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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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Woudl you believe, I never knew that the timers were different for Norfair and other areas :icon_eek:

Nice find anyway. I thought you might be able to do this separately for each enemy in the enemy DNA, but I didn't actually check. I just remember seeing an ICE number/option there.


These should be useful:
Enemy Projectile Header Locations for Unheadered Roms

Thanks to DSO for helping me get started and Kej's docs for helping me understand what I was looking at once I found it.

(If the name I normally use wasn't self-explanatory I used SMILE's names)

-x35AFE (cactus spike attack)

-x33D5A (volcanic rocks)

-x335CB (spit attack)

Metal Skree
-x30BFA (All 4 are the individual rocks when it dives into the ground)

-x30BC2 (All 4 are the individual rocks when it dives into the ground)

-x30F8F (spit attack)
-x310C1 (pieces of the spike wall when he breaks it)

-x30E50 (gunk that sticks to you)
-x30E5E (green spark that fires from walls)

-x31DBE (belly spikes)
-x31DB0 (rocks he spits at you)

-x31C61 (big rocks from earthquake)
-x31C6F (little rocks from earthquake)
-x31C45 (big rocks that he spits at you)
-x31C53 (big rocks from crumbling ceiling)

-x31C37 (fireballs in the beginning)
-x31C29 (fireballs during the fight)

-x35FCA (fireballs)

-x35FBC (fireballs)

-x3502E (bugs)

-x360E0 (lava throw)

-x35298 (explosion of spines after killed)

-x352C2 (both are for beam attack)

-x31E90 (spit attack)

-x37498 (falling sparks)

-x34F18 (both are for spit attack and both enemies)

Bomb Torizo
-x32D5E (orb attack)
-x32EA8 (wave attack)

Golden Torizo
-x32D7A (orb attack)
-x32EB6 (wave attack)

-x36C48 (green spit attack)

Norfair Ninja Pirates
-x32189 (metal throw attack)


My first successful trace-and-edit! Changing these 8 bytes will disable walljumping completely like in Redesign. I tested this quite a bit to make sure nothing else was affected, and everything seems to work just fine:

81D87 - 22 7F 96 94 to EA EA EA EA
Disables walljumping while facing to the right

81DAC - 22 7F 96 94 to EA EA EA EA
Disables walljumping while facing to the left

81DF8 - 22 F0 A8 A0 to EA EA EA EA
Disables walljumping while facing to the right, but Samus still enters the "about to walljump" pose when it is attempted

81E1B - 22 F0 A8 A0 to EA EA EA EA
Disables walljumping while facing to the left, but Samus still enters the "about to walljump" pose when it is attempted

And for luls, I found another interesting one. This affects wall jumps while facing left or right. What it does is occasionally make Samus "screw up" - realism, anyone? It seems to happen at random; roughly 1 out of every 5 walljumps, though I'm sure there's some explanation for why and a way to do it every time. What happens is after you walljump, she just... falls off of the wall and loses her spin jump. Sometimes she jumps off the wall normally without spinning:

A1702 - 20 F5 95 to EA EA EA

I haven't tested it very much, but there were no other immediate changes that I noticed besides that. Have fun.

Edit: Found something else. I can't see why anyone would want to do this, but here it is:

82638 - 20 C7 92 to EA EA EA = Disables mockball completely; if springball is equipped, Samus simply bounces into the air as the mockball is initiated, effectively preventing her from traveling along the ground in ball form at any speed faster than basic rolling; unequipped, she simply loses speed normally after morph-landing


Maybe someone doesn't want Mockballing in their hack Grime. =P Well... at least when I know I have time to hack I'll have tons of resources to learn from ^^;


Hi, all. I have a little practice world I've started making since I'm new to SMILE, and I have a little question about Door Caps.

The door cap tiles will have BTS values "40, FF, FE, FD" for left facing door, or the first number is 41 if it's a right facing door, 42 for up facing door, or 43 for down facing door. 

I have one of those tunnles with glass windows in it.  It's a short tunnle, and I put a door cap on the end of it.  Anyway, my question is, can you use a door cap like this without it being paired with an actual door?  It appears door caps were never used this way in the original game.  In my experimenting, I've found that if you just copy a door cap from an existing door and paste it somewhere, the new door cap will still work even though its not paired with a door.  The exception is that if you shoot the bottom tile of the door cap, then the door cap doesn't work right.  If you give it the same values I listed above, then test again and shoot the bottom tile of the door cap, now it will lock the game it seems.

