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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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I'm pretty sure you mean ASM tutorial, but if you really want a hex tutorial, there really aren't any real tutorials. Wikipedia can help you.
For ASM tutorials, there are a LOT of them. Just go to Google and search for "SNES ASM tutorial", or "65816 tutorial."
This tutorial got me to the basics. (You can skip chapters 3 and 9, but you still should read Ch. 3, it has some useful info for SM)


Man, I just want edit some message boxes texts in my rom, but the DC's tutorial is very hard to begginers, understand?
Do you know how I do it?


Ah, that's what you mean. :oh:
Well, it's really simple, actually. First you'll need:
1. A hex editor (duh)
2. A graphic editor (Preferably TLP)
3. TextFormat.txt, one of Kej's documents.

First of all, open your ROM in a hex editor. Now, look at TextFormat.txt, and use it to find the string you need. Here's an example:
28 EC 28 EE 28 F1 28 EF 28 E7 stands for a purple "MORPH." (Warning: This goes slightly advanced)
So, the format is basically *color*,*letter*, each being one byte. (Slightly advanced part ends)
When you search for that string in your hex editor, edit it and see if "MORPH" in "MORPH BALL" changes. If so, congrats, you now (should) understand how to edit the boxes. It's not so hard, isn't it? Just make sure that string is between 28000-2FFFF. (Bank $85)
Now you need to change the texts in the status screen. Open your ROM in TLP and use to Goto function (Edit -> Goto or Ctrl+G) to jump to 1B1A00. The format is SNES. The editing here is self-explanatory :wink:

Edit: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a PAGE BREAK!


I understand the text codes. But how I find the message boxes tests in the Hex Editor? What's the "string"?
NOTE: I'm using Hex Workshop
Grateful ^^


Quote from: thelicker on February 13, 2010, 03:29:58 PM
I understand the text codes. But how I find the message boxes tests in the Hex Editor? What's the "string"?
NOTE: I'm using Hex Workshop
Grateful ^^

CTRL+F (find) is your friend =). Just put in those values and it will search the rom for them. If it's in bank $85 ($28000-$2FFFF) then that's it.


OMG, it worked...
Very thanks guys  :yay:
Soon a new video of my Rock Beam...
EDIT: It's very, veeeeeery easy after you know how to do it xD
Rock Beam:


my problem has gone! i saved it from the cre file to the grafic set - under the CRE (i still use the same CRE!)

ok new:

how to make groups: (picture)

[attachment deleted by admin]


There was a guide somewhere... let me find it...

How to create white-outlined/blue-outlined 2x1 or 1x2 vertical/horizontal and 2x2 BTS combined shotblocks and bomb blocks (And crumble blocks)

This is excessively complicated and very obscure, so I'll describe an example of it and you can mess with it to get the type you want.

Example - Look for the BTS dropdown list in the BTS segment of the editor. Under that, you'll see the large group of green/yellow/red BTS icons that are normally used for creating slopes and such. As an example, drag the BTS that's a tiny green box in the lower righthand corner of the tile over a tile in the room. Now, In the scroll box that usually says "Air," "Shot block" or things like that, adjust it to be a shotblock or a bomb block. The white outline should appear with the block you dragged the BTS over as the focal point. You can now add other blocks around that one as horizontal blocks or vertical blocks coming off that one (check out how it should look by looking at one that's already constructed in the game, and then mimic it with your block; only now you can now use different tiles and such for it)

Note: you can get different types of these combination blocks by dragging different BTS formations over to the tile. The whole top row of said BTS formations will yeild different types of combination blocks. You can even get blue outlined tiles which will not regenerate when bombed/shot.

Copy-pasted from here, BlackTelomeres' SMILE FAQ
This should help you.


i made this mistake: if you want to make the value FF, you can´t write it, you must joose it in the bts list!

but values from 00 - 9F you can write (cursor OVER the tile an just write the bit! - the value is there but not values starting with letters [A1 - FF])


You can just type a number, backspace, and then type the FF.


ok, the list works and is enough


How do I remove the Sky Scrolling of the 3 big rooms in Crateria?



I don't want to sound like the biggest dick off ever, but when I read the same question more the 10 times it gets annoying.

We have documents and guides for a reason people.  If your having a problem check those FIRST.

Anywho.... as for your question thelicker:

Quote from: black telomeres smilefaqChange the layer1_2 pointer to 91D3 or 91CE (try 91D3 first, if that doesn't work then go to 91CE), the BG_data to 0000 and the FX2 to 0000. Also go to Other>Layer2scroll and set it to 0181

Do that for each room in question, iit will keep the sky, but it will no longer scroll.  If you want to remove it completely, after you do that, you can edit layer 2.


I didn't find it in the Moonedit SMILE FAQ.
Where is this "Other"? Is in BackGround Editor> BG/ Layer 2 Scrolling?
Here's is the result after I change the pointers:


the tiles are making problems:

TLP: the list with tiles [spoiler][/spoiler]

SMILE: is working (even in SNES9X) [spoiler][/spoiler]

but why does it overwrite things?:  [spoiler][/spoiler]


Going into my logs of SM you can see that the table for Crateria is directly before the Old Tourian tile table

$C1|B6F6-BEED TABLE|CR|Outside Crateria
$C1|BEEE-C5CE TABLE|CR|Old Tourian/Ruins

When you added them tiles to the Outside crateria table, you made the outside crateria table bigger, its got to go somewhere so its eaten the next tiletable, thats why you broke it, you should repoint them if you do any GFX work, and there is a guide on site for that.


