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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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i can't get the right position of the elevator! it always is left ore right from the middle, to height ore to deep!

edit: in smile it looks bad, but in testmode it works!!!^^

another question:

this enemie [spoiler][/spoiler]n why isn´t it working? it´s the correct tileset and the from other enemys like these copyed DNA, whay this colors?

i know the problem and fixed it: "ALLOWED ENEMYS"


i made the ROBO2 invisible and added it to a room, the game it was nearly frozen!

how can i add many enemies, without freezing the game?


Stop, please. Do us all a favor and either

1.) Search the documents section for your questions.
2.) Experiment yourself and consult to the IRC for small questions like that. It's been said that the bigger more complex one's should be on the forums.

Also, learn for yourself. SMILE is a program you mess around with to figure out. Don't be afraid to break a ROM and if that still isn't enough for you, read my guide on SMILE in the document section. Holy shit, why don't we have posting specific rules around on these forums? Either that, or install an ignore feature on the forums.


Nobody will help me?  :neutral:


thelicker: Is the sky still scrolling? And yes the 'Other" was moved in a later version of SMILE. The location you said is the current location.  You have to change ALL of those things to delete the scrolling sky, otherwise it will persist.  Also, make sure it is using a Layer2 background scroll when you change it, since it will no longer have a bg pointer.

gunnargumpert: please use the edit feature instead of posting multiple times in a row.  This is referred to as double posting, as is looked down upon, as it creates forum clutter.

You need to repoint the enemy pointers if you want to ADD enemies to rooms.  If you just want to CHANGE enemies, you don't need to.

Repointing enemies requires hex editing, and I don't know if your ready for that just yet.


Yes, the sky stopped scrolling. But, where is my layer 2? And where is Samus? In the Layer 2 scrolling, what I put in X-axis scrolling? And in Y-axis scrolling?



The values you stick in the scrolling is how fast you want it to scroll when you move.  The higher the value (F being the highest) the faster the bg moves when you move. And vice virca.

If you do not currently have layer 2, you can add one. 'tools' -> 'background editor' -> 'add layer 2 scroll' and disable the layer 1 with F1 to edit layer 2.

Now... if that still doesn't help... I really don't know what to say... you must be doing something wrong.


Man, in the pointers, I did all you sayed to me.

My layer 2 background and scrolling are the same of the Original Rom. That is a problem?
EDIT: And yes, I have a layer 2.


IIRC you might want to try changing layer1_2 to 91D5, also check to make sure you're not quickmetting into a roomstate you haven't edited yet.


Same result.
And I don't using the Testing Mode, I'm openning the rom in the emulator.


Quote from: thelicker on February 17, 2010, 10:04:54 PM
Same result.
And I don't using the Testing Mode, I'm openning the rom in the emulator.

If you're using the intro (Ceres), the game MUST load into the Ceres tileset (17 or 18 IIRC), as it's one of the only ones that support Mode7. It would explain the shitted up BG you've got there.

Quote from: gunnargumpert on February 16, 2010, 11:36:51 AM
this is not the Mona Lisa!! that is a game!!!!!!!
plagiarism? that is not a console, I'm "cloning"!
-->a few guys said to me, "taking ideas of redesign would be great!"
-->i don´t want to be a famouse guy, i just want fun for many players, they liked the REDESIGN hack.
1.oh, i don't want money, so C)
2.I asked him, now i wait for the answer!

1. What the hell are you talking about?!

2. It doesn't matter if it's the Mona Lisa or the hack of a 16-year-old game, it's still plagiarism.

3. I'm sure whoever said, uhhh, "taking ideas of Redesign would be great!" did NOT mean take the Wall Jump Boots, Beam Combiner, custom GFX, physics, and everything else of SMR... and if they did, it certainly wasn't anyone who knew what they were talking about.

4. You asked him, and you got your answer. I don't know what else you're waiting for. He said he doesn't want anything to do with you or your hack. You can actually read about it in the topic you made, which got locked, because of plagiarism...


