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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Hiroshi Mishima

That reminds me of how I put a fan near (not quite like you did) my computer one summer when it was over heating badly. Granted I later found out it was full of dust and crap, but still, it did seem to help.

I don't know why but that picture makes me laugh.


They should create a drug that makes you act like Nicolas Cage.
ppl will say, yo man, got any cage on you?

After its inhaled, injected, whatever your vice.. you just start acting sooo fucked up nicolas cage.

Hiroshi Mishima

The downside is it might make you star (or worse, write) movies like 8mm Film. Probably the worst movie I've ever seen Cage in.


i really enjoyed that one. maybe its cause i saw a movie that actually had an aphex twin song in it.

Hiroshi Mishima

For me it was more the subject matter of the film. I don't really wanna think about it too much cause it tends to piss me off at Humanity in general...


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on August 05, 2010, 03:39:35 PM
For me it was more the subject matter of the film. I don't really wanna think about it too much cause it tends to piss me off at Humanity in general...
I don't even need a film to piss me off at humanity.  Reading the news already does that(and I rarely read it these days anyways).

Hiroshi Mishima

Pretty much why I hate keeping up with current events anymore. It gets so bad that sometimes I snap at my relatives (like my aunt and grandmother) when they start talking about shit on the news I don't wanna hear about.


I reckon they should split the news in two.  Have the good news on first, and then you can turn over, so you don't have to listen to the repetitious stories every time.  Somebody was murdered, somebody was stabbed, somebody was shot, somebody was raped, war, war, war, killing, crime, violence, blah, blah, blah...


Don't forget the fear-mongering.


Here is some news that is hopefully good news to you lot, I got my laptop back from its death bed, they did quite a nice job actually, for once, my laptop is quiet (you could hear my laptop a mile away it was that bad) but the heat stress has probably shortened the lifespan of the thing, so its probably not going to last much longer...

But its back in my hands and working fine so I am happy.


That's great news, James!  Hopefully you can get back to GFX and hacking now.  Although I'd recommend backing up your computer, just to be safe.

Hiroshi Mishima

In agreement with backing up vital stuff on your computer, but also glad that it's under control for the time being. Hopefully it'll last at least as long or longer than my computer, which thankfully hasn't given me much trouble the last week or so. Maybe being off for the week I was at Comic-Con did it some good.


dark samus - why is he banned AGAIN?  :O_o:


If you lurked more you would have known!


Oh, Gunnar....

He's gone now, the ban was for like, a year.

He was a complete retard and ignored his last warning. Which cause him a ban.


ok, understood. thanks for information


Quote from: Shadox
He's gone now, the ban was for like, a year.
Half a year, actually. He's the first person who has had more ban time than any other person on this board, having been banned for a total of 182 days so far (that's in sentence time, not how long he's been banned already.)

Quote from: Shadox
He was a complete retard and ignored his last warning. Which cause him a ban.
Not to mention he pulled the brother excuse. :>_>:

School starts again, for me, on August 30th. Only 24 days of lackadaisical house lazing to go ;_;
When are all of you guys not out of high school (or in college) going back?


School starts on August 24 for me.  Last year of high school for me, until I decide what to do with my life.  I'm considering going to college to study computer science/security/etc, but still not sure completely what to do.


Me and Jamie go back on August 11th, it is also our final year in high school. This year were are taking programing which we are really going to like.


I am also taking programming(Visual Basic) this year, so I am looking forward to that.


since thursday, ive been looking after my cousins cat (6y old with pancreatitis) downtown.
i feel out of my element. my safe zone is always in my home town by the beach, not really feeling
comfortable taking a bus and skytrain to get here. such a different social dynamic.

i have to syringe feed the cat water, food and medicine hourly. had to bring my gf to help with that for 2 days.
i hope to be home monday (to bask in my usual filth), as all i've really got to do here is watch tv,
do sudokus i brought, and walk around this alien neighbourhood finding random malls if i walk far enough in one direction.

Hiroshi Mishima

Computer seems to be packing it in faster than I had expected. I knew the ol' girl was going on me when it started getting indecisive about reading Data disks or not, but now it won't read any DVD consistently, whether it's a movie/normal DVD, data, or a game. It's also become a little sluggish even after having defragmented it. I do not think I am going to be using the computer for a whole lot now. Expect a minimal presence as best.


Me dad put WinXP on this thing again, means I lost everything including Metroid (Untitled) DekuKnight's hack, all my Skulltag stuffs, some games, a lot of programmes, you know the drill. Luckily I can put on most stuff that is important pretty quickly because I'm awesome like that. Anyways, new memory = less things I don't use. Hope she'll run smooth(er) [again] now.


Sad to hear about the hack.  Without wishing to rub salt in the wound, it's another fine example of backing everything up, via e-mail, online storage, or whatever, and not just your main system. :neutral:


Which is why, you should use Dropbox.

In other news I was given a Packard Bell Easynote_H5315 Laptop, the catch? It does not have a HDD as that was fried, so now I am trying to find a good use for it...