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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: PhazarI heard about that.  Quite a shame, considering the fact that M2K2's hack community can no longer get in touch with the master hacker behind Eris--UNLESS THEY JOINED US MUAHAHAHA!
You haven't realized yet that they don't give a fuck?

Quote from: Digital_MantraThe problem is that in today's world, everyone has already done it for me. All you really have to define yourself with is your memories and actions, your thoughts are just drones that come and go.
Pretty much, yeah. It's kind of hard to shape your own interests when you have no idea that a certain concept even exists, much less know what to even call it!

Quote from: Digital_MantraI'm sure whatever I feel right now is felt by millions at this exact moment. Our verisimilitude seems to be shared via mass mentalese (a hypothetical language in which concepts and propositions are presented in the mind without words). Borg shit man.
And what of the millions who have never felt that way? The millions who have yet to see as you do, and the millions who aren't old enough to understand?

Quote from: Digital_MantraI'm lost in myself and outside myself I'm lost in others, inverting upon myself. A node in the system, about to implode. A work of art may be appreciated but to the creator, it is not what defines them. Every creative thing I've done in my life I've done for one reason. To cure boredom, to do something productive, something engaging to deter my thought patterns from bleak, depressing realizations on what a piece of shit world this is. We are all going to die.. and we don't seem to care. We'd rather care about transient things that come and go like friendships, relationships, games, movies, books, etc. Anything to deter us from our impending doom.
Should we care? Yeah, we're all gonna die, big whoop. It happens to everyone, and no-one's been able to escape its grasp yet.

What really matters is how you succeed in life, not how it ends. Live every day to the fullest, and make the best of it. The "doing something productive" part is just a piece of that process, right?

Quote from: Digital_MantraAs for the ban on m2k2, it was intentional. That thread was the perfect catalyst for me to get myself out.
I may do that here too at some point. Anything to escape the need to update myself on what others are thinking about or showcasing. I don't care anymore. I don't want to care. You can sum this up as an emo rant or whatever suits your perception of what you've just read. Doesn't matter to me.
I see no reason why you shouldn't be allowed a few outbursts every once in a while. Just, try not to put people down because they've decided to do something stupid, alright? Hey, there might be people out there who think so strongly about people who post on internet forums as much as you did about people who go into the military for the United States. That doesn't mean the hate is justified for any reason...

Quote from: person701Which by the way, DMan that was the most intelectual post I've ever read on the internet. As long as you're cool with yourself, you're cool with me and you'll fit fine with society. At least you won't end up what everyone likes to call an outcast.
Damn, person. You could not be farther from the truth. D;


Yawn, you people take things way to serious. Life is not serious! :3

I want to do one thing in my life, explore! I want to explore unknown places. But the places I want to explore means nothing to most people. Everyone should have a goal in life... a plan on what to do. I can't explore ATM. But I will once I'm old enough and have a good starting point.

Maybe you think my goal is silly and stupid... maybe it is? To be honest, I don't care. It's something I want to spend my only life doing.

Your life is not a object or something set in stone. You're life is what you make out of it!
So you should spend it doing the thing you enjoy the most!


Quote from: Crys on October 06, 2009, 05:38:01 PM
Yawn, you people take things way to serious. Life is not serious! :3

I want to do one thing in my life, explore! I want to explore unknown places. But the places I want to explore means nothing to most people. Everyone should have a goal in life... a plan on what to do. I can't explore ATM. But I will once I'm old enough and have a good starting point.

Maybe you think my goal is silly and stupid... maybe it is? To be honest, I don't care. It's something I want to spend my only life doing.

Your life is not a object or something set in stone. You're life is what you make out of it!
So you should spend it doing the thing you enjoy the most!
Hey hey now. I never said I took life seriously. ;D Those are just my views of the world. Myself though, I'm just making the fun outta it going out with friends and whatnot, playing fire tennis, fencing on walls, going to theaters; the usual teenage stuff. And traveling. I'm with you on that one Crys, cept I've been stuck in Florida for the majority of my life and what I years I was out, I don't remember well. =\ But hey, we'll all get where we want some day if you pursue! ^_^


I hope I'm not beating a dead horse here...  :icon_sad:  I'm just wondering if DMantra's manipulating of the admins to get him banned from M2K2...  (wait...) Eh, Yeah.  Obviously that's what he wanted to happen.  He used that topic to pull back a catapult and sit himself in it...  Yelling at the admins to cut the rope.  :lol:

I've retyped this reply thinking more about DMantra's motives.  But why go for an all out ban?  Why burn a bridge behind you?  I've voluntarily left (3 that I can think of) forums in the past where I've felt like I was the odd man out (?), or that I was the victim of prejudice, and I've never had a desire to return to those forums. 