Does anyone know if its possible to fix this so the door cap works properly even when you shoot the bottom tile? 


Unfortunatly, I've ran into the same problem and couldn't figure out how to fix it. =\

I have a few questions of my own here, aside fomr Font's.
1. I've moved Emeny Allowed pointers to get different number of enemys in a room but when I actually test the room, only certain ones show up (mainly the first 3-4 of 7-8). HALP!
2. A little off the deep end here but how would one add states to a room? Just curious. ^^;


Hey guys, I seem to have found a fix for the door problem!! :razz:

In my experimenting I stumbled onto something.  I have another one of those tunnles with a red missle door on one side.  I moved the missle door cap PLM away so it would be a normal door again.  I shot the bottom tile of the door cap and it still works.  One of the BTS values on the door cap was different so I tried that value on the other door, but still no dice.

So this lead me to suspect that the PLM had something to do with why the other door cap works.  I've tested this on two other doors and it works for them all.  So if you want to have a door cap somewhere that is not paired with an actual door, simply place one of the door cap PLMs over top of your door cap.  Then move it away to wherever you want.  Even though the PLM is gone, the door cap still seems to function correctly.  

Well the PLM isn't truely gone, it's just moved over on another screen.  As a further little experiment, I went to the door cap PLM and changed its type so that it is a type that is no longer door related.  My thinking was that if the PLM was linking to the door cap, and somehow that was fixing the problem, then if I change the type to something non-door related; then in theory I'd think it shouldn't be linked with that door cap anymore if it was.  After changing its type and testing again, I found that the door cap still works though.  

I can say for sure that both red and yellow door cap PLMs can be used for this fix.  So it looks as though any of the door cap PLMs will work for this fix.

EDIT:  I have found a second solution that does not use PLMs.  The PLM method is limited since you have limited PLMs to work with.  If you try to fix a second door cap using the same door cap PLM, well both my doors didn't work right then! :lol:  Anyway, right clicking on the top door cap tile, we see its type is shot block.  So Make sure the other 3 tiles of the door cap all have their type set to Vertical (or Horizontal if its a door cap that is facing up or down).  The door cap then works correctly.

I also had an idea about the site.  Does anyone think it would be a good idea to create a Metroid Construction wiki?


Actually, the PLM had nothing to do with your doors. PLM's don't change anything that would be related to the error you've described. I've had that error too, but it is because there were two shot blocks in the door bubble instead of one (you'll have this problem if you piece the door together from scratch from the tiletable for example, as most people would flip the door to get both sides, and forget to change the BTS values).

@ Person701:
Adding states is annoying. I haven't done much editing with it, but the way I see it, there's 2 things you could do.
1. Figure out the room header format to make your header from scratch
2. Copy a room with more than 1 state and use that

The former would be harder, as single stated rooms have a simple header, but multiple stated rooms have a very complex header, pretty much containing everything for every state. If you did it wrong, the whole room would be useless.


Ah.  Thanks for that info.  I figured my info might not be completely accurate since I'm still pretty new to this.  Most of my doors I did create just as you discribed from the tile table, and then flipping them to make the other half.


Hey Metroid Construction, I joined a while ago, I was working on trying out Super Metroid Hacks, I know how to change a type of thing into a item (Ex: A Red Shelled Door to a Missile Pack) But, how can you create one of these things out of thin air? Also I changed a green door to a red one, then I took the thing out of the door, it went blue, and I went through it, I went back out, and the game glitched severely...

All explanation in the least complicated way would be GREATLY appreciated...

Zero One

Hi guys, I'm back and I'm working on a hack! It's called Super Metroid: Aran (add that to your W.I.P list). The storyline continues after Samus' Power Suit activates the Plasma and Spazer beams simultaniously (Murder Beam, anyone?) and is thrust into an alternate Zebes with no memories of Zebes except for her first mission. One thing I have to ask, is it possible to delete an enemy and replace it with an item? I "thought" I was screwed when I swapped an item with an item that had already been swapped, so I was left with a floating Super Missile tank and had the idea of replacing an enemy with it. I don't need to now because I figured out where I could put the thing but I just want to know if it is possible.  :icon_biggrin:


Quote from: RYNO on August 24, 2009, 03:34:44 PM
Hey Metroid Construction, I joined a while ago, I was working on trying out Super Metroid Hacks, I know how to change a type of thing into a item (Ex: A Red Shelled Door to a Missile Pack) But, how can you create one of these things out of thin air? Also I changed a green door to a red one, then I took the thing out of the door, it went blue, and I went through it, I went back out, and the game glitched severely...

