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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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"Oh now how will I asm, without having to fix whatever MM applies of yours to Fear that happens to conflict with something I've done?! You cannot be seriously saving me a bunch of future trouble! NOOOOO"

Seriously though. I've been fed up with hacking and disappeared for months at a time too. I've come back from those times, obviously, but whatever you decide, see you next mission!


I wish you best of luck on whatever endeavors you may be taking leave for Scyzer. Cya around.


Bye, Scyzer.  Good luck with wherever life takes you.  I hope to see you again. :^_^:

Black Falcon

I wish you the best of luck with your life!
Please don't forget about us, okay? :)


EDIT: I forgot to mention:
[spoiler]Thanks for converting me into a ponyfag :awesome:[/spoiler]


Everyone leaves eventually, eh?
Also, oyoy kiddies.

Black Falcon

OMG I just logged out, saw you posting here and immediately logged back in again to post this:
SQUISHEEE! :awesome:
Welcome back. :D


gcqclhfxlkglmhflqzwha FINALLY beat Redesign. After 4 previous attempts of lost data, no savestates, a quite a few deaths, I did it.

11:09, 81.0%, and saved the animals with roughly 5:30 left in the escape.

Feels good.


Well done, person.  I've lost count of how many times I've run through it over the years, but I do remember it being an achievement when I first played. :^_^:


So, I found out the most amazing thing of all time yesterday. Like, greatest. thing. ever.
Taylor Swift has a cat, and it's name is Meredith. After the character in Greys anatomy.
that's three awesome things in one, highlight of my freaking year right there.


Quote from: Shadow96 on February 21, 2013, 04:17:54 PM
So, I found out the most amazing thing of all time yesterday. Like, greatest. thing. ever.
Taylor Swift has a cat, and it's name is Meredith. After the character in Greys anatomy.
that's three awesome things in one, highlight of my freaking year right there.


Quote from: Shadow96 on February 21, 2013, 04:17:54 PM
So, I found out the most amazing thing of all time yesterday. Like, greatest. thing. ever.
Taylor Swift has a cat, and it's name is Meredith. After the character in Greys anatomy.
that's three awesome things in one, highlight of my freaking year right there.

Your life sounds really awful if that is the best thing ever for you.


Quote from: Quietus on February 21, 2013, 07:13:52 PM
Quote from: Shadow96 on February 21, 2013, 04:17:54 PM
So, I found out the most amazing thing of all time yesterday. Like, greatest. thing. ever.
Taylor Swift has a cat, and it's name is Meredith. After the character in Greys anatomy.
that's three awesome things in one, highlight of my freaking year right there.

:lol: You killed me Quietus

Btw nothing really new about this day. Just continuing to write my horror/fantastic story, maybe I will give some details later. :)


>.> <.<  I'm just gonna leave this here.


Yo man that shot was weak. Check this. Ima throw morph samus to the scoreboard, she'll demorph respin walljump midair morph diagonal bomb-jump in tha stadium gutters, roll down n' fall demorph grapple off the mutha fuckin nosebleed seating rail, quick charge shinespark down dem steps an midair speedmorph to center court, sprinball jump directly into the hoop. then after than, just to fuck wit ya, she'll ibj back up and fall in the hoop again. sheeeit, better get yo camera out.


That shit would be epic beyond reason, my friend.


Pretty funny, Kasel. :^_^:


Bus Driver: Well folks, I have good news and bad news. Good news, you're warm, safe, and dry. Bad news, we're stuck...

Oh winter, how I detest you.


That reminds me of an old joke:

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandad, not screaming in terror like his passengers." :^_^:


Metroid is still cooler though.


It's just a shame that Samus doesn't have an M56 Smartgun. :^_^:

Also, as a mini-game, I knew what game every single one of the characters round the edge of the picture is from, so I guess I must know gaming.

[spoiler=For those interested...]Alex Kidd
Dragon Warrior
Mario Bros.
Ninja Gaiden
Wonder Boy
Mickey Mouse
Kid Icarus
Contra / Probotector
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
Final Fantasy

Oddly, Sonic appears the odd one out, as he was never on a Nintendo system until much later, yet appears alongside all of the other NES characters.


There is Sonic 4 cartridge for SNES. I mean cartridge, not just ROM

And looks like russian spammers are attacking MetConst! 2 topics already.


While I'm sure that cartridges may have appeared somewhere on the dodge, I'm fairly certain that the first Nintendo saw of Sonic was in Adventure 2 for the GameCube.


I thought the sonic advance games started coming out a few years before that...


Having had a quick look through the wiki pages, it looks like they were both in December 2011, with Adventure 2 pipping Advance by just ten days, so there's not much in it.