Trade this for a bomb counter just so I don't have to program one.

Started by PHOSPHOTiDYL, December 30, 2017, 05:24:00 PM

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Highly modified scyzer's prime hud using black_falcon's hud as reference.
Energy cache. Itemfinder. Bomb counter. Charge bar. Single beams. Three digit ammo. Bug fixes. Minimal space.
Maybe move the energy block down since I have nothing to fill the space.

Else I'll just write a bomb counter. Way cheaper than bomb hud ammo.
I'll make sure it works with vanilla.

Not sorry for posting.


Anyone?? I have this so far...
Pretty much three green dots, each bomb turns one grey.

Just need "if three bombs set, delay bombs for a set time" or something like it.

!RAMAddr = $C608

;//[bomb timer]
LDA $0CD2 : ASL A : TAX : JSR (BombTable,x) : RTS
dw Bomb0,BombI,BombII,BombIII
PHX : LDX #!RAMAddr+#$12 : LDA #$244B : STA $7E0000,x : PLX
PHX : LDX #!RAMAddr+#$14 : LDA #$244B : STA $7E0000,x : PLX
PHX : LDX #!RAMAddr+#$16 : LDA #$244B : STA $7E0000,x : PLX : RTS


This is now much better code, no lag firing beams, no grapple gfx bugz.
Looking @ $0900 bytes in whatever bank.

I mean, I got my own bomb counter thanks to person701's ibj prevention.
Just isn't quite as nice as Redesign's.

So will trade for awesome codez.

Also have a "phazon" suit.
You can burn in acid though.

Don't know how dedicated you are to your hack, I'm pretty serious about mine.