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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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I might as well post my question here to help revive this thread.  I connected a few doors by using Clone Doors, but now some of them don't line up correctly.  When I go through one door, I appear slightly below the door in the next room that it is supposed to connect to.  How do I fix this?


Are you sure your doors line up vertically on the screen in the two rooms?  ie- If one door's top is 4 tiles down from the top of the screen and the other's is 6 tiles down, then you'll be 2 tiles off when passing through.


I have a question regarding adding doors. I know how to edit the hex to add them, and when I edit the Door Out pointer the second door does appear. My problem is that when I enter through the new door, the room appears glitchy. What is causing this? Thanks!



Quote from: matthew88 on July 10, 2009, 08:48:42 PM
I have a question regarding adding doors. I know how to edit the hex to add them, and when I edit the Door Out pointer the second door does appear. My problem is that when I enter through the new door, the room appears glitchy. What is causing this? Thanks!

A few things to check for are:
-Did you flip your door bytes? If they're (for example) A970, they should flip like this: 70A9.
-Adding "0101" at the end of what will be the Door Out Pointer so you don't have 33 doors in the room.
-Is the room you're sending Samus to working properly in the first place?
-Check the scroll box where the door will spit you out at to make sure it's either a green or blue.
-On that subject, make sure the door is next to the edge of the screen or a red scroll area.

Just some problems I've had before that migth help. ;)


Ok, this one room is just pissing me off.  I tried to add an elevator to the escape state of the large Crateria shaft, but whenever I turn one of the pirates into an elevator and get the properties right, the top half of the room crashes.  The elevator works perfectly in the standard state, so why won't it work here?


Quote from: Phazar on July 13, 2009, 09:28:44 PM
Ok, this one room is just pissing me off.  I tried to add an elevator to the escape state of the large Crateria shaft, but whenever I turn one of the pirates into an elevator and get the properties right, the top half of the room crashes.  The elevator works perfectly in the standard state, so why won't it work here?
I've been doing a lot of work on this room currently (unfortuantly, it's one of the more important rooms of my hack) and it seems when in any state with Space Pirates, adding any other enemy (i.e. elevators, zoomers, etc.) will crash the room once you move into the appropriate scroll box. So in other words, as far as I know, you can't do anything special with enemies in that specific room.


[18:14] <Phazar>,11.msg1442.html#msg1442
[18:14] <Phazar> ^A little help?
[18:15] <GF_Kennon> Phazar im not sure without seeing more :(
[18:16] <GF_Kennon> i dont see why
[18:16] <GF_Kennon> though
[18:16] <GF_Kennon> hmm
[18:17] <Phazar> wait...
[18:17] <Phazar> I may have an idea...
[18:17] <GF_Kennon> the other pirate
[18:17] <Phazar> but it would call for a backup
[18:17] <GF_Kennon> Phazar there is 2 enemies in the escape state?
[18:17] <Phazar> I wonder if removing the Prirates and replacing them with other enemies would work
[18:17] <Phazar> yes, 2 enemies
[18:18] <GF_Kennon> i think that other enemy may be conflicting with the elevator
[18:18] <squee_CaseClosed> Phazar: why don't you just use the same pointers for both rooms?
[18:18] <GF_Kennon> or the elevator has wrong settings
[18:18] <GF_Kennon> [18:18] <squee_CaseClosed> Phazar: why don't you just use the same pointers for both rooms?
[18:18] <squee_CaseClosed> er... both states
[18:19] <squee_CaseClosed> just use the same enemy set/pop pointers, wouldn't that be effeciant enough?


Yup, enemy pointer change fixed it.


Quote from: Phazar on July 14, 2009, 01:42:07 PM
Yup, enemy pointer change fixed it.
o.0 What? I changed both pointers (enemy pop. and enemy list) and niether did anything for me. ;_;


Quote from: person701 on July 15, 2009, 05:56:08 PM
Quote from: Phazar on July 14, 2009, 01:42:07 PM
Yup, enemy pointer change fixed it.
o.0 What? I changed both pointers (enemy pop. and enemy list) and niether did anything for me. ;_;

I think you may have a slightly different problem, im not sure how to help without a little more info.

anyway, thank you zeke, i have lost a lot of hacking know how from you introducing me to doom modding.

Right, time to ask for help, at my own site, where i should know this ;~;

Im wanting to edit the map tiles, can anyone help guide me on this, there are 2 sets of map tiles in the ROM and im not sure how much space i have available, i want to make a more comprehensive map for RTSR:388 and i really want to use what space i have to the best i can, i know DC is working on a little map thing though that would help though. i suppose ill ask him on IRC when he pops in, but until then, ill post this here


I was asked once again to find something, so being the AWESOME guy that Iam, I did just that!

tiles @ $0D5600
palette @ $0D01A0


Zero One

Hi. I'm new to SMILE and I'm interested in creating a Super Metroid hack from scratch, basically deleting the existing Zebes and replacing it with my own world. I know I won't be able to do that for quite a while so I've tried messing around with SMILE. The first thing I did was to put a Chozo Statue right next to Samus' ship in Crateria. Unfortunately, I don't know how to put an item in there. I've tried copying one from a different room but that just messed the entire thing up and would freeze after the Planet Zebes cutscene. Could anyone help figure out how items work? Also, a good Getting Started guide would be helpful.