All explanation in the least complicated way would be GREATLY appreciated...
Here, this can clear up quite a few things. SMILE Guide. Look in section 5 for items and enemies.

Zero One

Well then, I suppose it is a really good thing that I am learning Assembly on a C64 :D


Another Thing, to a hack I'm making/testing out, I have a couple Questions

1. I put morphball and 3 missile packs in the starting room, (you dont have to know why I did it :) )
and when you test the game out, It has MorphBalls EVERYWHERE, but there just pictures of it....

2. I saw some enemies in the room to the right of the first room, I changed them, but there all screwed up and theres strange stuff on all of them, 2 skree's, 2 mochrtoids, 2 little tiny flying things (I don't really remember there names...) all help would be appreacited... again...




#1: I'm guessing you grabbed one of the "blank" spots in the CRE tiles (Underneath the bridge/chozo orbs) and tried to use it as a blank tile (air, basically). These are not true blank tiles, but rather they are the space where graphics for certain PLMs (Such as morph ball) are temporaily placed while you're playing. You placed morphball, so that's why you see morph balls everywhere. If you want true empy "air", just right click and copy it from a room.

#2: First thing to do is make sure they're in the allowed for the room. If you've already done that, compare the values your enemies have to ones that are already in an unedited game, and fix any differences. That should fix the problem.

Hope this helps.


Quote from: DSO on August 25, 2009, 07:14:09 PM

#1: I'm guessing you grabbed one of the "blank" spots in the CRE tiles (Underneath the bridge/chozo orbs) and tried to use it as a blank tile (air, basically). These are not true blank tiles, but rather they are the space where graphics for certain PLMs (Such as morph ball) are temporaily placed while you're playing. You placed morphball, so that's why you see morph balls everywhere. If you want true empy "air", just right click and copy it from a room.

Hope this helps.

Yeah, for #1, I made sure ALL the tiles are air X-Ray's, just to be safe, and i don't think its still in any good condition, yet...

#2, Ill get onto that in a sec...


The type of tile (Air x-ray, solid, or whatever you want) isn't what I was refering to, what I meant is to copy the blank air from what is already existing blank air instead of trying to grab it from the tile table..


I believe the problem he's having is when he placed the Morph Ball it's turning the BG into nothing but a crap load of morph ball sprites?


Quote from: person701 on August 25, 2009, 09:25:15 PM
I believe the problem he's having is when he placed the Morph Ball it's turning the BG into nothing but a crap load of morph ball sprites?

Exactly.... I know how to fix the problem, I dont really wanna right now...

So... #1 is DONE!

#2... I can only put 3 types of enemies in this room... can I add more?


RYNO, I believe 4 is the highest number of different enemies a room have (at least, I haven't seen a room with 5+ enemies in it yet?). If you don't want to go the distance and learn enough hex editing to repoint and add enemies, there's a decent workaround. You'll need to write some stuff down so you don't lose track of what you've changed, though. Easy stuff.

Load a room that has 4 enemies in it, and has close to however many enemies you want to put in the room ("Room A"). Go to Edit > Pointers and write down the #### values next to "Enemy Pop/Allowed" and "Enemy Set", along with the room that has those 2 pointers so you can find it again later if you need to. Now go to the room you're editing want to add enemies to ("Room B"). Pull up the pointers window again and write down the Enemy Pop/Enemy Set values for that room as well.

After you've got that info down, switch those 2 pointers for the rooms. Put Room A's Enemy Pop/Enemy set values into Room B's, and Room B's into Room A's. Just a heads-up, when you save the pointers and SMILE asks if you want to copy the data or leave it, choose NO - that means you're just changing what enemy data the room points to. If you choose yes, things might screw up. Doing this will effectively swap two room's enemy sets with each other. Make a back-up copy of your ROM before you try this though, just in case.


Quote from: Grime on August 26, 2009, 12:28:09 AMLoad a room that has 4 enemies in it, and has close to however many enemies you want to put in the room ("Room A"). Go to Edit > Pointers and write down the #### values next to "Enemy Pop/Allowed" and "Enemy Set", along with the room that has those 2 pointers so you can find it again later if you need to. Now go to the room you're editing want to add enemies to ("Room B"). Pull up the pointers window again and write down the Enemy Pop/Enemy Set values for that room as well.
So, say I didn't move the enemies allowed pointer for a room (which I happened to not move) and I move the other. Would this cause, for example, only 5 out of 9 enemies to not show up in game?