There is also a patch you could apply to a clean ROM, which will repoint them all for you before you start, giving you a lot more space to work with.  On another note, those tiles look like they're ripped straight from Redesign.  While I understand that it's almost imposible to avoid using something from somewhere, where possible, credit should be given, or permission sought.  Have you tried contacting Drewseph, and asking about his stuff?


how to repoint the grafic sets? isn´t it impossible?

Quote from: Quietus on February 15, 2010, 09:06:18 AM
There is also a patch you could apply to a clean ROM, which will repoint them all for you before you start, giving you a lot more space to work with.  On another note, those tiles look like they're ripped straight from Redesign.  While I understand that it's almost imposible to avoid using something from somewhere, where possible, credit should be given, or permission sought.  Have you tried contacting Drewseph, and asking about his stuff?

i did not steel! i draw the in TLP you can see some differences in the pixels

but, yeah, i did it, because i love the atmosphere from redesign

i watched the tlies again and again, and soon they were nearly the same^^

what a hard work, but it has a good result!


Quote from: gunnargumpert on February 15, 2010, 09:29:24 AM
how to repoint the grafic sets? isn´t it impossible?
You... you don't read posts carefully enough...
Quote from: GF_Kennon
there is a guide on site for that
Here's the guide.
Read it carefully and multiple times if you really really really want to repoint the GFX.

Ok, now that i'm writing, i've got a little problem with power bombs. Whenever i use them, and the explosion is almost finished, the game freezes. It only happens in two rooms. Strange :O_o:

Edit: It was, surprisingly, a simple fix. My door caps were messed up. (Wrong tile properties  :blush:)


Quote from: thelicker on February 14, 2010, 11:32:08 AM
I didn't find it in the Moonedit SMILE FAQ.
Where is this "Other"? Is in BackGround Editor> BG/ Layer 2 Scrolling?
Here's is the result after I change the pointers:

Someone can help?


Quote from: Quietus on February 15, 2010, 09:06:18 AMHave you tried contacting Drewseph, and asking about his stuff?
Squee go has. Here's a summary of what Drew said, "I don't want to be affiliated with this."

On a side note, if you think you drew those tiles yourself, it's going to be hard to prove that. Sure, I'll admit I took those slopes from Redesign as well, but everything else has been hand drawn (the darker colored pipes, Crateria tiles). Seriously, it seems like you have no planning on this hack Gunnar and if you do, all it seems like is take Redesign's graphics and mess up ROMs with it.

On a final note, if you're going to continue talking how you are, then GET THE F*** OFF. It's starting to get annoying and if everyone else around here can talk like a regular educated person, then you might as well not be the outcast.


Quote from: gunnargumpert on February 15, 2010, 09:29:24 AM
i did not steel! i draw the in TLP you can see some differences in the pixels

but, yeah, i did it, because i love the atmosphere from redesign

So wait, you say you DIDN'T, uh, "steel" them, then admit you did? :pwuh: From what I've seen, you're yet to show something you did yourself. Perhaps I'll give you a cookie when that time comes.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on February 16, 2010, 12:11:04 AM
Quote from: gunnargumpert on February 15, 2010, 09:29:24 AM
i did not steel! i draw the in TLP you can see some differences in the pixels

but, yeah, i did it, because i love the atmosphere from redesign

So wait, you say you DIDN'T, uh, "steel" them, then admit you did? :pwuh: From what I've seen, you're yet to show something you did yourself. Perhaps I'll give you a cookie when that time comes.

no I mean i didn't steel it, but i draw it at TLP at my own! you all got it? if you zoom in the pictures you can see a few pixels aren't working perfect, in redesign they are! you can't steel tiles, because the ROM shows only the enemies, you have to export the list with smile, but you can't open the ROM! isn't that proof enough?


and using only the IDEA of another hack isn't a crime! i have respect from drew, but ha must let me do what i want! i´promis, i´ll not steal ANY tiles - only drawing in Tile Layer Pro!


Ok... here an example.  Your a fan of famous paintings, and you decide to paint one of them in your free time.  In the end, it turns out your painted it almost perfectly like the original. So well, that anyone who saw it would think it WAS the original.  You show it off to all the people you know, and they love it and your happy.

A few years later, one of your friends invites one of their friends to your house, and they see your painting, and think its the real deal.  This person is quite rich and loves paintings as much as you do!  He offers to buy your painting, and for ALOT of money.

Do you:
a) Sell the painting for several thousand dollars.
b) Tell him the truth, thus getting only few bucks.
c) Say the painting's not for sell, getting nothing at all.

[spoiler=answer key]If you said (a), then your a thief.  You took someone else's work without permission and sold it for a large profit.  You stole that guys money, even though you painted that picture yourself. 

If you said (b) or (c) then your only guilty of plagiarism, which so many people do now adays its barely considered a crime anymore... right?[/spoiler]

/end thread highjack


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on February 16, 2010, 11:18:32 AM
OK... here an example.  Your a fan of famous paintings, and you decide to paint one of them in your free time.  In the end, it turns out your painted it almost perfectly like the original. So well, that anyone who saw it would think it WAS the original.  You show it off to all the people you know, and they love it and your happy.

A few years later, one of your friends invites one of their friends to your house, and they see your painting, and think its the real deal.  This person is quite rich and loves paintings as much as you do!  He offers to buy your painting, and for ALOT of money.

this is not the Mona Lisa!! that is a game!!!!!!!

plagiarism? that is not a console, I'm "cloning"!

-->a few guys said to me, "taking ideas of redesign would be great!"

-->i don´t want to be a famouse guy, i just want fun for many players, they liked the REDESIGN hack.

1.oh, i don't want money, so C)
2.I asked him, now i wait for the answer!