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[M1] Metroid - Rogue Dawn - Version 1.21

Started by Grimlock, January 14, 2017, 12:28:35 AM

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[spoiler][/spoiler] This happens when you go to the save menu and choose continue while in the room with the boss. It follows me to the other rooms and it stays in the middle of the room. I grabbed the boss like it was an item with fanfare. In a different room it disappeared and when I got to the boss room the boss wasn't there anymore.


Quote from: LinkaMeister on January 15, 2017, 06:47:56 PM
[spoiler][/spoiler] This happens when you go to the save menu and choose continue while in the room with the boss. It follows me to the other rooms and it stays in the middle of the room. I grabbed the boss like it was an item with fanfare. In a different room it disappeared and when I got to the boss room the boss wasn't there anymore.

An odd bug indeed, there's bound to be some remaining after all the beta testing. 


Hooray for macros.



Quote from: Registered on January 15, 2017, 07:04:21 PM
Hooray for macros.

[spoiler] Registered's MAP

Nice!  Here's a version updated with the marker for the Wall Jump item:

I missed the wall jump marker on the pause map (update soon).

EDIT 1: I'm going to post this over at RHDN

EDIT 2: Nice work Registered, I re-posted it in a few locations

NOTE:   BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE IMAGE ONCE TO ENLARGE BEFORE DOWNLOADING Otherwise you'll download the smaller preview image.




Looks like Photobucket downsized it, and not in a pretty way. Here's the original size, probably better to use this.



Quote from: Registered on January 15, 2017, 07:40:49 PM
Looks like Photobucket downsized it, and not in a pretty way. Here's the original size, probably better to use this.


Ok, that's odd, I think you probably didn't click to resize the preview when you opened it?  Also if you could, place "spoiler" tags around the map image above, thanks.

EDIT:  Ok, I know the issue, I made a comment about it over at RHDN, you have to click the image once to enlarge before downloading.

A Dummy

Just leaving a quick note here, haven't beaten the hack yet. (Currently stuck trying to kill the Ridley-esque boss with 2 E-Tanks and 40 missiles, don't know if I'm trying this too soon or not. lol)

I keep seeing complaints about the start of this hack, but somehow it didn't give me much trouble personally, for me it was easy enough to just "feel" my way to the direction I needed to go. (I:E when I ran into a dead end I would go in another direction until I find the path that lets me keep going, same thing I do when playing any hack really.)

I guess damage could be a bit lower in the starting area so it's easier to explore without dying and getting sent back to the elevator.
Like maybe no more than 15 damage from most enemies in the starting zone, and then maybe just the bigger "swooping" enemies would still do 20 damage. (Though I can understand the higher damages since the healing stations make it much easier to get back to full health.)
Though honestly I didn't find this too debilitating, even when I did die I felt like the path was direct enough that it hardly took much time to get back on track once I knew where I was going. (Basically just a long fall and a short walk and you're already back in the underwater caves.)

Also for people having trouble with combat, Missiles are your best friend and will kill pretty much any normal enemy in one hit.
Playing NEStroid more than most sane people normally do probably helps as well, maybe I've just played NEStroid too much and am just too used to its weird quirks. >_<
To be fair though, maybe this hack is giving some people a hard time because this hack is probably getting people to play NEStroid for the first time in ages that normally wouldn't even touch the thing. (A.K.A the aforementioned sane people.)
I'm sorry if this ends up coming off as condescending, I'm just trying to acknowledge that going from playing mostly Super Metroid and then playing NEStroid is quite jarring if you never played it much.




I cannot find [spoiler]walljump[/spoiler] , any help?


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 15, 2017, 11:46:03 PM

The first time:

The second time:

:whoa: On real hardware too, that is Badass


Are any streamers of note speedrunning this?

Quote from: Kenta Kurodani on January 15, 2017, 11:57:33 PM
I cannot find [spoiler]walljump[/spoiler] , any help?
[spoiler]Of the two elevators available from the start of the game, check the area accessed by the left one.[/spoiler]


Grimlock, what are the differences from 1.0 to 1.10?


Quote from: Scout1297 on January 16, 2017, 10:29:49 AM
Grimlock, what are the differences from 1.0 to 1.10?

I removed an extra misplaced missile container which you lose later after acquiring.  It's in an odd random location and doesn't serve any purpose. 


If there will ever be a version 1.2+, perhaps you should include a changelog in the readme  :bounce:


Quote from: altoiddealer on January 16, 2017, 01:17:43 PM
If there will ever be a version 1.2+, perhaps you should include a changelog in the readme  :bounce:

I'm considering a 1.20 which would contain several level design modifications and corrections (a few permastuck spot have been found).  There are two spots in the general level design in particular that people are having difficulty with that I'd like to rework.  Adding a changelog is on my list.


