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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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No apology necessary.  I'm sure that we're all grateful for whatever input anybody provides, especially when it comes to skilled coders.  Now, you just need to set up a code requests thread, so we can all pester you. :grin:




RIP Leonard Nimoy...  :cry:

~ SpoOkyMagician




Quote from: SpoOkyMagician on February 27, 2015, 02:26:42 PM
RIP Leonard Nimoy...  :cry:
He lived long, and prospered from his work, so it's all good. :^_^:

Oh, and I'm posting this on my tablet in my swish hotel room.  We decided to book a random night, just for a change! :cheers:

Zero One

Well, I'm happy. Unreal Engine 4 is now FREE!


Excellent.  UT99 2, here I come! :grin:


I'd somewhat prefer Unreal Gold on UE4

Zero One

All possible! They've also released a dedicated Unreal Tournament Editor. Before, it was just various builds of Unreal Engine, so this should make modding for UT much easier, since it's far more specific, and probably more stable, since they're not trying to use a general use engine. Last time I checked, Unreal Tournament was using UE4.5, while UE itself was on 4.7.

They've also released a bunch of tutorials to follow on creating weapons, textures, levels, cosmetics (hats) and packaging them all up to work in UT4. Gonna do those at some point. I'd do them right now, but I've got 2 weeks to create a 3D game in XNA :V


Quote from: Zero One on March 04, 2015, 05:30:32 AMI've got 2 weeks to create a 3D game in XNA :V
Easy.  Create Pong 3D, where two discs move round a sphere, trying to keep the enclosed ball in play. :razz:

Zero One

Sounds fun, but I can't. This assignment is based around a games design document that I handed in on the first term. Can't deviate from it too much. This wouldn't be such a problem if programming courses at University were actually worth anything, but oh well.

I made a Metroid engine in C++ in a week, I can do this in 2.


Quote from: Zero One on March 04, 2015, 01:02:24 PMI made a Metroid engine in C++ in a week, I can do this in 2.
This kind of positivity is half the battle.  I'm sure you'll be fine. :nod:


Gratz GF_Kennon  on your birthday! :D


So, for my birthday today I got some die cast tanks.


Cookie if you know what they are.


Mmm, I love cookies.  Can I have one for just saying they're green and white? :oh:

Zero One

Clearly, they're tanks.



Silly people, clearly they are Maus and Hellcat.


I always liked the funky tanks that you could get in the Warhammer universe, especially some of the custom ones like this:


I spent on the order of 6 hours creating a fresh batch of PLMs (1464 PLMs in 280 unique pointers) and doors (1485 doors in 99 unique pointers). I think I'm tuckered out for a moment...

More importantly, the temperatures are finally starting to rise around here again. I'll actually get to spend some time outside soon!


It's been nice here too.  We took our Basset Hound out for a nice walk in the woods today, and I wore my shorts for the first time this year.  Of course, it's not all good, as I'll likely have to mow the lawn soon. :neutral:


Been a damn long while since I've been a regular around these parts, been streaming and playing a lot of competitive smash as of late. I need to do more speedruns and I need to once again try to get the drive together to hack, I love the results, and I think I'm not half bad at it, but I am so bad at keeping focused on one thing. Smash is actually the longest focus I've had in quite a while.


Yeah, I struggle with long-term focus too.  I have some great ideas for a hack, I pull all of my resources together, apply all of the patches and ASM that I want, edit some tilesets, then lose the drive. :neutral:


Come up with a solid-structure plan for exactly how your hack is gonna turn out. There's no reason it can't change while you work on it but you'll always have some solid foundation of progress you can always add to if you quit or take a break.

Also it's somewhat mechanical but Thomas Edison wasn't fucking around about that 99% perspiration. You've gotta be ready to put in some serious work hours to get things done-- and it definitely doesn't help when you put them in and then scrap a project, then that's time wasted. Structure, structure, structure!

Also since it's talk of the day I can say whatever I want. Therefore I'm gonna put some important smileys here.
:T_T: :T_T: :T_T: :T_T: :T_T:


After my laptop had a fit by overheating twice in a row, I decided that it may be time for even better ventilation. Being so original, I busted out my old legos and whipped up something quick that I feel should work very well.


I had to do a similar thing with mine though I used 4 plastic jar lids.