Items are PLMs, just like the Super Missile door and the Power Bomb door in that room.  Therefore, you can right-click one of these special doors and change one of them to an item.  Also, for Getting Started guides, the best would probably be M2K2's Moonedit SMILE FAQ.  This forum's main admin, GF_Kennon, also has some SMILE help videos on the Archive page of this site.

Zero One

Is it a bad thing that I've read it and I'm still lost? SM doesn't seem too mod-friendly...


Well Zero One, your question seems to be rather common amung newer hackers, so don't worry. ^_^

Basically, each room you open in SMILE has it's own number of items, or PLMs. Here's one important thing to note: you can not add PLMs to a room (at least not through SMILE). You however can subtract them. And if you ever need a PLM you subtracted, you can bring it right back by adding it so long as it does not pass the room's PLM limit.

Thanks for asking the Q also 'cause it reminds me I was going to make a getting started quide quite some time ago but never got around to it. Maybe I'll start later tonight. =)




Hyper Beam Palettes
10 palette lines

Samus still glows the regular colors
blah blah blah about praise showering, you know the drill! :P


Well squishy, nice finds. =D Wouldn't that be just great merged with your other post? /minimod

Now if I could refind where all those beam sprites are in TLP. <_<;

Zero One

What program would be required to increase the number of PLM's because I don't feel like sticking with the regular amount. I want to practice by screwing around :D


You would need a hex editor and I would assume that adding PLMs to a room isn't one of the easier things done. If you can wait off till I finish my guide, you'll probably learn a lot more while figuring out PLMs.

From my above post, I've been working on it since and I'm almost halfway through it (section 6 of 15). It shoudl be done tomarrow night or early the next day.

But if you're impatient ^^; here you go: Go to Edit > Pointers. Find the box that says "PLM." Write that number down. That's for how many, what kind, and where the PLMs are it the room (example, 5,all Missiles,w/e they are). Go off to a different room, write down it's PLM pointer then switch the two. And you should have more/less depending on which pointers are switched. That's the short and sweet way. ^^

Zero One

I love this thread :D. I'll wait for your full guide. Also, what does PLM stand for? How easy would it be to make an SM game from scratch using SMILE and HxD?


PLM is the SMILE equivilant term for item. As for making a full hack, once you know what you're doing, it just takes time and dedication. Can't really say it takes 'so and so' hours 'cause it depends on how big your hack will be.


FYI- SMILE *can* add plm's to a room.  It's just not recommended unless you know what you're doing and have changed your pointers to avoid overwrites (hence why that form is a nice pretty shade of firetruck red).

Zero One

Yeah, I did mess around with that dialog but didn't actually know how to put a PLM into a room


[spoiler=to save space, this quote is in spoiler tags]
Quote from: DSO on May 17, 2009, 11:50:53 PM
I remember talk a while back about changing how quickly weapons move, so I've started to work on that myself. I've got acceleration code on Super Missiles, and am working on other weapons right now.

Alright, Super Missiles. $90 is the bank, V is the location for vertical, and H for horizontal acceleration. Note that even though there's values for vertical speed when shooting horizontally and vice versa, if you shoot a Super Missile horizontally, it will not go up or down. Both only come into play when shooting at an angle. Also "Up Right" or "Down Left" are not diagonals unless mentioned. They are aiming straight up/down when Samus is facing to the left or right.

Up Right
Diagonal Up Right
Diagonal Down Right
Down Right
Down Left
Diagonal Down Left
Diagonal Up Left
Up Left

How it works is the values stored at the ROM location is added to itself each frame performing subtraction. For example, the value for horizontal acceleration for shooting right is FF00. Adding FF00 and FF00 would get you 1FE00, but since the SNES is 16 bit and this code doesn't add the carry, you end up with FE00. Next frame, it's FE00 + FF00 and you get FD00... The lower it gets the faster it gets, to a certain point.

Edit: New attachment so James can put it up on the main site. It's an excel doc with info on all the tileset pointers and data locations. It's been very useful to me when helping people repoint/making my own repointing patch, but since there's been quite a few doing repointing on their own, I thought this would be helpful to have.

Well, I went abit further and got the missle ones as well.
Documented alittle differently then DSO did his, but its the same stuff.
See attachment.


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on July 28, 2009, 11:21:47 PM
I don't take ANY credit for this.  DSO did all the hard work finding the Super Missle ones, and I just happened to find the Missle ones. :P

It's been on the list for a long time but I've always been too lazy to get around to it. I don't deserve credit for something I didn't do. Instead, you should be praised for helping to clear my list...

Edit: Frozen timers for enemies!

$A0/A88A A0 90 01    LDY #$0190; Regular
$A0/A895 A0 2C 01    LDY #$012C; Norfair

The 190 and 12C are the number of Frames in hex the enemy will stay frozen.