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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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edit: 404 onose :noes:


As people have probably noticed... I haven't been online all week.

My internet is down atm, and I have to resort to a two hour segment at the local library for internet.

Hopefully my internet will be back up soon enough. -_-;



Okay James, you've got me beat. That's completely awesome.


So vista fraked up on me :(

I can't log on to the good computer at all. The user service can log me on or something. This is actually the first time Vista's eve done anything bad for me. TBH I don't know why everyone hates Vista so much. Everyone says "don't get Vista cause it sucks", but when I ask them why  all they can say is "because it's shit". No one actually can give any reason at all to justify it.


Which is why I've been using this crappy computer which doesn't normally have net. SO I'm not gonna be on as much these holidays (yes it's holidays for me now. 2 weeks XD). But I will hopefully get a lot of hacking done!

Now what I need is to fly to UK and steal James' big screen for hacking :grin:

Also, James, I see you have an xbox360... but you never come online :(



Quote from: Sadiztyk FishNow what I need is to fly to UK and steal James' big screen for hacking :grin:
That's not his screen. That's his friend's.

Quote from: Sadiztyk FishAlso, James, I see you have an xbox360... but you never come online :(
Probably also his friend's.

And, yes. Microsoft completely fucked up on Vista because they were all listening to what the users wanted instead of what the users actually needed (and keep in mind the kind of people Microsoft was targeting when they asked... It was definitely not us. No sirree.)


I'm purple today. :awesome:


Happy birthday, uNsane! :awesome:


Wow, James, how the flump did you wind up with THAT?? That is, if it really is yours...

Fizzers Diary:

"Today I've been practicing on Trilogy again, like yesterday and the day before, and finished my most recent run of Metroid Prime, achieving my target of 100% Hypermode in under 5 hours. After a break, I started my newest playthrough of Prime 2, to test out my new route, and then realised I had college work to be doing. Damn important stuff getting in the way of my gaming. I fantasised some more about my dream hack, and decided I'd add a waterfall into the big room in Western Tacralta, and a school of sceneric fish into the pool below it. I had a quick look on a few forums before bed."


So, now that I'm officially banned from M2K2..



Right now? Tileset drawing and just generally enjoying my weekend.


I'm playing Dungeons and Dragons online ATM. :P


I'm working on my hack now and then, but have been slacking off way too much.

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on October 04, 2009, 01:07:24 AM
So, now that I'm officially banned from M2K2..
I heard about that.  Quite a shame, considering the fact that M2K2's hack community can no longer get in touch with the master hacker behind Eris--UNLESS THEY JOINED US MUAHAHAHA! :lol:


I'm doing homework.

I, for one, don't think that waging a personal war on modfags was the right thing to do, but DMantra will be DMantra and m2k2 will be m2k2. What can you do. ;P


I started work on a new tileset today, written 4 pages of work, and... had a bad morning x.x; my head still hurts from hitting the wall

Anyway this tileset is coming along nice, got a nice chunk of inspiration and stuff, also started work on a presentation on ROM hacking (mostly super metroid) for my college assignment.

hmm, i also had a stottie for lunch too, packed with a ton of bacon and chicken and cream cheese, fuck yeah (and only £1.30 too, what a bargain)

i cant think of what else happened today... meh.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on October 04, 2009, 01:07:24 AM
So, now that I'm officially banned from M2K2..

Oooooooooo. I curious, what did ya do? =3


Quote from: person701 on October 05, 2009, 04:02:00 PM
Quote from: Digital_Mantra on October 04, 2009, 01:07:24 AM
So, now that I'm officially banned from M2K2..

Oooooooooo. I curious, what did ya do? =3,8637.0.html

Read the entire topic, it's pretty easy to see what went wrong.


Not "pretty obvious" when you don't say that he was banned for expressing his opinion in a way the mods didn't like.


Everyday I feel things are becoming more clear to me. The truth behind our preconceived notions. Our archaic templates in which we determine our emotional and logical reactions to situations or updated knowledge. Yet the fallacy in this is that the clarity isn't the window, it's the drapes. The fucking drapes.

Every time I'm onto something (some random epiphany about the cosmos or sentience or whatever), epistemological barriers take hold of my epiphanies and rule out everything. Everything right back down to one simple solution. Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing.

I'm thinking, I'm learning, and it's getting me nowhere in which I can define myself as an individual with acquired knowledge or tastes. Because I just don't give a shit about those sorts of things defining me, I feel bad for the people that do, they're more lost than they realize. It's all just a drop in the bucket, so fuck it.

Everything you are and know, everyone else seems to be doing that for you, before you did or during your current thought on whatever the fuck it was you were onto. Psycho-analysts, philosophical banter, people emoting about this or that, it's a god damned amusement park of thought now. Bloggers, vloggers, critics, activists, etc. It's as if any new found realization has already been realized by someone else, so what's the point in searching for yourself. Just google it. Google YOURSELF. You'll find fragments of yourself scattered in the net. Everything about you, illustrated by others. Maybe we're all one? Fuck that shit, as much as I'm into the whole spiritual thing, I need to feel distinct someway or another.

My actual life is quite boring and depressing, I refuse to submit to the routine of everyday life, it's like nails in the coffin. How can we live like this? How in the fuck can we commit to forums or groups of friends and use each other as save states. It's all so pointless. Free thought has now joined the competitive race. I've searched with so much motivation, so much charisma, so much zest for what life is. What my life is. The problem is that in today's world, everyone has already done it for me. All you really have to define yourself with is your memories and actions, your thoughts are just drones that come and go.

