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Started by biospark, November 04, 2016, 08:31:46 PM

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Yes but you'll have to be a bit more specific. By Skip the landing scene, do you mean skip the landing, text, and closeup or literally just the landing? Same questions for leaving. You want the ship to never leave? Or end the game after leaving the planet on it. Or you want to start the Zero Suit Section without the getting shot down cinematic?


the part where it shows the ship landing and the part where when you enter samus' ship to leave zebes I want that cutscene to be removed and the game to end there


0x410 = 09 to 08
Makes game end from Samus' Ship without a cutscene
As for the landing sequence, still need sike clarity. You want the text and closeup part to still happen?


and do I edit this data using HxD or some other hex editor


Quote from: MetroidRuins on October 22, 2017, 06:26:50 PM
do I edit this data using HxD or some other hex editor
Yes. Use a hex editor, go to 0x410 and change the value there to 08.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on October 22, 2017, 01:56:11 PM
0x410 = 09 to 08
Makes game end from Samus' Ship without a cutscene
As for the landing sequence, still need sike clarity. You want the text and closeup part to still happen?

I assume you're saying 0x410 as an offset. In order to prevent confusion please always use 0x8000000 + 0x410 or just simply 0x8000410 when referring to a ROM address. Do the same for memory addresses to prevent confusion!


Quote from: interdpth on October 23, 2017, 10:07:36 AM

I assume you're saying 0x410 as an offset. In order to prevent confusion please always use 0x8000000 + 0x410 or just simply 0x8000410 when referring to a ROM address. Do the same for memory addresses to prevent confusion!
Generally when referring to hex tweaks it can be assumed we are talking about ROM addresses. Also most hex editors like HxD don't have label offsets with 0x8000000 by default so that would add unnecessary confusion to anyone who doesn't know to subtract the 0x8000000. If I was talking about a RAM offset I would indeed use the whole address, such as 0x30013D4, etc.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on October 23, 2017, 10:44:00 AM
Quote from: interdpth on October 23, 2017, 10:07:36 AM

I assume you're saying 0x410 as an offset. In order to prevent confusion please always use 0x8000000 + 0x410 or just simply 0x8000410 when referring to a ROM address. Do the same for memory addresses to prevent confusion!
Generally when referring to hex tweaks it can be assumed we are talking about ROM addresses. Also most hex editors like HxD don't have label offsets with 0x8000000 by default so that would add unnecessary confusion to anyone who doesn't know to subtract the 0x8000000. If I was talking about a RAM offset I would indeed use the whole address, such as 0x30013D4, etc.

Yes, I understand that the only hex editors will show offsets are memory viewers for emulators. Pointers in a GBA rom will always refer to the full address 0x8000000 + Address. This has always been the case for GBA to avoid any confusion from other systems. Please keep tacking the full value on.


is there a way to make in where you can wall climb over 1 block 2 block and 3 block surfaces by pressing the jump button

also why can't I shinespark through a door

Mod Notice: Please don't double post, modify your first post with the additional question :^_^:


Hi, I'm new to ZM hacking and I was wondering what should the theme for my first hack be?

Should it be Halloween themed


Quote from: DestroyedChozo on October 25, 2017, 05:16:52 PM
What should the theme for my first hack be?
Should it be Halloween themed

Hi! Welcome to the forums, and good choice in hacking ZM! (I'm a bit biased). Anyhow, in regards to a theme, it all depends on you and what you enjoy. If it was for a contest, then you'd want to conform to that set theme but, I assuming it isn't for the contest. If that assumption is correct, I again state that you base it off themes you'd enjoy. If you enjoy eerie vibes, make a spooky hack. Or you may fancy wacky, chaotic things and as a result, may be inclined to make a sillier hack. Though if you aren't a creative person, like me, you can find some hack ideas here. Likewise, if you want feedback or want to show stuff off, you can post videos or screenshots and ask in this thread. There is a growing amount of resources and documentation for the GBA games, so if you find that you need help, please feel free to use all of them. Good luck!


Is it okay for my first hack to mainly be texture edits?

EDIT: Is there a place I can post graphics edits


Your hack can be anything you want and will be judged by others accordingly. Even a gfx resprite like you suggest could be a good hack if done right.


Edit: How hard would it be to make Phantoon using ASM scale from 1 -10

Or how to make the hit box of the Chozo Gaurdian a little higher up and make it where its like a normal boss
Scale 1 - 10

I have a Custom Phantoon thing I made for Chozo Gaurdian so


Quote from: DestroyedChozo on November 04, 2017, 10:15:08 AM
Edit: How hard would it be to make Phantoon using ASM scale from 1 -10

Or how to make the hit box of the Chozo Gaurdian a little higher up and make it where its like a normal boss
Scale 1 - 10

I have a Custom Phantoon thing I made for Chozo Gaurdian so

Custom ASM to make Phantoon from scratch is probably an 8. Seriously, if you manage this then you would be held to high regards. The people from SMA are using Chozo Ghost for phantoon, you may want to contact them if you have worked on stuff like this. (Super Metroid Advance, in case SMA wasn't clear)


Thats what I was thinking. they probably came up with it first.


a few hopefully minor questions

1. are the location of values for easy/hard mode damage modifiers known, and if so where are they? if not, where would i probably want to look?
2. is missile/energy/power bomb tank value locations known/modifiable? particularly for easy/hard, though knowing for normal is probably useful as well.