This hack overall is really great. Best NEStroid hack by far and even better than a whole lot of SM hacks. I prefer to have my reviews set with a pros and cons list so here it is.

-Great Music
-Impressive art work
-Interesting story
-Easter Eggs
-That mario thing was sick
-For the most part, good level design
-Good item progression
-Good escape sequence

-Horrible final area. Probably the worst I've played. I'm not opposed to a difficult final area, but damn. The missile drops were friggin horrible, had to reset at least 5 times due to running out of ammo, then had to resort to save states. I understand the drop routine for NEtroid is bad, but please find a work around so you dont get a rip run because you run out of ammo. I may just be bad at the game, but the rooms where you fall down and lose like 5 minutes of progress are dumb. The final room was pretty terrible as well.
-Scrolls broke in the Mario area
-First few minutes looking for high-jump was a bit boring but it's not a big deal.

Overall: 4/5
Almost rated a lot less because of the blasted final area. But the hack is great, and I will not let that ruin my opinion of it. [/spoiler]


My game crashes right before the credits. Using FCEUX 2.2.3


Can someone tell me in a spoiler tab what the easter eggs are and where they're located? I've found three of them but I don't want to randomly wander around to find the last one.


Thanks for the feedback and suggestions everyone, I'm currently working on an update that should address the bulk of the areas people have been having difficulty.

Please feel free to post any other suggestions (in spoiler tags), this would definitely be the time to do it.

Version 1.20 Changes in the works:  (Contains spoilers)


In no particular order

1. Fix Permastuck spots discovered (5 spots have been corrected).
2. Limit warping in jungle area to Chozo ruins and redesign hive (done).
3. Open up a few locations where players were having difficulty jumping (about 4 locations fixed).
4. Make drop shafts in Metroid hive less brutal (in progress, you won't fall all the way to the bottom anymore).
5. Seal off a few passagways that may be causing people to go in circles (such as in the under water area).
6. Reduce the loop back in a couple spots in the ruins.
7. Change a few enemies from indestructible to destructible in tight areas.
8. Add wall jump marker to pause map and potentially tune it up a bit more.
9. Reduce scope of the secret area and eliminate the warping/scrolling that loops you back.
10. Correct release date in readme
11. Add Change Log to readme
12.  See if I can change the 10 missile doors to 5
13. Remove block in underwater area

Potential ASM items :

(I'll talk to Snarfblam but I'm not going to commit him to doing any changes)

1. Add missile recharge to all chargers (so missile + health)
2. Potential item collection/tracking issue (This may be fixable in Editroid during my update)



Other than lowering the final bosses health some, you seem to have covered all of the other problems I had. I had asked snarf if making the rinkas drop pickups was possible, but that was before I was informed metroids have higher drops.

Oh, I think a few people were complaining about how much damage some of the enemies leading up to hijump did relative to how much hp samus has, but ehh, with the heal at the ship getting through that area really isn't /that/ bad.

Although, starting with 30 energy does seem a bit odd, why didn't you change that? You put heal spots nearby all the elevators anyways, why not have samus just start with full hp each time she reloads? That would remove some of the difficulty of the beginning of the game, and help less skilled players get into the game a bit easier.


It's a forced learning curve. If you have full health and step on the healing tile it'd appear to do nothing. So the player would think it does nothing.
The way it is, is best.


[spoiler=you have a point]except... you start the game with 99 energy... so the healing point in the first area... appears to do nothing... I know I for one didn't know what it did...


A Dummy

Found a strange bug that happened after dying in one of the easter egg rooms and then reloading my save. (This was in version 1.10.)
Specifically it happened from the [spoiler]Shyguy's Playroom[/spoiler]

After the initial spawning in happens I see this messed up sprite below me and the Item Fanfare starts up almost immediately like I picked up an item.(Or killed a boss as the case may be.)

After that happens my energy and missiles are refilled to full and then this other messed up enemy sprite shows up in the upper-right corner and starts moving to the left side of the screen.
Also the enemies from that easter egg room have disappeared now.

This still happens after reloading my save, even after resetting the emulator I'm using. (Which is fceux 2.2.3 if that's important.)
This seems similar to a bug that was reported above earlier, even seems to be the same area, though the effects are a bit different.
Seems mostly harmless overall, though I do miss out on that bonus fight. :(



I am trying to upload this soundtrack to a server, but I need to know the Metadata, what are the track names?