To Sadiztyk Fish:

Explanation of Plag.: (§ 23 UrhG): "unallowed using of plagiarism is, if you use the same of the thing of the other owner without to be allowed."

but: i didn't use the same! i draw the tiles to the CRE file at my own work!

a second sentence of the Wikipedia:

the free use of a production is a acceptable to make a own production. the new production just must have its own minimal work. Plagiarism is different from counterfeiting, which is not an exact copy of a work by concealing the true authorship. Also so-called me-too products are not counterfeit.


using a idea isn't forbidden!

you can try to stop me, but, there are worldwide thousands of fans, they want a 2nd game, nearly like this!

i don't like to become famous, i want just make a few idiots happy!    if you don't like it, stop telling your "paintingstory"! also i just got started, I'll make many ideas! new HUD icons, shots, physics. maybe, if I'm nearly ready, a new item. ASM is not to hard, but i just don't know, where the RAM options in the ROM are saved. if i would know it, i would already have a few new items!


Quote from: gunnargumpert on February 18, 2010, 05:47:27 AM
ASM is not to hard
It took you this long to figure that out? :whoa:

Quote from: gunnargumpert on February 18, 2010, 05:47:27 AM
i just don't know, where the RAM options in the ROM are saved
There's a RAM map for that, you know...

Quote from: gunnargumpert on February 18, 2010, 05:47:27 AM
if i would know it, i would already have a few new items!
Yeah, right...

On a side note, use the "Spell Check" button when you're writing new messages before you post them.

Another side note:
Quote from: gunnargumpert on February 18, 2010, 05:47:27 AM
i just don't know, where the RAM options in the ROM are saved
If you happened to mean the ASM commands (LDA, STA, JSR, BEQ etc.), here's the full list of them. Technically (or whateverelly), they aren't in the ROM; the ROM is made of those, along with graphics and other stuff.
And, as person701 said:
QuoteDon't be afraid to break a ROM
Almost all hacks have been restarted at least once, one of the reasons being breaking a ROM when that hacker tried something what (s)he hasn't done before. Even Redesign was restarted multiple times. No one can do a hack without completely screwing up at least once. I think.


well is allways use spell check, it says "Spell checking complete"



Ok gunnargumpert... I really don't want to have to put you in time out, but your really pushing everyone's buttons, and getting under their skin so....

If you can't stop arguing over this, we the staff of this forum are going to have to take action.

You realize that this is the CENTER of Super Metroid ROM hacking, and everytime you flare at someone like that, your pushing yourself further and further into a corner of no one wanting to help you with anything.  You ask questions here, yes?  If you want people to answer them, you need to be nicer to those people!

I'm kind of tired of the whole Redesign talk.  Lets stop arguing about it.  We know what Drewseph said, and thats all that really matters in our eyes.  I realize that you don't care, which is the root of this arguing problem.

So gunnargumpert.  If you can't stop flaming everyone, your going to be temporarily banned.  In fact, I'm very much surprised you haven't already been banned for not following the rules up till now.  This is your final warning before I take it up with the admins.

Everyone else: Stop arguing with a brickwall... its pointless and a waste of patience and time.


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on February 18, 2010, 10:07:10 AM

Ok gunnargumpert... I really don't want to have to put you in time out, but your really pushing everyone's buttons, and getting under their skin so....

If you can't stop arguing over this, we the staff of this forum are going to have to take action.

You realize that this is the CENTER of Super Metroid ROM hacking, and everytime you flare at someone like that, your pushing yourself further and further into a corner of no one wanting to help you with anything.  You ask questions here, yes?  If you want people to answer them, you need to be nicer to those people!

I'm kind of tired of the whole Redesign talk.  Lets stop arguing about it.  We know what Drewseph said, and thats all that really matters in our eyes.  I realize that you don't care, which is the root of this arguing problem.