Silver Skree

[spoiler=Use it if you want it :P]
Press D over a door. Not a doorcap or shell, but an actual Door tile
(usually the tubes) to enter the Door Editor. There is a list of doors
on the right. In the landing site, the doors range from 00 to 03.
That's four exits you have available to that room. To make a door use
the properties of, say, door 02, those door tiles need to have a BTS
value of 02. You can apply this value by typing zero and two over the

Note that door tiles must always, always be on the edge of a screen
that is either on the edge of a room, or has a non-scrolling red
screen behind it. You can change the screen scroll properties by going
into Tools > Scroll Editor.

Now, for the actual door editor. Going from the left, the boxes are:

-Room ID. This is the last 4 digits of the ID of the room you want the
door to go to. The Room ID is the number in the green box near the
upper-right of the level editor.

-BitFlag: Don't fool with this yet. Keep as 00.

Direction: Do not use the number box to edit this. Instead, use the
picture and bubbles at the bottom. The picture depicts the direction
Samus will come out of the door in the next room in. You can click the
image itself to toggle spawning a closing doorcap in the next room.

Xi: Horizontal placement of spawned closing doorcap in next room.
First digit changes on it's own when you edit the X value.

Yi: Vertical placement of spawned closing doorcap in next room. First
digit changes on it's own when you edit the Y value.

X: Number of screens from the left of the next room that the screen
you want the door to scroll into is.

Y: Number of screens from the top of the next room that the screen you
want the door to scroll into is.

Distance from door: Should usually leave as default when selecting
door direction, but measures in # of pixels Samus is moved per frame
during the door transfer.

Scroll Pointer: Leave this alone for now. Keep as 0000.


Hello everyone, this is officially my first post on the forums.   :icon_biggrin:

I've been doing some special GFX editing with SMILE 1.32 (found on the help thread on M2K2).  There are several special GFX in the game though that I'd like to edit, but have no idea how to find them, let alone export/rip them.  And I'm assuming that function was removed in subsequent releases of SMILE as I also have the latest version but can't find anything relating to pulling the special GFX tiles at all (saw the pallet editor though in SABS for them).

The one I'd like to work on at the moment is this one...

I've done some tinkering with ZSNES and found that it and the escape text are the only things visible on layer1 in the Ceres Ridley room (if that helps at all).  I've also looked all through the ROM with TLP and FaTileTy (including in mode 7) and haven't been able to find anything remotely similar.

It's kind of important that if I can't edit it, then at least have it be removed because Ridley's tiles/sprites are getting a complete overhaul so technically he won't even be in this game.  Can't very well have him flying through the room if he's not even supposed to be there right?

Any assistance with this (or special GFX ripping in general) would be extremely helpful.  Many thanks in advance.

*apologies for the wall of text, and I would have started my own thread for this (and my hack in general) but I didn't think I had anything substantial enough to do that yet :icon_neutral:*


Îf I remember correctly, ridley's mode 7 graphics are in the tileset for that room you've shown.
Go to the room in smile, go to the graphics editor, and export the tileset and check it out in fatilety, you might get results :P


Quote from: Bloodsonic on September 06, 2009, 01:20:28 PM
Îf I remember correctly, ridley's mode 7 graphics are in the tileset for that room you've shown.
Go to the room in smile, go to the graphics editor, and export the tileset and check it out in fatilety, you might get results :P

:O_o:  Got some interesting results...
While I still couldn't actually view the tiles for editing (they appeared garbled even in mode 7 fatilety) I made backups and just started blanking out a few tiles with the clear background color and made part of his wing disappear.  So I can get rid of him I suppose, I just have no clue which tiles I'm blanking out.  LOL

It'll still get the job done though, so many thanks.   :grin:

edit:  Well, apparently I can only get that one section of his wing to disappear, even after blanking out every last tile...   :stern:
However after reading this in the species editor "When he runs away, the screen will dim a lot, but he won't fly towards you unless he's in a room that supports mode 7." perhaps I can move him to a small room, put some Ceres tiles in there, and just link the doors?  Or would that screw up the escape sequence?
  Nevermind...  I just remembered about savestates not making things show up properly after being modified...   it works perfectly to get rid of him.