I don't know where to take it from here, I don't know what subject to write about, I don't know what thought to think about. I have no idea why I'm even typing this at 3am. I'm sure whatever I feel right now is felt by millions at this exact moment. Our verisimilitude seems to be shared via mass mentalese (a hypothetical language in which concepts and propositions are presented in the mind without words). Borg shit man.

I'm lost in myself and outside myself I'm lost in others, inverting upon myself. A node in the system, about to implode. A work of art may be appreciated but to the creator, it is not what defines them. Every creative thing I've done in my life I've done for one reason. To cure boredom, to do something productive, something engaging to deter my thought patterns from bleak, depressing realizations on what a piece of shit world this is. We are all going to die.. and we don't seem to care. We'd rather care about transient things that come and go like friendships, relationships, games, movies, books, etc. Anything to deter us from our impending doom.

As for the ban on m2k2, it was intentional. That thread was the perfect catalyst for me to get myself out.
I may do that here too at some point. Anything to escape the need to update myself on what others are thinking about or showcasing. I don't care anymore. I don't want to care. You can sum this up as an emo rant or whatever suits your perception of what you've just read. Doesn't matter to me.

"I'm not crying for attention, I'm done I'm trying to resign. When you find I've finally done it, forget my name and set my stupid fuking corpse on fire."


Its strange you mention that, we all try to hide from our impending doom, I don't, I know its going to happen, sometimes I don't care, sometimes it grabs me by the gut and pours pure fear straight into my heart, I practically count the days till I die, I started working on a new tileset yesterday, its coming along very well, its making me feel the same kind of fear I felt when 13 years ago I walked into the wrecked ship, scared, trawling that thought, I brought up a lot of memories, and they brought up more, its sad some of the shit I dredged up, but its life.

To sum some things up, I imagine us all as a story book, we got a life story, all of us, but every story book as far as I know has to end, and end it will, but will you leave a story book behind, will your story book be read and savoured for time to come, or will it become a forgotten object, lost for all eternity until the universe ends and everything finally is exhausted, I hope I leave a legacy behind, I want my story book to be re-read by generations to come, and to also learn from it, its the only way we can hope to progress.

I have felt lost, when I lost my home and became homeless (still am but getting better) I hit depression and insomnia, I would not be too surprised if I have developed some mental illness, I am most likely an apsie, but I have yet to see how that is effecting me, I find it ironic that the doctors who I went too refused to help me even though I could hardly cope with myself reason being it was the first time I seen them, and just as I was starting to recover when moving in with a friend, I get fucking tortured and £300 of stuff stolen, its a wonder I am still sane and not been broken into a thousand pieces mentally, my life has been pretty bullshit and I have seen my mother die and also my granddad died too, I was not looked after well in my youth having to care for myself, I been through hell with my family in the past, I been kicked out and plunged into depression and a fucked up sleeping schedule, then just as I'm recovering, I'm driven to near suicide and insanity by some fucked up bitch, and now I'm financially unstable due to something going on with my internet provider, why am I no insane, maybe I am, I don't fucking know, what do you lot think.

I don't even know if I'm even on track with this post, I'm up to my arms in work that this college wants, and I'm hardly coping as it is...


Yes we will all die.

It does not matter what you do when you're alive so you might as well do something you find funny! :P


How do we know what we do really counts? Everybody's like ants: one dies, the others use it as a stepping stone. We help but do we ever really contribute? People are affraid of the shit other people throw at them over the most trivial of things like religion, politics, money. My personal views on religion is that it's a metal illness that helps us cope with our surroundings like we need something to evade our enevitable doom. It doesn't matter if a post or conversation ever follows on track, as long as we get a point across because face it, money, religion, and poiltics are all messed up one way or another. You can't do anything about cause there are others that are not more powerful than you, but know how to bend the system better than you do. The world is twisted and there isn't a damn thing anyone would do about it because global change seems to be a fear because of (hey, look familiar?) religion, money, and politics. That's pretty much all world revolves around, the sun. The sun has reason and quantity. Religion and politics have reason. The Earth only revolves around two things: reason and mass. That's all mankind is afraid of, change. What are we gonna do when that big change happens, blow it up? Either way, we're all going to die when giant change comes. People will flip, we'll war, we'll revolt with our pitty ass reasons we use to shelter ourselves. Shit happens, life sucks, and what do you do when you fall as a child learning to walk? You get back up and try again. Truth is there is no future if you can't look past the future.

Maybe we're the crazy ones, maybe we're the metally sane ones. Who knows? No one knows. As long as you know who you are, you know your place in life. If you have care for others, but not their tastes, you are still you and no one should care for different taste. It's all a full circle: we're affraid of eachother. Why we gather our friends and such is to know there are others standing beside our points and will be there to back things up... which as we all know by now (if you've been reading according to me) is bull. Do we have reason? Again, we're use and be used. We break, we're bought.

Extravagance, gluttony, greed, acedia, wrath, envy, and pride. Yes the seven sins. If not already, they are/will be the death of everything. But my favorite thing about all living things in the whole world: Why do us humans live with such power and problems when animals live so peacefully? Animals act as if they don't care. Humans express it and others envelope their thoughts. If only everyone thought their own and never cared. Now a days when you find that one lucky person with the same mindset as you, opposite sex or not, we take it for granted, but that's what made politics politics. Maybe if we could find only the one person and not more, we could know and rest at ease that we are not the only one's out there. That is the one person you should care for, yourself (which includes your lucky person).

Lest, it all sounds like the seven sins, it's not. It takes an open mind to understand my point of view at times.

Which by the way, DMan that was the most intelectual post I've ever read on the internet. As long as you're cool with yourself, you're cool with me and you'll fit fine with society. At least you won't end up what everyone likes to call an outcast.

And, no flame k guys. I'm not trying... just voicing.