These are just thoughts.  No need to answer anything here (I can re-read his post for myself -if/when I have the time/interest).  :icon_razz:

Quote from: Crys on October 06, 2009, 05:38:01 PM
Life is not serious! :3

But death is.  Like, super serious.   :icon_surprised:

You'll know you've fulfilled your purpose in life when you no longer fear death.


Quote from: Gaius_4 on October 07, 2009, 02:21:15 AM
Quote from: Crys on October 06, 2009, 05:38:01 PM
Life is not serious! :3

But death is.  Like, super serious.   :icon_surprised:
No it's not, silly! :P
Everyone will die sooner or later so it's really not a big deal TBH.


Life, death, birth, light, darkness, emptyness, past, present, future. All these things what do they make? Are they just random picks from higherups to see us run around in? To see us suffer? What purpouse do they serve? To confuse us? And what of all the great philosophers? Like Marley, Hendrix, me, Digital_Mantra, person701, Socrates, Sartre, Hippo-something (very important Greek doctor), Plato, Marx, and of course, Da Vinci. Why are we still here after such numerous disasters? Why do we take so much time in devoloping ourselves if decomposure of Mind, Soul and Body are inavetiable? Why do we think of setting goals in life and try to achieve them? Everything is like drugs to me, only most are not addictive at all. I just use it all to get a kick. Like gameing, watching TV, hanging with friends. I don't know if we'll all die at the same time sometime, but I just try to enjoy the things that give me the biggest kick, even if it means nothing.

Silver Skree

Disregard; I am a faggot.


I'm in the pub having a drink with my mates, about 50% battery, having some woodpecker, nice stuff.

and i won the world as i put a rickroll on and got the whole pub rickrolled, even better was that nearly everyone was "FUKKEN"

Job done, also i have class in an hour and a half, im kinda tipsy <.< >.>


The Zhs2. They will retur

Hi, my name is Zhs2 and I'm an admin at this one forum called MetroidConstruction. You all might have heard of it. Anyway, I spent the weekend at my grandparent's house taking care of my grandfather, who has teh cancer. He needed some help up and down the stairs every day, and I was there to help out!

So, yeah. <_<>_>


What is below made me come close to tears. =(

Big Gay Cell

Quote from: person701 on October 12, 2009, 09:12:51 PM
What is below made me come close to tears. =(

Yeah, that was pretty sad..

Big Gay Cell

Lol.  Yes, picture quite unrelated.


Looks like it's Zhs2's birthday today.



It's a disappointment he wouldn't even eat that. Oh well.  :razz:

Big Gay Cell


Carrot cake is totally not my style. And the cake is a lie, anyway. :<_<:

But ice cream...
* Zhs2 noms.
* Zhs2 gets brainfreeze.
* Zhs2 continues nomming.


Mnnn, Carrot cake...  :icon_biggrin:

Anyway World of Goo is being sold for as much as you want it to be (as part of its B-Day) you can find it here

So yeah, you can pay anything for it, maybe I should buy it as a gift for someone :)

Big Gay Cell

I havn't played that in a while.  Good game.



Dang, I'm repeating myself.   :blush:


Happy birthday squishy! :3

I will give you your present later tonight! :3
* Crys winks


although he's not amongst us right now, here's to one of or most valuable members, squishy_ichigo!


Last night while I was watching 24, one of my dogs hops up on the couch to bother me to pet her.
Shortly after she jumps up, I realize
She's pregnant. again.

@Zhs2: the grey one.  :neutral:

One a side note, happy birthday to you, squishy_ichigo. I hope it's as awesome without us.  :sadface:


yay, thx for all the love on my birthday guys.

I had to work all day (9 hours) and people wanted me to hang out with them (its my 21st b-day, drinking, blah blah blah) so I do get long on tonight but...


I'll be seeing you kiddies around!