Quote from: supremedirt on January 14, 2018, 05:45:06 AM
a few hopefully minor questions

1. are the location of values for easy/hard mode damage modifiers known, and if so where are they? if not, where would i probably want to look?
2. is missile/energy/power bomb tank value locations known/modifiable? particularly for easy/hard, though knowing for normal is probably useful as well.

1. Using the sprite editor you can edit a sprite's damage. It is a hexadecimal value (unless you use the option in mage to view hex as decimal) and it works like this:

It is half that value in easy.
It is that value in normal.
It is double that value in hard.

2. Hex tweaks. 3459C4-3459CF Tank amounts based on difficulty.


Regarding damage multipliers, Cosmic is correct. If you want to modify the reduction/multiplier, you can find the routine at this address. 0x800E634. Suit damage reduction is also handled here, and goes like this:
If only Varia: Reduce damage by 20%
If only Gravity: Reduce Damage by 30%
If Both: Reduce by 50%


Hi peeps, new here and new to the hacking scene as well. This is my 1st attempt to make a hack, so I'll keep it simple, and I want to try just a few for ZM, maybe it's kinda simple, but my knowledge on this is 0, so here it goes:

1.-I want to give all bosses more HP, can I do that with MAGE as it is (in fact, I want to use MAGE alone and not a hex editor for now, if possible)? I tried the Sprite editor and messing with the health value for the 1st boss but he always died with 3 missiles :/
2.- Is it possible to give every single item the "important item get" jingle just like in Super Metroid?
3.- I want to make Samus walking animation a little slower, like for example, like she's sprinting and not running full speed, again, like in SMetroid, how can I do that?

Thanks in advance!


Quote from: mahcneto on January 17, 2018, 06:47:41 PM
Hi peeps, new here and new to the hacking scene as well. This is my 1st attempt to make a hack, so I'll keep it simple, and I want to try just a few for ZM, maybe it's kinda simple, but my knowledge on this is 0, so here it goes:

1.-I want to give all bosses more HP, can I do that with MAGE as it is (in fact, I want to use MAGE alone and not a hex editor for now, if possible)? I tried the Sprite editor and messing with the health value for the 1st boss but he always died with 3 missiles :/
2.- Is it possible to give every single item the "important item get" jingle just like in Super Metroid?
3.- I want to make Samus walking animation a little slower, like for example, like she's sprinting and not running full speed, again, like in SMetroid, how can I do that?

Thanks in advance!

1-Depends on the boss. Some can be altered with MAGE easily, while others (Like Mecha) can be a hassle
2-Yes. Use Sappy and Mid2agb to do this
3-Not sure, but you'd be messing with some pointers in this case.


Quote from: OneOf99 on January 17, 2018, 10:27:21 PM
1-Depends on the boss. Some can be altered with MAGE easily, while others (Like Mecha) can be a hassle
2-Yes. Use Sappy and Mid2agb to do this
3-Not sure, but you'd be messing with some pointers in this case.

Currently, i just want to make Mua, Kraid, Imago, Ridley and Mother Brain have more HP. Can you teach me this? I'm messing around with Sappy and Mid2Agb and it's fun, sometimes i get my midis to work well, other times, they work and the room gets silent, and for the purpose I wanted, I think it's not possible at all since it's more like a SFX than an item get jingle, so the BG Music doesn't stop when you get, for example, a missile expansion.

Plus, anyway to make the Varia Suit to look just as the gravity suit but with varia color pallete?


Quote from: mahcneto on January 18, 2018, 01:14:20 PM
Currently, i just want to make Mua, Kraid, Imago, Ridley and Mother Brain have more HP. Can you teach me this?

Plus, anyway to make the Varia Suit to look just as the gravity suit but with varia color pallete?
You can change most bosses HP by simply changing their health value in mage. Bosses like deorem have a secondary sprite that actually control it's health. So you'd have to edit that sprite's health instead.
As for question two, that requires ASM. There is a patch on the main site that grants full suit graphics at the start of the game.

And as for changing item sounds, you could do that with a hex tweak or two.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on January 18, 2018, 01:47:46 PM
There is a patch on the main site that grants full suit graphics at the start of the game.

And as for changing item sounds, you could do that with a hex tweak or two.

How, that ASM thing, i don't know how to do that, neither the hex values modification so i think i'm stucked there. The jingle instead of sound would be enough for me to get it work, if someone can point me exactly what should i look for if possible, but if it's too complicated, no problems, i understand.


I want to create a hack.How hard would be to change long beam into a spazer and change wave beam sprite to be closer to the one from SM?
Also how hard it would be to create ammunition system like the one in Hyper Metroid?Can somebody tell how to do that?