So gunnargumpert.  If you can't stop flaming everyone, your going to be temporarily banned.  In fact, I'm very much surprised you haven't already been banned for not following the rules up till now.  This is your final warning before I take it up with the admins.

Everyone else: Stop arguing with a brickwall... its pointless and a waste of patience and time.

sorry, but isn´t it understandable, if he JUST trys to stop me hacking?


No gunnar, that isn't understandable. You are copying someone else's work. We don't like it. Besides the law, our rules are here too. You broke them. We gave you a couple more shots, but you just flame away. I'm not a mod, and I don't like to pretend to be one, but if I were one, I'd have banned you ages ago. squishy_ichigo isn't trying to stop your hacking, only your copied hacking. Make up something original.


Quote from: DekuKnight on February 18, 2010, 10:41:03 AM
No gunnar, that isn't understandable. You are copying someone else's work. We don't like it. Besides the law, our rules are here too. You broke them. We gave you a couple more shots, but you just flame away. I'm not a mod, and I don't like to pretend to be one, but if I were one, I'd have banned you ages ago. squishy_ichigo isn't trying to stop your hacking, only your copied hacking. Make up something original.

damn! oyu all don´t got it, the only thing i copyed was the idea with the tiles. but i made them my own and that is my right.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on February 17, 2010, 11:51:09 PM
Quote from: thelicker on February 17, 2010, 10:04:54 PM
Same result.
And I don't using the Testing Mode, I'm openning the rom in the emulator.

If you're using the intro (Ceres), the game MUST load into the Ceres tileset (17 or 18 IIRC), as it's one of the only ones that support Mode7. It would explain the shitted up BG you've got there.

Thanks but, not woked too. I selected "Hide Intro" in the Game Behavior, but I get the same result as ever.
I saw in many hacks the bg without the scroll, but when I try to do it in ANY rom, I frak the bg =/


Quote from: thelicker on February 19, 2010, 12:36:33 PM
Thanks but, not woked too. I selected "Hide Intro" in the Game Behavior, but I get the same result as ever.
I saw in many hacks the bg without the scroll, but when I try to do it in ANY rom, I frak the bg =/
First, thank you for the combo breaker. As for your BG problem, is it working off of a fresh ROM that is unaltered? A few other things you may want to consider is that:
- Each room state has a different pointer so for each state the landing site has, you need to apply the appropriate pointers.
- Speaking of pointers, you're absolutely sure you're using the proper pointers as well as setting the BG options correctly?
- Quickmeting can produce some inaccuracy of the actual hack, but you already said you don't use this...
- Have you gone into layer 2 editing mode a customed the BG?

If you still have a clean ROM, I'll just patch you one that has disabled BG if none of the above works.


- Yes.
- Yes.
- Quickmeting is Save State?
- No. I have the same bg of the original rom.


Quote from: thelicker on February 20, 2010, 08:50:36 AM
- Quickmeting is Save State?
No. Quickmetting is pressing 'E' in SMILE. So, you're using savestates? If so, you just got the problem solved. Just test it without using savestates (assuming you used them).
A little tip: never use savestates when testing something.
And make sure you do all the changes in all states of the room.


I'm not using Save States and/or Test Rom.
I need to make my custom layer 2 bg?


Quote from: Sperry on January 29, 2010, 06:33:42 PM
I wanted to know if it was possible to create 3 by 3 bts bomb blocks (or at least 1 by 3 or 3 by 1)? As far as I know, 0 to 7 only cover 1 to 2x2, and anything after 7 determine the vulnerability of the blocks...
Actually, it's possible. Every door is acting like 4*1 or 1*4 shootable block. So, yes, 3*3 bomb blocks, 3*3 shootable blocks or even 3*3 crumble blocks are possible. I can explain it if you still interested.

And if I remembered right, there are already 2*1, 1*2 and 2*2 crumble blocks in the ROM but completly unused


I'd be interested in seeing that too, JAM, so if you'd be so kind. :^_^:

I had a fiddle with it a while back, but didn't have any luck.