic and tilemap work done for Sigma++ today, which knocked a net sum of 5 entries off my To-Do list for the game. Sweetness.


Happy B-Day Nuzzy! :awesome:


ya know what? my birthday was all the way back on the 21st of april. i dunno if i ever mentioned it lol


Posting this here, because it deserves more attention than the YouTube topic.

Fucking awesome.  Yes, I used the word 'awesome'.  I save it for special occasions.

Black Falcon

[spoiler=Large Pic][/spoiler]
Yeah, this was an epic moment... :cool:

Hiroshi Mishima

I'm surprised that someone who has played Super Metroid (or at least I'd hope so given where they're at) hasn't heard of Demon's Crest. I mean gods, the game was awesome and certainly one of Capcom's best games on the SNES. I'd suggest anyone who likes Super Metroid-esque open-ended games, albeit with levels but a world map and you can return to them any time, that they should give it a try. A lot of replayability. It's a damn shame Capcom hasn't made anymore in the series.


Gargoyle's quest series? Wasn't there like one or two on Game Boy as well?

Hiroshi Mishima

It's a strange series. First game was on the GameBoy. Second was on the NES. Third was on the SNES. I kept hoping they'd stick on one the GBA and/or N64, but they never did. Although Firebrand continues to make guest appearances in various games from fighting games to Ghost and Goblins games.

The first two games felt kinda RPGish with elements such as levels and talking to people on the map and such. Most of those were gone by Demon's Crest in favour of pure action. Unlike the decision to do that to Actraiser 2 (which bombed as a result), the choice to make DC more exploratory and actiony meant the gameplay got an upgrade and become very fun. I like to replay it from time to time, since it has so many endings.


so is this the board walk mimic of M2K2's board walk?


* squishy_ichigo smashes Blarget2 against the metaphorical walls of the forum with the banhammer of justice


anyways, I had a dream last night about people spamming irc, it was horrific. Waves upon waves of neverending spam! I even kickbanned Shadox and someone unbanned him! It was horrible!

inb4 dream/nightmare topic


that must have been a seriously intense dream.  :neutral:
ive never had a dream involving me being on the computer, usally they take place in a desert.

Hiroshi Mishima

Nah, I occasionally have dreams where I'm doing something as mundane as chatting with someone on the computer. Or sometimes it's not so mundane but is essentially the same thing. Two examples of both follow:

1) Early on in my relationship with my ex-girlfriend, I had a really interesting dream that involved the two of us just talking as we normally do. The difference being that we were communicating via Scouter-like devices (of DBZ design) and instead of being at the computer I was picking up around the house and generally cleaning up. It was interesting and I found the experience amusing and remember telling her about it. She lol'd.

2) Sometime back I had a dream that I was chatting on a message board, one that I used to visit quite a lot and I probably had this dream towards the end of those days. But the board wasn't quite how it usually was and incorporated a few designs/features either found on other boards or not commonly used at all. It was equally interesting and also mostly contained me and others chatting.


very entrusting. so your brain is consistently occupied with the simple things like texting? very entrusting... :suspect:

Hiroshi Mishima

Not at all, and I believe you're looking for "interesting" as "entrusting" means you are trusting someone with something.

But to be more specific, no, that's not the only kinds of dreams I have. I very rarely have the "random whacky dream" as mine usually have some focal point to them. In those two cases it had to do with chatting and using a message board. In another dream, I remember hanging out with friends I know online, but we were sitting around outside my grandmother's old house (my uncle lives there now) and they looked like their avatars even though I know what they look like. That was quite interesting because their avatars aren't Human at all.

In yet another dream, I'm playing a video game. Either one I'm currently played and am having trouble figuring out where to go next (in which case the dream may be my mind trying to find ways around the problem, with varying degrees of feasibility)... or perhaps it is a new game that hasn't been made yet. I once had a dream I was playing a new 2-D Metroid game that looked like Super Metroid but played differently. In fact I had control of how Samus moved in the game as if I was controlling her movements with my mind. It certainly made combat exciting to be able to pull off mid-air dodges and aim without the constraints usually found in the 2-D games.

Still, another sort of dream involves me on an adventure of some kind. Regardless of the scale or the location, that is. Sometimes I get injured during said dreams and will have some bad pain in that place after I've woken. Dreams are very interesting, but I'm afraid I've started going on a tangent and shall now be silent.

EDIT: I should point out that I don't "text" people. I believe cell phones are meant to be phones, first and foremost. If I talk to someone online it'll be on a computer using MSN, Skype, mIRC, or other such programs and I don't consider that to be "testing" but rather "chatting". And it doesn't always involve typing, as two of the programs I mentioned can do voice chatting and video chatting.


I had several in-depth dbz dreams when I was re-watching the series.
Sometimes I'd be a character flying around having godly fights in the sky with evil dragons,
or I'd just be the camera angle to what seemed to be the most incredible episode of dbz ever.

Hiroshi Mishima

I've had dreams like that. Where you're not so much a PART of the dream, as you're watching something like a movie or some-such playing out. I have a bad habit of eventually interfering though, as I have total control over most of my dreams. But they certainly are interesting.

I think it's kinda wierd, though, as my family tends to have more random dreams. I don't know why I'm really the only one who has so much control over my dreams, or has such realistic dreams. My mother and aunt, for instance, tend to have monster related dreams. Not nightmares, but because they both like monster and horror movies. For them, they're interesting and fascinating, even if they're in danger.

EDIT: In a minor attempt to pull away from Dreams for a bit.. I was watching Ultraman episode... 30 I think, about a girl who was supposedly connected to snow monster that was making people nervous. It was a perfect example of how something bad happens and they blame it on someone they don't like. It reminded me of the witch trials, the way people freaked out during that anime prologue to the Matrix regarding machines/androids, and other such scenarios. It really left me bitter and sour towards Humanity (possibly the first time I've felt that way in a little while). I went looking for more info on it cause the ending was confusing and ambiguous. Apparently it was one of the more thought-provoking episodes in the series and no one is really clear what the ending actually means.

But interestingly, this led me to learn more about Ultraman in general so that was good and left me feeling better. I had not realized that Mr Tanaka was the creator of Godzilla, he wasn't the "maker" of Godzilla. The man who made the monster suits (as well as all kinds of kaiju in other movies and shows) was Eiji Tsubaraya who made Ultraman. This is why so many monsters in the show resemble or seem to be based on monsters I've seen in other things. That was interesting and I learned a lot. I wish more of the Ultra series was in the US.. now that they've won the rights back (since it should've never left them) we will hopefully see the other shows brought to the US and elsewhere.